Fated for Two

Chapter 22

Everard turned to look at Brenton then and saw him nod. He turned back to look at Farrah and said, “Brenton and I agreed that I would be the first to mark you and he will be the first one to make love to you.”

Farrah turned and looked at Brenton who gave her a smile.

“I figured it was only fair,” Brenton murmured, “and Everard agreed.”

Farrah turned back to face Everard and gently kissed him before saying, “Mark me as yours. I want everyone to know how much I have come to love the two men the moon goddess blessed me with.”

Everard nodded and all three of them stood up. He cleared his throat as he pulled her against him. Tangling one hand in her hair, the other at her waist, he began, “I, Everard Steward, promise to love and cherish you, Farrah Hemmings, for as long as the moon shines upon us. You are my soulmate, my love, my life.” He kissed down the left side of her neck slowly, then moved across her shoulder before adding softly, “With this bite, I bind my soul to yours, claiming you and your wolf as my soulmate.”

“I accept this bite and the binding of our souls as one,” Farrah murmured in return.

Everard bit down, his teeth sinking deeper and deeper until blood was drawn.

Farrah let out a pained cry, her knees going weak. She felt a second set of hands join Everard’s helping to hold her up. When she was steady once more, Everard withdrew his teeth and gently licked at the blood before giving the bite a kiss and moving his head back. She opened her eyes and gazed at him for a moment before he leaned in and kissed her ever so gently.

“My love, my life, my soulmate. I am blessed of the moon to have you,” Everard whispered as he pulled away.

“My love, my life, my soulmate. The moon has blessed me by giving me you,” she whispered back.

Everard moved back, and Brenton took his place. She felt Everard move in behind her as Brenton placed one hand on her waist the other tangling in her hair.

“I, Brenton Phillips, promise to love and cherish you, Farrah Hemmings, for as long as the moon shines upon us. You are my soulmate, my love, my life.” He kissed down the left side of her neck slowly, moving across her shoulder just as Everard had done. He stopped just to the right of Everard’s bite and softly said, “With this bite, I bind my soul to yours, claiming you and your wolf as my soulmate.”

“I accept this bite and the binding of our souls as one,” Farrah agreed once more, bracing herself for the pain.

Brenton bit down, his teeth sinking deep into her shoulder. Farrah thought they went deeper than Everard’s had, and perhaps they did with him being the firstborn of an alpha. She knew the pain that filled her was more intense and she cried out as her legs gave out. Her wolf howled inside her with joy at being marked by her mates even with the pain.

Brenton finally withdrew his teeth and gently licked. The licking eased the pain even as it healed the bite. When he’d finished, he moved back slightly, gazing into her eyes as he said, “My love, my life, my soulmate. I am blessed by the moon to have you.”

Farrah smiled and agreed, “My love, my life, my soulmate. The moon has blessed me by giving me you.”

Everard kissed the bite he had given her and whispered softly, “We should go to bed now.”

Farrah tilted her head to peer up at him. She saw his eyes were filled with lust, his arousal pushing against her butt. When she turned to look at Brenton, she saw the same lustful look on his face. She smiled and whispered, “Yes, yes we should.”

Then, grabbing ahold of one hand each, she led the way to the bedroom.

“So, it’s been three weeks since the two of you brought the two packs together. I think they are beginning to work together quite well now, mostly anyway. I mean, there are always kinks to work out, but I think considering how they felt about each other at the start they’re doing well,” Farrah mentioned as she walked into Brenton’s office late one afternoon.

Brenton looked up from where he was tapping away on his laptop computer which sat on his desk. He was busy at work as he always was.

Everard was also there and glanced up from his seat on the couch. It was his day off from the mechanic shop where he worked full time. Instead of helping Brenton with alpha business, however, he seemed to be reading a book. Neither man said a word.

“Things are going well between the three of us too, and both packs are accepting of the three of us together. So, I was thinking that it’s time to check out your childhood home, Brenton,” she continued as she closed the door behind her. She had spent the day in town with a few of the women stocking up on groceries for the pack and had just returned. She found she enjoyed her time getting to know the women, but she missed her mates when she was away from them too long.

Brenton sat back in his chair, folding his hands behind his head as he said, “Yes, we probably should. Mine and Owen’s office was torn apart again last night. So, I think we need to try and discover what they’re after. Hopefully, it will give us a better idea of exactly why we’re being singled out, and maybe even the who behind it. Patrol has mentioned more and more rogue sightings, although they have yet to engage with the warriors I’ve sent out.”

