False Start: A Fake Dating Sports Romance (Red Zone Rivals)

Chapter 29

She was made for me.

Every cell in my body screamed that irrefutable truth as I flexed inside her, both of us gasping and moaning and closing our eyes as the ecstasy of that connection consumed us.

I was hyperaware of everything in that moment — the way Madelyn’s nails marked my back with little crescents, how her breath caught in her delicate throat, the way she squeezed around me when I flexed just a little deeper, and how sweet her moan was, how it danced with the guttural groan that ripped from my chest.

“Fuck, Mads,” I cursed, shaking my head and burying my face in her neck. I kissed the flesh there, tasting her as I withdrew my hips just an inch before driving in again.

I wanted to bury myself so deep in her that we became one.

I wanted to erase every man who had been with her since me, every year that has separated us.

Something incredible happened this weekend, as if the moment we got on that plane together, we slipped into another universe where nothing and no one else mattered. We faced our past. We learned the truth. We couldn’t fight our feelings for one another anymore because there were no distractions.

This was meant to be.

We were meant to be.

“You’re perfect,” I murmured into her neck as I rocked my hips, out and back in, slow and steady. “Absolutely perfect.”

The moment she locked her heels behind my ass and urged me in deeper, I took the cue, raising up onto my palms so I could look down at her as I slid out and back in. She was molded to fit me, her walls slick and tight as they hugged every inch each time I flexed inside her.

The view was almost too much — her metallic hair a mess against the white pillows, her cheeks and neck the most beautiful shade of red, her breasts bouncing with every thrust of my hips. One of her hands gripped my shoulder, the other flying to cling to the sheets by her head. She held them for only a moment before that hand moved to palm her breast, rolling her nipple between her fingers and thumb.

“Yes, baby,” I praised, licking my lips before I dropped them to her chest. I covered her other breast with my mouth, circling her bud with my tongue. I sucked it with just the right pressure to make her moan and squirm. “You look so fucking pretty playing with your tits like this.”

“Kyle,” she breathed, and the way she flushed even harder told me my words both lit her up and embarrassed her.

I’d work to cure that, no matter how long it took.

Something told me her pleasure had been pushed to the wayside for far too long. She’d learn soon enough that with me? It would always be front and center.

She would always be my number one priority.

“Come here,” I rasped against her neck, dropping down so I could maneuver my arm between her back and the mattress. I held her against my chest, rolling until she was on top, until my back was against the headboard and she was straddling my lap.

I was still inside her, and when her hands found my shoulders for balance, I flexed my hips just enough to drive in another inch.

I knew she’d feel me deeper this way, knew it would also leave room for me to play with her clit and coax another orgasm out of her.

“Ride me, Madelyn. Let me see you wild and undone and taking what you want.”

Her eyes were heavy and heated as she stared back at me, lips parted, chest heaving. Her thigh muscles engaged, lifting her off my lap until only the tip of me was inside her, and then she sank back down.

In the most slow, torturous pace.

“You love feeling every inch of me, don’t you?” I mused, smirking as she threw her head back and let out a moan once she was fully seated. “Naughty fucking girl.”

I spanked the side of her ass, and her eyes flew open, connecting with mine in a mixture of shock and pleasure. I gripped her ass in both hands, helping her lift and slide back down again, and we picked up the rhythm, her rolling her hips to catch friction against me while I rocked in as deep as I could each time she sat in my lap.

“God, look at you,” I said, shaking my head as she took over the pace. I let my hands roam, cupping her breasts in my palms and groaning at how they were the perfect handful. I slid my hands down next, one finding her hip as the other traced the faint lines on her stomach.

Instantly, Madelyn stilled, her brows furrowing as she covered that hand with her own to stop me from tracing the scars.

I met her worried gaze with one of nothing but admiration, lifting her hand to my lips to kiss each knuckle before I moved us back to run the length of those scars together.

“These are beautiful, Mads. You’re so strong, so fucking sexy.”

For a moment, I was sure she didn’t believe me.

So, I snaked one hand between her legs, thumbing her clit while my other hand slid up and over her breasts until I could wrap it around her throat.

“Look at me,” I commanded, and when she did, I squeezed with just enough pressure to make her moan, working her clit in a smooth, slow circle.

She bucked against the movement, riding me with more passion, telling me she was close.

“You,” I repeated, rocking my hips up to meet hers. “Are.” Another flex, another roll of my thumb. “Sexy.” A squeeze of her throat. “Every inch of you. Every scar. Every mark of motherhood. I’ve never been more turned on in my fucking life, Madelyn. You’re the only one who undoes me like this.”

