Chapter 23

“Oh my God! What is she doing?” Someone gasped but Alli couldn’t control herself. She couldn’t get a grip on her emotions. It was as if someone had broken the dam that kept all her emotions at bay.

Alli control your emotions! Asari exclaimed. You are exposing yourself to the weakbloods and that is dangerous. Try and control yourself, please!

Alli, I know you can do this. Corleen pleaded. I know you can handle this. Please, Alli, control your abilities!

Alli...Ruvin’s voice came through making Ylva, who was trying to surface in order to protect Alli, perk up. Open your eyes and look at me, Alli. He pleaded.

Alli shook her head. She didn’t want to see anyone. She didn’t need anyone at that moment. She just wanted to ride the wave of emotions to the end.

Alli, damn you! Ruvin growled. Open your eyes and look at me! I will-I will not let you go, goddamn you! I have lost too much and I will not stand here and lose you too now open your eyes and look at me! He snarled.

Alli’s eyes snapped open and a gasp of fear echoed from her when she realized what everyone was so frantic about. She was engulfed in what looked like an icy bubble, the temperature within it dropping down to the point she was puffing out fog. Winds were whipping around everyone else who was close to the bubble. Indigo looked so distressed that her eyes kept on alternating between violet and black.

Look at me, Alli...She heard Ruvin rasp in her mind and when she turned to him, the intensity and determination written in his eyes told her not to even think about it. I need you here...I need you with me.

But--I am the daughter of a monster! I have bad blood running in my veins! What if I start feeding off people like him? What if-what if my heart turns black? Alli cried but the tears running down her cheeks froze against her cold skin.

You are not evil, Alli. You are light--like me. I am Mage of Spirit and I can see your spirit, Alli. It is nothing but light. Asari murmured softly. We might share Torin’s blood but we don’t share his darkness. He chose to be that but we choose the light....you and I, Alli. We only have each other. We shouldn’t let him win!

“Alli....please.....” Corleen’s voice broke and when Alli turned to her, a tear ran down Corleen’s cheek.

Stop! Alli exclaimed and everything slowed down until it froze in time. Her raspy breath echoed with the corridor as she looked around and discovered that everyone was frozen in time. Color began to bleed out and cast the world around her in blacks and whites. Only she stood in color in her cold cocoon.

From a distance, she could hear the echoing of shoes and suddenly a woman appeared in front of her dressed in white. She had jade eyes and long brown hair coming down to her bottom. She looked so familiar yet Alli couldn’t place her anywhere.

“You called me to you, my sweet Alli. I can feel your pain and sorrow.” Her voice was like the crystal sound of trickling water, so calming and serene.

“Who are you?” Alli stuttered waiting to feel the dreadful paralyzing fear that usually gripped her but instead her heart was filled with assurance and coziness.

She watched as the woman moved around the frozen people. She was also in color. She stood in front of Corleen and a sad smile appeared on her face. “So much has befallen Corleen but all this was what she was destined to do to make her the warrior she is today--” she turned to Ruvin and looked at Alli coyly. “The light to my Alli’s life. You were but a baby when I saw him coming to save you. It was about the same time I saw Torin coming for me.”

“M-mom?” A strangled cry escaped Alli's throat and the icy bubble around her shattered into a thousand pieces before falling around her in harmless shards. It explained the familiarity.

Alli couldn’t remember so much about her mother but she found herself closing the space in between them and embracing the woman who had brought her into that world, nurtured her until she was five years old then was forcefully taken away from her. She felt warm and homey. Tears ran down Alli’s cheeks because even though she couldn’t quite remember her, the scent of her brought back such fond memories. She didn’t want to let her go.

“Never had I imagined that you would be so strong as to call spirits from the afterlife like this. Your ability is more than I predicted and now Torin wants you. The worse yet is if the sorcerer finds you first.”

"Is Torin really my father?" Alli asked her mother tearfully.