“It’s almost as if they’re waiting on something, or someone, to tell them it’s time to attack,” Everard added. “Right now, it seems like all they do is watch. I’m thinking they’re gathering intel, maybe?”

Farrah walked over to Brenton and after giving him a kiss she walked to the couch to sit down. Giving Everard a kiss before she asked, “Gathering intel, that doesn’t sound good. Do you know what has brought this on?”

“We think they’ve noticed Everard bringing files and things from his office to here in the evenings. We decided instead of having two offices we’d just use mine. So, he’s been bringing his pack paperwork here this week and next week his desk will be here,” Brenton answered, nodding toward the stacks of file boxes in the corner.

Farrah nodded as she looked at the boxes. “I suppose that would make them curious, maybe even a bit nervous.”

“We think perhaps they want to know if he’s brought anything important that they don’t know about,” Brenton continued.

“Yeah, and it was so much fun putting all those files back in place,” Everard muttered. “How did they even get in here to do it without being seen? The pack-house is a busy place, with people going all the time and the door was locked. It just makes no sense.”

“Your mole at work is what I think. Whoever our mole is, they have access and nobody thinks anything of their coming and going,” Farrah said, humming as she leaned into Everard’s side. He put his arm around the back of the couch and began to run his fingers through her hair. “Speaking of papers, you never did get the papers Everard left for you… from wherever he left them.”

Brenton chuckled and stood up to stretch. Farrah watched his polo shirt rise, showing a hint of his skin and his v-line where his shorts rode low. He then made his way over to the couch and sat down next to her. Turning her slightly so her back was against Everard’s side, he picked up her legs and draped them over his. He began to run his hand up and down her bare calf, saying, “Actually, I have retrieved them, I just didn’t bring them here because they are the legal papers leaving the pack and all the Steward lands to me. I took them straight to the bank and put them in the lockbox I have there. I also added your and Everard’s names to the paperwork for it, nobody else has access to it. With our offices being ransacked almost on a weekly basis and being bugged with listening devices, I really didn’t think this was the safest place for them. I removed some of the other important papers I had a long time ago for that very reason.”

“That was probably a good idea,” Farrah hummed as she thought about everything.

“I agree,” Everard said. “I think we need to figure this out soon before the rogues decide they’re tired of waiting.”

Brenton nodded and said, “I agree with you, my wolf brother.”

“We need to find those contracts or whatever it is that your fathers had drawn up between the packs,” Farrah reiterated. “They have to have the answers we need.”

“The big question is, once we know, what do we do with the information?” Everard asked. “I mean, it’s not like our knowing will stop whoever wants the property just because we know.”

“True,” Farrah agreed.

“I think it will give us some idea of who might be behind it though,” Brenton mused, head tilted back, and staring thoughtfully at the ceiling. “If we know who is behind it, then we have an advantage we didn’t have before.”

“For example, if it is Everard’s uncle, we find him and beat him to the punch?” Farrah asked.

Brenton turned his head to smile at her. It was a malicious smile that held a threat of retribution. “Yes. If it turns out to be him, and I’m beginning to believe it is, there is nowhere that man can hide from my wrath. He destroyed two families, and for what? A piece of land? Lives are so much more important than possessions. His only gain for taking mine and Everard’s family’s lives will be his death, not this land.”

“By killing him aren’t you doing the same thing he did?” Farrah questioned.

Brenton shook his head and said, “Darlin’, if we don’t get rid of the disease, it will continue to kill all the apples and eventually the tree. Think about it, if he used the pack wars as a platform for his personal vendetta, who’s to say it isn’t partially his fault your family was killed? You mentioned that the wars started here, but because it started, just like a disease it spread. Because it spread, your family and your friends were killed, your pack was destroyed. More than likely, they planned for my family to be destroyed right along with Everard’s and when that didn’t happen, they went to plan B.”

“The woman,” Farrah whispered.

“Yes, and that woman almost destroyed Everard and me emotionally because she tore our brotherhood apart. All we had left was each other and our packs, she knew that and used it to her advantage,” Brenton continued.

“The disease has to stop somewhere,” Everard whispered his agreement.

“Yes, yes it does,” Farrah agreed also.

“It stops here,” Brenton growled.

They were now all on the same page.

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