Chapter 22

Debut Night...

“Hello!” Donny exclaimed as she managed to enter Alli’s room without even knocking. Luckily Alli was already dressed and was just putting on the finishing touches on her face. A dash of makeup, nothing too much to get smeared by her lace mask. “Wow, that’s an awesome dress.”

Donny referred to the last-minute dress she got after she miserably lost her case to Titus and Corleen when she tried to plead with them to allow her not to attend the Debut Night. Corleen still didn’t tell Alli what she found out from the human hunters at the Ghost Runners’ hideout but suddenly she was very cautious even within the Faelen Fortress premises.

“Not as great as yours.” Alli turned to Donny and grinned pushing that morning and afternoon events to the back of her mind.

“People are already filling up. I saw the Wolfen entering too.” She made a disgusted face but quickly sighed. “I can’t wait to see Blake.”

“Did you resolve your problems with Louise?” Alli applied her mascara.

Donny sighed and slumped on one of the chairs. “He doesn’t even want to see my face.” She smiled bitterly. “It’s ironic how he once was very affectionate towards me and Corleen wasn’t so much to you yet now Corleen doesn’t even want to leave your side while Louise can’t even bear a second in my presence.”

“He will come around, Donny. I know Louise loves you very much. He is just...shocked.” Alli turned to Donny then went to sit beside her. “I can only imagine how Corleen would react when she finds out that Ruvin is my true mate. I think the two of us will only have each other, Donny, because both our families will disown us.”

“I am just surprised that neither Titus nor Louise has told Lord Faelen about the Enchanted beings,” Donny said softly.

“Yeah, Corleen too. I mean she knows each one of the Ghost Runners by face.” Alli narrowed her eyes pensively. “I asked her about what she thought was happening and she is very sure that someone within the fortress is in charge of everything happening- not Faelen himself. It’s so strange that since I have been staying here, Faelen has been acting very strangely, almost lovingly towards me-”

“Do you think he is in love with you?” Donny’s eyes widened.

“Ew!” Alli made a disgusted face while elbowing Donny. “I was dating his son for crying out loud!”

“But what if he wants to claim you for himself? You know no one can go against the Clan Leader’s claim, right?”

“Donny!” Alli wailed. She couldn’t even comprehend what she would do if something like that ever happened. She just hoped it was just the fatherly love he felt for her.

“Come on you two. The Wolfen are here and they want to see all the newly transformed wolves.” Corleen peered from the door.

“I heard it is customary for the Wolfen males to see the newly transformed wolves so that they can select their mistresses. You know that the Wolfen can’t marry common bloods right? But I have heard rumors that many have taken mistresses from commoners.” Donny whispered to Alli as they made their way out behind Corleen then giggled. “Imagine what it would be like knowing you were the son or daughter of such an agreement!” Donny laughed harder.

Corleen gave Donny a guarded look and Alli didn’t miss it.

Corleen took them into a room Alli had never been to before. They quickly placed their masks over their eyes and inside the room were the older Wolfen males, all masked and all wearing red and white sashes over their chests that were marked with different ribbons depending on which family they represented. Alli didn’t know the colors well but she was sure the crimson belonged to the Geordan Wolfen family, the ocean blue belonged to the Boxwell, the gold was for the Noble, and forest green was Lykios Wolfen family.

“Come on in ladies.” A tall and slender man wearing a silver sash came forward with a very intimidating smile on his face.

Alli turned around and saw that Corleen was standing at the door, her face hard and her body tight in alert. She looked at the other people in the room and noticed they were five more girls and fours boys, all having their masks on. But one was was surely familiar; a black bobbed head. That was no one other than Robin and she was standing in the far end with another tall man beside her.

“Congratulations to all of you for surviving the transformation this month. As you all know, not everyone makes it out alive but we are fortunate not to lose anyone this month....” He hesitated a little because in that month they had lost yet another wolf to Torin-but the Wolfen didn’t know it was Torin.

Yet again it seemed Corleen had not told them the full story about what truly happened to her at the graveyard.

