Chapter Chapter Fifteen

The Black Fortress was in a state of panic when Lyrah, Queen Noelle and Drake arrived. Muriel was also ready to return but Drake stopped her because of Baby Nolan. Dante and Eva also remained. Drake left Storm in charge and he was not planning on staying for long at the Realm of the Dark. Queen Noelle too was heading back with Drake. She had the entire Court of Nobles in the Fortress and they were making a fuss wanting to know what was happening and why Lord Mage had accepted to aid the Dark King.

“Get this to Zafrina ASAP. We need to expand the search area--” Lord Mage handed the phone to a Jinn warrior and turned to them.

Lyrah noted the angry red marks on his arms and cheek and she would have said something if Queen Noelle didn’t rush forward with worry written all over her face.

“Are you alright?” She asked gently touching Lord Mage’s face.

Lord Mage took her small hands and placed a kiss on them. “I’ll be alright but you shouldn’t be here.” He told her then turned to Drake and Lyrah. “How is everything holding back home?”

“The Nobles are getting a little impatient but all is well.” Drake replied. “Do you have any information on the Jinn King?

Lord Mage’s eyes turned to his sister’s as he sighed softly. “No but we have males searching for him as we speak.”

“He is still alive.” Lyrah managed to pass through her clogged throat. “I can still sense him in this world.”

Lord Mage nodded. “That’s good. We need Gregor’s manuscript so that he guides your spirit to your mate--”

Lyrah shook her head quickly. “I don’t need father’s power to spirit walk. I am a Mage of Life, remember?”

“But you have to mastered that ability yet. Hell, we don’t even know if you have it.”

Lyrah didn’t have the time to start reading the Spirit Walk For Beginners guide. She was desperate to find her mate. She was able to link her spirit with that of a fading spirit so spirit walking was not going to be that hard, was it? After all, thanks to being around her mate for a little while, she was able to acquire new abilities and become stronger. “I can do it!”

Lord Mage’s cheeks ticked. “We don’t have much time, Lyrah. If King Rhol is in the hands of Rowan, it is only a matter of time before he kills him.”

Lyrah refused to believe that Rhol could be killed that easily. “Even if Rhol has been captured by Rowan, I don’t believe he can be killed so easily.”

“If the male is disadvantaged then he can. I doubt Rowan can ever let his guard down in front of an ancient male. He plays dirty and if he has the Jinn King then he must have done something to weaken him.”

“Rowan will not kill Rhol.” Lyrah stated. “The demented Priest needs him for something. He needs him alive if he wants his plans to go well.”

“I hope you are right.” Tyran assured her then turned to Queen Noelle. “You need to return and keep those Nobles from tearing my fortress down.

Noelle chuckled but nodded. “I’ll do my best.”

“I know you will. Drake, Storm and Jax are there to make sure your word is as respected as mine. I believe in your abilities so if they don’t listen to you, you could always banshee their asses.”

“Tyran!” Noelle chastised him.

The Lord Mage drew down and placed a kiss on his mate’s lips before he stepped back and turned to Lyrah. “Come with me--Galea,” he turned to the Mage who discussing something with one of the Realm of the Dark warriors. “Take them home and return as soon as possible.”

Galea nodded and moved towards Queen Noelle and Drake while Lyrah followed her brother and several warriors to heavens-knew-where.

Lyrah clasped her hands under her chin and couldn’t stop herself from pacing up and down the hallways of the Black Fortress. Helpers and warriors came to her and assured her that the Jinn King was alive and alright but Lyrah wanted to see him, to touch him, heal him and make sure he was alright herself. Time had quickly gone by as teams sent out to search for the king returned with no good news. There was no sign of the Jinn King nor any information about Rowan. Lord Mage didn’t want to use her yet because he was waiting for all the teams to return first with any information about the whereabouts of the Jinn King.

Though the team of warriors up in Glacier Legin were able to reduce the numbers of Rowan’s army, it was not significant enough to stop them from making their way down to Karah.

“The army is at the Gates of Elba.” She heard Zafrina announcing to her brother. “If they march day and night, they will be in Karah in less than twenty-four hours.”

Lyrah’s heart went out to the remaining residents of Karah. Most of them had flashed to different and safer places in the Realm but others who couldn’t such as shifters and humans had to take a long way out. Trains were stopped because it was believed if Rowan was going to attack, he first had to immobilize the city by destroying the infrastructure meaning all public transport and public halls and other areas had to be evacuated immediately.