Regret and sorrow clouded her mother's eyes as she sighed and gave a nod. "Yes. I was lured into his trap just like all the other females before me. I am sorry that I did this to you. I never thought you would be his final destination. Now, the sorcerer wants you to help him find the Light Sword."

“The Light Sword?” Alli sniffed on her shoulder basking in her presence.

“Yes, a powerful artifact that could bring about the destruction of the world. You have to protect it and make sure no one gets to it. I don’t have much time, Alli. Everything has a rule and though you are very strong, time needs to go on.” She moved back and rubbed Alli’s tears then cupped her cheeks. “I predicted Torin’s death and that is why he killed me all those years. I will tell you that you can defeat him but not alone and not in this realm. He needs to go back to the enchanted world.”

“How do I get him there?” Alli asked.

“You are an intelligent young woman. You will figure it out. Once you get him to the other side, you will know what to do.” Her body began to shimmer away.

“Mom! Wait! I don’t understand what I should do!” Alli’s voice trembled. “Tell me what to do?”

“Everything will reveal itself to you because not only are you able to see people's deaths but also you have my gift of foreseeing what is to follow...” Her voice suddenly became disembodied as her body disappeared.

Color blotted back in her world and slowly everyone started moving around her. She was much calmer and so she was able to control her emotions. Everyone was looking at her as if she had suddenly become something horrible and ugly.

She managed to catch the attention of at least everyone who was there and their quietness was unnerving because she saw the judgment in their eyes.

“She is out of control!” Someone exclaimed. “She will hurt someone if she continues like this.”

Alli whipped her head around and found West standing with his friends pointing at her. The cruel smirk on his face told Alli she was in for it. West was a big baby and whenever something bad was done to him, he always sought revenge. Alli knew he wouldn’t let what happened in Sheyster’s shop go but she didn’t expect him to go this far either.

“West is right.” Charissa moved forward and crossed her arms. “I think the clan leader should do something about her before more people get hurt.” Well, here was yet another person who wasn’t a fan of Alli. Charissa stared at her with flat eyes. She didn’t need to act cruelly. She didn’t even have a kind bone in her body!

Everyone around her murmured in agreement. With all that had happened in such a short period of time, Alli couldn’t blame them for wanting her to be removed from the wolf community. She didn’t know what she was anymore.

“It is unheard of that someone survives a moonless transformation. For all we know, she might be mutating into a Varga!” Zayn exclaimed.

Alli wasn’t even given a chance to blink. She was suddenly shoved roughly behind a strong body as Ruvin tore away his mask and growled loudly at the weakbloods in front of him. Alli could feel Ruvin’s body expanding against hers. It was as if he was fighting his transformation.

“Lay even a finger on her and you are all dead!” He snarled.

Another growl echoed behind the wolves and when they turned towards it, Raul’s face was contorted into a mask of anger. A cat rasp echoed in yet another corner and Vixen’s skin was glowing with her cheetah print. They were all warning the weakbloods against trying anything on Alli. The wolves gasped and crowded in between as Titus, Louise, and Lord Faelen stalked forward with the Wolfen Representatives right behind.

“What is going on here?” Faelen demanded.

“Be-beasts!” Someone exclaimed.

“I’ll go call for backup.” Indigo slipped away.

Alli tried to move forward, to mitigate the situation by trying to find the right words to explain to Faelen but Ruvin’s arm was tightly clamped around her, keeping her in place.

“What is the meaning of this?” Faelen demanded. “Who the hell are you?” He referred to Ruvin.

“Your Ghost Runners--in a flash,” Ruvin smirked at him.

“They are enchanted beasts, Lord Faelen. They are Lycanthropes.” Titus answered tightly, eyeing Ruvin with a slight air of irritation. “Let go of Alli and we will listen to your demands.”

“We are not here to negotiate. We are here to kill the traitor and to take my mate.”

Alli breathed hard as Ruvin’s arm tightened around her. Both Titus and Faelen looked stunned at the revelation.

“I object any claiming by you, Beast!” Faelen exclaimed.

