Chapter Chapter Five

Maya rushed through the hallway feeling as if her heart was about to pop out from her chest and beat her to her room. She didn’t know why she felt so bad seeing Drake kissing another woman. She shouldn’t have cared so much because there was nothing going on between them. Him sleeping on her bed for one night, chasing away her nightmares did not mean they were a couple. Her throat closed up painfully and tears welled up at the back of her eyes. Maya took a shuddering breath and streaked up the steps. She would have made it to her door in time if it weren’t for the large arm that clamped itself on hers and turned her around. She recoiled when she saw the perilous look that entered Drake’s eyes. She didn’t hear him follow her and now she knew why when her eyes ran down his body and saw the bare feet.

“Why are you running?” Drake gritted his teeth at her.

Maya squirmed under Drake’s glare. “What?”

“Why are you running away?” Drake repeated his question, his fingers tightening slightly on her arm.

Maya swallowed softly and looked away not wanting him to see the disappointment on her face. “Was that your girlfriend? Your lover, maybe? She’s really pretty.”

Drake was quiet for what felt like eternity and when Maya turned to him, she could have sworn she saw his eyes glow but the light disappeared as quickly as it came. He watched her with an expression that she couldn’t understand. It was caught between incredulity, regret and anger. She hoped they were not directed to her.

“Why do you care?” He finally asked, his voice barely making its way to her ears.

“I don’t.” Maya answered briskly. “I mean I know its none of my business but it is nice to meet the woman in your life.” The more the words escaped from her mouth, the bitter her tongue and throat felt. It was not nice seeing Xara in Drake’s arms. The thought of him just being in the same room with another woman settled coldly in her gut.

“Is it?” Drake moved closer to her, bending over until his eyes were levelled with hers. Again, Maya saw the glow in them. He was angry. She could feel his anger bombarding at her skin like a sandstorm. “You don’t even know what you are talking about.”

“I saw the kiss.” She said, lifting her chin up stubbornly. “You certainly can’t deny that.”

“You saw a kiss. You saw her kissing me but you didn’t see me kissing her. There is a difference.” He replied, his fingers leaving her arm. He placed his hand over her head. Heat tingled where his fingers were.

He was so close that Maya could feel his breath over her face. She gasped softly. Her heart was doing a thousand beats per second and her skin was creeping with heat. Every part of her tightened including her nipples that unchastely pushed against her blouse. Her face pooled with colour and she was hoping that Drake kept his eyes on her face….until his eyes strayed down to them.

Her breath hitched when his hand traced around her nipple. An animalistic sound between a growl and a purr escaped his lips as his eyes snapped back to hers. “I am a very dangerous male, Beina and the pull is getting stronger by the moment. You should stay away from me. I need to sought this out--I--” His voice thickened and choked and fear entered his eyes as he moved from her as if she had suddenly burnt him. “I need to a find a way. Get in your quarters and lock the door.”

Maya’s breath came out in short gasps as her core tightened deliciously. “It’s not like it helps.”

“Go on in.” Drake gestured towards her fixed door with the nod of his head.

Maya slid across the wall not wanting to trigger any more action from Drake. She felt the peril atmosphere between them. It was as if Drake had suddenly become an animal ready to pounce on her. She saw the way he shook with the sheer intensity of that fragile situation. Maya entered her room.

“Good night.” She whispered and closed the door behind her then locked it. She didn’t when Drake left but she knew he was gone. She leaned on her door and shuddered. She could still feel his fingers tracing her nipple. Her body was on fire, hotter than the one she kept on seeing in her dreams.

Drake said things that didn’t make sense to her. What pull was getting stronger? And what did he need to sought out? She felt the attraction between them. It was strong that it was a miracles sparks were not flying!

Maya made her way to the bed and sat on the edge.

You saw her kissing me not me kissing her. That sentence made her smile--a little. She was still bummed that Xara did kiss Drake.

Drake a full lips and when they curled into a smile, she felt her insides quake. When he talked, his lips moved effortlessly. She wondered how he tasted like--

Suddenly white hot pain streaked through her brain and she saw the face of the man she had seen earlier; Gavin. Nausea had her bolting to the bathroom where she hunched over the toilet and gagged.

You are the love of my life, Maya and I wait for you until you are ready--you are ready--you are ready…the man’s voice echoed in her mind and more pain had her mewling and finally emptying her stomach of the dinner. The action burnt her throat and had tears brimming her eyelids.