“Has the team infiltrated the Legin lair?” Lord Mage asked Zafrina.

“Not yet but they are still searching for it. The wounded warriors have been returned and they are being treated in the infirmary. As soon as they are strong enough to stand, I will ask them to report about the situation there.”

Lyrah didn’t wait to hear what other brilliant thoughts were swimming in Zafrina’s mind as she made her way towards the infirmary.

All the available healers were in the infirmary as every now and then, wounded warriors were being brought in. Some were missing limbs while others had burns or their bodies discolored due to poisoning.

“We are losing this one!” The healer exclaimed and Lyrah realized that Mage healers had taken their position within the infirmary too. Using their healing arts, they tried to remove the poison from the warrior who was jerking violently on the bed.

Lyrah felt her body ceasing as she watched the male’s eyes turn up into his skull, his veins black with poison and foam coming from his mouth. His tattoos shrieked so loudly as their master died and soon the tattoos also ceased their slithering and faded into gray markings on his body. Lyrah closed her eyes and tried to pinpoint the warrior’s spirit, trying to coax him back but there was so much darkness clouding the spirit path. Screams and moans rang as the souls were viciously yanked away into the darkness. There was nothing she could do to bring back the souls that were lost in that abyss.

Tears lingered in her eyes as she found herself standing in the infirmary again, watching the healers move the dead males to another room where a ritual cleansing was performed on their bodies in preparation for their cremation. Their bodies were covered in a material called zeelon, specifically for warriors who died in the battlefield. A terrible picture appeared in her head; seeing the Jinn King covered in blood red Mayolin, the royal material for all the Realms that a person of royalty was covered in before their cremation.

Hot tears ran down her cheeks as she gasped for air. How was she ever going to deal if he died and she had to watch him get cremated in front of her?

“What are you doing in here?” A warm hand landed on her shoulder.

Lyrah turned and found Zafrina standing before her, her eyes grave and her mouth in a tight line. She quickly wiped away her tears and cleared her throat. “I thought I would be of help coaxing the warriors to live but there is a very thick cloud of evil in here, I can’t do anything to help.”

“You should not concentrate on bring back the dead, my Lady. You should think about finding your mate.” Zafrina stated. “Come with me.”

With one look over her shoulder at the dying males and females with hideous injuries, Lyrah swallowed back the bitter bile making its way up to her throat and followed Zafrina out.

“You said you could sense King Rhol through the mate bond, right?”

Lyrah nodded. “It’s not just the mate bond, it’s also his fighting spirit that I can sense.”

“Just like Stef.” A small smile appeared on Zafrina’s face but it disappeared as quickly as it came. “I want you to find him, my Lady. I need for you to bring him back. We can no longer wait for the all teams that have been sent out to return. We are running out of time. I know Rowan would not be stupid enough not to cloak his lair from prying eyes and that’s why I think the Jinn King’s only hope is you.”

Again, Lyrah nodded and followed Zafrina towards a large pair of double doors.

Zafrina opened them and revealed a double height space. It had interesting articulated stone walls with crystals glimmering around the glass-stained arch windows. Right in the center there was a stone fountain that looked like it had not been used for a long time because it was dry with what looked like ivy growing around it. Four arched doorways were positioned cardinally leading to heavens-knew-where.

“What is this place?” Lyrah breathed as she turned around her heels taking in the mesmerizing space into view. There were large portraits on the wall of the Siranian Royal family. There were about fifteen portraits with enchanting females with black gleaming hair, dark smoldering eyes and perfectly shaped faces and males of worth, heads tilted up to show power, eyes menacing and merciless.

However one part of the wall had a missing portrait and Lyrah knew exactly who was there; Uzrel the traitor. Just after the empty space was King Rhol’s portrait.

“This is the Siranian Family hall. Only those of royal blood or of mating bond to royal blood are allowed entrance. Anyone who trespasses has signed their death sentence.” Zafrina answered.

Lyrah’s eyes widened as she turned to her. “But you--”

Zafrina raised her hand to stop her. “My life matters not if I can’t even keep my King safe.”

