Chapter Chapter Four

Drake couldn’t sleep the whole night and it wasn’t because of Beina but he also felt a little unsettled. He ended up scouting the hallways of the residence bare-chested and barefooted to make sure everything was alright. It was late at night and all the helpers and the warriors were asleep. Only the guards were seen loitering around the hallways or in the yards.

As he rounded a corner, Drake’s ears pricked to the muffling sounds coming from the entertainment room. He made his way there and when he opened it, he found several of his warriors drinking and making idle conversation while others were bent over the pool table, knocking off some balls. When they saw him, they quickly got to their feet and bowed their heads to him. Drake noticed three Jinns were among the warriors. Now that there were strong relations between the Realm of Spells and the Realm of the Dark, both teams had recruited warriors from either side to strengthen the alliance.

“All is well?” Drake asked the warriors.

“What seems to be the problem, Commander?” Ryuu, a younger dragon smirked. “Had a bad dream?”

Drake turned irritatedly at the boy. “Yes and it was along the lines of me wringing your neck.”

The warriors howled and an older shifter named Tyfera ruffled Ryuu’s hair. “All is well, commander.”

“Good. You should go and get some rest. We have a very long day tomorrow.” Drake suggested.

Jira, a female Jinn came forward and scratched the back on her neck. “We, Jinns, hardly sleep so we will scout the premises for the night.”

Drake nodded. “Alright then, goodnight.”

The Jinns walked out while the others got themselves ready to go up to their quarters. Drake went back to scouting the corridors but all was well. He headed back to his chambers and as he was about to enter, he heard a soft whimper coming from Beina’s room. He stilled in his tracks and listened. Another short cry echoed from her room and Drake found himself stalking towards it. Red, who had been sate and lazily floating in his head suddenly spiked up in alert. No matter how happy and satisfied Red was, when it came to Beina he was always concerned.

“No, please!” Beina murmured between her cries.

“Beina?” Drake tried the door but it was locked. He knocked hard on it. “Beina, are you okay?”

“No, no, no! No more, please!” She cried louder.

Drake couldn’t wait any longer as he pushed his way in, leaving the door barely hanging on its hinges. His skin rippled with scales and his nails turned into claws as Red emerged, scanning the chambers for any immediate danger towards his keeper and his mate.

There is nothing here, keeper. He said to Drake.

Drake’s eyes turned to the female writhing and bucking on the bed. She was having a bad dream but her face was contorted into a mask of pain and terror as tears leaked from her closed eyes and ran down her temples. Her caramel skin was glistening with a thin sheet of sweat that had dampen even the small locks around her face.

She had managed to twist herself in the silk sheets, with her sleeping dress bunched up and riding high on her thighs. That was not the time for Drake to take in such details but he couldn’t help filling up and throbbing in his pants.

“No!” Beina’s body bucked from the bed and she would have tumbled down to the floor if Drake hadn’t caught her in his arms.

The moment he touched her, Beina’s violent jerks stopped and she calmed down. She mumbled incoherent words against his bare chest sending ripples of goosebumps through his body. He shuddered at the intensity of the mate bond. It grew stronger with every moment he spent under the same roof with her.

Beina snuggled deeper into his arms and when he wanted to place her back on her bed, a frown marred her face as she tightened her hold on him. Drake gritted his teeth. Could he handle having Beina in the same room and not wanting to claim her? As it was, Drake was barely holding on by the thread before his control finally snapped and he impaled her.

Drake placed Beina on her bed and stretched next to her. He brushed away the hairs on her face and saw that she was much calmer. Her erratic heartbeat slowed down and her hot skin cooled in the night breeze that streamed from the slightly opened windows.

Just when he thought he could pull off sleeping beside her without being tempted into anything, she placed her head on his shoulder and her lips settled lightly against his neck. Drake’s entire body stiffened at the mere touch. Her breath tickled the his skin and Drake found his eyes turning into violet slits as the beast in him went into primal mode. His hands curled into tight fists and his teeth ground against each other until he thought they were going to turn into powder.

