Erin's Three

Chapter 6

“What if she doesn’t want to see us or has forgotten all about us?” Kingston says as they walk into the office of the school.

“Stress less Kinga. If you were as good a friend as you say you were, then she won’t have forgotten you,” Adam says and pats Kingston on the back in reassurance.

“Gentlemen. The elders have informed me of ye arrival. If ye'd just follow me.” the Headmaster says.

Sniff, sniff...

“Can you smell that?” Jye asks as they follow the Headmaster.

“Mhmm,” the other guys hum in agreeance.

“Sorry to interrupt Ms Hartley, but the elders requested I bring these gentlemen to see ye,” the Headmaster says as he opens the door to Erin’s classroom.

Erin is shocked as three overpowering and delicious scents hit her. She gasps and closes her eyes. She remembers those scents, only now they are much stronger and more manly. One is like leather and a clean slightly minty smell. One is a woodsy smell mixed with fresh linen. The other is a mix of a creamy coffee and an old car, the kind that smells of oil and has a leather interior. Is she dreaming? This can’t be real. How? Why are they here? Do they know each other? How did they find her? She has so many questions in her head.

"Hello Erin," The three guys say smoothly as they step into her classroom. They can smell her but they don't want to frighten her. They each suspect she is their mate but they won't know until she looks in their eyes.

"Erin. Open your eyes," Adam says not moving.

She can hear the comments of her students. The girls are making comments about how sexy they are and the guys are talking about their muscles.

"Ms Hartley. Are ye okay? Do ye know these gentlemen?" Mr MacIntosh asks her concerned.

"I-I do, sir," she answers him and swallows. "They are... or were my friends," she adds in a small voice.

"Erin. We need you to open your eyes sweetheart," Adam says taking a step closer.

"Adam," she breathes out and puts her hand up to stop him from getting closer. "I..." she starts and pulls up the sleeve on her right arm. She holds her arm out to the side. Her tattoo on full display.

"Is that... did you..." Adam stumbles for words looking at the words of her tattoo.

"It's you," she whispers, her eyes still closed.

Her students gasp.

Adam slowly walks closer until he stands in front of her. He pulls his own right sleeve up exposing his tattoos. "Erin, I've been looking for you for twelve years," he says as he steps in front of her.

Erin drops her head and opens her eyes. She sees his arm and barely touching the tattoo she runs her fingers over the words that match hers. My Strength, My Saviour, My Heart. Tears well in her eyes.

"It's you Sweetheart. I got it a few months after you left," Adam says.

She lifts her head and looks into his chocolate brown eyes and the mate bond clicks into place. "Oh Adam. I've missed you so much," she sobs as she jumps up into his arms and buries her head into the crook of his neck. Her arms and legs wrapped around him, and his arms are wrapped tightly around her body and his face is in the crook of her neck.

"Holy shite. She's ye mate," Seamus says as a gold and purple aura surrounds them.

"I'm so fucking happy that you're my mate, sweetheart," Adam says.

"Erin?" Kingston says. "What's that tattoo on the outside of your wrist?"

Erin hops off Adam and looks at her arm as Adam steps to the side so that the guys can see her as his broad muscular body and 198cm height shielded her petite 160cm body.

"It's you Kinga," she says and looks up. She gasps as his eyes widen and a huge smile spreads across his face.

Erin is stunned and can't move. Kingston steps towards her and cups the side of her face with one hand. "So fucking perfect," he whispers.

"But... How?" she asks quietly.

"I don't know, flower, but I'll love and protect you forever," Kingston says to her.

"She's got two mates? Fookin' hell!" A student calls out as they witness the gold aura surround them.

Erin wraps her arms around Kingston's waist and he wraps his arms around her and kisses the top of her head.

"There's somebody else who wants to see you, flower," Kingston says.

Erin looks up at him scrunching her brow. He steps back and she looks up the body of the fit 203cm tall man.

"Jye!" she says and runs and jumps into his arms as Jye chuckles.

"I don't believe it," Adam says with a slight shake of his head and a smile as a gold and blue aura surrounds Jye and Erin.

The students and Headmaster are dumbfounded. Plenty of students are asking how it's possible.

"Is this really happening?" Erin asks Jye as she pulls back to look him in the eyes. "I'm not dreaming right? It's really you?"

"Yes baby girl, it's really me and this definitely happening," he says with a smile and pushes her hair out of her eyes.

"But I thought you were gay?" she questions.

"Never. You just needed a friend more after what fuck face did to you," Jye says.

Erin hugs him and breathes in his scent. "You smell good," she mumbles against his neck.

"So do you baby girl, but we don't want to scare your students now do we?"

Erin reluctantly hops off Jye and faces her students with a blush. "So umm these guys are not just my friends," she starts explaining.

"Best friends," Adam and Kingston interrupt.

"Ha ha best friends. They are my mates," Erin says proudly.

"But how do ye have three?" A human girl asks.

"It's different for fairies and shifters," Erin begins explain. Her standard science lesson quickly becomes a biology and cultural lesson as she explains the different possible pairings and that sometimes a male can have more then one mate and so can a female. She explains that homosexuality exists everywhere and that you can absolutely be mated with someone of the same sex even if you've never thought about the opposite sex like that before. The Headmaster says that his father has two female mates, one is a deer and his mother is human. The guys stay in her class until the end of the day.

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