
Chapter Rescue

We had been walking for three hours when I smelt blood. Wolf blood. “Do you guys smell that?” I asked my companions.

They both nodded. “The smell leads to the right,” Ash said.

“I’d figure that out myself,” I said dryly and started walling in that direction. We followed the blood trail for four hours. At the end of the trail, there was a demon camp. We hid and I studied it. There were demons everywhere. When my eyes landed on the cage they stayed there. A familiar gray wolf was cowering in the back of the cage. Lorna. She had two guards in front of her pen. She was also bleeding pretty badly even with her quick healing.

“I don’t think they’re letting her heal,” Dominic said following my gaze.

I nodded. “They want her to fear them.”

“Looks like they’ve succeeded,” Ash commented. “So what’s your plan, Sylvia?”

I ignored him. “How do you kill a demon?” I asked Dominic.

“Cutting their heads off, dousing them in salt water, or stabbing them in the heart. Which is located in the right thigh,” he replied.

I formed the plan in my mind and mentally tested it. No, that one won’t work. Finally, I settled on one. I looked at them. “Okay. I have a plan. But I doubt you two will like it.”

“What?” Ash asked.

“I’ll step out, talk a little, freeze them, and then we’ll all stab them in the hearts,” I said simply.

“That could work,” Dominic murmured. Ash gave him an outraged look.

I smirked at Ash then stood up. I inhaled deeply then let it out slowly. Demons really stink. I walked right into the camp. All demons instantly looked at me. “Hello,” I said politely.

“She’s the one master wants,” one said. Or more like hissed.

“Yeah, let’s get her,” another one hissed.

I slid my left foot forward a little and ice spread out on the ground like a blanket. A thick freezing blanket. They were all trapped and growling at me. I smiled cheerfully and Ash, Dominic, and I put them out of their misery. I knelt in front of Lorna’s cage and began to pick the lock. She growled at me. “Shh,” I said soothingly. “I’m here to save you.” I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t but she didn’t need to know that. There was a click and the lock dropped to the ground. I opened the door then stepped back to give her some space to get free. I didn’t want to make her feel like we were going to trap her.

She stood up and slowly came out. Once she was free of the cage she shifted. “Who…who are you?” She asked. Her voice was hoarse from not being used for a while. There was still fear in her eyes. I felt anger at Lord Flame for doing this to her. I’m pretty sure she used to be confident.

I straightened up. “I’m the Alpha of Endania,” I said. I bit my lip. Should I tell her who I am? I looked at her and came to a decision. “My name’s Sylvia Griffin.”

She blinked. “Sylvia?”

I hesitated. Maybe telling her that hadn’t been a good idea. But I came this far so I might as well go all the way. “Yes. I’m sorry for what Kita and Jack did to you. You deserve better.” I paused. “Jack didn’t care when you were turned but Kita did. She cared a lot.”

Lorna shifted and launched herself at me. I dodged, gave my guards a look to stay out of this, and shifted. She froze as she felt the power radiating off me. Green eyes met green eyes. ~Lorna, I understand why you’re mad.~ I said calmly. I wasn’t mad at her for attacking. Killing wolves is what she knows and it is my fault for her being turned. ~I would be too if I were in your position.~ I paused. ~Hell, I was in your position for seventeen years! I know what it’s like. I know Lord Flame has put you through a lot. I came here because I don’t like anyone suffering. You’re injured, hungry, and tired. Please come with us. We’ll keep you safe. We’re going to travel a good distance from here and make camp, okay?~

She looked away then back and whined. I don’t think she knows how to mind speak yet. I walked over to her and licked her snout. She shifted and hugged me and began crying. I could tilt my head just enough to lick her shoulder. I knew we might not have time for this but I wasn’t going to push her.

When she calmed down she said, “I’m sorry for attacking you. It’s what I was taught and it’s hard to break it.” She paused. “I can’t walk. I used all my strength in that attack against you.”

I slipped out of her arms and shifted. Then I turned to my guards. They already knew what I was going to say and shook their heads. “Ash, Dominic, she’s my sister,” I growled.

“She wanted to kill you,” Ash snapped.

“I could carry her,” a male voice said behind me.

I whirled and blinked. A guy with blond hair and brown eyes was standing there. My nose told me he wasn’t any of the creatures that I knew of. But I knew he wasn’t human too. “Who and what are you?” I asked warily.

“My name’s Ian and I’m a wolf,” he replied.

My eyes narrowed. “No, you aren’t. I can smell other wolves so I’d know if you were one.”

Amusement slid into his eyes. “Ah, but wolves all have some abilities. Mine is being able to cloud my scent. Let me undo it.”

Suddenly my nose was flooded with his scent. Coffee and a musk smell that told me he was a wolf. “So you have fire and scent cloak?” I asked.


I thought for a minute. “Can you cloak more than just yourself?” If he could then he could help us get away from this place and Lord Flame won’t be able to follow. Hmm.


“Okay.” A plan began to form. “Ian, would you please carry my sister and cloak all of our scents so we can’t be followed?”

His mouth twitched. “Of course, Alpha.”

I froze. “How did you…” Oh, right. The power that hovers around me. “You know what? Nevermind. We have to go.” I knelt beside Lorna. “Lorna, Ian will carry you so we can get out of here, okay?”

She grabbed my hand. “Do you trust him?”

I hesitated. If I said no she wouldn’t let him carry her but if I said yes I would be lying. “I’m not sure,” I said finally. “But my two guards won’t carry you so he’s our only choice and he can cloak our scents which is what we need.”

She thought for a minute then nodded. “Okay.” I stood and Ian picked her up. Then I led the way back to where we came from.

“Am I the only one who noticed he didn’t give us his last name?” Ash asked in a low voice.

“No,” Dominic muttered.

“I noticed too but we needed to get out of there and neither of you were going to carry Lorna. I could have but if Lord Flame shows up he’ll go for me and I need to be able to fight,” I said. “And you know Ian can hear us, right?”

“We know,” Ash said. “It’s good to let him know we don’t trust him.” I glared. He held up his hands. “Hey, I’m just saying he should know.”

“I’m more worried about how he knew you are the Alpha,” Dominic said.

I rolled my eyes. “Uh, maybe he could tell by the power that hovers all around me all the time? Everyone in Endania is used to it so they, and you, don’t notice it. But a wolf who hasn’t been around an Alpha before? They’ll sense it and know what I am,” I said grumpily. They were both staring at me. I frowned. “What?”

“How did you know all that?” Ash asked.

I shrugged. “Cam with being the Alpha.”

“So you think he sensed your power?”

“Both he and Lorna did.”

“Okay. But that still leaves the last name problem,” Ash said.

I snorted. “Of course it does.” I sighed. “We’ll ask him when we make camp, okay?”

“Okay,” they both said. We continued the rest of the way in silence.

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