Face Offs & Cheap Shots (CU Hockey Book 2)

Face Offs & Cheap Shots: Chapter 21

Hands down, dumbest thing I’ve ever done. And sure, I checked the locker room to make sure no one was hanging around, but anyone could have forgotten something or Coach could have walked in. What the hell would they have said to finding me on my knees?

It’s a lingering worry, but it’s getting quieter the longer this goes on. Because when I have my hands on Beck, I struggle to think of anything else.

Do I want the team to know? No, but it’s less about us and more about them. They’re a bunch of morons. All I need is to remember how they behaved with that bite mark to know that if they find out we’re fooling around, I’ll never hear the end of it.

I’m self-conscious as we leave the arena and head for Beck’s car, but no one’s around.

“Did you see how proud Coach is of us?” Beck asks when we get on the road. The asshole wouldn’t let me drive his car, so he has to deal with me directing him. I haven’t told him where we’re going in case he thinks it’s dumb.

But what does Beck love more than friendly competition?

“Maybe we should have been blowing each other sooner,” he says.

“Look, if we need to keep fucking for the rest of the year, I’m happy to make that sacrifice.”

“For the team.”

“Such a good captain,” I say with mock seriousness.

“This way?” Beck asks, flicking on his blinker.

“Yep. And then the next left.”

The restaurant and dinner last night were great, and I loved seeing him let his guard down, but tonight, I want to make him smile.

He pulls into the parking lot and leans forward to read the sign over the entrance. “Balls ’n’ Holes?”

“Mini golf.”

“This place is actually called Balls ’n’ Holes? Tell me this is what heaven looks like.”

I laugh and nudge him to get out as I unclip my seat belt and do the same. When I saw the name of this place online, I knew I had to bring him here for that alone. Who knows if mini golf is any good? But if I’m quickly learning anything, it’s that Beck can make anything fun.

We pay for the standard eighteen-hole game and take the balls and putters out with us.

The whole course is lit up, and I’m glad we waited to come once it was dark because the flashing lights and sounds make the place seem more like a carnival than a boring golf course.

“Have you ever put balls in holes before, Topher?” Beck leads me to the tee marked with a number one.

“I regularly put a biscuit in the basket—that’s close enough, right?”

Beck laughs. “Let’s make this interesting.”

“Oh yeah, what did you have in mind?”

“I bet I kick your ass at this.”

I narrow my eyes at his cocky tone. “Have you played mini golf before?”

“Never.” He rests a hand over his heart. “Promise.”

“Okay, you’re on. But this time we’re deciding on a prize.”

“Fine. If I win, I fuck you. If you win …” He turns and bends over in front of me, setting up his tee and giving me a clear view of his round ass. I have to hold back from reaching for it. “You finally get what you’ve been after.”

“Deal.” The word drops from my mouth before I’ve even considered what he’s said. I’m too distracted by his ass. And then … oh hell. I agreed to let him fuck me. I shake off the weird love-hate I have going on with that thought and resign myself to win this.

Beck straightens and meets my eyes over his shoulder. “So I might not have played mini golf, but Dad used to take me golfing every weekend.”


His smile widens. “Yeah, I know how to handle … a club.”

“You hustled me.”

“Can you blame me? I’m a red-blooded guy, and you’re hot as hell.”

I step closer to him. “I’m still confident. I have more incentive to win, and if I don’t, it gives me a head start on being a better bottom than you.” I’m glad my words come out more confident than I feel.

“How about I give you some pointers to level the playing field. Balls in holes requires a lot more patience than what you’re used to. These holes are much smaller. You have to be gentler … You can’t just go barreling into the crease.” He lines up his shot. “Firm grip on the shaf—club, then give it a nudge.”

He hits the ball, and it’s a perfect shot. Hole in one on the first go. I’m in trouble.

“You know what, I think I’ve got a handle on things.” I try for a cocky smirk of my own. “I always do my research before I … play mini golf.”