No one saw Vixen move so subtly through the crowd. Suddenly she had Faelen in a death grip, her razor-sharp nails digging into his carotid. “Come again?” She purred maliciously at his ear. Alli saw the glimmer of her canines in her mouth. Even her eyes had changed into cat-like slits.

Faelen stuttered but the anger didn’t leave his face.

Alli caught movement from behind him. The tall man with the silver sash moved back slowly and his actions were caught by Robin who moved forward and grabbed his arm. The man yanked his hand away and turned tail but Robin was right behind him.

“You have a traitor among your people and he cost me a warrior. I will not leave this place until I have him.” Ruvin demanded.

“The only traitors I see here are you and your team.” Faelen spat then his eyes turned to Corleen. “You knew about this? You betrayed me for these Beasts?”

Corleen opened her mouth and it looked like she was about to defend herself but suddenly her face hardened and she fished out for her gun from her inner thigh holster. “They saved my life and they are telling the truth about the traitor. He is a Wolfen and he wants you dead.”

“How dare you insinuate such a thing?” A female Wolfen representative roared, enraged by Corleen’s accusations. “What proof do you have?”

“We have two of his pets.” Ruvin drawled.

The area went silent. Everyone was in shock because firstly, the Clan Leader had his throat underneath a sharp set of claws, and secondly, the Wolfen were being accused of a crime. This was no longer a debut night but rather a nightmare and at any given time, that place could turn into a blood bath.

Suddenly Asari lunged up from the crowd with her palms stretched open and a force pulsed from her knocking Manny, who was a few inches from Ruvin and Alli, off his feet. She landed with grace above him and shook her head at him as if reprimanding a child then punched him on his face, sending him to dreamland.

“He was about to slice your head off,” Asari told Ruvin as she kicked away a mean-looking blade that Manny had in his good arm. The man never could learn to play nice. Though he only had one good arm, he was still as mean as hell! Before Ruvin could react, both Alli and Asari’s heads snapped up.

“Torin’s here.” Alli breathed in hard as the dreadful feeling crept up her skin.

As if on cue, the howling of wolves rang from outside. Everyone cuddled closer in the middle with their eyes terrified and their bodies trembling.

“Heed my warning, anyone who does not want to die tonight should run right now!” Ruvin growled.

“It’s a trick!” West called out. “Beasts are not as strong as everyone thinks! They use intimidation and tricks, nothing more!”

“West, shut up...” One of his friends hissed, practically about to pee in his pants in fear.

“I am not going to shut up when the ones responsible for putting a lot of wolves in hospitals are among us! We should deal with them right now!” As he talked, he turned his cold eyes to where Blake and Donny were standing. So, this whole show West was putting up was because he was mad that Donny had chosen Blake over him? Donny couldn’t help it because she was being pulled towards Blake by the mating bond!

“West, you don’t know of what is coming. You shouldn’t be here...” Alli jumped when yet another howl echoed, this time just outside the hall. Red eyes appeared at the tall windows overlooking the gardens and several wolves screamed and began running out.

“No!” Alli screamed when the fear started gripping her until her eyes were rolling backward. Her body stiffened with a coldness so terrible gripping her. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced before and it made her feel alone and defeated. She shuddered as her body trembled and her knees threatened to buckle underneath her. “No...no...no...” She whimpered as she tried to fight him off and catch her breath.

Asari rushed forward and grabbed Alli before she fell onto the floor. People pushed and shoved their way out of the hall so Asari had to create a barrier around them to prevent them from getting stomped on. She clapped her hands in front of her and as she moved her palms away from each other, a sphere of energy appeared. She waited until it was the size of a basketball then she shoved it into Alli’s chest.

A scream tore from her as the fiery fingers seared their way through her chest and up into her head where it began seeking out the cold and dreadful fear-fingers that were tainting every thought and memory of her life. The fear began to subdue and she was surrounded by heat and assurance.

A malicious hiss of retaliation echoed in her mind.

