False Start: A Fake Dating Sports Romance (Red Zone Rivals)

Chapter 28

Every kiss Kyle pressed against my skin was intentional and sure, as if he could see all the broken fragments I’d become, and he was hell bent on piecing me back together.

Tears still stained both of our faces as he clutched me to him, and I gasped into his mouth when his hands curled into my hair, tugging with just the right force. My hair was still pinned up from the night, but Kyle’s fingers slid between the bobby pins and gripped what he could find until he became too impatient.

Then, one by one, he plucked each bobby pin from my hair.

“Mine,” he husked against my mouth, and then two pins clattered to the floor. “Always mine, Mads.”

With every pin he pulled, my hair fell more around my face, and when the last one was gone, he massaged my scalp with his massive hands, eliciting a groan from me as I tore at the buttons on his dress shirt.

Where I was in a hurry, Kyle took his sweet time.

He let me strip him out of his dress shirt, allowed me to thumb the top button of his slacks through the slit and slide his zipper down. But he didn’t match my greediness.

Instead, he hooked one finger under the strap of my dress, sliding it off one shoulder and kissing along the collarbone he’d exposed before he trailed back up to my lips. One hand slid down to palm my ass as the other reached for the zipper of my dress, and just like he had in that dressing room when I’d first put it on, he slowly unfastened it, drawing a hot trail of fire with his knuckles in the process.

“Even when I hated you, there were so many nights I dreamt of this,” he murmured against my lips. Chills raced over my skin when the zipper of my dress was all the way down and Kyle tugged at the fabric until it fell into a heap at my ankles. “I dreamt of growing up with you, of hearing how your moans would change, feeling how your sighs would warm my skin when I found just the right spot.”

As if he’d cued me, I whimpered at the feel of his thick thigh sliding between my now bare legs. His slacks were still hanging from his hips, the belt unbuckled and the top line of his briefs showing through, but that thick warmth of him pressed against the thin lace of my panties in the sweetest way.

He cupped my ass in his hands and rolled me against him, and white light flashed behind my lids.

I shook so violently my legs gave out, but Kyle was there to catch my weight.

“That still gets you, doesn’t it?” he mused with a smirk, and then he rolled me against him again, that grin growing when I moaned and clung to his shoulders.

His chest and arms and abdomen were a sight to marvel at, every muscle lean and defined the way only a professional athlete’s can be. I dug my nails into his triceps as I held on tight, and the hiss he let free when I did lit me up from my core.

“I could get you off just like this,” he promised, and I knew he was right. Every time he ground his thigh against my clit, fire stroked my belly, low and hot. “I could make you come without even getting you undressed.”

I didn’t know if I wanted to fight him or beg him to do just that. I was already wound so tight from the last two weeks of emotion and tension. I needed to release like I needed to breathe, but while my brain was fuzzy and focused on every thrum of pleasure he was stroking out between my legs, my hands were tearing at his pants again, begging him to be bare with me, to make this last.

With a grin and a swift kiss against my lips, Kyle granted my wish.

He pulled back with his eyes still devouring me, holding my gaze as he stripped off what was left of his clothing. It was all I could do to keep my breath steady as I watched him, as I noted all the ways he’d changed, and yet all the ways he was still the same.

His body was that of a man now, the muscles lining his abdomen and thick thighs more pronounced. When his cock sprang free from his boxers, I sipped in another breath, biting my lip at how big he was, how I’d known him intimately before and yet I had never known this version of him.

Where the years had sculpted him into an athletic, high-performing specimen, they’d softened me. I had silvery scars across my stomach, my hips, my breasts. I was a mother now.

Kyle didn’t seem deterred by that reality.

In fact, he seemed ravenous, as if just being parted from me long enough to take off his clothes was too long. As soon as he was naked, he was on me again. One of his massive palms enveloped my modest breast, and his mouth devoured the other, his tongue swiping around my nipple before he covered it and hummed at how it felt to taste me.

“Kyle,” I breathed, which made him more fervent, and fuck if seeing this man bent over and licking me wasn’t the most powerful sight. I didn’t miss the way he trembled slightly, like despite all the words he was casting, he was still a little nervous, too.

That made me absolutely feral.

I stepped out of my dress, kicking one heel off and then the next. But before I could slide my panties down, Kyle gripped me by the hips to stop me.

“Allow me,” he said, and then he was kissing a slow, torturous trail down every inch of my stomach until he rested on his knees in front of me.

My chest rose and fell with every haggard breath, my hands roaming from his shoulders into his hair. He smiled against my left hip bone when I fisted my hands into those silky strands, and then his thumbs slid beneath the thin band of my thong on either side, and he tugged it down my thighs, centimeter by centimeter.

“Fuck, Mads,” he breathed when the fabric was gone, and he sat back on his heels, staring at my pussy like it was his deliverance.

I didn’t feel one ounce of embarrassment, not one inclination to hide.

I stood there, bared to him, and soaked in the electricity he sent soaring through me the longer his eyes washed over every inch.

“You are so gorgeous,” he said, his voice low and sincere. Those fiery blue eyes flicked up to watch me as his hands wrapped around to cup my ass again, and then he pressed a soft, supple kiss just above my clit. “My pretty fucking girl.”

I bit my lip, widening my stance without him saying a word, and that made a brilliant smile stretch on his face.

“You want more,” he mused, and he lowered his mouth again, this time sticking out his tongue and flicking just the tip of it right above where I actually wanted him to taste me. I didn’t know if I loved or hated the tease, but my hands were in his hair again, trying to pull him where I knew I’d feel the spark.

But Kyle stopped me, arching his neck and locking those hungry eyes on mine before one palm began sliding up the inside of my thigh.

“Patience, Mads,” he teased, and then he cupped me, both of us moaning together when he slid one thick finger between my lips.