Was Gavin her boyfriend? The thought her had retching some more until she had nothing else to bring out other than air. She collapsed on the floor and whizzed trying to control her body that suddenly felt like it was on fire. Sweat ran down her skin in rivulets.

Maya managed to dragged her laden body across the floor towards the big bathtub where she ran some cold water and dived in. The cold water lapped at her body, bringing the scalding temperature down. Maya’s eyes drifted close as she lost consciousness in the bathtub.

Drake made his way down towards the dungeons and was greeted by the screams of a male begging for his life. Feror was at it again! Drake thought grimly. Feror had very…thorough ways of interrogating prisoners. They sometimes consisted of very graphical means.

The Royal Army ran by its own codes so the police or the normal army was not allowed to interfere in their affairs although sometimes they did receive calls from the police to confirm if they had a certain person in custody.

More screams rang through the stone corridor as Drake approached the cell where Marco was being kept. To his surprise, Feror was tending to the man’s broken hand…tentatively.

Drake flinched at the pain the male might have been feeling. Although broken bones surely snapped back quickly depending on how strong your blood was, Feror was making sure the shifter’s arm didn’t heal. Royal Bloods had the fastest healing abilities followed by pure-bloods, half-blood and the others. However, the pain was still there, even when the bones snapped back in place.

“Anything?” Drake asked as he pulled on of the chairs and sat in front of the male.

Marco was sweating profusely with his teeth grinding hard against each other. At the door were two tawny males with dark hair and menacing eyes.

Feror rid Marco of his tie and shirt and the male’s pot belly and hairy chest was out for everyone to view.

“Not yet.” Feror had Marco’s broken arm in his.

“I swear to the heavens I don’t anything!” Marco cried, his eyes roaming hysterically around the room for anyone to come to his aid but no one was paying attention to him.

Feror snarled. “Then why did you run?”

“It was a reflex action! I swear!” He winced as his bone snapped back in place. “How would you react if one moment you are talking on the phone and the next minute the Royal Army is in your office?”

Feror shook his head lightly. “Wrong answer.” He twisted the arm and the bone dislocated again. A loud cry roared from Marco’s throat. “Try again.”

Sometimes Feror’s mean streak reminded Drake so much of Jax, the demented merman. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”

Feror eyed Drake suspiciously and nodded then turned to one of the bulky guards. “Keep our guest here comfortable while I exchange pleasantries with the commander, Boris.”

Drake snorted at the expression as he followed Feror out. They entered the next room were there was a small bed, a chair and a table. Feror reached for the towel that was hanging on the chair and wiped his hands and face.

“What’s bothering you, mate?”

“I need to talk to Tegan.” Drake announced.

Feror’s towel frozen on his face. When he finally placed it back on the chair, his face as changed. His eyes were darker and his teeth working hard on his jaw. “Why?”

“You said he is mated to a human, that he was able to overcome her weakness. I need to know how before the pull becomes intolerable.” Drake stated rubbing the middle of his forehead.

Feror snapped his neck and sighed. “It’s been a while since I talked to the Brotherhood. I don’t know if they want to hear from me.”

Drake studied his friend. There was a little sadness in his voice as he spoke. “You still haven’t told me you left and ended up in the Royal Army.”

Feror shrugged carelessly. “All that is in the past. I’ll call him tomorrow but I am not promising you anything.”

“It’s enough for me.” Drake assured him.

Feror suddenly sniffed the air and grinned. “I smell Xara all over you. What’s your deal?”

Drake felt his fingers curl into fists. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Cheeky son-of-a-bitch.” Feror chuckled. “I didn’t think it would have been possible with Beina so close.”

At the mention of Beina’s name, Red reared his head.

“It’s not.”

Concern marred Feror’s face. “It’s that bad, huh? I’ll talk to Tegan tomorrow and if he won’t talk to me, I’ll have you call him yourself.”

Drake nodded and walked to the door.

The shifter lies, keeper. I can smell the lies and something dark underneath the fear. Red purred to Drake.

“Red believes Marco is hiding something.”

Feror followed Drake behind cracking his fingers. “I know and I’m not going to bed until I get it out of him. My favourite Phoenix will have to forgive me today.”

“Man-whore.” Drake chuckled.

“Eunuch!” Feror wiggled his eyebrows at him before disappearing into Marco’s cell.

Before Drake was up the stairs, Marco’s scream tore across the dungeons.

