Faking with Benefits : A Friends to Lovers Reverse Harem Romance

Faking with Benefits : Chapter 21

I set my jaw, looking Josh straight in the face. “Yes,” I say.

I expect him to look shocked or awkward; instead, he just shoots back: “What configuration?”


“You want all guys? A guy and a girl?” His eyes bore into mine. “How many partners? Two? Three? Four?”

I feel like I’m getting drilled at an interview. “Jesus, does it matter? It’s not like it’s ever going to happen. It’s just a fantasy.”

His brow furrows. Of course it matters,” he insists. “What you want matters. Own it. It’s not embarrassing.”

Christ. “Just guys,” I say. “Two or… three, maybe? I think I might struggle with four. I’d probably end up getting tangled in all the limbs.”

“You want the guys to get off with each other?” Josh presses, all business. “Or just be focussed on you?”


“Just answer the question.”

“Dude, this is the funniest shit,” Zack whispers. “You’ve done it now, L. He’s in full saviour mode. He doesn’t have an off-switch.”

“Do you want the guys to be together?” Josh repeats impatiently.

Well, now I just sound selfish. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind,” I say. “But it wouldn’t do anything for me.”

“You’d like to sleep with two or three men, who are all focussed on getting you off,” Josh repeats back to me. “You know there are dating apps that can help you find multiple partners, right? They’d probably be a better choice than random dating websites.”

I shake my head. “Josh, this isn’t something I’m actually looking for. I can barely find one man I trust, let alone two or three.” I look down at my hands. “It’s a fantasy. Not something I actually want to put into reality.”

There’s a pause. “But you can,” Josh says quietly. He shifts his weight, bringing his face closer to mine. His warm breath touches my cheek, and I feel a hot pulse between my legs. “You can.”

“Aye,” Zack agrees. “In fact, three-ways are our speciality. What an incredible coincidence.” He scoots in on my right. “What do you think? Wanna see if we can make you come? I love a challenge.”

I stare at him, my heart starting to pound. I can’t believe this is happening. The boys are offering me my fantasies on a silver platter, and I don’t know how to respond. “I… you? But…” 

Josh’s expression softens. “You’re embarrassed.”

I open my mouth to argue — and then realise that I am. I’m more than embarrassed. I’m ashamed. “I don’t think I should be. But… you’ve seen the comments I get when I model my clothes online, right? I’ve dealt with more than my fair share of slut-shaming. It just seems…” Whorish. Easy. “Greedy,” I go with.

“It’s not greedy.” Josh uncurls my fingers from my palm. “If anything, it’s a Hell of a lot more work for the girl.”

A vision snaps up in my head. Me on my hands and knees, my mouth sliding over one thick dick as another pistons into me from behind. Moving between the men, listening to them groaning and panting as I get them both off at the same time.

Heat flushes through my whole body. “Oh.” 

His mouth tips up. “Do you want to try it?” He strokes his thumb over my palm. “With us? It’s fair enough if you want to keep it as a fantasy. But if this is what gets you off, then there’s no reason to be ashamed of it. It gets us off, too. And you deserve a fulfilling sex life.” His dark eyes melt into mine. “We’d take care of you.”

His hand strokes over mine, lighting up my nerve endings. I lick my lips. I can barely breathe. Instead of answering, I just nod.

Josh smiles. “Right now?”

“Well. I shaved this morning. So may as well.” My voice sounds a lot more confident than I feel.

Josh’s grip on my hand tightens for a second, before he nods, business-like, and pulls away, leaving me breathing hard. “Zack? I’m assuming you’re okay with this?” He asks briskly.

Zack grins. “Am I ever. But, okay, full disclosure before we start, lass.” He puts his head on my shoulder, his warm affection relaxing me slightly after Josh’s cool intensity. “I think you’re hot as hell, and if I met you at, like, a bar or whatever, I’d absolutely try and take you home. So I do kind of have an agenda. But I also wanna help you.”

I gasp. “No! You want to sleep with me, a woman wearing a push-up? How could it be?!”

He grins, eyes twinkling. “Just thought we should get it out of the way. Don’t want you feelin’ like I tricked you for my own wicked gains.”

“Believe it or not, Zack, I figured.” I swallow, my mouth suddenly dry, then glance across at Josh, who’s sitting ramrod straight, watching us silently. “I think you’re hot, too. Both of you.”

“Aight.” Apparently satisfied, Zack slumps back against the sofa cushions and pulls me into his side, patting my hip. “Josh, turn on the telly.”

“The telly?” I’m confused.

The boys share a knowing look over my head. Setting aside the bowls of melted ice cream, Josh takes the TV remote off the guys’ coffee table, switching on the set and flicking through channels before settling on some regency movie I’ve never seen before.

“Sweet,” Zack snuggles down next to me. “Love Colin Firth.”

“He has a really good interpretation of this role,” Josh agrees on my other side. They both focus on the screen.

I look between them. “Um. Isn’t there usually more touching involved?” I prompt. “And less… Jane Austen?”

Zack scoffs. “Are you questioning my methods?”

“What, are you telepathic, or something? Are you going to make me come with just the power of your mind?”

“Bet I could,” he says with a grin. “Nah, relax, pet. Just watch the telly.” He gives my hip a squeeze.

Now I’m getting confused. “What? Why?”

He yawns, stretching. “I wanna watch something. Why, do you wanna pick?”

“No,” I say slowly. “I want to shag.”

“Tssk. Women only ever want me for one thing. It’s hard being this hot, you know.”

I frown. “Do you… not want to do this? You can just say.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. Haven’t decided yet.” He drops his hand to my thigh. Heat flares through me, and I instinctively cross my legs. His lips tip up. “Ask me again in like, half an hour, yeah?”


I’m not really sure what’s happening. This is a pretty impressive 180. Has he changed his mind? Is he trying to let me down gently? “You really can just say no—”

He puts his finger on my lips. “Shh,” he says.

I’m so weirded out that I shut up, focussing on the TV. Men and women in elaborate, glittering ballgowns dance on screen, flirting as they spin around a lush dance hall to a string quartet.

I try to relax, but I can’t. All I can focus on is the feeling of the two men sandwiched on either side of me. They’re both so warm and muscled and so much bigger than me. I feel their chests rising and falling as they breathe.

I was never really a fan of big men. I don’t like the idea that they could overpower me if they really wanted to.

But right now, I’m finding a new appreciation for giants.

On my left, Josh leans a little closer. His arm presses against mine, hard and hot, and I breathe in the sweet, minty scent of him. Anticipation curls in my stomach.

I tug on his sleeve, and he turns to look at me, his face politely blank. “Kiss me,” I order.

His mouth tips up slightly. He runs his eyes over my face, then leans forward and nuzzles my cheek. My heart thuds in my chest. I push forward, pressing my lips to his…

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