Erin's Three

Chapter 5

“Can you smell your mate any more?” Adam asks the other guys.

“Only on these boys but I don’t know if it’s actually my mate or if I can just smell Erin,” Kingston says.

“Same,” Jye adds.

“Your mates?” Jack asks, furrowing his brows.

“Yeah, we could smell them as we got to the door but only faintly. You have my mates smell on you. What women have you been around tonight?” Kingston asks.

“Oh wow. Umm our sisters, Ms Hartley and Miss Sinclair,” Seamus replies.

“Can you take us to them?” Jye asks.

“Sure, but Ms Hartley went home. I’m Seamus by the way. Dragon.”

“I’m Jack. Dragon halfling.” The boys say shaking hands with guys.

“Jye. Fae and dragon.”

“Kingston. Fae.”

“Adam. Fae and dragon.”

“So how do ye know Ms Hartley?” Jack asks.

“We were friends and she dated my cousin when they were kids. We dated for a few months after that but we were more just friends, we never kissed,” Jye says.

“I was her friend in high school,” Kingston says. “Best friend.”

“No I was her best friend. We lived on the same street, her primary school friend was my neighbour and their mum’s worked and partied together so she was at my house a lot,” Adam says.

“Wow. Well our sisters are over here,” Jack says as he starts walking to the seated area.

The guys are introduced to the boys' sisters and even when they shook hands they knew they weren’t mates. As beautiful as they were, the guys were polite and respectfully declined the girls advances. Seamus’s sisters are eighteen, twenty and twenty three. Jack’s sister is twenty four.

Cassie had left with Erin and stayed with her long enough to change out of their dresses and watch a movie. Spencer never left Erin's side.

The guys stayed to meet people and make new connections, but they were still confused as to whether they actually were mates with anyone or if it was just Erin they could smell. After speaking with the boys and their parents further, the guys learnt that Erin had become a science teacher and her father had passed away unexpectedly last month. She had also been married to a human until she discovered he was cheating on her. She also didn’t have any children with him. The guys headed back to their hotel with more questions on their mind then when the arrived in the country.

Erin decided that she needed to get away for the night so on Sunday she was up early and made sure her dog Spencer had everything he needed before she took off on her bike for Tullagh View, in the north. She didn’t have any classes on Monday so it was the perfect opportunity to get away.

“Oh Erin, I herd about ye Da, I’m sorry.”

“Thanks Thomas. I know I didn’t call, but do you any rooms available?″ Erin asks the short stubby fifty year old fairy.

“For ye? Always. And if ye can help me out in the kitchen ye can have the room for free,” Thomas replies in his broad northern Irish accent.

Erin laughs. “Of course I can.”

“Oh thank ye. Ol’ Mrs Glenn is turning ninety and the whole bloomin’ family is coming.”

Erin and Thomas make small talk for a bit until she heads off for a walk and basks in the beautiful northern Irish scenery. She sits down at the beach and tries to process last nights interruption. She didn’t really want to go to the ball but all the Fae in the area expected her to be there.

“Hello Granny,” Erin says answering the phone.

Hello dear. What are you doing?

Erin tells her grandmother about Brenton and how she wants to go back to Canada. Her grandmother just listens and says that she trusts that whatever she decides that it will be the right choice.

Erin feels a lot more refreshed when she gets home Monday afternoon. Last night was full of laughter and warmth. She had made Mrs Glenn her favourite dessert - a Bailey's cheesecake. Erin was happy that people had loved it as much as she did. Her step mother had taught her how to make it and Erin enjoyed making it for people, she changed up the toppings to suit the persons personality. For Mrs Glenn she added whipped cream, mini pretzels and drizzled plenty of caramel sauce over the top.

The auburn haired fairy had spent most of her morning at the waterfall which allowed her to stretch her wings out properly and connect to mother earth. That and she needed the ride. Her Honda CBR 600 was her pride and joy. It looked massive compared to her petite size but she loved it. She loves motorbikes. It’s something she shared with her father. Erin loved being on the back of his bike whenever they went any where. He was her biggest supporter and encouraged her to get into racing to help her deal with her traumas when she moved to Ireland. It wasn't easy but she has worked hard to get where she is.

The time away had helped her make up her mind that she would definitely go back to Canada after the school year ends and after her race. She would move in with her grandmother in Spruce Grove for a bit until she could find a place of her own.

Erin was called up to the council on Tuesday morning to provide her statement and wishes against her ex-boyfriend.

“Thank ye Erin. He will be dealt with appropriately and he shan’t contact or bother ye again,” Elder William says.

“Thank you Sir. Congratulations on your first grandson, also,” Erin replies with a slight bow.

“Ye are too kind my niece. Ye may head back and continue to inspire our youngin's,” The skinny 183cm, white haired fairy replies.

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