That was going to be a very long night, he thought vehemently.

Maya felt warm and comfortable as she woke up that morning. She couldn’t remember the last time she had slept so well. She didn’t want to get up even though light was filtering through the gossamer curtains, coaxing her to open her eyes. She stretched leisurely and tossed over coming into contact with what felt like a warm brick wall. The last time she checked, her bed was in the middle of the room, not at the corner.

Her eyes flew open and settled themselves on a pair of violet ones churning with raw emotions. Her face blanched when she recognized who it was. Her hands flew up against him and she came in contact with his bare chest. She yelped and pushed back almost rolling off the bed if he hadn’t caught her at mid-fall. His arm wrung itself around her small waist and pulled on back up.

“Drake! What the hell are you doing in my room!” She demanded in exasperation and wonder. She could have sworn she locked her room last night. So how did he even get inside? She turned to the door and found the handle and one of the hinges broken. “You broke into my room, you perverted human being!”

She reached for one of the pillows and smacked it across Drake’s face. Drake groaned and rolled away from her. Maya saw the interesting tattoo pattern of what looked like spiky red and black scales running down the length of his spine. She had always had a thing for guys with tattoos so that was so cool!

“What are you doing in here? What did you do to me?” She continued her attack on him with her pillow. Did he take advantage of her? If he did, isn’t it possible that she would have felt the discomfort below her stomach?

“Would you let me explain!” Drake yanked the pillow from her and tossed it across the room.

Maya’s breath came out in short bursts. She was outraged by his audacity! “I’m listening!”

“You were having a nightmare is the middle of the night. I could hear you from across the corridor. You were just about to fall off your bed and I had to catch you and place you back on your bed but you wouldn’t let me go.” Drake passed his fingers through his thick dark hair but it fell back into his face.

Maya had to push down the urge to walk to him and rake his hair back. She felt color stain her cheeks. Did she really hold onto to him or was he just making it up to make her feel embarrassed?

“The dream you had, it really was a bad one, wasn’t it?” Drake’s eyes were filled with concern.

Maya remembered it and felt her body shiver. “I dreamed I was burning alive.” She looked down at her skin but there was no evidence of her ordeal. Her fingers settled on the little burn mark on her chest but it was gone. She had never seen a wound heal so fast. It was a miracle!

Drake’s expression suddenly became distance and almost cold as he stood up straight so she quickly added. “But it was just a dream, you shouldn’t worry about it. And I am sorry for attacking you with the pillow.”

She saw the way Drake’s cheeks jerked and he said. “Here, every dream holds a meaning. Get a shower and come downstairs for breakfast.”

And just like that, Drake exited the room leaving Maya wondering at what she said or did that made him upset all of a sudden. She didn’t know why she was quite concerned about Drake. Seeing him and being close to him made her feel warm and comforted and whenever he was away, she felt cold and alone.

She didn’t know why he was upset all of a sudden and it didn’t settle well in her gut. She made her way to the bathroom.

Half an hour later, Maya made her way down to the kitchen but she was too busy trying to adjust the overly long sleeves of her cardigan that she didn’t see the approaching warrior in front of her. She found herself being held at an arm’s length to stop her from knocking into the warrior. Maya lifted her gaze and swallowed hard when she saw him. A slow smile appeared on his face as he eyed her. He had a pale skin and the most mesmerizing hazel eyes she had ever seen. He had long slick black hair that was plaited into a thick braid and it was coiled around his neck like a whip. On his arms, he had tribal tattoos with very strange patterns. Yet another man with cool tattoos, she thought. However, she wasn’t entirely comfortable with his arms on her.

“Watch where you are going, sweetheart.” He rasped.

Maya nodded dumbly as he went around her. She stared after him until he disappeared around the corner then sighed. She was supposed to start getting used to seeing such strange characters but she wasn’t. The whole place felt like a movie set but the unfortunate part was that there were no cameras and she wasn’t dreaming because she had tried pinching herself several times.

Maya entered the kitchen and like always, everyone was busy preparing breakfast. Abigail was talking to her son as she made a list of things that she needed.