Lyrah swallowed back a lump that had formed on her throat at the loyalty Zafrina had to the Jinn King. “Zafrina…”

Zafrina sighed in impatience. “They said this hallway can connect you to the royal family that has passed. I know that you have tried to spirit walk to find him but you couldn’t because of the evil and the darkness cloaking his location.” She walked towards the double doors that they had just walked in from and turned. “Perhaps they would be of assistance.” She jerked her head towards the portraits. “Do what you have to but please bring him back.”

“I will.” Lyrah answered.

Zafrina gave her a curt nod and went out leaving Lyrah standing in front of the fifteen portraits. She breathed in hard and walked to the one that had Rhol’s unruly face looking down at her. Oh how she wanted to touch him but couldn’t even touch the portrait because it was several feet up on the wall. Her body began to glow just by looking at him. She was missing him too much to even put it into word.

“Where are you, Rhol…” She whispered touching the stone wall underneath the portrait. “You promised me that you would take care of yourself and that you would come back unharmed but you lied to me and I am mad!”

As she talked, new tears began to tumble down her cheeks. “I have so much that I want to tell you, so much I want to share with you but you are not here. And you call me reckless, you puff of smoke!”

Yellow energy pulsed from Lyrah’s body and shuffled the ivy leaves and rattled the stained-glass windows. Lyrah glowed brighter, her energy picking up the dust on the stone floor in a small whirlwind.

“I miss you so much.” She whimpered. “Please tell me where you are. You don’t belong anywhere else. You belong here right beside me. You should do your duty as my mate and my King! You should take your place beside me!” She cried and again, another wave of energy pulsed out of her.

Lyrah’s eyes blurred and she blinked several times to try and clear them but it wasn’t the tears that were blurring her vision. She had once experienced that and by the time her eyes cleared a dragon underneath her had turned into cinders.

Her eyes widened as she realized that she had cooked up a storm around her and she was in the heart of it. Leaves and dust swirled around her. The portraits flapped on the walls and windows rattled on their hinges.

“What’s happening?” She whispered as chanting began forming in her mind.

Her body glowed even more to the point that Lyrah feared of that she might explode to nonexistence. Before she could try to calm down a scream tore from her throat as she felt her very soul being yanked from her body. The pain was beyond anything she had ever experienced. Her body levitated horizontally as the yanking continued. Tears ran on the sides of her face as she tore her vocal chords with her screaming for help.

The doors burst open and Tyran and Zafrina entered, shielding their faces from the onslaught of the wind around her.

“Lyrah!” She heard her brother yell above the wind but all Lyrah could do was turn to him.

The terror on both their faces was overwhelming. The last thing Lyrah wanted was to make her brother worry. He already had so much piled up on his shoulders, he didn’t need her there too.

“Brother mine…I’m sorry.” She whispered.

She watched Tyran’s eyes widen in horror as he braved the wind to get to her but it was too late.

Lyrah’s body arched upwards and her head snapped back as yellow energy escaped from her mouth like a light beam.

“No, no, no!′ Tyran cried getting to her but it was too late.

Lyrah’s limp body fell onto the ground and the gale settled down. Several portraits fell on the floor and some of the windows hung open, their once beautiful stained-panes smashed.

Yellow lightning began to sizzle in the air, warding off Zafrina and Tyran from her. An energy encasement formed around her as her body started levitating again.

Tyran tried to touch his sister but sparks flew from the protective encasement.

It was as if she was in water, her silvery hair floating lazily around her, her flowing royal gown dancing softly in the invisible waves.

“What the fuck is happening?′ Zafrina asked, her face ashened.

“I have not idea.” Tyran breathed in hard, taking a step back. “But I am going to find out.” He turned on his heels and stormed out.

Freezing water was poured on Rhol once more and that dark fury within him unfurled again, emerging on the surface in a quiet hiss that sent every hair on the sorceress’ body rippling in alert. Rhol slowly raised his black eyes towards the infuriating female. He was going to enjoy ripping her head clean off her shoulders, all he needed was an opportunity.

She stood holding one very familiar female warrior; Cleo. Rhol’s heart burst in his chest. She was a mess, barely alive. If she was not held up by the sorceress, she would have collapsed onto the hard floor. Her face looked battered with wounds not healing. She had a large gush above her left eye and dried blood down her nose and mouth. The eye was completely closed, swollen to the point it was turning blue.

