Chapter Chapter Sixteen

When the words left her lips earlier, Lyrah felt worse to the point that she lost her concentration and found herself being pulled back into her body. Her eyes opened and she pulled in a deep breath before looking around her and seeing Muriel and Zafrina standing before her. Muriel’s eyes were warm and soothing as she touched her forehead lightly.

“Are you well, my lady?” She asked.

That sentence was the last straw and Lyrah was attacked by uncontrollable tears. Both Zafrina and Muriel frowned as they held her up. Lyrah let the pain out because she knew if she kept it in her she was going to die from it.

Lyrah wailed like a child in Muriel’s arms, her body quivering with the intensity of it of her tears.

“There, there, dear. You will be alright.” Muriel rubbed her back.

“I will take her up to her quarters so that she can rest.” Zafrina said as she scooped Lyrah from the floor and flashed her upstairs.

Lyrah found herself being placed on the bed then turned to Zafrina in alert. “You have to alert everyone. Rowan and Rhol are on their here to attack the Black Fortress. They aim to destroy my brother.”

“You must be mistaken. Rhol can never align himself with that killer.” Zafrina disagreed covering Lyrah with a sheet.

Lyrah peeled the sheet away and was about to get off the bed but Zafrina held her down. “You don’t understand! Rowan has managed to break Rhol’s control of the darkness in him. I have seen him, Zafrina and he—he doesn’t even remember if he has a mate.”

Zafrina stepped back, disbelief written on her face. “How is that even possible? And how could you have found him if he had fallen?”

“His soul is not entirely tainted and I believe I can bring him back from the darkness. I need to be down there the moment they arrive.” Lyrah explained.

Zafrina straightened and nodded then took Lyrah’s arm and they flashed back down.

Lyrah noticed more males were placed inside the Fortress. They were all heavily armed and waiting for Rowan and Rhol to show up. Zafrina and Lyrah made their way towards the hallway where Lord Mage was meeting up and Lyrah noticed that High Lord Yosurn too had arrived. So did Feror and the three remaining commanders namely Drake, Storm and Jax. That meant that Queen Noelle remained with the Royal Court watching over the Realm. Of course she had the higher Mage like Dawn, Sheila and Byron who took care of business on her behalf. Lyrah believed she was capable of dealing with anything so there was nothing to worry about.

The last time she saw him, Lord Yosurn was on his knees in front of her but today, he too was armed to the tooth. She could hardly recognize him.

“I thought I mentioned that you should keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn’t come down here?” Lord Mage said without even turning towards them.

“She told me of the situation, Lord Mage, I could not ignore it.” Zafrina assured him.

Lyrah turned to Lord Yosurn and frowned. He looked so much like Rhol and she knew if the situation wasn’t dire, he would have grinned at her and wiggled his eyebrows but instead, he gave her a quick nod with his eyes grave and dark.

“Feror, stick to Lady Lyrah’s side like an appendage.” Tyran commanded.

“If you don’t mind, I would like to protect her, Lord Mage.” Zafrina quickly volunteered.

Lyrah didn’t understand why the female was always quick to stand by her and to protect her but she was glad she was there. She had started trusting her more and more as time passed.

Lord Mage turned to the two of them and nodded. “Alright but keep her out of trouble.”

“Too late, trouble is already here!” Galea came charging in. “Rowan and Rhol are in the training ground hacking their way to the entrance. They have an army of sorcerers with them.”

Lord Mage’s body began to ripple with white energy as he created his signature double blade.

All the Mage in the room began levitating as they harnessed the surrounding energy while the Jinns’ tattoos undulated from their bodies, some forming hard impenetrable layers on their masters while others forming spear-like tentacles.

“Everyone move out!” Lord Mage commanded.

Lyrah watched as the male moved out, Drake barely keeping his dragon down while Storm already morphing into the ulti-breed and Jax hissing with poisonous protrusions unsheathing from their hiding places.