“Good morning everyone.” Maya greeted cheerfully.

They all turned to her and mumbled their greetings except for Herman whose face brightened when he saw her. The little green humming bird that was perched on his shoulder took flight and disappeared just as Maya approached him.

“I have never thought humming birds were that friendly.” She said pensively.

Both Abigail and Herman glanced at each other and smiled knowingly leaving Maya in the dark.

“I hope you had a pleasant rest. How are you feeling this morning?” Abigail asked as she continued scratching the list on the paper.

Maya shrugged her shoulders. Short of the nightmare, she slept rather too well. “I feel great. My leg is no longer throbbing and the little burn mark I had here is gone.” She touched her chest.

“That’s good. It means you are getting better. And what about your memories? Have you remembered anything new?” She asked.

Maya shook her head sadly. “I didn’t remember anything...but I had a dream about burning alive. Maybe my accident must have involved a fire or something. I don’t know why but every time I think about naked flames, my heart races like I have been running a marathon!”

“Don’t worry Beina, I will protect you.” Herman puffed out his chest.

Abigail glowered at her son. “But before you do any of that, you need to get yourself to the city and collect the groceries.”

“Can I join him to town?” Maya asked with hope. “I need to get some stuff plus clothes that actually fit me.”

Abigail’s face leached of color and looked a little concerned yet uncomfortable at the same time. “You need to ask the commander first.”

“I don’t think he would mind.” She said then quickly added. “He is too busy anyways so I wouldn’t want to bother him with such small things.”

The truth was that Maya didn’t want to see that look on his face again. Whatever she did to upset him she was sorry for it but she didn’t want to be in his presence until he calmed down.

“Come, I’ll escort you to see him.” Herman took the paper from his mother and led the way out of the kitchen.

Maya frowned as she followed him out. Drake must be very strict for everyone to want to sought out permission from him, she thought lightly.

“No.” That was the only answer Drake had for Beina when she and Herman entered the office to ask permission for her to accompany him to the city.

“Why not?” Beina exclaimed. “It’s not like I am a prisoner here or something. I need to get stuff from the city.”

Drake didn’t remove his eyes from the documents Feror had given him that morning about some unauthorized activities going on at the Gyan mines. Drake didn’t see anything out of the ordinary because of course illegal mine activities were bound to happen in such places. They had small time mine owners and not all of them had the right licenses to conduct the activities but there was nothing alarming there.

“My answer still remains, no. You don’t even have a clue of who you are or where you are from. The last thing you need is to go into an unfamiliar area and get yourself even more confused.” Drake answered.

Beina frowned at him but he would rather go through her anger than go through her shock when she went into the city and found shifters and beasts roaming around the streets in their animal forms, Fae flying from one shop to the other and Mage levitating their shopping bags behind them while they chatted with their friends!

“It might help with my memories.” Beina continued on.

Drake stopped what he was doing and looked straight at her. “Beina this is not home. There is nothing out there that you are used to. Nothing out there will jog your memory so please stop arguing with me and just accept that I had refused for you to go with Herman into the city!”

Beina pursed her lips angrily while her fingers curls into tight fists beside her then she turned on her heels and stormed out, slamming the door so hard that it rattled in its hinges.

Drake winced then turned to Herman. “Get her some supplies. Ask your mother of what a female might need and get her everything.”

Herman nodded. “Yes, commander.” He too exited the room.

When he left, Drake settled back on the chair and wondered who he needed to talk to about his problems. It was much better when he was younger with no responsibilities because he had so many older relatives who took care of the serious things.

Dragons had large clans and Drake’s clan was called the Glaeder’s clan. The Glaeders produced the greatest warriors because they were more fierce and fearless and also had the best warrior bodies once they went through puberty.

Drake was a late bloomer and he had to watch as most of his friends and clan members went through the change without him. His father, who always was proud of him before, became distant and not very friendly. Since he was the head of the clan, his son was supposed to be the reflection of him. Drake was the first in line to take his father’s place as the clan leader but he began to favor another male who was a brilliant warrior and had once been close to Drake, Aleric.