“Look who is here to see you all the way from the Legin Glacier.” The sorceress pulled Cleo’s head up by the braid of her hair. “Look at your king, warrior. He is kneeling before us? Isn’t that pathetic?” she shoveled Cleo forward.

Cleo staggered on her feet but couldn’t keep her balance with her hands bound in front of her. She ended up collapsing against Rhol. A pained moan escaped from her lips as she looked up at him. She never said a word to him nor anyone since he had rescued her from the nightmare-of-a-life she had with Noble Sereba of the district of Pylon in the Terentia Sector on the West of the Realm--a sadistic male of no worth at all. Once Rhol heard of the tale from Sereba’s trusted concubine, Rhol relieved Sereba’s family of Nobility and sent them from the Sector because the people of Pylon were quite upset and wanted them to pay for what Sereba did.

Cleo lifted her bound hands and touched his face lightly, a small assuring smile appearing on her face.

“I will make them pay for what they did to you, Cleo. That’s my promise to you.” Rhol rasped to her quietly.

Cleo nodded softly before she was taken away from him.

“Hurt her again and I will make sure all the rivers will run red with your blood.” Rhol hissed the warning towards the sorceress.

She eyed him for a moment then planted a punch on Cleo’s stomach. Cleo bowed forward and more blood spurted from her mouth. She tried to be strong but Rhol could see she was already breaking. It was only a matter of time until she returned to the nightmare that she had once re-lived for a long time.

“You will pay dearly for that.” Rhol’s voice lowered as his eyes were completely engulf by the darkness.

The female shrugged as if he was bluffing.

Suddenly a wall shimmered behind the female sorceress. Her eyes widened as she dropped Cleo like she didn’t matter and went to try and get out.

“Rowan!” She called, fear edging her voice. “Rowan, let me out!”

The shackles around Rhol’s hands snapped open and he found himself free. He rubbed the wounds he acquired trying to break free from the enchanted manacles and got up.

“I told you not to taunt him, Larasa, but with your depraved mind you just had to have it your way.” A chilling voice came out from the darkness.

Footsteps could be heard coming forward from that dark passage Rhol always eyed but at that moment, Rhol didn’t give a fuck who was coming. His rage was solely targeted to the female who had thoroughly outdone herself in making him mad to the point of no return. Not even the Heavens were going to save her from his wrath.

Larasa turned to him and lifted her hands. The black stone on her staff began radiating a glow. She chanted lightly and suddenly the roots shot out from the cracks on the stone wall and went to attack him but all Rhol did was uprooting the maddening things.

One root curled around his legs and another on either wrist then one around his neck choking the life out of him. Rhol’s eyes strayed to the unmoving female on Larasa’s feet and a growl emanated from deep within. No one mistreated his warriors and got away with it. He lunged forward ripping the roots away together with part of the wall and smashed his fist on Larasa’s stomach just the way she did to Cleo. A yelp tore from her throat as she staggered on the ground.

Rhol got hold of her hair and pulled her head back, staring deep into her frightened eyes. “I warned you.”

Larasa didn’t give in as she stabbed Rhol’s thigh with the sharp end of her staff. Rhol snarled and pulled the staff off her hands. He raised it up in the air and drove it through her neck. Larasa’s eyes widened in surprise as black blood squirted from her neck, mouth and nose. She choked but Rhol wasn’t quite done with her. He placed both hands on either side of her head and with immense power, he pulled her head, her spine cracking and detaching then twisted it until it came right off. Rhol threw his head back and roared so loudly that even the iron gates rattled. He threw the head to the side and turned to the staff still glowing. He stomped his foot hard against it and the black stone splintered and the glow faded, dying with its master.

Rhol looked down at the black blood in his hands and felt a smile lingering on his lips. He had never felt so much satisfaction before. Taking the sorceress’ life brought a rush he had never felt before. The smile turned to a bark of laughter.

“I can see you are enjoying the rush of power in your veins.” Rowan appeared on the other side of the shimmering wall he had created. “I can give you more than that. You just have to surrender completely to the darkness.”

Rhol cracked his neck as he watched Rowan then rolled his shoulders. “I will never surrender to the likes of you.”

“Oh, you already have--you just don’t know it yet.” The male raised his hand and suddenly Cleo’s ragged body flew to the magnetic wall. It was as though she was crucified on the wall, her eyes full of fear and her mouth moving and making out words that Rhol couldn’t understand. “You just need a small trigger to finish your transformation.”