Hooves knocked so close to her that she had to move back to let Feror and another vicious centaur warrior named Remington pass. Feror looked down at her and gave her a quick wink before he got hold of his bow and arrows.

“Come with me, my lady.” Zafrina moved through the males with Lyrah close behind her.

If Lyrah had known this was going to happen she would have put on something more comfortable instead of the royal gown that was dragging a train behind her.

“Where are we going?” Lyrah had to ask breathless.

Zafrina turned to her with a grim smile. “We are getting you armed.”

She took Lyrah towards a narrow circular staircase to a floor she had never been before. Zafrina opened the first door to her left and they entered.

“This is where we keep the real thing.” Zafrina said as she pulled out several guns from their display units on the walls.

“Whoa!” Lyrah breathed in hard. All sorts of weapons were there.

Suddenly Zafrina appeared in front of her holding blood red shimmering lynak. “Strip.”

Lyrah took a step back making Zafrina roll her eyes.

“I don’t do females--” She shrugged lightly. “--all the time. Now strip and put these on.”

Lyrah took the pants and vest from her and put them on as fast as she possible could. Something crushed underneath then and the entire Fortress shook at the intensity.

“Hurry! The fuckers are already in!” Zafrina threw a sword to her and Lyrah caught it. It was an amazing weapon, sharpened to perfection.

Lyrah finished zipping up her boots when she saw the double daggers on the display table in front of her. She took then and concealed them in her boots them also took a matching pair of guns.

Finally she and Zafrina made their way back down. Zafrina pushed her behind her as they made their way down. The hallways was awfully quiet but that was the first signal that something was terribly wrong.

A hiss escaped from around the corner and Zafrina was quick to aim her gun towards it. A sorcerer jumped out and Zafrina shot without him even thinking twice. The sorcerer raised up his hand and the bullet fell harmlessly on the floor. His skin was partially like a tree bark with the leaves and everything.

“Get moving.” Zafrina told Lyrah as she replaced her gun back on the small of her back and pulled out the Samurai-like blade.

The sorcerer’s arms began to mutated into root-like appendages. They shot forward trying to get to Zafrina but she was quick as she avoided them. Though she was a tough cookie, she still had the elegance of a female and Lyrah could see it in the way she moved around. Her steps were precise and the movements of her hands were on point as she slashed the roots away.

The sorcerer shrieked as black blood oozed out but the strangest thing was that the roots regenerated. Lyrah couldn’t leave Zafrina alone with that thing so she rushed forward with her sword in front and aimed to attack but yet another root shot out of him and smacked her away.

Lyrah landed on the wall with a thump and found herself on the floor. That got her angry as she turned her eyes to the abomination in front of her. Energy began to pulse around her body as she got up and in lightning speed she attacked once more, catching the sorcerers around his abdomen. He staggered to the floor as another sorcerer came charging to them.

“Take care of him, I’ll handle this one.” She told Zafrina.

Zafrina didn’t wait to be told twice as she cleaved the sorcerer’s head clean off his shoulders.

The in coming sorceress was on her hands and feet like a cat. She even made the growling sounds Lyrah sometimes caught Storm making. She launched herself in the air and toppled Lyrah. The two of them rolled together with the sorceress slashing and clawing trying to get to her face.

Lyrah dropped her sword and removed her double guns from her back and shot one on the sorceress’ stomach and another right in the center of her head.

Her body fell limply to the side.

“Destroy the staff!”Lyrah cried to Zafrina as she too searched for the sorceress’ staff.

“He didn’t have one.”

Lyrah frowned. “The sorceress too.”

“Come on, let’s get going before they regenerate.” Zafrina started towards the sounds of screams and howls.

Lyrah’s heart quickened as they got closer. She froze when she saw what was happening in front of her. She had never seen a battle before so this was the craziest thing she had ever done. Adrenaline was pumping so fast in her body that she felt she might pass out because of it. She couldn’t believe that just a few minutes ago she was grieving for having her mate reject her yet again but now, all those thoughts were put to the side and she had to survive this if she was going to help him.