Kruk no longer asked Drake about how his day had been and he refused to eat on the same table as him. Instead he spent time with Aleric and his family while Drake spent time with his mother. Drake had always looked up to his father, admiring him when he watched him in the Dragon games that were held annually during the Season Turning celebrations and he was very hurt when he found himself losing his father because of something the heavens had control.

Drake pushed the thoughts back and turned back to the documents. That was not the time to dwell on the past. He wanted to go and scout the mines and see where the trouble really lied.

Drake and Feror arrived at the small settlement close to the sea just in the outskirts of the Gyan District and very close to the border. Remington, Shancy and Tyfera decided to tag along. The land was flat and almost barren with a few scattered desert plants here and there. Hot sand blsted in their faces as they approached the white washed buildings. The roads were good and so was the train rails. Several boats could be seen at sea from where they stood. Large ships were perched at the harbor where people were moving up and down carrying goods into trucks.

Drake shaded his eyes and scanned the cliffs a few miles from the settlement. That was where most of the small time mining was done. On the other side of the cliffs were the famous Gyan mines that produced the most rarest of gemstones and metals known to the enchanted world.

Hot winds swept across the settlement as they approached what looked like the town hall. There were very few people loitering around the streets and Drake didn’t blame them taking the scorching heat into account.

“Shancy, Tyfera, take a look around the town while Feror, Remington and I deal with the authority here.”

Tyfera and Shancy returned to their truck and drove into the town while Drake led the way to the hall. The atmosphere was quite different as compared to outside. It was much cooler inside. There were a few people doing their work, some chatting while others watched the news on the television perched above what looked like the reception area where a pretty female was talking on the phone.

When Drake approached the counter, the female looked up at them and her eyes widened in surprise. She must have recognized the uniform because she quickly concluded her call and turned to them.

“Commander!” She exclaimed in surprise. “We were not expecting you today.”

Drake gave the female a tight smile. “I had not planned to come down here until I received information that there is a a lot of illegal mining activities going on here.”

“Illegal mining activities?” She looked lost, genuinely.

“Yes. Smuggling. I came here to find out what is being smuggled out of these small time mines.” Drake answered.

“I don’t know what you mean.” Her face turned pale as she nervously passed her eyes from one male to the other.

Feror stepped forward and rested his hands on the counter. “Perhaps if you point us to your boss’ office, we too will make sense of this whole preposterous accusation.”

The female gave Feror a little nod and pointed down the corridor. “The last door in front of you.”

Feror smiled tautly and nodded. “Thank you.”

Drake led the way through the dimly lit corridor to the final door. He knocked once and a male came through.

“Come on in!” He yelled.

The males entered and the man was chatting erratically on the phone. Drake winced. He was sure glad he wasn’t the person on the other end of the line. The male turned to them and his morphed in terror as he dropped the phone and turned tail towards another door behind him.

“Seriously?” Remington groaned as he called for the change and his body enlarged while his hooves stretched out beneath him. He had a slick roan colored pelt that put a horse’s into shame. Drake looked up at the enormous centaur and Remington grinned down at everyone. All the beasts felt much more freer in their beast form but they were all encouraged to use their humanoid forms in public. “I’ll go and get him.”

Remington galloped after the male while the others watched from the window. Drake didn’t understand why the male ran unless he had something to hide. Maybe he knew about the smuggling that was going on.

The male was a shifter and the moment reached outside he morphed into a huge eagle and was about to take off when Remington stomped hard on one of his wings, breaking it in the process. The eagle screeched as it slowly transformed into its humanoid form. The male clutched his broken arm while he eyed Remington viciously.

“You broke my arm!” He yelled.

“You deserve it. Now, get up.” Remington also changed back to his male form while Drake and Feror made their way out towards him.

Drake didn’t wait for the male to get up on his own. He pulled him up by the collar of his shirt and had him dangling like a baby. “You have some serious questions to answer.”

A few minutes later, Shancy and Tyfera returned with no information about the smuggling.