Rhol didn’t like the look on the male’s face. He moved slowly towards Cleo, wanting to remove her away from the damned male but before he could make it, there was a slashing sound and a quiet yet surprised whimper. Rhol’s eyes widened in horror when he saw the blade protruding from Cleo’s chest, her blood running down from the wound in rivulets.

“No, you cock-sucker!” Rhol rushed to her pulling her away from the blade. She made another pained sound and whizzed, more blood running down from her mouth. “She can’t die this way! She can’t die this way!”

Cleo had gone through a lot and all he ever wanted to do was to give her, her life back. He wanted to see her smile again, to trust people around her and he very much wanted to hear her voice one day. When she wanted to join his army, Rhol remembered he refused every time the request was made…until he saw her bringing down Saigon.

She never thought she was worthy to live among other people in the communities, she rather preferred the army. He promised to watch over her and now, she was tortured…opening up wounds she had taken a long time to close and dying in his arms. What wrong had she done in her life to deserve such a fate? The sorrow Rhol felt in his heart was so deep that his tattoos overcame the enchantment done to then and lashed out

Rhol closed his eyes, filling something so dark and so cold fill within him. This was not right, she deserved mush better than that! The sorrow threatened to engulf him into oblivion. His tattoos shrieked hard and crystallized into black sharp ended claws.

All that time, Rhol was oblivious to what was happening. All he could see and feel was rage beyond his controlling point. He could no longer reason, he could no longer control himself, all he wanted was to kill whatever and whoever was in front of him. He wanted to see blood running in the rivers on the lands and some of it raining from the heavens because even they were to blame for the pained existence Cleo had.

Her eyes went completely white and her tattoos faded into a gray color.

A wretched cry tore through Rhol’s throat that there was nothing else he could do. His tattoos shrieked with him and the sharp claws stabbed his arms and legs suspending him in the air.

“Yes!” Rowan hissed. “Embrace all of the darkness. Become what you were destined to be.”

Rhol roared again as the tattoos slithered under his skin until his entire body was covered in black veins slithering like snakes underneath his skin.

Pain tore through his body as bones began to pop and elongate. Black crystal claws slid out on either hand, sharp crystal protrusion tore out from his back. His body grew in size and he could feel his canines elongating too. A crystal shield appeared on his chest, his forearms and his legs.

“Yes!” Rowan exclaimed. “This is who you are Rhol son of Uzrel! This is you; the Dark King of the Enchanted world.”

When his transformation was done, Rhol threw his head back and roared loudly again. All that time, Rhol could feel his humanity retreating deep inside him. His soul was fading with it and there was a moment of fear but that was quickly engulfed by the fury that was running in his veins fueling his need for bloodshed.

Rowan dropped down the magnetic field and held up his hands. On his palms was the Thyest Bow. “This is rightfully yours, Rhol. Lead us to freeing the Dark Energy so that you could have the power no one else has even ever dreamed of and rule over this world like it is meant to be!”

Rhol eyed the male from a moment then approached him and took the Thyest Bow from him. Immense power to rule over the enchanted world….that didn’t sound so bad.

“But first things first. We need to clear all the vermin in the Black Fortress. Let’s get going--you know the way back, don’t you?”

Rhol’s hand tightened on the Thyest Bow. “Let’s go.” He rasped jumping over Cleo’s body without even another thought about it.

An evil laughter could be heard echoing in the lair as Rhol and Rowan made their way out.

Lyrah opened her eyes and she was disoriented for a moment. She couldn’t figure out where she was or why she felt so lightheaded. She looked around her but she couldn’t see anything. She looked down at herself and discovered that she was floating and her body was still glowing as if she were made from light. What had happened? The last thing she remembered was being in the Royal Hall in the Realm of the Dark. She was trying to figure out how she was going to start looking for her mate. Something happened there after that and suddenly she was in that cold and empty place with chanting voices surrounding her.

She started floating towards wherever she was heading but she wasn’t scared. There was nothing that was threatening her so her mind and body was at ease. She continued floating forward and suddenly all she could hear were echoes.

“Muriel was convinced that Lady Lyrah had abilities that could even surpass yours.” She heard Zafrina’s voice.

“Then she should be here. I need to know what is happening to my sister!” Tyran roared.

