Fallen Thirst

Chapter Chapter thirty one

Sapphire's POV

"Okay, so I'll come and get you at the door, just wait in the forest. I don't want anyone spotting you," Roland says in the earpiece that I was given.


When Roland called in saying that he found a door locked, he needed someone to come help him.

I volunteered to help him out discovering what's behind the door. None of us would let Blade go since who knows what he could do, plus Roland requested to not bring Blade inside the home. If any of us were to get caught then he could say a friend or something.

The family doesn't know us as well.

I'm getting ready to go when Blade walked in my room. "Ready to go?"


"Remember, if anything happens call and run back. Don't die."

"I promise. I'll be alright."

He nods his head.

I hug him tightly as he wraps his arms around my waist. He will always be my big brother. He's taking care of me since day one. Even though he didn't have a good childhood he gave me the best one.

Hopefully after this he will move on for good.


I make my way towards the house. The forest is almost covered in snow. It's beautiful in the winter. The ice shining in the light. Luckily I can't feel any temperature so it's not really that bad as I'm walking in jeans and a sweater.

When I walked across the path the separates our territory, bits of ice and snow covered it.

When I walked closer to the house it came into view. I ducked behind so bushes buzzing in Roland.

"I'm here."

"Okay, just wait. They'll be out really soon."

"Got it."

I stalked the door for awhile when the whole family came out. They each got into their cars and drove off. Another two minutes before Roland rings me in.

"Alright, I'm at the door but I have to warn you, Seth is still at home so we have to be careful. Whatever I say just follow along. We can't let him know anything."

"Alright. I'm coming."

I get up waking towards the door. Glancing at my surroundings making sure no one is watching or following me.

Roland opens the door rushing me inside.

"I'll tell you everything when we're in my room. It's unsafe out here."

I nod my head. He guides me upstairs as I quickly take the house in. Opening a door I walk in as he closes and locks it.

"Have a seat," he offers. I sit on the bed as he explains everything.

"You have to be careful of Seth. He's father's favourite child and will do anything. He'll tell him anything about what's been going around. Seth won't be afraid to hurt you in anyway possible. If he finds somethings up, then he will know and tell father and that won't be good. I'll get into massive trouble and Sarah won't be alive at the end."

My face showed shock. Why would they do that?!

"Oh my god."

"Yes. When it's time and safe we'll be heading downstairs."

I nod.

"In the meantime, it's just you and I."

"What do you want to do?" I ask.

"We could talk?"

"About?" I question further while smiling. I've grown comfortable around him such short notice. Maybe cause he's Blade's brother and I'm very close with Blade.

"Ourselves. Get to know one another."

"Sure." I thought of a question and probably the most obvious. "Before you changed, what was your favourite food?" I ask.

"Easy, pizza. I love it."

I've never had pizza, or at least can't remember having it. I changed at a young age.

"What do you like to do on your spare time?"

I thought real hard. "I like to read and draw."

"That's sounds fun. Readings always great."

"Do you read?"

"Uhh . . . Yeah . . . Sometimes when I'm really bored. It's not my first choice of doing hit I will read when really bored."

"Not much of a reader then?"

He shook his head.

We chatted and laughed. Got to know each other a bit more. I didn't want this to end but I knew at some point it had to. I was here for one reason and one reason only. Finding Sarah.

"Alright, Seth should be in his room with his one nighter so this our chance to go."

I nod. He told me about Seth's one night stands with women, being just like his father. In my thoughts he could be an exact replica, not physical appearance but physical actions.

It's sad to know that his family isn't a happy one.

We made our way through the hall passing several doors. We heard moaning and screaming in one of them. I glance at Roland while he he shakes his head. We loved as fast as we could.

"He'll be there for hours," he whispers.

I nod while following him to the basement. Running down the stairs we headed towards the door. It's a massive metal door and a keyboard is on the side waiting for someone to enter the password.

"We've got to get this open but I don't know the password. This is where you come in. Just down the next hall is his office. You and I are going to dog through it to see if he has any clues or the answer."

I don't feel comfortable snooping through someone's things but this is for Sarah.

It took us almost an hour snooping through his fathers' office. Scourging through drawers and files but we didn't find anything.

"I can't find anything," I respond after awhile.

"Neither can I."

We stop what we're doing just sitting in silence.

"What's so important to him?" Roland mumbles.

I stab starring at the floor. In my peripheral vision his head snaps up snapping his fingers.

"I got it." I snap my head up.

"Why didn't I think of this before?"


I follow him to the door. He types in the password and the door opens.


I open the door wide.

"Oh my god," I whisper in shock.

Roland rings them in.

"We've found her."

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