“....all in all, you are all active wolves now. This means some of you might turn out to be trackers or hunters. Some of you might possess good abilities that will benefit the wolf community and most of you will be claimed and will breed.” He emphasized one the last sentence and Alli’s mind whipped itself towards Ruvin.

Was he truly going to come and claim her that evening?

Suddenly Ylva emerged from where she was hiding in alert. Alli’s eyes turned infra-red as she searched for something. Alli gasped out loudly catching the attention of a few.

Not now, Ylva.

Someone in here is not what they seem. Ylva whispered as she started collecting data for everyone there. All the readings from their body temperatures to their auras and energies seemed normal. They are masking it too well but there is a subtle energy that reads off. Be careful, Keeper.

Okay. She turned to Corleen and for the first time ever since she transformed, she connected to her psychically. Corleen, there is danger in this room.

Corleen didn’t so much as show any reaction and it seemed as if she didn’t hear her. As Alli was about to push harder, Corleen’s reply shimmered into Alli’s mind. I know.

Is this what the human hunters told you, Corleen? That the Wolfen were involved? Alli quickly asked. She was always very quick to puzzle things together.

Alli, I don’t want you to involve yourself in this. I want you to stay away from danger. I still don’t know who it is but if you show your suspicions, you might get hurt. Corleen said softly.

“.....some of you already have someone who has already shown their interests but for those who haven’t....know that you were meant to have a bigger role in life.” He said.

What was this man yapping about? Alli thought irritatedly as she looked around trying to find anything that gave the culprit away but the unfortunate part was that they were all in masks and she couldn’t tell who was who.

“We all know of the Wolfen wolves to have abilities....” He sounded too proud for his own good, Alli almost scoffed out loudly but she felt someone elbow her lightly on her side. She looked at Donny and she was scowling at her. Alli rolled her eyes and clamped her mouth shut.

“But we know of yet one more wolf that has transformed in an unnatural way-Alli, please step forward.”

All of a sudden Alli caught Corleen tensing at the door. Even the other men behind the talker tensed. Alli felt her heart quicken in her ribs. She was not told of this sort of humiliation. So, what was this, some sort of freak show? Show me yours and I will show mine sorta shit? Alli stood her ground and made no effort whatsoever to move forward.

“Alli?” The man called again and this time Donny gave her a little push forward.

Donny, that little traitor. Alli thought as she gingerly stepped forward and had everyone look at her as if she had sprouted yet another head.

“Never in all my years of living have I ever seen anything like this before.” He breathed in hard, his blue eyes curious and a little fearful at the same time. “It is a miracle that you are even alive.”

“It is also unheard of and she should not be among the others.” Another man hissed but the first man held up his hand to hush him.

“She is still a member of this clan and since she is closely monitored and no other anomalies have appeared, she has the right to stand with the others.”

“She has a gift.” A familiar voice stated softly and the blond moved forward.

It was hell’s angel, Charissa. How could Alli have missed her?

“It is like that of our mother.” Corleen quickly intervened.

“I can’t tell for sure what it is because she blocks me.” Charissa continued as if Corleen had not spoken.

“You have a very nasty way of creeping into people’s minds and it is super annoying.” Alli gritted her teeth at the female.

“Alli,” Donny growled to her in a warning. “She’s Wolfen.”

“She’s a pest,” Alli growled back and Charissa caught the insult.

Suddenly a fiery sensation engulfed Alli’s head and it felt as if her mind was being torn apart! She whimpered softly but her fury rose up like a tidal wave and Ylva slammed her mind block so hard, pushing Charissa out her mind with so much strength that Charissa yelped in pain, and blood began trickling down her nose.

“See!” The man who didn’t want Alli there stepped forward. “She is a threat to us and she should not be here! She should not be alive, to begin with. The clan leader should have her terminated!”

“Shut your mouth, Zayn!” The first man growled.

Corleen took a threatening step forward but Alli quickly stopped her.

Please don’t intervene, Corleen.

Don’t show them the extent of your abilities, Alli or they will not hesitate to have you killed, with or without Lord Faelen’s command. Corleen said cautiously.

A shiver ran down her spine and knew who had just arrived. The Ghost Runners are here, Corleen.