I mimic his previous stance. Strong grip, feet apart. I line up the shot …

At first I’m worried I hit the ball too hard, but it does a quick loop of the hole and drops in. Yes.

I shrug. “Beginner’s luck.”

We retrieve our balls and move on to the next course.

“So …” Something hitches in Beck’s voice. “What kind of research are we talking about?”

“Very thorough research. Involving Wi-Fi, lube, and certain body parts.”

Beck groans as he lines up his shot. I step in close again.

“I’m gonna make you feel so good later.”

“Pretty confident for a first-timer.”

“Win or lose …” I lean in close to his ear. “I’m gonna make you blow harder than you ever have in your life.”

He messes up his shot, and I burst out laughing.

“Not fair,” he complains.

“Step aside and I’ll show you how to fill a hole.”

Hole in one. Again. This time I don’t hold back my smug expression.

We keep taunting each other as we make our way around the course. I manage to completely throw Beck off enough that the score is tied by the time we make the final hole.

“You go first,” Beck says. “And no talking while we take these shots. Fair game. Fair winner.”

“So you can’t weasel out of the loss this time.”

“We’ll see.”

This course is trickier than the others, and it takes me three shots to get the ball in. It’s not bad, but it’s not enough to make me feel confident.

Beck steps up to take his turn. I’m tempted to throw him off, anything to win, but I figure he’ll demand a redo.

So instead, I stand there and wait for the end result, shamelessly checking him out as he swings.

The first hit misses, but the ball ends up a foot or two from the hole. All he needs is a quick tap and it’s over.

I guess I’m bending over tonight. My gut clenches at that, but then I look at Beck and decide it doesn’t matter. I know Beck won’t hurt me—no more than I want him to—and if I need to back out, he won’t make me justify myself.

That thought brings me comfort as he swings again.

And somehow completely overshoots.

“Oops,” Beck says as he follows the ball.

It takes him another two hits before he sinks the ball, and I realize I’ve won.

That …

“You threw the game.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Beck says as he leads the way back to the exit.

“There’s no way you should have missed that shot.”

“Well, I did. And now you win.”

I grab his arm and pull him to a stop. “Beck …”


Teddy Bear. You wanted to lose.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I hate losing.”

“No, you like to win. And in this case, I don’t think mini golf was the game you were playing.”

He steps closer until we’re toe to toe. “Someone thinks they’re clever.”

“And someone wants the D.”

“I am a D-man.”

The way he’s trying to hold back his smile gives him away. God it’s a turn-on. Lust shoots through me as I think about finally sinking into his ass, but there’s something else there as well. Something that reacts to this cheeky dickhead and makes me grab his hips and pull him closer.

“You could have just asked.”

“Now where’s the fun in that?”

“Hearing you beg me?” I pretend to groan. “Loads of fun in it for me.”

“I told you I’d make you work for it.”

“Totally worth it.”

The flashing red and yellow lights from the fake windmill next to us plays over his face. I reach up to trace the pattern on his cheek.

My throat feels thick as I lean down and press a soft kiss on his lips. His hands grip my shoulders, and our tongues come together once, twice, before he pulls back.

“I thought I was supposed to be the cocky one,” he says. “We’re pretty out in the open here.”

“Eh.” I kiss him again. Then as we turn to head back, I link my fingers through his. My heartbeat pounds the way it does before we take to the ice for the first game of the season. My gut is tied in knots.

I tell myself, over and over, it’s because I’m about to fuck a guy for the first time, but that excuse is thin.

Guy, girl, I’m long past caring.

The only thing that matters in this equation is Beck. And that whenever I’m with him, I want him closer.

I blew him earlier, without caring if we were caught. I kissed him, in a public, semi-busy place, barely ten minutes from campus.

He makes me forget to be careful.

The asshole has made me like him, which months ago I would have assumed was impossible.

I squeeze his hand tighter.

I think I’m in trouble here.

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