There was a roar as a sorcerer came charging towards her. Lyrah looked at him but she was ready. Thanks to her practices she knew exactly how the male was going to attack. She shifted her left leg to the side and the male’ sword landed with a loud clang and sparks on the floor. Energy pulsed through Lyrah’s hand as her anger simmered deep within her. It’s because of them that she was on the brink of losing her mate. She hacked his head off as he struggled to get the sword from the ground and yellow energy speared in all directions, knocking several males off their feet.

“Lyrah!′ Zafrina looked at her with concern.

“Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself!” She charged in the middle of the fight, her eyes glowing with energy and her entire body glowing.

Now she understood the trigger for her energy; anger. Was this why Lord Mage never wanted her to use it? Because it was fueled by rage? Lyrah found her mind clear of every other thought other than the fact that these disgusting creatures were going to cost her, her mate. They had to be destroyed at all cost! She slashed her way through them, with each slash energy pulsed out of her knocking more of them down so that they are attacked and killed by the warriors.

Suddenly she felt a large hand over hers. She looked up and discovered it was the Lord Mage. He looked pissed and so was she. This was not the time for him to start arguing to with her. To her surprise he gave a nod and stood behind her, his back against hers as more of the sorcerers began to pour in.

Well...this was the first. She was definitely going to tell Noelle about it!

Rhol felt so much loathing that it shook his core with its intensity. He didn’t need all this, all he wanted was power and that was what he was going to get. More of the sorcerers began pouring into the Black Fortress as he and Rowan stood outside. He turned down and stared at the tiny male. A malicious smile appeared on his face. If this weakling thought he was going to stand beside him and order him around like a dog, he had another thing coming. He was the Dark King, he made the orders and he never shared his power with another.

Rogue Dragons took flight above him as the Dark Fae approached him. He had a crazy smile on his face as he eyed them with his dead eyes.

“Thought you could have the party without me, did you?” Ron asked.

Rowan turned to the insignificant fool and snarled. “If you had followed the plans I had laid down, our army from the Legin Glacier would have been here by now. You promised me that all those warriors were dead, did you ever bother to check that they were thoroughly dead?”

Ron looked bored as he watched Rowan chat. Rhol too was getting too bored with the priest.

“I see you managed to break the invincible Jinn king.” Ron turned his eyes to him ignoring what Rowan was blabbering about. “I told you, you would be in with us once he was done with you.”

“I am in with no one but myself and if you two are done talking, I’m ready to take my Fortress back.” He marched forward with Ron and Rowan following him behind.

Rhol batted away the warriors racing to attack him. He watched as more dragons took to the sky to counter attack Ron’s. The courtyards were on fire and people were running in all directions. There was an intense fight going on inside and every once in a while the sorcerers were flying back outside. The Lord Mage...he thought.

He was done acting the good guy when everyone else around was thirsty for power. He was done trying to protect those who didn’t even give a fuck about what he had to sacrifice for them. He was tired of leading people who were bound to fall in the future. This world needed to see the true power and he was harnessing it right at that moment.

“My King!” A warrior approached him, his eyes widen in disbelief.

Rhol whipped his Thyest Bow in the air and batted the male away. He was no one’s king but his own. Rhol aimed the bow towards the entrances where the sorcerers were being toppled over and pulled back the invisible string. The string appeared and shimmered like the cinders of a dying fire. An arrow with the same look also appeared and Rhol let it go.

The arrow flew to the entrance and an explosion shook the entire Fortress, making an opening for them. Rhol approached it, stepping over the heaps of bodies in his way. He felt a burning sensation on his back and when he turned he discovered a red dragon was attacking him. He looked down at Ron and said.

“Get your dragons to destroy him or I will destroy you.”