Madelyn let out a whimper, squeezing her eyes shut and riding me harder, faster, her hands braced against my chest to help her set the pace.

I kept that pressure on her neck, kept my thumb teasing her clit until I could feel her slowing, losing control, so desperate for her release she didn’t know if she should move faster or stop moving altogether.

When she couldn’t keep the pace, I took over, bending my legs so she could rest against them as I bucked my hips. I fucked her hard and deep and mercilessly, my grip on her throat never relenting. And when she caught her second orgasm, I smiled in victory, feeling the way she hugged my cock, the way her entire body quivered with the release.

It was the most intoxicating sight, watching her lose control. Her breasts bounced wildly as she rode me, her head tilted back in ecstasy, mouth open and crying out my name. I kept that bruising pace until the moment she went lax in my lap, until she crumpled against my chest, panting, sweating, clinging to me, her pussy still tightening around my cock in little pulses.

“That’s my girl,” I praised, kissing her hair.

I let her rest for a moment, just barely moving in and out of her. My cock was throbbing now, desperate for a release, but I waited until she caught her breath.

When she started kissing me, started lifting herself off me and dropping back down, I gave in to my own need.

Flipping her onto her stomach, I kissed and sucked and licked a trail up her thighs, biting the lush round apple of her ass before I straddled her from behind. Gripping her hips, I arched that ass up for me, giving her a light spank before I positioned myself at her entrance again.

And when I slid in this time, we hit a new depth.

I knew she felt it, too — likely even more sensitive from her second release. She cried out my name, fingers twisting in the sheets as I withdrew and flexed inside her again.

“I’m close,” I promised. Hell, the truth was I could have come just from eating her out, from tasting her and feeling the way she trembled through her first orgasm.

My balls were tight with the need to release, my cock so sensitive that every thrust inside her felt like I was already climaxing. She was all I could feel, all I could hear, all I could see. She was all that existed.

Pulling her up off the bed and onto her knees, I flexed inside her again, palming her breast with one hand while the other tilted her face toward me so I could capture her mouth with mine. She moaned into the kiss, and I fucked her hard with three bruising pumps before I finally caught fire.

Light burst behind my eyes, her name rolling off my lips and against hers as I buried myself deep. I was on fire. I was numb. I was engulfed by everything that she was, everything we could be together.

I lost myself in her, riding out the most powerful orgasm of my life while she kissed me and gripped my hair in her fist.

Neither of us wanted it to end — as if once it did, we’d be thrown back into a reality where we couldn’t exist together.

But I refused to let that happen.

I hoped she felt it with every last thrust. I hoped she’d never remember what it was like to live without me ever again. I hoped she realized as much as I did that there was no going back.

Even after I’d finished, we stayed connected, kissing and slowly fucking each other as my cum leaked out of her. When I did carefully remove myself, I instantly swept her into my arms, kissing her all the way to the bathroom before I ran her a hot bath.

I helped her settle in, knowing the way she hissed when she sank all the way into the water meant she’d be sore tomorrow. I did my best to ease that pain, caressing her with the washcloth between her legs and over her breasts before I slid into the water behind her.

She sighed, resting against my chest as I massaged her shoulders and kissed behind her ear.

I had full intention just to wash her and comfort her, to make her feel good and then put her to bed. But the little minx started slipping and sliding against me, her hand snaking back between us until she could wrap it around my cock and stroke me back to life.

Before long, we were sliding into round two, neither of us wanting to sleep until we’d had our fill.

When we finally did surrender to our fatigue, we slid into bed together without a stitch of clothing between us. I curled around her as she snuggled into my arms, and when I felt her start to weep, I closed my eyes, pressing soft, soothing kisses to her spine and the back of her neck. I held her tighter, letting her know I was there without a word being spoken, letting her know I wasn’t going anywhere.

Pain. Loss. Longing.

Every tear she let loose was made of all three.

My chest ached with the same emotions, along with anger I knew I’d have to face in the morning. We’d survived the unthinkable. She had gone through it alone, thinking I’d turned my back on her, thinking I…

I shook my head, forcing a calming breath and holding her tighter.

Tonight wasn’t the time.

In the morning, we’d talk. In the morning, we’d make a plan. But right now, I just wanted to wrap her up in my arms, make her feel safe, and kiss her until her breaths evened out and sleep took her under for a blissful peace.

I didn’t know what happened next, but I knew one thing for sure.

From this moment on, we were a unit.

From this moment on, it was us against the world.

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