Face Offs & Cheap Shots (CU Hockey Book 2)

Face Offs & Cheap Shots: Chapter 20

It’s insane how hard it is to wipe the smile from my face. Even when I try, I fail. Something my sister definitely notices and gives me hell for when I get back to my dorm.

“I was right,” she sings, and I don’t even care.

I don’t think I’ve ever had a date where I could be me. The real me. Not the clown. Not the one who has to be fun all the time, who never takes anything seriously.

Telling Jacobs even half the shit I did is the first time I’ve talked about it to anyone other than my sister.

I expected him to judge me for complaining about being guaranteed a high-paying job once I graduate, but he didn’t. He seemed to understand, and I think it’s the same for him.

He’d love to chase a career in hockey if it was a guarantee, but it’s not. And while he’s talented and could make it, he’s not Foster Grant. Neither of us have agents fighting over us like he did. Hell, Grant turned down agents until he could find the perfect one. Jacobs and I would have to take whatever we could get.

But it’s not only playing I don’t want to say goodbye to. I don’t want to say goodbye to the game, and Jacobs gets that.

The next day at practice, it’s harder than ever to keep up this pretense of our rivalry. Turns out, I like nice Jacobs as much as angry Jacobs, and being nice takes a hell of a lot less energy than being a smart-ass.

Coach tells us to gather and take a knee on the ice.

I skate up next to Jacobs, and when we take our helmets off, I’m so fucking tempted to run my hand through his long, sweaty hair.

Yeah, don’t do that.

My hand reaches for it when he smiles at me, and I have to pull it back.

As much as I love his scowls, I can’t help loving the way his face lights up when he’s not mad.

And now I’m being ridiculous. It’s technically only been one date. I’m getting ahead of myself.

He took my sister finding out well, but I doubt it will be the same when the guys catch on. Surely, they’re not that dumb, are they? There has never been a time in the last three years where Jacobs and I haven’t been getting under each other’s skin.

Who knew it was foreplay?

“We’re in our second-last week,” Coach says, bringing me out of my endless thoughts about Jacobs.

And since when do we only have two weeks left?

I want to scream no and try to figure out a way to extend camp, but everyone has families to visit in the few remaining weeks before college and school starts up again.

“I just want to tell each and every one of you how proud we are of the talent this year,” Coach continues. “You’ve all shown what teamwork is truly like, and I’d be happy to have any of you on this team’s roster after you graduate high school. And to those already on the team …” He looks pointedly at me and Jacobs. “I’ve never seen you all gel together like you have been—some of you more than others—and I’m excited for the upcoming season.”

Okay, so maybe the team is too dumb to notice, but Coach isn’t.

Jacobs and I side-eye each other.

“Now hit the showers early and take the rest of the day off,” Coach says. “Us coaches will pack this down.”

The rest of the guys shoot up to their skates and off the ice basically before Coach has finished his sentence.

Jacobs and I aren’t in a rush.

He smiles at me while we skate toward the chute. “A whole afternoon and night off. What could we possibly get up to?”

“If that’s your way of asking me on that second date, your delivery needs some work.”

“Oh, and the way you asked was so romantic. The only reason I knew it was a date was because you told me to change my shirt.”

I shove him. “Ask me out properly, dick.”

He laughs. “Hey, asshole, wanna go out tonight?”

“With such sweet pet names like that, it’s amazing we’re not totally in love yet. But yes. I will go out with you tonight.”

The kids up ahead go into the visitors’ locker room while we’re the last into ours. The guys are already in the showers, and part of my wickedly horny mind wonders how long it’ll take for them all to shower and get out of here.

I tell myself not to make eyes at Jacobs while we enter the showers. We take stalls next to each other, and the partitions mean I can’t see anything good, but I can’t even look at his face without my body responding.

The others are talking about plans for the rest of the day seeing as we’re getting out early. They mention going to the movies, so that’s out for us unless we want to be found out or make this a group date.

“Beck, what are you doing?” Cohen asks.

“I’ll probably hang out with my sister. We haven’t spent much time together since she showed up.”

“Bring her out with us.”

“She’s nineteen,” I growl. “I ain’t letting her near any of you.”

There’s a round of snickers.

“Jacobs?” Cohen asks.

I turn to him, but he ducks his head under the water.