Ron took a step back and turned around walking back into the courtyard while Rowan and Rhol entered the Fortress.

Several Mage had formed a wall in front of them, keeping it up but all Rowan did was to wave his hands and the Mage clasped their heads, screaming and staggering to the flow. Rowan grinned as the magnetic fall fell away and they entered. The Mage on the floor were convulsing with blood running down their noses, mouths and ears and their eyes turned inside their skulls. Maybe keeping Rowan for a little while was not so bad.

Lyrah was covered with black blood as she managed to cleave yet another head and left it rolling down the hallway. Bodies littered the floor in hundreds and some were still twitching. Not all of them had their staffs so they kept on regenerating until Tyran finally decided to turn them to ashes.

Lyrah’s arms where quaking with fatigue. She was worn out and still more were coming in. Two of the fifty Dragons sent by Queen Malenna were inside, breathing out fireballs while in their humanoid form. Any other day and Lyrah would have doubled-over with laughter but at that moment, she envied their ability.

“How are you holding up?” Tyran asked as he stabbed a sorcerer with his energy sword and the vermin began disintegrating in front of them.

“I’ll be fine.” Lyrah assured him as she shot an approaching sorcerer right in the head.

The numbers of the sorcerers had reduced significantly but there were still a lot stronger. She didn’t worry about them so much. What she worried about was the zinging energy making its way to them. She remembered the feeling of it at the city hall the last time she was there with Rhol. Her head began to ache and she tried to shake the pain away but it grew worse.

“Uh...” she moaned as she collapsed on the floor.

The Lord Mage was also being affected but he didn’t collapse like her. Instead, he turned towards the loud thudding that was making its way towards them. He pulled her to her feet and helped her away right before a loud explosion shook the hallway entrance sending the chandeliers and the glassware crushing onto the floor. Everyone ran for cover.

Lyrah looked around and she couldn’t see Zafrina anywhere.

“We need to look for Zafrina.” She said feeling something trickle down from her nose. She wiped it with the back of her hand and noted the blood smeared there. “What’s happening?”

“Rowan had discovered a way to render us useless. This is the only way he can ever win against me.”

Just when they thought it couldn’t get any worse, Rhol and Rowan entered with Ron and an army of rogue dragons. Lyrah heard Tyran seethe in fury when he laid his eyes on Ron. The Fae almost killed his niece, the Queen Made, and Tyran still had a score to settle with him. Ron turned towards them and smirked as dragons with undulating scales on their bodies. They couldn’t change into full dragons because the space within the Fortress couldn’t allow.

Tyran growled at the male and would have left her to follow Ron when Lyrah tightened her hold on him.

“Not yet.” She whimpered as her head felt as if it were about to explode. More blood ran down her nose as she pointed towards Rhol. “We need to save Rhol first.”

She watched as Lord Mage’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline. “That thing is the Jinn King?”

Lyrah nodded struggling to stand up. “You need to get rid of Rowan while I take care of the dragons.”

Lord Mage looked down at her with a scowl on his face. “You have done enough.”

Before she could protest, she felt someone put her hand over their shoulders and hold her up. Lyrah turned and found Zafrina standing beside her. She was bleeding but she still looked as tough as ever. “I can handle the dragons.” She rolled her eyes at Zafrina.

“I never said you didn’t but it seems you are more susceptible to Rowan’s attack than Lord Mage is. We can wait until Lord Mage has taken him out.”

“A fight never waits Zafrina!” Lyrah exclaimed being taken down the hall.

“And that’s why I will make sure you are safe before I go back to help the others.”

Lyrah shrugged Zafrina away in fury. “You need the help more than me. Look at yourself, you can barely stand up!”

Zafrina groaned in irritation. “You are begging for me to knock you out, my lady.”