“We need more time here I guess.” Sheila suggested as she produced a gold thread-like rope that coiled itself around the male’s wrists and suppressed his shift while keeping him from escaping again. “And...” Shancy stopped as she eyed everyone for a moment the said. “I picked up something off about this place.”

“I did too, when I called for the change.” Remington said grimly.

Mage and beasts had a psychic ability that enabled them to feel what others didn’t. Drake quickly called Red close and the dragon sensed around the area.

They speak the truth, keeper. There is something here but I can’t fully understand what it is. Red whispered into Drake’s mind.

“We need to bend up, return to Tacinia and figure out a strategy for this...” The he turned to the shifter beside him. “...and he needs to be interrogated.”

“I’ll take on that challenge.” Feror smiled maliciously at the male and the male passed out in fear.

Really? Drake thought in irritation as they dragged the him towards one of the trucks.

“The commander has gone out for the day but you are welcomed to wait for him in the formal lounge.” Maya heard Abigail say as she entered the house. After Drake dismissed her so harshly, Maya found her way out of the house and went for a long walk trying to cool down as the anger inside her churned ferociously, wanting to engulf her completely. She didn’t understand what the big deal was. It was just accompanying Herman to town and back. She recalled the way he looked up at her. It felt as if she was constantly crawling under his skin and she hated it. Drake was the first person she had seen when she opened her eyes after her ordeal so he was the only one she truly trusted yet he was making her angry with his sudden bursts of anger towards her.

She didn’t know for how long she had been walking until she came across a large rapid moving river and settled on its bank. It was a beautiful day and she didn’t want to waste her energy brooding. She needed to figure out on how to get her memories back so that she could go home but the mere thought of leaving Drake behind made her heart ache. Fine! She truly found him very attractive with his cool outwards demeanor but she was very sure he was not always as cool and collected as he appeared. His entire body was chiseled to perfection. The title of commander really went well with his personality, she thought, because he was very responsible for a man his age. She was sure he was in his late twenties or early thirties but he sure had a large burden on his shoulders!

The more she thought about him, the less she became angry with him. Maybe it was best if she behaved since Drake was too busy to have to worry about her too—but she couldn’t help it. She wanted to see him every time. If she didn’t, she became a little sad.

“Alright, I will wait for him.” Heard a woman’s voice answer and footsteps coming towards her direction. Before she could hide to avoid being caught eavesdropping, Abigail and the woman appeared in front of her.

“Beina! You have returned.” Abigail looked surprised and concerned at the same time. She was very motherly and Maya liked that very much.

“I went for a little walk and lost track of time. We have a guest this evening?” Maya turned to the pretty woman, most likely the same age as her, dressed very fashionably in a pair of tightly hugging jeans, a pair of red heels that matched with her lacey and crystal blouse and her brunette hair that came down framing her beautiful face.

Was this Drake’s girlfriend? A pang of sadness took residence in her heart. She remembered Drake telling her that he had no time for a girlfriend but she knew better when it came to men. They kept fuck-buddies.

“This is Xara, Noble Lund’s oldest daughter.” Abigail introduced the girl to Maya. “And Xara, this is Beina, the commander’s special guest.”

Maya watched as something close to loathing entered Xara’s eyes but her face didn’t change. Her lips still held that little smile she had from the beginning.

Maya extended her hand to Xara. “It is nice to meet you.”

Xara looked down at Maya’s hand then back up at her and gave her a little nod before she walked around her.

Abigail clasped her hands together and whispered. “Don’t take it into offense, dear, Nobles hardly shake hands with commoners.”

Nobles! Commoners! Just what century did she wake up in? And since when did politeness have a status? Maya felt her body tremble with violence as she eyed the woman who was being led towards the formal lounge. She held her head up high like she was the queen but Maya believed she was as human as they come! If that was the woman Drake was seeing, then he had to do better. Though she was in a middle of being angry, she couldn’t help but feel a little lonely.