“What did you do to her?” Ruvin asked as Alli suddenly slumped against Asari.

“I put a barrier around her mind so that Torin doesn’t trigger her fear. The more she fears the more she releases her energy and the quicker Torin will be able to tap into it and feed.” Asari explained.

“You are his daughter, how come he has not tried feeding on you?“Ruvin asked.

Alli saw the dark shadows that suddenly appeared in Asari’s eyes. “My mother was a Mage of Cure. She knew a thing or two about blocking or bonding spells so when she had me, she had a feeling that my life was in danger so she weaved a binding spell on me. When Torin tried to feed off me, my spirit bonded with his which meant that if he killed me, he would have died too. I managed to weaken him and I knew the three fathers were still after him. We were both dying but with his last strength, he managed to lock us up deep in the earth and mask us so that we couldn’t be found. He did that because he knew it was only a matter of time until he was found and destroyed...but the funny thing was that when I woke up, I was in this realm with no recollection of how long I was in the earth and how I got here. Later I realized Torin had been risen by a cunning sorcerer and since we were bonded together I rose up too. I continued hunting for him and since then, he has managed to kill me three times but I always come back. Back then, my enchanted locks were strong and they kept him away for years but now, he is so strong that I am lucky if they last a month!”

“So, does that mean you will die if we find and destroy the sorcerer and make Torin mortal again and kill him?” Alli asked weakly not wanting to believe that that was the fate Asari had in that world.

A sad smile appeared on her face. “A small price I have to pay for ridding this world of such a being--”

The wall glass behind them crashed and three monstrous wolves entered snapping and snarling.

“What the fuck?” Faelen blanched as Vixen released him and went to fend off the attacks of the mutants.

“Not these fuckers again,” Titus muttered darkly as he removed his guns from the small of his back and pointed them at the monsters.

“Get everyone out of here!” California, who Alli hadn’t seen the whole day, came charging in with his men.

And that was when the stampede started with everyone rushing for the door. Some of the people fell and others stepped over them to try and get out.

Alli could have sworn she heard bones breaking. She watched helplessly as the monstrous wolves started attacking, grabbing random wolves in their jaws and tossing them out of the way. Alli was being shielded by Ruvin, Asari, Corleen, and Titus from all angles. She watched as California and the others attacked the wolves with everything they had. Unfortunately, those were not the only ones that gate-crashed their party.

Mutated Vargas poured in with bloodlust written in their eyes behind the monstrous wolves. These must have been the wolves the hunters kept on snatching away at every full moon. One way of turning wolves into Vargas was to lock them up for long periods of time, especially during full-moons, and drive them crazy with bloodlust until they could think of nothing else but murder then release them and let them make their first hunt. Alli watched in horror as one yanked someone’s head back, exposing their neck to him and he sank his hideously sharp teeth into it. The crunching and slurping sounds were horrible as the Varga ripped away at their throat and Alli wished she could just drown the sounds out.

“Get Alli out of here!” Ruvin roared as he pushed Alli towards Corleen and Asari! He embraced the change with his body enlarging and fur rippling against his skin.

Ruvin’s roar was pure retribution and retaliation against anyone who thought to harm his mate. Alli thought his immense size would not stop expanding as he continued to stretch in front of her. She had never seen anything like it and when she stole a glance towards Faelen and the Wolfen, they too were all stunned by the transformation. Even Deidre, Jerkins, and Monroe who were doing their own attempts to stop the Vargas were momentarily staggered by Ruvin. The House of Five members were strong with Deidre flipping her wrist and causing Vargas to fly across the hall. Jerkins just needed to stare at them and blood started flowing from the mutants' noses and mouths as they screamed in agony. Monroe sent invisible blades across the room that sliced off heads and other body parts. It was gruesome!

By the time Ruvin was done, a very large pale-furred man-wolf combo stood in his place. He arched back and howled loudly, the window clattering in their hinges. When he took a step forward, the earth trembled.