For the first time ever since stepping into that room, Corleen reacted, her eyes widening a bit. What the fuck are they doing here?

Alli couldn’t find it in herself to tell her the truth so she just clamped her mouth shut.

“If this is over, I think it is about time we head back downstairs. The clan leader is waiting.” Corleen quickly said.

The first man turned to her and gave her a little nod. “Fine, let’s get out of here.”

Alli sighed and as she was about to leave with the others, Zayn grabbed her hand and jerked her forcefully from the group.

“I will not rest until you are terminated from this clan.” He growled at her.

Alli felt Ylva propel into action but before she could, color bled out in front of her and Zayn was suddenly staring at her with dead eyes and a terrible slash on his neck. It looked like a Vampire had fed off him viciously.

“Unhand me!” Alli snarled back making sure Ylva surfaced enough to make the male’s face ashen for a second. She yanked her hand away before Corleen could react and walked off.

Security was a little tighter than usual, Ruvin noticed as he entered with Raul, Willow, Vixen, and Indigo. Lukas couldn’t even start thinking about leaving Izzy’s side and Edon, though awake, was still a little disoriented. Tron promised to keep everything in order with Briar. The two of them were at it again, Ruvin thought. Though they were good at acting as if nothing was happening, scents never lied and both of them reeked of each moment they passed in front of him.

“A surprise seeing you here.” A thick familiar voice sounded behind him and when he turned, he was irritated to discover Blake had somehow figured him out.

“How did you know?” Ruvin asked him.

“You are the only one with an energy level that is about to collapse the entire fortress. It is peculiar how the weakbloods have not sensed it yet.” Blake shrugged as he looked a Ruvin through his silver and black mask that went down to his cheeks.

Ruvin smirked. “I have masked myself but I guess enchanted beings can’t be lied to.”

Ruvin turned to the weakblood community that had gathered there. Every weakblood who was somebody was there. It was an event that occurred once a month but it was something no one wanted to miss and surely enough Ruvin was able to pick up energies of the stronger wolf bloodlines; the Wolfen.

They separated themselves from the others, standing among themselves on a mezzanine floor of the hall while looking down at the commoners quietly. The Wolfen reminded Ruvin so much of the Nobles back in the enchanted world but unlike here, the Nobles were always put in their place by the Lord Mage.

Where are you? Ruvin searched the entire hall for Alli but she was nowhere in sight.

Coming. She sounded a little off. Oh, and by the way, Corleen knows you are here.

A cruel smile appeared on Ruvin’s face. All the better. Have you told her yet?

Alli hesitated for a moment which meant she hadn’t told Corleen that he was there to claim her. Ruvin had a feeling that was going to be a very long night for all of them.

“Blake...” a sultry voice purred from behind them and when they turned, Ruvin was surprised for not seeing Donny but seeing someone else. She had a cheeky smile on her face as she placed her hand on Blake’s shoulder. “Fancy seeing you here. Are you really going to go through with this for a girl barely out of college?”

Blake removed the woman’s hand from him rigidly and nodded. “Yes, I am claiming your niece, Alyse.”

The woman--Alyse--shrugged softly and sighed fitting her mask properly before laying her eyes on Ruvin. “And who is your friend? Perhaps he is more fun than you are.”

“I am taken.” Ruvin didn’t wait to hear anything else from Alyse and made his way towards the center of the hall looking for Alli.

Ruvin was no stranger to glances and appreciative gestures from people around him. Even with the mask on, somehow he had managed to capture the attention of the weakbloods who were suddenly whispering behind their hands and giggling.

This also happened to the others he came with and Ruvin hoped this thing would just start so that they didn’t catch too much attention on themselves before getting what they were really there for.

Ruvin was there for two reasons; to claim Alli and to find the Wolfen male responsible for the death of Quentin. Finally, after a thorough session with Tron which left the human hunters bleeding but with not even a single lesion on their bodies, they talked. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the male’s identity but they were sure it was a Wolfen.