When they call him again, he screws up his face. “What? I can’t hear you.” He disappears under the spray again.

I can’t help laughing.

It doesn’t take long for the showers to clear out and for the sound of talking in the locker room to die down.

I think they’re all gone.

“Nice diversion,” I say.

He ducks his head under the water again, and I laugh more.

When he faces me, I say, “Hey, Jacobs? I’m naked over here.”

He cocks his head. “Are you? I shower with my underwear on.”

I peek over the stall to see his cock on its way to hard. “Liar.”

“Shame you don’t put out until the second date.”

“Well, technically it’s the start of our second date.”

His eyes fill with heat, but he hesitates.

“Go make sure they’re all gone,” I say.

He nods and turns his water off, wrapping his towel around his waist as he wanders into the locker room.

Jacobs’s blinding smile reappears seconds later. “All gone.”

He drops his towel and enters my stall.

His muscular arms box me in as my back hits the cool tile.

He whispers, “What do you want?”

“You. On your knees.”

He leans in and kisses a path up my neck. “You like my mouth on you.”

I like you, I want to say but don’t. “Anywhere you’re willing to put it.”

He chuckles against me. “I’ll remember that.”

My hips thrust forward, grinding our cocks together.

“Okay, okay. Impatient much?” Jacobs sinks to his knees.

Damn, he looks good down there.

He teases my head, his tongue darting out to lightly lick along the tip.

“Shit.” My hand flies to his hair, pulling on the long strands until they’re wrapped around my fingers.

Jacobs’s gray eyes meet mine as he closes his mouth over my cock and sucks me deep.

I’m willing to give him the BJ king title because holy shit, even after countless times doing this to him, I haven’t quite mastered it like he has.

I can make him come no problem, but getting him there takes a while. He has me teetering on the edge within seconds of touching me.

It feels like forever since he’s had his mouth on my dick when it’s only been days.

Whose idea was it to not put out last night again? Because they’re a dumbass. It couldn’t have been me. Nope. Not when Jacobs makes me feel the way I do right now.

I grunt and thrust into his mouth. He takes it without issue.

He pulls off my cock. “Fuck my mouth.”

My hand tightens in his hair. “Are you sure?”

“I can take it.”

I have no doubt he can. The other times he’s blown me, we’ve been horizontal because he loves playing with my ass while he does it.

This is … different.

His hand grips the base of my cock. “Failsafe. Just in case.”

I release his hair and run my thumb over his cheek. “Are you really sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.”

This might be the most trust he’s put in me ever, and for some reason, that feels better than the blowjob.

My hands go to either side of his head, and I guide it toward my needy cock.

He opens his mouth, and I tentatively thrust inside, not hard. Jacobs gives me a nod of encouragement.

When I do it again, holy hell, this is what heaven must feel like.

Heat surrounds my cock, and I groan, guttural and deep.

I push into his mouth over and over again, loving the way his lips look wrapped around my tight skin.

His hand stays at the base until he gains some confidence and cups my ass. He controls my speed, encouraging me to go faster.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I chant but don’t stop.

His fingers bite into my ass cheeks before he pulls a hand away and reaches between his legs.

I falter because the sight of him jerking off while sucking my cock is possibly the best thing I’ve ever seen.

I go at a slower pace so I can watch, but when he moans around me, sending a vibration right to my balls, I can’t hold back and fuck into his mouth at a speed I worry he won’t be able to keep up with.

He pulls off my cock, breathing heavy. I assume I’ve gone too far, but when he glances up at me with hooded eyes and a familiar look, I know it’s because he’s about to come.

I grip my cock and stroke myself. “Open up.”

His mouth drops open, and I keep jerking off. My balls draw up tight, and I know it won’t take long to push me over.

My whole body stiffens as I come on a shout. I aim for his mouth, but only some cum makes it in there. The rest lands on his cheek, his chin, and nose.

I stare down at him while I come, drawing out my orgasm and seemingly triggering his own.

He wrenches his eyes closed and comes on the ground, while I pull back.

I sag against the wall and try to get control of my breathing.

When Jacobs stands, I wipe my cum from his cheek before he ducks his head under the water to wash it off properly.

Once he’s clean, he pulls back and smiles. “The rest of our second date has a lot to live up to.”

I grin. “I’ll say.”

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