Faking with Benefits : A Friends to Lovers Reverse Harem Romance

Faking with Benefits : Chapter 22

He pulls away again, turning back to the screen.

My mouth opens and closes like a fish’s. “Josh!” 

“Hm?” He doesn’t look away from the TV. “Can I help you?”

“Kiss me properly!”

“No,” he says flatly. “Watch the movie.”

I gape at him, then turn to Zack, who’s started twirling a strand of my hair between his fingers. “Kiss me,” I order.

He rolls his eyes. “For God’s sake, lass. Relax, already. You’re so wound up all the time.” He scoops me further into his side. “Cuddle with your boyfriends, lollipop.” I pinch him in the ribs so hard he hisses. “What was that for?!”

“Teasing me. Either shag me or don’t, but don’t drag it out like this.”

He gives me a fond look. “Why? Want to get it over with?”

“Well, no, but—”

“Sex isn’t an item you can check off on a to-do list,” he reminds me. “Look at you. You’re all clenched up. There’s no point trying to get you off when you’re like this.” He squeezes my thigh.

I wriggle in his grasp. “But—”

“Who is the teacher here?” He interrupts. “And who is the hapless student who can’t come when she’s getting railed?”

I shut my mouth.

“That’s what I thought.” He turns up the volume on the TV. “Watch the movie.”

I don’t have much choice, so I turn back to the screen.

Ten minutes pass, but each second feels like it lasts forever. I can’t relax. Both men press closer to me, squeezing me in on both sides. Zack drops a hand onto my thigh, and Josh drapes an arm around my shoulder. Every so often, they’ll lean over me to make some comment to each other, trapping me even more tightly in a cage of muscle. And I just sit there, silently getting hotter and hotter as I breathe in the scents of their aftershaves mixing together.

It doesn’t take long for Zack’s hand to start climbing my thigh. Tingles slide over my skin at his touch, and my sex throbs almost painfully as his fingertips brush the hem of my shorts. On my other side, Josh takes my hand and starts to massage it. It shouldn’t be hot, but every press of his thumb into the curve of my palm sends heat shooting through me. I let my eyes flutter closed, melting into the couch as the boys’ hands rove over me, setting me alight.

Eventually, right when I think I might just pass out, Zack leans in and brushes his lips against my throat. I gasp out loud. Josh laughs softly, trailing a kiss down the side of my cheek. I arch under their kisses. Their mouths are wet and warm, touching me all over: my neck, my collarbone, my ears.

It’s overwhelming. This is like one of my wet dreams come to life. I can feel my pants getting damp. Josh presses closer, flicking his tongue over my pulse, and I can’t help the moan that falls out of my mouth as heat rushes through me. Both men immediately tense, dragging in a breath.

Then Zack picks up the TV remote and drops it purposefully onto the carpet.

“Oops,” he says. He leans over, like he’s going to pick up the remote — and then buries his face into my chest.

Heat shocks through me. My back arches as an ugly gurgle falls out of my mouth. Zack was right; the last half an hour of steady torture has made every touch so much better. I’m so sensitive that when Zack starts mouthing at the neckline of my camisole, pressing kisses along my cleavage, I can hardly breathe.

“Oh, God,” I gasp. “Jesus.”

Josh leans forward, brushing his lips over my clavicle. “You sure this is what you want?” He murmurs, tucking back my hair.

“It’s so hot,” I practically moan, and they both laugh.

“Aight,” Zack says. “I reckon she’s warm enough. Let’s not kill the lass, Josh.” He reaches over and slips his finger under the collar of my tank top. “Off,” he says in a low voice.

I lean forward off the couch, kicking off my shorts and wriggling out of my top. As soon as the fabric falls to the ground, both men freeze, staring at my chest.

“Wow,” Zack says.

At first I think he’s just being shocked into silence by my boobs — but then Josh runs his fingers over my bra. “Did you make this?” He asks quietly.

“You like?” Momentarily forgetting the situation, I arch my back, showing off the delicate racerback design. “I’m calling it the Butterfly. It’s the main part of my upcoming collection.”

Josh smooths his fingers over the turquoise and gold lace, his eyes dark. “You’re so talented,” he says quietly, bending to kiss the strap. His teeth rub lightly against my skin, and heat pulses through me so hard my entire body jolts. “Can I take it off?” He asks, snaking his hands around my waist. He frowns when his fingers stroke across the racerback, not finding the closure.

“It’s a front clasp,” I manage. “More accessible for people with arthritis or poor mobility.”

In the low light of the flickering TV, I see his dimple pop up again. “Can I take it off?” He repeats, and I nod. He clicks open the clasp, and the cups fall away, freeing my breasts. I see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows.

Zack leans forward, his eyes fixed on my chest. “What do you want, love? This is your fantasy. What happens next?”

Immediately, an image bursts into my head. Me lying in bed with Josh and Zack’s mouths all over me. My stomach knots.

“What is it?” Josh says quietly, reading my face.

I open my mouth, but the words stop in my throat. These men are my friends. I can’t just… demand that they eat me out. Even if they are offering.

God, why did I think this was a good idea, again?

The guys exchange a look, then shuffle closer to me on either side. “It’s okay, L,” Zack says in my ear. He slides a hand down my bare back, his calloused fingertips roughing slightly down my spine. “You don’t have to be careful with me and Josh. You don’t have to worry about doing or saying the wrong thing. We won’t judge you. You can have exactly what you want. But you’ve got to tell us what that is, baby.” His heavy hand lands on my thighs, and my legs part automatically.


“You want our fingers?” Josh asks on my other side, his breath ghosting over my skin.

I set my jaw. “Your mouths.”

Josh’s pupils bloom in the low light. “Thank God,” he mutters, leaning forward. I expect him to kiss me, but he just presses our foreheads together for a second, before pulling back and standing.

“Wanna suck your tits,” Zack mumbles into my skin. My mouth falls open on a gasp. I nod, and he drags me sideways into his lap, starting to kiss down my front. I run my fingers through his thick hair, tugging his face closer into my chest. Fire burns in me as his lips brush lightly over my skin, fluttering over my breasts as he kisses his way across my cleavage. When his hot lips close over my nipple, I jolt in his arms, my breath choking in my throat. I never even thought my breasts were that sensitive — but as he roughs his tongue over the hardening bud, licking it to a wet, aching peak, I realise they most definitely are. He looks up at me through his lashes, making a low grumble of approval as my head falls back against the sofa cushions.

“Oh,” I say, before I can stop myself. “Oh, God.”

He groans. “Yes,” he says. “Noises. Make noises.”

I’m so distracted by his mouth on my chest, I barely even notice Josh sliding to his knees in front of the couch.

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