This weakblood believed that Lord Faelen was not doing a good job as a Clan Leader because he was giving too much attention to the commoners while the Wolfen suffered. This rogue wanted Faelen to be removed from being the clan leader and placing a Wolfen who understood the importance of watching over the bloodlines. He wanted to eradicate Lord Faelen’s entire bloodline and all those who were loyal to him.

If the Lord Mage had been there, he would not allow such a thing! Everyone had equal rights in a community!

“I am catching some bad vibes up in here. I need to speak with Alli as soon as possible.” Indigo suddenly came forward, wearing a black dress with violet silk ribbons here and there that matched with her hair. Her black lace butterfly-like mask brought out her dark eyes that were surrounded by violet and black eyeshadow.

It was a hustle bringing Indigo with them tonight because she would have rather remained at the house looking out for Jake than come with them but Ruvin knew how important she was. She was good at picking up things others couldn’t and interpreting them fast...and also she was desperate to talk to Alli but Ruvin couldn’t get the female to tell him what it was about. Indigo insisted that Alli needed to know first before anyone else.

“Like the Dark Energy?” Ruvin asked cautiously.

“Yeah...” Indigo shivered and scanned the hallway. “Let me take a good look around. Tell everyone else to be on the lookout.” She quickly slipped into the crowd, people unaware of what she was but very attracted to her.

Indigo slipped her hands into the pockets of her skirt to make sure she didn’t touch anyone and cause chaos.

I’m in the hall, where are you? Alli sounded breathless.

What happened? Ruvin pushed his way through the sea of people trying to find his mate.

I have a bad feeling about this night. Not everyone is happy with me being here and I saw something terrible when I touched someone. I don’t know when it will happen but one of the wolves will be killed by a Vampire. Alli said desperately.

There is a truce between the Nosferatu and the Lycan Beasts. If that truce is ever broken by either side, there could be a full-blown war between the species again. Ruvin made it to the other side and came face to face with Alli.

His whole world staggered in its foundation when he laid his eyes on her. She must have been the most beautiful weakblood there because suddenly he had completely forgotten about everyone else around him. He could only see her. She wore a beautiful, cream silk and chiffon dress that flowed all the way to the floor. She wore a matching mask and Ruvin would not have known it was her until he saw her beautiful eyes.

Tell that to Torin who has been feeding off the wolves. She whispered into his mind but he noticed how her body language had suddenly changed upon seeing him.

Torin will not threaten you tonight. I am here and I will protect you. He assured her.

“I thought you would not come.” She said softly but her voice was thick with unknown emotions. It made Ruvin want to move forward and hug her then shelter her from any evil that wanted to harm her.

She was still too young yet she had seen and experienced so much evil in such a short period of time. On top of all of that, she was carrying a heavy burden of a gift that was weighing heavily on her body.

Indigo had told him what happened at the graveyard. She also managed to persuade Alli to allow her to do a blood map for her. Alli agreed but Indigo withheld the results with the reason that Alli needed to know first.

One unnerving thought about Alli was that she fitted too well with the descriptions of the other three dead weakbloods who were drained by Torin. While some were raised by other relatives after their parents were killed off, Alli never knew her father and lost her mother at a tender age.

“And let every other male in this hall claim you?” He asked tightly.

A nervous smile appeared on her face. “Not everyone wants to claim me, you know. There is one who wants me dead.”

“Then I will have to start off with him tonight,” Ruvin assured her. No one threatened his mate and lived to talk about it.

“You don’t have to. He is the one I saw getting killed by a Vampire.” She told him.

“What are you doing here?” Corleen appeared and hissed at Ruvin.

“I am here to officially meet Faelen,” Ruvin answered.

“Are you insane? Lord Faelen will have you and your team executed before you can even make it out that door.” Corleen gritted her teeth looking around.