Maya found herself back in the mental asylum of a hospital after one of the maids who had come to get her so that they went to the Cavern found her in the bathtub. Maya didn’t even want to beginning thinking of how she managed to enter a locked room. Her mind was numb and her body was pallor and clammy.

“Killing yourself will not give you an answers, you know.” The doctor reprimanded her as she flashed a small light into her eyes and had her follow it.

“I wasn’t trying to kill myself.” Maya mumbled thickly. “I was burning alive.”

Akira hummed tightly and reached for a small paper with a strange symbol drawn on it. “Keep this in you pockets.“She said. “Get some rest and you can go the moment you feel better.”

Maya nodded and quickly said. “I remember someone--actually he was the one who triggered the nausea and the high temperatures.”

Akira frowned and turned to her. “Really? Who is he?”

Maya shook her head and swallowed hard. Her throat felt dry and scratchy. “I don’t know who he is to me but he must have been very close. His name is Gavin.”

A smile played on Akira’s face as she patted Maya’s hand lightly. “It could be that you are getting your memories back. That is good progress.”

“He called me--Maya. I’m not sure if he was even talking to me in the first place.” Maya….that name sounded much better than Beina.

“Maya…” Akira sounded the name. “It fits perfectly with your personality.”

Akira was right. The name settled much better with her. It was almost familiar.

“Rest now, Maya.” Akira said and walked out.

Maya sighed and closed her eyes. She felt cosy warmth radiating from the pocket where Akira had placed the piece of paper and nudged the disturbing thought away and drifted back to sleep.

When she opened her eyes once more, Maya noticed the gangly boy sitting on the chair opposite her bed with his booted legs up on the side table and his face hidden under a book he was reading. Maya sat up and stretching, muffling a yawn then swept her legs to the side and her bare feet touched the cool floor. She tiptoed towards him and took the book away then looked at the title; Wicked Nights.

A smile appeared on her face as she scanned through the pages. Maya didn’t take Herman for someone who would be reading romance novels--

…Beina entered the small room and eyed the male standing at the foot of her bed. He must have waited a long time for her. She would tell from the way his hungry eyes roamed over her body. His desire for her was evident from the bulge--

Maya snapped the book shut and her eyes were large with wonder. The stupid Beina story was not a fairytale--it was a bloody adult fiction! She read the author’s name and apparently she was a best-seller. Maya had never heard of her.

“Beina.” Herman peered at her and grinned.

The boy was barely in his teens, how could he read such a book. “You shouldn’t read such nonsense!” Maya found herself snap and smack the book on his chest.

“I don’t like such books but since you were curious about Beina, I got it for you.” Herman got up, towering over her and stretching.

Beina looked up at him. “Promise?”

He grinned and his dimples had her anger melt away as if it had never been. “I swear on the honour of my father, uncles and grandfather.” he held out the book to her. “Here.”

Maya reluctantly took the book and murmured. “Thanks.”

“How are you feeling?”

Maya ran her hand through her tangled hair. She really needed a trip to the salon. “I’ll live. I guess my memories are coming back with a vengeance.”

“Did you remember something new?” Herman asked anxiously?

“I think I have a boyfriend.” She said as she rubbed her empty stomach feeling the nauseating feeling unfurl inside her. “But I don’t want you think about it. Every time I think about it, I want to throw up.”

Herman looked a little disappointed as he nodded then brightened for a moment. “Come with me. I want to show you something.”

Maya took a step forward and her legs felt rubbery. To her surprise, Herman turned around and crouched down. “Get on.”

Maya didn’t wait to be told twice and jumped on. It was strange that she found Herman very comforting and not unsettling like the other men she met in the hallways. She wrung her hands around his neck as he made his way out through the hallway towards the kitchen, but instead made his way out into the gardens.

“Where are we going?” Maya finally asked when they kept on going forever.

“You’ll see.” Herman chimed.

The day was beautiful with the sun peeking behind the trees, its rays fighting through the foliage and shadows bathing everything with its morning warmth. Butterflies fluttered past them with beautiful colours, enjoying yet another day in their short life.

Squirrels popped their heads every once in a while watching them as they passed through their home. Maya looked back and the house had disappeared behind the trees. She was not alarmed because she was with Herman but she knew Drake would through a fit if he found out she was gone! The memories of what almost transpired between them flooded her mind and she found herself humming softly.

“Here we are.” Herman announced and let her down.

Maya stepped around him and breathed in hard. In front of her, stretching for miles was the biggest lake she had ever seen. On the banks was a wooden deck with wicker chairs. Tied to the deck was a small white boat floating lazily on the still waters of the lake.