He was like a wolf-god, one without an equal, and even the Vargas hesitated to cross him.

Vixen and Raul embraced for their change and went into the fight. The unfortunate part was that the weakbloods couldn’t transform due to the absence of the full moon but no doubt they still had their strength, speed, and agility.

“Get them out right now!” Blake brought over the shaken Donny to them. He came face to face with Louise whose eyes narrowed at him then went down to Donny.

To Alli’s surprise, Louise brushed past him and went in for the battle too. Blake was right behind, his bones popping and elongating, his body enlarging and fur undulating on his body until finally, he was that large black wolf that scared the hell out of Alli the night at the park after Conrad’s death.

Alli was dragged out of the corridor with Donny behind her. Corleen had both her guns out and had quickly kicked off her heels. Alli caught sight of leather boots underneath Asari’s dress. She had come prepared.

More Vargas spilled from the corridors, ripping their claws into anyone they met along the way. One of the Wolfen representatives appeared in front of them.

“Lord Tucker!” Corleen exclaimed.

He suddenly grabbed Alli and roughly yanked her from the circle. “They want her! If we want to survive, we need to make small sacrifices!”

Corleen aimed her gun straight at Tucker’s head. “Unhand her!”

“Corleen, get a fucking grip! Why would you protect one person at the expense of the whole wolf community?” Tucker barked, his cold fingers tightening on Alli’s arm to the point of pain. She clawed at him trying to get free but he didn’t let her go and the Vargas behind him were getting closer.

“Lord Tucker, final warning. Unhand. My. Sister!” Corleen corked her gun.

“Why do you even bother with talking?” Asari gritted her teeth and flipped her wrist.

Tucker’s body slammed hard against the wall.

“But how did he know they want Alli?” Donny asked, her expression terrified.

“He must be one of the Wolfen involved with Torin,” Corleen said as the first wave of Vargas reached them and she shot them straight on their heads.

“I can sense a subtle corrupted energy on him.” Asari removed her blade from underneath her dress and sent it flying across the air. She twisted her fingers and the blade twirled around like a screwdriver, splitting into several of them and passing through the Vargas′ hearts, leaving behind a gaping hole.

Alli looked at the male collapsed on the floor and true enough he had the disintegrating sorcerer energy. Why didn’t the sorcerer tell them that once they were under his protection, as his tainted energy on them disintegrated, they all died with it?

“We need to find the sorcerer first,” Alli told them weakly. “He is killing too many wolves with his tainted energy.”

“No, we need to get you out of here.” Corleen objected.

Alli turned to Asari. “I want you to help me with something, Asari. This is the only way I can stay safe.”

“What is it, Alli?” Asari asked.

Alli looked apologetically at both her sisters. She knew none of them would like it. “We need to get Donny to safety first.”

“I am not leaving you in here!” Donny’s voice trembled. “I don’t even know what are the fates of Louise, Aunt Alyse, and Blake but I will certainly not leave you here as well.”

“Donny, there is a madman that is following me around. He has already killed my other siblings and now he wants me. If I leave with you, he will follow me and hurt anyone who stands in his way. This is the only way I can protect you.” Alli explained.

A whimper escaped Donny’s lips as she hugged Alli tightly. “I love you, Alli! You are more than a sister to me.”

Alli hugged Donny back feeling tears brimming up in her eyes. “I love you too, Donny. Stay safe.”

Donny nodded and gave Alli an encouraging hand squeeze before she followed Corleen out of the building pausing every few minutes to make sure no mutant Vargas or monstrous wolves were around the corner.

Where was Torin? Ruvin wondered as he slashed through the Vargas. One monstrous wolf approached him and Ruvin grabbed his head then twisted it and slammed it against the floor. Faelen had not been able to escape and he was surrounded by Vargas but the good thing was that the male was not hopeless. He fought viciously, bringing down several Vargas on his own.

Vixen’s cat was wounded as she fought with one of the mutant wolves but she didn’t falter. Several of Faleen’s warriors staggered on their feet with fatigue but they fought back with everything they had.