“You need to catch me first.” Lyrah rounded around Zafrina but something incredible happened. Lyrah literary ran out of her body! Her spirit jumped out of her body and she had to stop and see her empty shell-of-a-body encase itself in a protective energy cocoon and levitate. She was pure energy now and she could longer feel Rowan’s attack on her. Zafrina cursed out loudly.

“You are much more burdensome than I have ever thought.” She exclaimed as she ran back, meeting up with a dragon along the way. She tried stabbing him but his silvery scales stopped the blade from touching him. He smirked and raised an amber-like blade that Lyrah had never seen before.

“Leave her alone!” Lyrah exclaimed as the dragon toppled Zafrina to the ground, wanting to stab her. Energy pulsed from her as she wanted to push him away and suddenly he turned into cinder right in front of her!

Lyrah jerked back in surprise. How the hell did she do that?

She watched as Zafrina looked around and got to her feet. She was looking straight her as she got to her feet as if she could see her. “I guess a thank you is in order?” She said as she picked up the glowing amber blade and sheathed in on her belt before she ran back to the fight.

Lyrah floated right behind her.

More Dragons and Sorcerers ran after Zafrina trying to attack her but Lyrah was right behind her, singeing them into oblivion and also Feror and Jax were right behind Zafrina, helping her. She could tell Lord Mage had felt her presence because he turned to her but unfortunately so did Rowan. Finally Rowan’s attack was showing its effect on Tyran because he too had blood running down his nose. Most of the Mage warriors were down on the floor convulsing and bleeding profusely. Lyrah’s eyes turned to Rhol and it was a strange thing that she saw within him.

The beast was behind shadows and inside was a fading light calling to her. There was an outline of a male, Rhol’s true shape and size in the center of the beast but engulfed inside the shadows. She remembered what she was told about the shadows. They tended to protect the Jinn when their lives were threatened. Could it be that inside the creature, the fading soul of Rhol was in a protective layer of shadows. If that was the case then she could save him.

“So, finally the Mage of Life has come to full power.” Rowan stared right at her as if he could see her. She took a step to the side and his eyes followed.

Yep, the shit-head could see her! And so did the Lord Mage because he too followed her movements. She looked down at herself and she was a body of light glowing within her.

“Perfect!” Rowan purred with malice and turned to the Creature beside him. “Destroy her and take on your true nature forever! She is a hindrance to you so you can’t complete the change but once you take her away, she will disappear with that last light of your soul and you will become the True Dark King on the Enchanted World. You will have the ability to command the Dark Energy like a weapon and shield once you release it from its confinement and we will rule this world!”

Lyrah’s eyes widened when she saw the determination in Rowan’s face. So, this was what he needed from her? She was what was standing between her and the fading light within Rhol. With her gone, he had nothing else in his life other than the rage and hunger she felt bombarding her senses.

Every time I take your body, all my tempting demons run for cover and you coax me back into the light…she remembered Rhol telling her one time as he lavished her body. Was that the light that she was seeing slowly fading inside the creature?

“Destroy her!” Rowan exclaimed just as Lord Mage went to attack him.

“Lyrah. Run!” Lord Mage cried as he used his full energy to attack Rowan. The two energies clashed sending both males flying on either side of the room.

Lyrah watched as Ron tried to escape but Zafrina was on him before he could even take a step back. Lyrah remained standing a few yards from Rhol. His eyes brunt with unknown cruelty as he took a step back.

“Run!” Lord Mage said again.

“No.” Lyrah stood her ground. Rhol too could see her because he eyed her venomously. “Rhol, you will not hurt me because you love me! I know that now. I know what that light inside you is; its the love you have for me. You have always loved me and my love kept you safe, away from hatred and this darkness that isn’t you. Please return to me, Rhol. I love you!” Lyrah cried.

Rhol had already lifted the Thyest Bow, an arrow shimmering in place and pointing right at her heart. Spirit form or not, Lyrah knew the Mortal Lock was going to kill her. The arrow glowed with power as Rhol tilted his head slightly and narrowed his eyes ready to take her out.