Lyrah gasped as her thoughts of her brother began to clear the darkness and brought Zafrina and Tyran into view. They were in Rhol’s office surrounded by Jinn and Mage warriors. Tyran was in a foul mood and Zafrina’s face had grown paler than ever.

“Right away.” Zafrina walked out and Lyrah’s eyes widened in shock when the female passed right through her!

“Zafrina!” Lyrah turned to the leaving female running after her but Zafrina didn’t so much as flinch to indicate that she could hear her.

Lyrah stopped and turned back to her brother. If Zafrina couldn’t see her then that meant she had managed to spirit walk without the aid from the after-life! The only one person who could sense her right now was the Lord Mage because he had powerful psychic abilities. Lyrah raced back to her brother going right through the door and seeing him muttering some things with the males that remained. They were expanding their search for the Jinn King and new teams were being dispatched towards the Legin Glacier to aid the remaining warriors back home.

Enforcements were done around the borders of the Alkalon Sector, its three districts and especially the city of Karah. The road towards the Gates of Elba was immensely fortified. That was typically her brother, Lyrah thought. She was proud of him taking over when the Jinn King had vanished and she was even more happier that the Jinn warriors were ready to follow him to get their king back.

Lord Mage’s head moved up slowly as he scanned the room as if to search from something. His eyes narrowed when they stopped at the door where she was standing.

“Please tell me you can feel me.” Lyrah approached him.

Not only can I feel you, I can hear you. The words filtered into her mind and Lyrah was overwhelmed with relief.

“Oh thank the heavens.”

How did this happen? He asked her.

“I don’t know, one minute I was trying to spirit walk to try and pin point Rhol’s position the next minute I lose control of my abilities and find myself levitating in darkness. The thought of you brought me here.” She sighed softly.

I warned you about your abilities. He growled in her head. I knew you weren’t ready—but you are spirit-walking without the aid from the after-life.

“It’s incredible, isn’t it?” Lyrah chuckled.

But it doesn’t change the fact that you have endangered yourself doing this. I want you to return to your body immediately! As he talked, a growl was making its way up to his throat. The other warriors stared up at him in wonder and he shrugged his shoulders. “My sister is spirit-walking and I am trying to get her to return to her body. She’s in this office as we speak.”

The warriors began to search the room.

“So that’s the subtle energy I have been sensing.” One Mage nodded in understanding.

Lyrah! Go. Now!

“Not until I find the Jinn King.” She stated and her thoughts carried her away from that room into the blackness again.

She thought of Rhol’s fallen-angel Angel face, of his body, his intense eyes and his luscious lips. Her thoughts carried her away into an abyss of darkness. She didn’t know if she could find him because she knew he could be cloaked by the dark arts from the sorcerers. Suddenly, the dark cloud around began to clear and a hazy view came to sight. There was an enormous—thing standing in front of her, its back turned to her. His entire body was clad in what looked like a black crystal. Protrusions could be seen on his backbone and his claws.

Lyrah gasped when she saw what the creature was holding; the Thyest Bow! A small white haired male was standing next to the creature, his face a mask of evil. His black eyes twinkled with cunningness and darkness. Just was looking at him, shivers went up her spine. This must be the last Priest of Aidan; Rowan. She thought quietly.

“Enforcers have been sent to Karah to make sure that there is no one who is going to stand in our way. They will arrive in Karah early dawn tomorrow morning.”

The creature grunted in agreement and shifted away from the male.

Lyrah didn’t understand. She was thinking of Rhol yet she found herself here in this horrid place with a killer and his pet. She began to scan the area. Perhaps there was something that she could find that would help the Lord Mage locate and destroy Rowan.

“When do I get to use the ultimate power of the bow?” the creature rasped and Lyrah felt her insides rattle with disbelief.

No, it couldn’t be. That creature standing in front of Rowan was not Rhol. Rhol would never succumb to evil yet...Lyrah knew that voice from anywhere.

A cruel smile appeared on Rowan’s lips as the half-sorcerer half animals came from one of the entrances. “When you face the Lord Mage. I want him to be the first example to the world of our power. With him gone, this is world is ours for the taking. We will be able to unleash the Dark Energy once more and reign fire on any one who doesn’t follow the new order.”

“The Lord Mage.” The hiss filled with fury and loathing escaped the creature’s lips sending more chills up Lyrah’s spine.