Ruvin had to admit that the female cleaned up well, wearing the gray chiffon dress that fell to her feet hugging all the right places. She looked feminine and beautiful. “Lord Faelen can have the entire army here and that will never stop us from leaving this place--”

“Ladies and Gentlemen!” the voice boomed across the hall and the soft music faded as everyone turned to the man with the mic. Donny and Blake were nowhere to be seen. “I give you the six Wolfen family representatives!” The two females and four males sauntered into the room with their heads held high with an air of pride and prestige surrounding them. They took their seats as the male continued with the introductions. “I give you the House of Five!” He announced and people clapped their hands as only four members appeared, including Titus. Ruvin wondered where the other one was. They sat a little higher than the Wolfen representatives. “And finally, will everyone stand up and give a round of applause for the Clan Leader, Lord Faelen!” He announced with great enthusiasm and the male finally appeared.

Everyone cheered for him as he took his place in the throne-like chair above everyone else. On his side was another chair where Tyson, his son settled.

Just seeing the little brat made Ruvin’s blood boil. He dared to touch his mate at one time. He dared to kiss her and make empty promises to her. Without knowing, a low growl escaped his lips before he felt fingers curls into his. He snapped his head to the side and Alli was standing beside him.

“Alli, what are you doing?” Corleen demanded.

“Corleen, please try to understand?” Alli said softly, the fear in her voice thick.

“Understand what?” Corleen crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at her sister.

“Understand that I am your sister’s true mate,” Ruvin answered.

Corleen’s eyes widened and color leached from her face. Her arms dropped helplessly beside her as she eyed the both of them as if they had suddenly gone insane. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

Ruvin took a step forward, standing between Alli and her sister. He didn’t understand what was so complex about what he said. “It’s simple, Corleen. Tonight, I am claiming your sister.”

Corleen’s face hardened as she stared dead at Ruvin. “What are you playing at? I thanked you for saving me and didn’t out you and your team to Lord Faelen because I believed you were here for a good cause but now you want to claim my sister? Even I have a limit and you have just passed it, Ghost Runner."

“I am not asking for your permission, Corleen. I am just informing you. As an enchanted being, it is not easy for me to find my true mate and once it happens, the bond that not even the heavens can break is forged.” Ruvin assured her.

“Do you know how impossible it is to find a true mate in this world? How can you possibly find Alli as your mate?” Corleen hissed.

“Corleen, I want Ruvin to claim me too,” Alli said softly.

“Alli you are too young and you don’t know what you want.” Ruvin heard the pain behind Corleen’s voice. It seemed Corleen didn’t want Alli to be claimed because she didn’t want her sister to go through what she was forced to go through when her mate died.

“But I know I want Ruvin. With all my heart, I want him!” She exclaimed and made Ruvin’s heart thunder loudly in his chest.

He never thought there would come a day when Alli actually said those words. They were like music to his ears, a soothing balm over his painful heart.

His arm tightened around her waist, pulling her close to him just as Faelen got up to make a short speech and open the Debut Night.

“Alli.....” Corleen sounded defeated. She reached forward and tucked a loose lock behind Alli’s ear. “Having a mate is a very hard decision and having an enchanted being as one....” Her voice faded.

Alli smirked. “I can handle this one, Corleen, don’t worry.”

Corleen turned to Ruvin and her eyes glazed over with her beast. “Hurt even a single hair on her head, beast, and I will hunt down to the fires of hell.” She growled.

Ruvin had never seen Corleen appear so scary as she did at that moment. He found himself wanting to take a step back. But how could he hurt his own mate? She was a true mate and the only thing that could separate them was death....and even that didn’t separate them for long because their souls managed to find each other even in the afterlife.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Alli squealed and jumped into Corleen’s arms but Corleen was not at all happy with the outcome. She kept a cautious eye trained at him.

“Ladies and gentlemen, before we proceed with tonight’s events, we need to acknowledge our newly transformed wolves.” Lord Faelen announced and everyone clapped. “We will start with the Wolfen families that have managed to have four newly transformed wolves....”

Ruvin snorted softly when he turned to the families sitting at the mezzanine floor with their chests out and their pride evident in their faces. These guys did not know power until they met the Lord Mage and pureblood beasts like him. He didn’t even see what the big fuss was. None of the bloodlines within the Wolfen families were considered strong bloodlines back in the enchanted world.

Three powerful Lycan bloodlines remained in the enchanted world and they made these guys look like diluted milk.