“Hey, Beina!” One of the maids came forward hiding her smile behind her dust cloth. “A few of us are going down to the Cavern later—we were wondering if you would like to join us?”

Maya smiled sadly. “Drake told me not to leave the premises.”

“It’s not outside the residence grounds if that is what you are worried about. And it is fairly decent.” The girl said, excitement glittering in her eyes.

Maya smiled back. “If it is not outside the premises then I guess I can come.”

The girl clapped her hands together and said. “I’ll come and get you later.” then she quickly went away.

Maya felt like a superstar in front of the maids. They were always curious about her wanting to know all the was to know about her life. If it weren’t for them, Maya felt as if she was going to fall into depression because of being restricted from exiting the house premises. She hoped Drake didn’t find out that she had gone out on her own.

Abigail returned to her side and frowned. “Where did you go? You should take more care of yourself. If something had happened to you--”

“Stop worrying, Abigail.” Maya grinned and patted the older woman’s hand. “I went to the river because I was very upset with Drake when he refused for me to accompany Herman to town. I needed to cool off and I did. Besides, it was really a nice day and I didn’t want to remain cooked up in my room brooding over something like that.”

Abigail sighed and said. “Next time you go out, tell me so that I don’t worry so much. When the commander is not here, you are my responsibility.”

“I’m sorry I made you worry, Abigail.”

Abigail nodded. “Herman brought you some stuff from the city. Come and collect them.”

“Herman, my hero.” Maya exclaimed.

Abigail’s cheeks brightened with color. “I have a feeling he has a little crush on you. He just can’t stop talking about you.”

Maya grinned. Herman was a sweetheart and she was very fond of him too. “Herman is a very nice boy.” Then she bit into her lower lip and asked. “I hope you don’t mind me asking you this but why is Xara here to see Drake?”

Abigail shrugged her shoulders as the two of them made their way towards the kitchen. “I don’t know. She wouldn’t tell me but she told me it was very serious.”

“Do you think she likes Drake?” Maya couldn’t help herself but ask.

“Unless she is his mate, Nobles are not allowed to have relationships with anyone in the army, especially the royal army.” Abigail explained then looked up anxiously at her. “What I mean is that, he could never be with her. The penalty for having a relationship with a Noble is dishonorable discharge from the army.”

Maya nodded her head but she wasn’t entirely happy about it. “What happens if she is his mate? How does she become his mate in the first place?”

“Oh Beina, you have so many questions that even I can’t answer at times.” Abigail sighed softly. “If Xara is the commander’s mate then there is no way of escaping that. It is a bond made by the heavens and can never be broken even in the after-life.”

“Wow.” Maya breathed in hard. “That is scary.”

“It’s not if you are mated to a good male.” Abigail smiled sadly.

“Are you mated to a good male, Abigail?” Maya asked softly.

“I was but he died years ago. He was in the royal army just like his brothers, his father and his grandfather. They all lived to serve the king. They found honor in that and they lived decent and honest lives.”

“Is that the reason why Herman is so determined to join the army?” Maya’s eyes widened.

Abigail nodded. “He wants to follow in their footsteps.”

Maya smiled softly. “He would make an honorable soldier—he just needs to gain a little more muscle.”

Abigail looked up and tried to smile but Maya could see the concern on her face. “I hope that process goes well for him.”

“I wish to find a decent man for myself one day.” As she said that a face flashed in her mind and she heard someone calling out a name over and over again. It got so loud that Maya wanted to cover her ears. She stopped in her tracks and narrowed her eyes as she tried to tamp down the throbbing headache and the nauseating sensation that clogged her throat. “Gavin.” She said.

“What, dear?” Abigail asked.

“Gavin.” Maya repeated.

Abigail frowned. “Who is that?”

Maya shook her head. “I don’t know but I can see his face. I must have known him from before.” She gasped loudly and turned to Abigail. “I think my memory is coming back, Abigail.”

“That is well and good, dear.” Abigail assured her.

Maya was thrilled but at the same time scared to learned what her previous life was like. She hoped that whatever it was, it was a good and honest life.