Lyrah took a step back and all the sorcerers including Rowan himself turned towards her location. They couldn’t see her but they could feel her energy. Lyrah cleared all thoughts from her mind in case they were able to read her like the way the Lord Mage did. She looked past them and saw the emblem on the wall behind them. She had no idea what it was but maybe the Lord Mage knew.

Finally the creature turned her way and Lyrah found herself covering her mouth to stop the scream that had made it to her throat.

The creature was Rhol! He was still the same male yet different. She had never heard of Jinns transforming so she didn’t know exactly what Rowan did to him to make him the way he was! His eyes were dead and the blackness a bled into the entire eye. Even his tattoos were gone.

“What is it?” He asked, looking around the room too.

Tears were forming in Lyrah’s eyes as she stepped back again. Rowan suddenly sprang into action moving with great speed towards her direction.

“Something is in here with us. I can feel it. They must have sent a spy of some sort.” Rowan gritted his teeth.

Lyrah hiccuped behind her hands as more and more tears began to fall from her eyes. It couldn’t be. Her mate had not succumbed to the darkness. She would have known it.

“Find it and destroy it!” Rhol roared.

Lyrah hiccuped again and levitated towards him. “Rhol, it’s me. Your mate!”

Rowan’s head snapped towards Rhol’s direction and a smile began to edge around his lips. “It seems your mate as found you, Rhol. The Mage of Life.”

Lyrah turned to Rowan then desperately turned back to her mate. “Rhol! Don’t listen you him. Listen to me, come back with me. Please, return to me.”

“Mate?” Rhol looked straight through Lyrah and for a moment, there was hope as the darkness began to bleed out but then his body arched back and a growl escaped his lips. “I have no mate.” He hissed, his anger slipping into Lyrah’s skin and turning her blood thick and cold.

Rejection...it dawned to her that yet once more she had been rejected. Her body began to shimmer away as a new bout of tears ran down her cheeks. Her heart twisted painfully in her chest to the point she thought she was going to perish from it. She grabbed her chest trying hard to breathe as her spirit raced back to the Lord Mage. Even though her heart mourned for the loss of her mate, she knew she still needed to be strong for the both of them. She didn’t want to give up on him. She was going to try her level best to make him realize that he did have a mate and that she desperately needed him to be by her side.

You are back. Lord Mage’s voice filtered into her head as the male made his way to check the leaving convoy.

“I—I--” She tried to control her trembling voice and the terrible pain that had found refuge in her heart.

Tyran stopped and turned towards her direction. What has happened?

“I found the Jinn King.” She cried feeling lost and alone.

Lyrah. Please return to your body and tell me what has happened. How can I comfort you when all I see is slight glow of your energy? Tyran pleaded.

“It’s him yet its not him.” Lyrah stated ignoring his comments. “Rowan must have done something to him because he is suddenly this huge creature with nothing but bloodshed written in his eyes.”

He has fallen to the darkness like his father. Tyran said grimly.

“No!” Lyrah objected. “If he did, I wouldn’t have been able to find him. There is still a part of him that hasn’t succumbed to the darkness. I know that for sure because it called me to him.”

His soul is fading and if we don’t find him soon then we will have no other choice but to destroy him. Tyran said. Do you know where he is?

“The place that he was together with Rowan and other sorcerers had an emblem of some sort; a Buck, a shield and a snake.” Lyrah remembered.

That was the Bachu’anes’ emblem years ago. He must be at Aidan’s Fortress. We need to get there as soon as possible.

“You don’t have to.” Lyrah assured him trying to wipe away the tears but more kept on coming down her cheeks like rivers. “He and Rowan are making their way here. They are coming to destroy you because only you stand between them and taking over the enchanted world.”

Tyran was quiet for a moment and when Lyrah looked up at him she saw the resolve he had in his eyes. He was going to fight Rowan and Rhol. This was dangerous even for an ancient royal blood Mage like him. He needed all the help he could if he were to win the attack.

I want you to get back in your body and return to the Realm of Spells. He commanded.

“I am not going anywhere.” Lyrah assured him.

It’s going to get dangerous and I don’t want you here--

“Only I can get through to Rhol and I don’t want you to destroy him because--” She stopped and breathed in.

Because what, dammit! Tyran growled.

“Because I love him.” Lyrah finished softly.

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