“Idonea and finally...Alli.” Alli took a deep breath and felt Ruvin squeeze her hand lightly before she passed between the people and made her way forward. She heard the whispers and saw the way people moved away from her. Alli didn’t really care what they thought of her. She lifted her head up and looked forward.

There is nothing wrong with you, Alli. You are perfect...Ruvin’s voice shimmered in her head making her smile.

I know. It is the reason why you can’t resist me, beast. She teased.

A chuckle echoed in her head. It’s the reason why I must claim you tonight, baby mate.

Alli....this new voice made Alli hesitate and take a quick sweep around her. Alli, he has woken up and he is coming for you tonight. I don’t know how he has managed to remove my lock so quickly but you have to get to safety, he is coming here!

Asari! Where are you? Alli almost tripped on her heels but someone quickly helped her.

“Right here.” Her voice came through and when Alli looked up from the hand that had steadied her, Asari was standing beside her.

Good God she was beautiful! Alli had never seen anyone like her. Her eyes were soft and warm, her face flawless behind her black lace mask. She had very noble-like features with high cheekbones, a perfectly tilted nose, and a perky chin but Alli knew just how dangerous she was and how her petite frame gave the illusion that she was harmless. If she remembered that night correctly, she could as well say that no one could take her on in that hall. She was too ancient and too talented to be beaten by mere wolves.

A soft smile appeared on her face. “A small price I paid for being Torin’s daughter; otherworldly beauty and strength.”

“Why are you helping me?” Alli whispered as they made their way forward.

“Because I failed to save the others and I believe there is something in you that can either strengthen or defeat Torin. If you can defeat Torin as predicted then you can save me.” Asari answered guiding Alli forward until she stood with the others.

Everyone stared at Asari in surprise because no one knew her. “Don’t feel bad that you are different. Embrace what you are and you will be surprised at what you can become....sister mine.”

Sister! Before Alli could ask anything, Asari disappeared into the swarm of people.

Asari is here. She says Torin is on his way. She broadcasted to Corleen and Ruvin who immediately went into action. From the coordinated movement she suddenly saw in the crowd, she could actually pinpoint where the Ghost Runners were.

“Who was that?” Donny pressed closer to her.

“A friend,” Alli answered simply not sure herself but her heart was beating frantically in her ribs. There were far too many innocents there. If Torin came and attacked...

She turned to Donny who had no idea how much danger was surrounding her. “Donny, when the time comes and I tell you to run, do it without asking questions okay?”

“What?” Donny whispered. “Alli you are scaring me.”

“I am trying to keep you safe now say you will do it,” Alli said to her.

“Fine, I will--but you have to come with me.” Donny was so stubborn sometimes.

“Fine.” Alli lied.

“We will have some wine and snacks and introductions before we announce the claiming for tonight.” Lord Faelen announced as everyone started moving around.

The House of Five got up from their seats and approached them.

“So, this is the girl who went through the moonless transformation?” One House of Five members who looked older than the others narrowed his eyes shrewdly at her.

“Yes, Jerkins.” Deidre beamed at him. “Pretty, isn’t she?”

“More like a handful really,” Titus muttered and Alli scowled at him.

“Well, at least she hasn’t sprouted furry ears and a tail,” Jerkins smirked at her. “We will have to keep her on our radar to see her progress,” Jerkins said softly then turned to the other newly transformed wolves.

Alli’s mind was not there. The moment the House of Five moved away she turned to leave when suddenly someone caught her hand. The repulsion she felt told her it was a male.

“What is it?” It was Titus and he looked a little concerned for her.

Alli heard the low growl reverberating in her head and she could tell wherever Ruvin was, he saw her with Titus.

“Keep your eyes peeled. You might have uninvited guests at any given time.” Alli warned him before removing her hand from his.

“What are you doing here, asshole?” She heard a familiar growl beside her and when she turned she found Louise confronting Blake. She rolled her eyes and quickly went in between Blake and Louise. Donny looked devastated by her brother’s actions but this was not the time. Everyone needed to be alert if Torin was coming. Before Alli could say anything Corleen moved in and grabbed Louise by his arm.