Drake arrived back to the royal residence tired and aching all over. He was covered in dust and sweat and all he could think of was a cool shower before having a hearty meal. Feror pulled the male they came to know as Marco, the councilor of the settlement but also a dirty smuggler.

“I’ll take care of him.” Feror assured Drake.

“Make sure you don’t kill him before I have a talk with him.” Drake warned his friend.

Feror flashed his white teeth as his friend and took Marco away.

As Drake and his convoy entered the residence, they met a helper at the door.

“Commander.” She bobbed lightly at him. “You have a guest waiting for you at the formal lounge.”

Drake frowned. He didn’t have any appointment with anyone. “Who is it?”

“Noble Lund’s daughter, Xara.” The helper stated and Drake found his eyebrows disappearing somewhere in his hairline. His convoy walked around him with Remington grinning from ear to ear.

“How long has she been here?” Drake asked.

“For almost two hours, commander.” The helper answered.

Drake had expected Lund and his daughter to have returned to their district by now, so what was Xara still doing there? Drake looked down at himself. If she waited for such a long time to see him, she could wait a few more minutes while he went and cleaned up.

“Go and tell her I will be down in a moment to see her.”

The helper nodded and bobbed before she walked away.

A few minutes later, Drake padded barefooted towards the formal lounge and found Xara seated on one of the plush sofas with a glass of what looked like wine in her hands. When he entered her eyes turned to him and she got up quickly placing the glass on the table.

“Commander.” She acknowledged him.

“Xara.” Drake inclined his head lightly to her. Though she was from a noble family, she had no title for herself unless she took her father’s position in the royal Court.

A small smile appeared on her face. “I have been waiting for you for quite a while. The warriors told me you had gone to the Gyan mines for the day. I guess you have accomplished whatever it was that took you there?”

Drake placed his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. “Yes. I thought you had already left Gyan.”

“Father and I are leaving tomorrow with the morning train. I had to come and say my goodbyes.” She clasped her fingers together and looked up at him shyly.

Drake didn’t see the reason why she had to say goodbye to him. She was well above him in status. “I wish you have a pleasant journey back home.”

Xara nodded and took a step towards him. “I can’t wait for you to visit my home. Two weeks seems like a very long time from today.”

Drake stood his ground and eyed the girl cautiously. If it weren’t for Beina being in his life, he was sure to have felt a stir down in his groin but at that moment, he felt nothing. “Why do I have the feeling that your visit here is more personal?”

She shrugged her slender shoulder. “Because it is. I have taken great interest in you, commander. You stirred some interest in me and I couldn’t help but come forward and confess.”

“You know the penalty for having a relationship with a noble, don’t you.” Drake asked her calmly.

Xara rolled her eyes and pouted. “When was the last time you had a female in your bed? I know a thing or two about dragons and I know that thought you are highly sexual beings, you barely have sexual encounters to sate your hungers.”

Drake was sexually frustrated at that moment and if it weren’t for Beina, he would have readily accepted Xara’s offer only to send her packing the next morning. “I don’t need a female in my bed right now. You should go.” Drake inclined his head to her and as he was about to leave, Xara wrung her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss.

Drake quirked an eyebrow and watched as Xara did all the work and he stood there as stiff as a brick wall. He felt her tongue slither into his mouth as her soft and pliant body mold itself against his. This should have turned any potent male on and should have made him wild with desire but Drake felt cold. He placed his hands on Xara’s shoulders and pushed her off him.

“Go home before I do something that we will both regret.” Drake gritted his teeth.

Excitement sparked in Xara’s eyes. “I will wait for in Jude.” She said breathlessly.

Red hissed loudly in Drake’s head.

“Don’t.” Drake inclined his head to her and turned away leaving her surprised and disappointed.

As he walked into the hallway, he noticed the familiar dark hair and small body rushing away from him. Drake felt like throwing his head back and howl into the night. Did Beina see what transpired between him and Xara? From the way she moved, Drake was pretty sure she did. He found himself stalking after her in order to explain himself to her. He didn’t know why he had the urge to do it but he did.


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