“Rhol…” Lyrah’s eyes widened as she looked a him, tears running down her cheeks. “Please…” she whimpered.

She watched helplessly as the large spear-like arrow sailed towards her aiming for her heart and soul. She couldn’t help but look at Rhol in disbelief and a for moment the darkness bled out of his eyes as the light around the male inside the shadows inside the creature brightened. Horror shimmered in his eyes but his head jerked back and the darkness engulfed his eyes again.

Lyrah was violently jerked up away from the arrow and she found herself behind a large slick dark brown horseback--only it wasn’t a horse she was riding, it was Feror. So everyone could see her! Then what was the use of spirit walking?

Her thoughts were momentarily forgotten when Feror was slammed down by the force of the arrow embedding its head in his arm. He roared as the arrow seared his arm. Feror fell to his side, his massive centaur body almost crushing her but Lyrah jumped away and floated towards Rhol with anger for his recklessness pulsing throughout the whole room, momentarily disorienting everyone. The disorientation also displaced the shadows surrounding the lightly inside the creature, cracking open for a second but enough for Lyrah slip inside.

Rhol’s naked body was floating and he was in a fetus position. He was free of his tattoos; just his fading soul. His eyes were closed and his face was serene.

“Rhol.” Lyrah called him and watched as his eyes slowly opened. His head turned to her and a small smile appeared on his face.

“You are dead too.” He sounded very sad. “So this is the after-life? I can’t believe I failed the people of my Realm.” He turned to her, touching her cheek lightly. “I can’t believe I failed you.”

Lyrah shook her head to get her thoughts straight. “This is not the after-life.”

“It’s the other side huh?” Rhol sighed. “Well, I deserve it. After everything that I did to you, rejecting you at every chance I got. I rejected weakness when in fact the weakness lied in me. I was weak and allowed the darkness to take over and now, I am drifting away.”

“Rhol listen to me!” Lyrah shook him. “You are not dead! You are fading but you are not gone from this world. Please return to the world and take over your body. Rowan is controlling you and you are attacking your own Fortress, killing your own warriors! Please, Rhol, let this end.”

“What?” Rhol’s eyes widened.

“Come back Rhol. For me and for the people of the Realm of the Dark, return to us.”

Rhol raked his hands through Lyrah’s hair and she had to do everything in her power to stop herself from purring. “You are by far the strongest female I have ever met. Please forgive me for doubting you all this time--”

Rhol was talking too much and losing valuable time. For all she knew, the creature was pointing the Thyest Bow at the Lord Mage! She moved forward and kissed him, keeping him quiet long enough to say. “I love you, Rhol, but you need to get your ass back into your body and stop this attack!”

Rhol was stunned for a moment then he raked his fingers deeper into her hair and held her head in place as he took her lips once more. The glow around him began to brighten and shimmer like the brightest of stars at night. Lyrah found herself being pushed out but she didn’t want to let him go. She didn’t want to lose him so she held on to him with all her might.

“I love you, Rhol. I don’t want to lose you like this!” She cried.

Lyrah’s energy began to seep into Rhol’s skin, making a new pattern of yellow tattoos. His eyes turned from the black color that they always were into violet ones with golden flecks.

“I know.” He growled against her ear, kissing it and letting her go.

Lyrah found herself drifting away and soon enough she found herself out of the black cocoon. Light behind the dark shadows burnt holes out. The shadows warped out until they were entirely gone. Rhol’s body within the creature was engulfed in yellow light, shinning brighter than ever!

“What have you done!” Rowan cried out in anger. “What the hell have you done, you raging bitch!”

Lyrah felt herself grin at the furious male. “I told him I loved him, you rattling bones of rot!.”

Rowan shook so hard with his rage until finally he threw his head back and…“--Aaaaaaaah!” Then suddenly flashed away just as Lord Mage was about to attack again.

“I’ll follow him.” Lord Mage flashed after Rowan.

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