“Come with me.” She told him tightly.

“Not until I settle this once and for all.” Louise gritted his teeth at Blake.

“You don’t want to Tango with a Beast, Louise. Believe me.” Corleen’s arm tightened on Louise’s. “Now come with me.”

Louise looked like he was about to object but he knew better than to go against his superior. With one last disgusted stare at Blake, he walked away. Donny let out a soft sigh and turned to Blake who curled his arm around her and held her close.

“Please, take care of her,” Alli told him.

Blake nodded and kept Donny close to him as Alli rushed around to look for Ruvin.

“Alli! Alli!” She heard someone call her and when she turned she found Indigo rushing towards her, her eyes worried but accepting. When she got closer, she took Alli by the hand and led her out of the hall into the corridor where they were fewer people loitering around. “I need to tell you something.”

“Do you have to right now?” Alli asked because she couldn’t find Ruvin anywhere.

“Yes!” Indigo exclaimed then tried to calm down and said. “It is the reason why he is after you. Torin has used the old Mage scripts to find the one thing that could either save his soul or damn him for eternity. He has been culturing it all this time. Oh Heavens why didn’t I see this before?” She sounded so stressed and a little confusing.

“Indigo, calm down.” Alli grabbed the woman’s hands and tried to get her to calm down. “Start from the beginning.”

Indigo sighed and took a deep breath to try and calm herself. “Torin cannot feed on blood like any other Nosferatu. He feeds on life essence and this causes him to go into ground until he is hungry again. Because of the weakening of bloodlines especially here in the human realm, he has been culturing a food source, one that will not die out and will give him the sustenance he needs.”

“Why doesn’t he just return to the enchanted world?” Alli couldn’t understand why that monster was sticking around there killing off innocents.

“Because the moment he steps foot in the enchanted world, his father will awaken and end his life. He has been breeding with females from strong bloodlines but he failed several times. Someone must have shown him the solution because suddenly he started breeding with weakbloods. He could have stood a better chance at finding the ultimate solution from the Nosferatu but he wouldn’t dare go to them because they would hunt him down so he chose the weakbloods. These are the two bloodlines that created him and so by breeding with either bloodline, it was sure to give him an offspring that would become a food source for eternity.”

“Indigo you are going around in circles!” Alli was getting very anxious. “What does all that have to do with me!”

“You are the ultimate solution, Alli!” Indigo announced. “You are his final destination. You are either his salvation or his damnation--and the worst part is that...you are his daughter.”

Alli felt her world tilt on his axis and her knees buckle underneath her. Indigo yelped and caught her before she kissed the ground. It felt as if she were in a whirlpool and it was closing up around her, drowning away all the sounds and everything in front of her. She felt cold sweat trickling down her back.

It was not possible. She had a good descent man as her father and he loved her very much. He also loved her mother and Corleen very much. That...that monster was not her father. It couldn’t be. It just couldn’t!

“My guess is that all the other weakbloods he fed on were all his children, your half-brothers, and half-sister. He was looking for ones powerful enough to feed him but none of them survived. It was no wonder nothing was found on them, no punch marks yet no blood.” Indigo continued but Alli could barely hear what he was saying. “And then you came along. Your mother was an enchanted beast, Alli, a pureblood Lycanthrope. I recognized her bloodline through you. She was from a very prominent Lycan bloodline in the enchanted world. It explains how you are exceptional. It explains how you are a Death Walker. By combining Torin’s royal Lycan blood and your mother’s powerful blood, it created you, a powerful Lycan offspring--the one he had been searching for for a long time.”

“Stop!” Alli cried covering her ears. “Please, just stop!” She shook her head and screamed.

Alli! Ruvin, Asari, and Corleen all called to her at the same time but Alli couldn’t stop crying. This was all too much for her to contain. It was all too much to take in.

She was Torin’s daughter and he was hunting her down as a food source. How pathetic could she get? In all the confusion, Alli released her energy, feeling it expand around her like a bubble.

A hiss echoed in her head, one that brought chilling dread down her spine.

Found you...the hiss reverberated in her mind, turning it ice cold.


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