
Chapter Leaving

She led us to Jack’s cell first. “Her’s is two cells down. We figured it would be better that way,” she said. We nodded and she walked away.

“How did you get into Endania?” I asked nicely.

“Why should I tell you?” He snapped.

My eyes narrowed. My anger was getting to its breaking point. “Because I’m the Alpha of Endania. Now tell me how,” I snapped.


Fine, I thought, we’ll try this another way. “Do you know Lord Flame?” I asked casually.

He glared. “No.”

But that had gotten him to look at me which is what I had wanted. Single sight showed me everything. I gasped. “You gave Lorna to Lord Flame?”

He frowned. “How do you know that?”

I ignored him as I kept watching. They gave Lorna to him and he told them how to get in without anyone noticing. Lorna was staring at her parents in shock. She looked a little younger than me and after a little digging, I found she is seventeen. Jack and Kita turned to go but Lord Flame had his minions hold them still. Then he turned Lorna into a wolf right in front of them. She screamed and screamed as the pain of being turned went through her. Soon a gray wolf lay where she had been.

Lord Flame laughed and let her parents go. They both turned away and left like nothing happened. Jack had actually felt nothing when he saw her turn other than disgust. “How could you?” I snarled. “You watched him turn her and felt nothing but disgust!” The terror and pain in Lorna’s eyes would haunt me forever. “You never did care about her, did you?”

“She was just something to get what we needed,” he said dismissively.

My control snapped. I launched myself at the bars. I wanted to strangle the life out of him. Ash and Dominic pulled me away. “You self-centered bastard,” I growled knowing my eyes were green. I fought to break free. Turns out, I didn’t need to. As soon as I was away from the bars Eric launched himself at Jack.

“Oh for the love of hell,” Dominic said. “Ash, do you have her?”

“Yeah, get Eric,” Ash said pinning me against the wall. Dominic grabbed Eric.

“Let me go!” I yelled.

“Not until you calm down,” Ash said soothingly. “You have to calm down.”

“You don’t know,” I hissed. “You didn’t see. She was terrified and he felt nothing!”

“Okay, I think we can agree that he’s an ass whole but that doesn’t mean you need to kill him.”

I glared. “You would want him dead too if you saw what I did.”

“Probably,” he agreed. “But if you don’t calm down, we’ll leave before you talk to Kita. Do you want that?”

I froze and shut my eyes. He had a point. Breathe, I told myself. After a few minutes I calmed down. “If I see the same thing in her as I did in him it might be harder to calm me down,” I warned him as I opened my eyes.

“I know.” He let me go.

Eric was still struggling. “Eric, stop,” I said forcing myself to be soothing. “We have to go talk to Kita.”

He stopped fighting and nodded. “Fine. But I still want him dead.”

“That makes two of us,” I muttered and walked to Kita’s cell.

She glared as soon as she saw me. “What do you want?”

“Did you feel nothing when Lord Flame turned Lorna?” I asked a little more harshly than I intended. Yup, I was still pissed.

Her eyes widened. “How do you know that?”

“Answer the question,” Eric snapped.

Her eyes narrowed at him. “Don’t speak to me like that.”

“Don’t tell me what to do and answer the fucking question.” Yeah, he was pissed too. Even though he didn’t like Lorna he still was mad that his parents would do something so stupid.

“How do you know about Lorna?” She said sharply. “Did Jack tell you?”

Just like that, I knew how to get her to talk. “I know how to get her to tell us what we want to know,” I said in a voice only Eric, Dominic, and Ash could hear.

“How?” Ash asked.

“Watch.” I leaned against the wall by her cell and looked at her nonchalantly. “Yeah, Jack told us. He called Lorna a ‘thing’ and he didn’t care that she was turned. He said you were actually happy that she was turned because you’ve always wanted her dead.”

“What?” She yelled.2

I shrugged. “Hey, I’m just telling you what he said.”

“He didn’t care that she was turned?”

“Nope. He said, ‘She was just something to get what we needed’.”

Her eyes narrowed. “He might not have cared but I did. She grew up to be exactly who I wanted her to be. She was my best project.”

My nonchalance disappeared and my eyes narrowed. “Project? Did you even love her?”

She snorted. “Jack is the only person I love. Lorna and Eric were just projects.” She nodded at Eric. “He was a fail. She was a success.” She looked at me. “And you? You were an epic fail. Though I will admit torturing you was fun.”

Two growls erupted behind me. I gave them both a look then turned back to Kita. “I see. How did you find out about Lord Flame?”

“Oh, he visited us when you were five. He gave us powdered silver and told us to use it on the monster in the basement.”

My eyes widened. “He knew about me?”



“No idea. But we took his advice.”

I ground my teeth together. Lord Flame was so dead. “How did you know he knew how to get into Endania undetected?” I could feel my rage boiling to the surface but I forcefully shoved it back down.

“We didn’t. We just thought we should ask. After all, he did help us before.” She sighed. “This time he wanted payment. When we asked what he wanted her said he wanted Lorna. He gave us two hours to decide and we did.”

I couldn’t take it anymore. I turned on my heel and stormed out of the prison. “Idiots,” I snarled under my breath. Lorna must hate me more than she did before if she knew about me. But that doesn’t matter. I’m going to save her. I stopped two guards and told them to fix the wall that was broken on the east side. They ran off. But I found another guard and told him to pack three bags for two males and a female for travel and meet me at the gate. He ran off. An hour later Ash and Dominic finally caught up to me. “Where’s Eric?” I asked them. I had left a note for him in his room. I also explained why he couldn’t come.

“Home,” Ash said. “Have you been walking around this entire time?”

We were almost at the gate. “Yes. I told a couple of guards to go fix the broken wall. Hopefully, that will help keep Lord Flame out.” I studied them for a minute. “I’m going to save Lorna.”

They both stopped dead and realized where we were going. “What?” Dominic said.

“Sylvia, she hates wolves,” Ash said.

“She is a wolf,” I snapped angrily.

“That doesn’t mean she’s changed her mind!”

“I don’t care! She was given to him because of me. I will not allow her to suffer as I have.” I glared at them. “You either come with me or stay here and I’ll get her myself. Your choice.”

They both looked at each other. “Okay, we’ll go,” Dominic said. “But you need to put someone in charge while we’re gone.”

“I already did.”

“Who?” Ash asked.

“I grabbed one of the bags a guard was holding and handed the other two two Ash and Dominic. “Nature,” I replied and walked out of the gate. They followed.

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