Ruvin was rather impressed by the two males and one female who were introduced as the House of Five. They had immense abilities but they were wearing out.

Where was the fifth member?

Three more monstrous wolves entered the hall and howled. One of them was carrying the infamous Torin. The male had a maniacal expression on his pale face as he scanned the area. A depraved smile appeared on his face. It seemed like he really enjoyed the sight of people dying all around and blood running on the ground in rivulets.

“Hey, commander! Guess who answered the call for backup?” Indigo called out managing a smirk amidst all the chaos.

Ruvin turned around and his soul stuttered.

Silver eyes were alternating between white and silver stared at him and at the scene. Ruvin hoped the rage he saw behind the eyes was not directed at him. Suddenly Mage began appearing in random areas of the halls; Constantine, Vincent, Amun, and Sheila. They carried passengers including Alderon--a fierce pureblood dragon, Monarch--an assassin shifter in his own right, and Colby--a pureblood Leo and a master in the clean cuts that Ruvin wondered if he was ever a butcher in his past life.

Zach stood beside the Lord Mage and grinned maliciously but Ruvin was positive the male had no idea how relieved he was to see all of them.

“You fucking pup! Why didn’t you tell me you were in a war with Torin?” The Lord Mage barked sending a ripple of energy through the air that toppled everyone over including the weakbloods.

“I sent you a letter. You were supposed to have received it by now!” Ruvin answered sarcastically! How the fuck was he supposed to know that Torin was the hell-riser of the human world!

The Lord Mage roared and began zapping the Vargas while Zach and his Mage attacked the remaining monstrous wolves. This looked awfully familiar which made Ruvin wonder just who the mastermind sorcerer was behind the attack.

It reminded him so much of the attack in the Realm of the Dark where Rowan used his pawns to attack the Black Fortress while he waited on the sidelines.

“Torin!” The Lord Mage bellowed. “This time you will die for real!”

“You could never defeat me, Lord Mage...” Torin hissed.

The Lord Mage attacked but his attack was countered by a shadow that suddenly blurred in front of him. Ruvin narrowed his eyes as shadows blurred around the Vargas slicing and dicing. He sniffed lightly and a growl escaped his lips.

The Nosferatu!

As if on cue, the blur in front of the Lord Mage solidified revealing someone Ruvin did not want to meet in the shadows alone. The face he had reminded him so much of Constantine. It was a face of a fallen angel hiding the predator behind it.

His ethereal beauty made Ruvin’s very soul dread it. He must have been very ancient because his very presence spoke of power...that and the fact that he wore a fucking suit to a fight!

Was that Armani? Clad in all black, the Nosferatu moved back from the Lord Mage and quirked an eyebrow at him then Ruvin caught the slight inclination of his head to the Lord Mage...so slight that most people wouldn’t have caught it.

Back in the Enchanted World, the Nosferatu were native to the Realm of The Dark so basically, they were under the Dark King’s rule.

The Nosferatu stood in front of four other lethal predators each one with unearthly beauty that made Ruvin very uncomfortable when looking at it. One of them was a familiar slight body with cork-screw brown locks on her head. She was someone he came to know recently.


“Oh, your girlfriend is here and she brought her playmates. The more the merrier.” Zach teased Ruvin as he wrestled down a Varga and thrust his hand wrist-deep into his chest before yanking out the pulsing heart and tossing it away.

“Sheyster must have called them to the party.” Ruvin guessed. “I am surprised she hasn’t told Drake about it.” Ruvin grabbed another Varga and twisted his head. The head snapped in an awkward angle as he fell down.

“I have no time for this!” Torin echoed as he started moving forward.

Blake and Raul’s beasts intercepted him but both were shoved mercilessly out of the way landing with loud thuds on the floor. They both whined in pain at the same time. The Lord Mage stalked forward with his signature double swords but Torin merely smirked.