I shook around him, and the sight of him on his knees with his hand between my legs nearly sent me over the edge. He dove that finger through where I was wet and aching for him, cursing under his breath when he just barely brushed my entrance before retreating again.

“Drenched,” he breathed, and I noted the way his Adam’s apple bobbed hard in his throat. “This makes me so fucking hard, Madelyn. Knowing I do this to you.”

He slid that thick finger through again, and this time, his thumb caught my clit at the same time. He circled it with just the right amount of pressure to make my legs quake, and I let my head fall back, a gasp shooting out of me.

“Come here,” he growled, and then before I knew what was happening, he had one of my thighs hiked up over his shoulder. I had no choice but to grab ahold of his shoulders to keep from falling, and he kissed along the inside of the thigh he’d wrenched up before his mouth descended on my pussy.

And he devoured me.

There was no gentle play anymore, no tease of his tongue or caress of his finger. He covered me with his hot, wet mouth, licking and sucking my clit as that expert finger stretched me open. The combination made me cry out and shake, and I couldn’t get enough oxygen, couldn’t moan loud enough to convey how it felt.

Kyle Robbins was on his knees for me.

Kyle Robbins had his finger deep inside me, curling against my belly, his tongue working my clit in a perfect rhythm.

Kyle Robbins was mine.

“I can’t,” I gasped, heaving, my chest aching with every breath. “Kyle, I…”

“Give it to me,” he commanded, and then he was sucking my clit again, another finger joining the first. “Give me the first one tonight, Mads. Come on my tongue.”

“Fuck,” I cried out, but the words were permission — and it didn’t take me long to obey.

I didn’t care how I looked. I didn’t care that Kyle was witnessing me completely unravel for him, that I was wild and unhinged as I ground my pussy against his mouth and held him to me. I bucked against each roll of his fingers inside me, sinking so I could feel him deeper, and whimpering when he rewarded me with a satisfied groan at the feel of me giving him all my weight.

So long, I’d dreamed of a man who could touch me like this, who could make me feel so wanted, so cared for, so safe and yet so free.

So long, I’d wondered if I’d ever feel pleasure like this, if I’d ever know what it was like to be touched by a man who knew exactly what he was doing.

And now that I had it within reach, I let go.

“Yes, yes, Kyle, right there.” I rolled my lips together, face hot as I grappled for the spark playing at the edge of my awareness. “Don’t stop.”

“Never stopping, Mads,” he promised — and then he picked up the pace. His fingers curled inside me to the deepest spot, and the held them there, coaxing my orgasm like he was the master of it. His mouth covered my clit, and the hot swipes of his tongue turned into a steady sucking that drove me to ecstasy.

I ripped apart.

Every stitch that had carefully held me together since the moment I lost him was eviscerated, along with my ability to stand. I came like it was the first and the last time, like it was the end of my life and my body had one last chance to feel everything.

My hands curled in his hair. My hips bucked and rolled. My legs gave out, but Kyle held me steady, licking up every last wave of my release.

He consumed me, every part of me, and I never wanted to live outside of him again.

It felt like the longest orgasm to ever exist as I rode out each rolling spark of electricity coursing through me. Kyle never relented, either — he fucked me with his fingers and his mouth until the last moan leaked out of me, until my hands slackened in his hair and my legs began to shake so hard from the effort of standing that he carefully helped me into the bed.

He laid me down, maneuvering me up and up until my head hit the pillows, until he was sliding between my legs and kissing me as my breaths attempted to even out.

I tasted myself on him, and hot need rippled through me.


I didn’t care that I felt like I could sleep for a year. I didn’t care that the sweet euphoria of release was trying to lull me into a coma. I fought against it, reaching for that part of me that yearned for more, and I deepened every kiss Kyle pressed against me.

My hands were in his hair again, my legs spreading wider, and when I felt his hard length warm and insistent against my slick core, I moaned deep and needy.

Kyle hissed, pressing his forehead against mine and slowly rolling his hips. Every time he did, his thick length slid between my wet lips, coating him in the orgasm he’d just given me. It was as if he was savoring it, as if he were memorizing every second of tonight before he was inside me again.

But I was impatient.

I reached between us, nipping at his bottom lip when I found his cock and stroked it from base to tip. He was soaked from me, and that made me even hotter, even more needy to feel him.

God, he was even bigger than I remembered. I’d seen his bulge, felt it pressed against me last night when he’d touched me and had it pressed against my backside. I knew he was thick and long and curved in a way that would hit just the right spot inside me, but to have him in my hand, to feel the way that beautiful cock twitched in my palm…

It was otherworldly.

“Mads,” he croaked when I squeezed my fist around his crown and pumped him slow, slicking every inch of him until I knew he’d slide inside me with ease.

His hands slid under my back, fingers curling over my shoulders as I lined him up at my entrance. He pulled me down onto him, just the tip of him stretching me, and we both let out long, throaty moans.

“Wait,” he said.

I paused, both of us breathing hard, his eyes locked on mine where he hovered above me.

“If we do this,” he said, swallowing. “If you let me have you…”

“I’m not taking it back, Kyle.”

He closed his eyes, forehead dropping to mine as he shook his head like he couldn’t believe those words were true.

“Claim me,” I begged, arching into him. “Leave your mark. Get back what’s always been yours. Ruin me, if that’s what it takes.” I slid my hands into his hair and made him look at me before I kissed him hard, my next words vibrating against his lips. “Have me in every way you want, Kyle, because I’ll only ever belong to you.”

He let out a hot breath through his nose, like those words had seared him from the inside, and then his mouth captured mine in a punishing, exhilarating kiss.

And he flexed his hips, filling me, a groan ripping from his chest as I moaned and dug my nails into his back.

We were home again.

We were whole.

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