“It’s beautiful.” Maya breathed as she followed Herman up the deck.

“Yes it is. Whenever I want to get away from everything, I come here.” Herman said. “The Pyck Lagoon goes for miles before it joins up with the ocean.”

“Wow.” Maya bent down and touched the cool waters. “You should have told me to bring a swimsuit.”

“You should next time--I got you some food.” He walked to the basket sitting on the table.

Maya eyed Herman. “You planned this, didn’t you?”

Herman’s face turned red.

“Thank you, Herman.” I really needed this.”

“Here.” Herman threw an apple to her.

Maya caught it and took a big bite but she noticed that Herman was not touching any food. “Are you okay? Why aren’t you eating.”

Herman cringed softly as he rubbed his stomach. “I had a sandwich earlier.”

Maya could tell that he was lying but she didn’t want to push him so she enjoyed breakfast only while basking in the sun and listening to the sounds of the surrounding woods.

Drake pressed the disconnecting button on his phone and sighed. That morning he was annoyed because he found out that Beina had almost drowned in her bathtub. It was being talked about by the helpers after one of them had gone to get her for a night at the bar in the royal grounds and found her floating. Some said she was trying to kill herself but Drake stalked to Akira and the healer was positive Beina was not trying to kill herself. He went around looking for her but she was nowhere to be seen.

He got frustrated because though he told her to stay away from him he couldn’t stay away from her. He decided to keep his mind on other things such as tracking down Tegan. The male was hard to get hold of after he hung up on Feror but finally Drake was able to contact him. Tegan chuckled softly on the phone when Drake told him of his situation and assured Drake that come tomorrow and he would be in Tacinia together with his mate and his sister. Drake didn’t find anything funny in the situation. He was barely holding by the thread and he knew it was only a matter of time until the beast in him burst out and mated Beina forcedly. If that ever happened, he knew he would rip her apart with the ferocious need of her.

Drake felt the shift in the air before seeing the male appear in front of him. Red was already tightening in his skull and when he saw that it was Zach, he went back to being that subtle presence at the back of Drake’s mind. Zach approached the desk grimly with his mouth set in a tight line and his eyes swirling with menace.

“You look like you are having a blast back in Agore.” Drake teased even though his heart was not up to it. It ached because Beina was not close.

Zach grunted as he took a seat on one of the leather chairs in front of the desk. “I would anything for a bullet in the head right about now.”

Drake smiled bitterly. If only that was the answer out of his misery. “I know you didn’t come all this way to tell me all about what how much you hate your life right now. What’s up.”

Zach looked uneasy for a moment and Drake knew exactly what the male was there for. “The Lord Mage has been conducting the interrogation himself with the Rogue Dragons and Ron.”

“And?” Drake asked, a cold feeling settling uneasily in his stomach. What they they uncover for make Zach come all this way to him?

“Ron has not talked all this time. The Rogues’ stories are incoherent and we believe the one who knows the entire truth is Ron. We have been pushing him to talk all this time and finally he has cracked.”

“What did he say?” Drake was suddenly perturbed to find out what he dark Fae had said. Did he have any information about his father? How did he get to control the Rogues? Were they really Kruk’s team or was someone playing a nasty trick on them.

Zach shrugged his shoulders. “He said he would not talk to anyone else but you. He has a message for you from someone you were once very close to in the past.”

Drake’s blood cursed with violence as Red awoke and unfurled his claws. Drake was very sure the dark Fae was playing mind games with everyone because his father died years ago. If he thought he could control under his skin with such lies then he had another thing coming. “He is playing with your minds.”

“I wish that was the case but the Lord Mage asked for you to return for a while. He said the male does know something but he can’t penetrate his mind to find out what it is.”

But Drake couldn’t leave. Not when the mate bond to Beina had taken root. “I can’t--not now…”

“Something about you has changed. You are not a male to pass on the offer of knowing who is behind the Rogue dragons yet here you are refusing to go back.” Zach eyed his friend suspiciously.

“I don’t want to waste my time going back there because I know the male is lying. Plus, something is happening here and we are in the middle of exposing it.”

“Feror can handle that well by himself. Beside, you are not going back for good.” Zach assured him.

Drake gritted his teeth. “Fine!”

Zach got up. “We are expecting you soon.”

“Give me a couple of days to sort everything out here first.” Drake ran his hand through his hair. He didn’t even know where to begin telling his friend that he had found his mate and that she was human.