“I can’t be destroyed, Lord Mage.” He announced.

“That could be true but only for as long as your sorcerer is alive. I have a team searching for him right this instant.”

Torin’s smirk faltered as he roared and went to attack the Lord Mage but the Nosferatu in the Armani suit intercepted again. He had no weapon in his hands but his punch sparked as it came into contact with Torin’s cheek.

Torin staggered back. “Why have you risen, Gabryel? Did my father send you?”

So, that was the spoken-of Gabryel? Ruvin thought as one of the monstrous wolves lunged itself at him and Zach.

“Your father wants you home,” Gabryel answered his voice so hypnotic and persuasive that it had everyone shake their heads to ward off its effects.

“My father wants me dead but as you can see, I am immortal.” Torin raised his hands up and grinned with cruelty. “You should go back to him and tell him I am coming for his head--right after I feed.” He suddenly attacked Gabryel but the male was too quick and his reflexes were on point as if he knew exactly what Torin was going to do.

Everyone attacked at the same time. Aro and the other three Nosferatu brought down the remaining Vargas, like lines of dominoes. This was the first time Ruvin had seen them in action and it was quite impressive!

The Mage sent energy balls towards the last two monstrous wolves. Alderone managed to cover his body in his Dragon scales but he couldn’t breathe out a fire to save his life! He had to settle for his claws and his teeth!

Some of the warriors were injured. Vixen’s cat was bleeding from several cuts around her body. Most of Corleen’s team was wounded the worst with gushes around their faces and bodies but no one was backing down. Even Faelen and the House of Five, though wounded and tired, were still holding on!

They reduced the number of Vargas tremendously and so many bodies littered the hall and corridors.

There were several weakbloods that paid with their lives, their sightless eyes looking up in terror. Ruvin felt sorry for them but he had never seen a battle where no innocents died. The numbers would have been greatly reduced if they heed his warning and escaped while they could.

“A little help here this century will be highly appreciated!” Zach yelled as the monstrous wolf snapped his teeth on Zach’s shoulder and dragged him up ready to throw him across the room.

Ruvin growled and went to attack the mutant, punching and slashing on his sides, bleeding him to death.

“I absolutely refuse that idea!” Asari exclaimed when Alli told her what she was thinking of doing. “What if something goes wrong? What if Torin gets his hands on you and I can’t save you in time?”

“Asari, it is the only way.” Alli sighed softly feeling Torin’s icy fingers crawling over her mind, trying to find a weakness in Asari’s enchantment. She could feel him seeking out the source of her abilities and energy along the way.

Torin was positive that she wouldn’t end up dead like the others but Alli wasn’t so sure. What if he ended up draining her like her other siblings?

“But how do you know such a thing would work?” Asari asked her, her eyes concerned and fearful.

“Because I called for my mother when I was in distress and she told me what I had to do,” Alli assured her half-sister.

She couldn’t believe she had two kick-ass sisters and she was the weak link!

“Alli, are you sure?” Asari asked anxiously.

“Trust me, Asari. It’s the only way.” Alli gritted her teeth against Torin’s invasion. She could feel that Asari’s enchantment was losing its credibility and soon enough she would be filled with fear and have her eyes turn in her skull once more.

Asari helped Alli stand up straight as they turned back to where they came from.

Alli was glad Corleen wasn’t there to witness this gamble with her life because she had taken Donny to safety. Alli knew how stubborn Corleen could get and if she stomped her foot down and told her no, there was never going to be a way around it.

There were so many bodies on the floor. Some were gruesome to look at. So much blood was spurted on the walls. All she could hear was terrible groans of pain, gunshots, and slashing of blades against flesh and bones.

Alli....come to me....she heard the hiss in her head. It was one that promised her nothing more than pain and dread.

Torin had managed to crack through the enchantment Asari had woven in her mind.

Ylva reacted to the immediate danger Alli was in as her eyes began rolling backward again.