“When should I come pick you up?” Zach asked.

“I’ll drive back.”

Zach’s eyebrows arched up so high that they almost disappeared into his hairline. “Say what?”

Drake groaned in frustration. “We talk about it some other time.”

“You bet your ass we’ll talk about this, Scales.” Zach frowned intently at him. “See you in a few days.”

Drake nodded and when the male flashed away he found he had the urge to take off into the sky. Before he could even find the strength to settle back on his chair, Shancy entered.

“Marco has started talking.” She announced.

Drake got up and stalked out.

“We should get back.” Herman looked at the time and turned to her.

Maya didn’t want to go back. She was enjoying her time there but time had flown by very fast. “Let’s stay a little longer--” She frowned with concern when she saw the sweat dotting Herman’s forehead. Even his bright eyes had faded a bit and his skin was paler than usual. “You don’t look well, Herman. Let’s head back.”

Herman nodded and got hold of the basket and they started their way back.

The moment they arrived back and Abigail laid her eyes on her son, her face paled as she touched his forehead.

“Are you okay?” She asked him, helping him on the chair.

“I’ll be fine.” Herman managed a small smile.

“You are burning up!” Abigail said in distress as she got him a glass of water but Herman pushed the glass away with the look of distaste on his face.

“It would be a stomach bug.” Maya supplied softly. “He hasn’t eaten anything.”

Abigail gnawed on her lower lip. “It’s alright Beina, I’ll handle it from here.”

Maya nodded and looked down at Herman. She found herself brushing his wet locks from his face. “Get well soon so we can go swimming at Pyck Lagoon.”

Herman managed a grin and nodded.

Maya went away and started for the door while Abigail and one of the chefs helped Herman towards his quarters. She was busy looking at him that she didn’t see the man in front of him until she felt fingers circling her arms and keeping her from bumping into him.

“You should really learn to look where you are going, sweetheart.” He grinned cheekily and wiggled his eyebrows at her.

Maya felt colour spread across her face. This was the second time she was knocking into this man. His hazel eyes glinted with wickedness that had her take a step back. “Sorry.”

He nodded lightly and walked around her. “Don’t worry about it.”

Maya found herself tilting her head and watch him leave until he disappeared. She didn’t know why she did that all the time but there was something striking and almost mystical about that soldier.

“I want you to get a team and extract those fuckers from that settlement as soon a possible.” Drake’s voice rang with anger through the hallway as they approached where she was standing. “I want all of them here. Remington, get every able beast ready to move out. If we are dealing with horned dragons we need beasts for this--”

Everyone stopped on their tracks when they arrived where she was standing. The shock on her face much have been evident because all four men standing in front of her shifting nervously on their feet. Her wide eyes turned to Drake who had a pained look.

“D-dragons?” She stuttered inquisitively.

One muttered a curse while another grunted in regret.

Feror, the soldier she met with the tousled hair came to her and placed a hand around her small shoulders. His eyes twinkled at her with mirth as a grin spread across his lips. “What Drake meant--”

They both found themselves stopping on their tracks as guttural noises sounded behind them. When they turned to Drake, his eyes sparkled with menace and violence.

“Take your hands off her…” He snarled, double voices escaping his throat, one of them lining with malice and a dark promise.

Everyone stepped away from Drake and Maya found herself taking a step back away from him. Feror, too, moved away from her and put his hands up.

“Whoa there, Red, I meant to distract her. That’s all.” Feror explained.

Who the hell was Red? Maya thought. Perhaps Drake was suffering from split-personalities. She remembered he told her that she wouldn’t want to meet Red and that he was a dangerous man. Now, he was making animalistic sounds that scared the shit out of her!

Something was happening with Drake as she stared at him. At first she thought it was just her imagination…until she saw it again and found herself gasping for air. Drake’s skin was rippling with what looked like ruby red glassy scales and then it went back to being human. “What--” she found herself pushing away from Feror in terror.

Drake’s eyes turned to her and she froze into place. What the hell was going on? What was he because he sure wasn’t human?


Maya screamed hysterically and didn’t wait for him to continue before found herself bolting the other direction. She needed to get away from all of them. She didn’t know just what sort of nightmare she was in but she really wanted to wake up. She had never been as scared as she was at the moment and all she wanted to do was to go home. She needed to get her memories back and get home! Hot tears ran down her cheeks as she ran away.

“Fan-fucking-tanstic, Red!” She heard Feror yell angrily.

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