“Alli! Hold on! Just a little more!” Asari’s voice rang but Alli couldn’t fight the fear crawling against her skin like angry ants and buzzing in her head like drones wanting to come out.

A chill cast itself against her skin as her knees buckled and she dropped to the ground just outside the hall.

The sight in front of her was blurry but she could notice Ruvin from a mile away. He was angry as he fought off the last remaining mutant wolf. Several Vargas were caught and were being watched over by what looked like other Mage.

Indigo was swinging what looked like a fiery violet whip against the Vargas. Alli was utterly dumbfounded by the petite-bodied Indigo. She looked very dangerous....fighting next to a large man who had white energy pulsing through him. He was entirely light with no darkness in him.

She saw so many faces that she recognized and so many that she didn’t and it felt as if her life was flashing before her eyes. She didn’t know why but suddenly she started recalling everything that had happened in her life.

She saw her sister’s subtle smile when she had graduated from high school. She saw Donny and her taking photos on a night out in town. She recalled the first time Tyson kissed her and asked that they started dating. She remembered the first time she said something ridiculous to Titus and had him laugh about it instead of getting angry.

Xavier appeared in front of her, ruffling her hair and smiling down at her after he managed to get her to apologize to Corleen after a little argument concerning a curfew. He faded behind a blinding light before her mother appeared and touched her cheek lightly then placed a kiss on her forehead before disappearing into the light too.

That’s it...Alli...feed on the memories and tap into your energy...Torin hissed to her.

Alli couldn’t control her emotions as they swelled deep within her. She took a deep breath trying to keep her tears at bay but they flowed freely. Suddenly she felt it. Even Ylva sprang up into action. She was trying to emerge fully and let Alli transform but this new feeling was keeping her at bay.

“Alli! No!” She heard Ruvin rasp.

Tears rang down her eyes as something trickled down her nose.

“Oh Heavens, the energy is killing her!” Asari exclaimed.

But Alli had never felt freer than she did at that moment. She closed her eyes as more tears escaped her eyes. Her energy swelled from her chest as it emerged causing everything around them to whip around in a whirlwind!

“Alli! You have to stop! Stop right now!” Ruvin barked, dashing to her but suddenly Torin had disappeared from the assassin in the black suit and appeared right in front of Alli.

Asari tried to fight him off but Torin simply grabbed her neck and shoved her away just as Zach also turned towards Alli.

“Torin, you get away from her!” Ruvin roared with such intensity that it had Alli jump in shock.

“Yes, my sweet!” Torin’s dark eyes widened with satisfaction and greed as he embraced Alli in his arms. “That’s it! Release it all.”

Soon Alli and Torin were engulfed in a bubble of energy, lifting them up from the ground. Alli turned her face to the man who was supposedly her father. He looked so beautiful yet so ugly at the same time. His face looked drawn and his dark eyes a little tired.

This was the man who fed off from his own children, killing them without a thought of remorse. He was selfish and greedy and now he was after her.

“Father?” She called to him, feeling more blood running down her nose and mouth.

Torin’s ugly face faltered and for a moment it looked as though some sort of emotion had entered his eyes. He looked down at her like the way a loving father would a daughter and touched her cheek with his cold hands.

“My sweet Alli. My salvation.” He said softly.

Alli, baby...fight him. I know you are strong. I know you are able to fight him so please fight him for me! The anguish in Ruvin’s voice made Alli’s heart break into a thousand pieces.

Alli, I love you! Ruvin cried. I love you too damn much to lose you!

Alli closed her eyes and let more tears run down her cheeks as she circled her arms and held onto her father tightly. She couldn’t bear the pain anymore. She needed to escape it all.

“Hold on, Daddy. We are going home.” She said, choking on the blood that was now running down her mouth to her neck and her beautiful cream dress.

She felt Torin stiffen against her and try to push her off but it was too late. Asari quickly managed to grab the two of them and flashed them out of there and towards the gateway in Devil’s Peak.

“Alli!” It was the last thing Alli heard from Ruvin before the whole world went black...

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