Emerald Luna

Chapter 23


In the days since the fight with Warg things have gone back to our normal. Smokey isn’t a secret dog agent anymore, but does work border patrol for us. Mom and dad stayed with us as permanent members of our pack and I’m so thrilled that we’re a family again. I still keep in contact with my adopted pack, but I’m happy to be reunited with my actual parents. Violet and Koa have been doing well for themselves settling in as betas and I’m thrilled for them. Koa still kicks my butt in training which I’m ok with. I need it sometimes. As for me and Alarick things have calmed down now and sometimes less action is a good thing. I might go back to school online to finish my secretary degree, but honestly I’m happy with what I have and being Alarick’s secretary… has its perks. He and my dad have been extra sneaky lately and I’m not sure if I want to know what those two are up to. I was finishing up for the day and just sighed in content. I’m finally happy, and can live life how I want to! A knock on the door takes me out of my thoughts and back to reality.

“Come in!” I say to the person.

“Finished for the day?” Alarick smiles at me, but he seems like he’s up to something.

“Yeah, I just finished. What are you up to?” I ask him wearily.

“Oh nothing, but I have a surprise for you in our room. I’ll meet you outside when you’re ready.” He smirks back and I’m just left confused.

“Ok…” I head to our room and when I open the door Violet and my mom are there. “What’s going on?”

“We’re getting you all dolled up!” Violet says to me with a smile. “So go take a shower and we’ll get started.” She pushes me towards the shower and I can’t help but laugh. I turn on the shower and get my vanilla, pumpkin, marshmallow body wash to take with me. I blast some music from a speaker and just have a good time. By the time I’m done I wrap my hair up in a towel and grab another one to cover my body. When I’m all dried off a casual outfit is laid out for me. A nice black turtleneck sweater, boot jeans, black ankle boots and an orange, long cardigan with pockets. My mom does soft curls for my hair and Violet does natural makeup. Just some brown eyeshadow, liner and mascara for the eyes, a little foundation, and a tinted lip balm.

“Well, this was fun ladies, but I got to meet Alarick for… whatever he’s up to.” I smile at them and they just giggle at me.

“Have fun!” My mom hollers at me as I reach the stairs. This is all getting very weird, but I guess I’ll find out soon enough.


“Thanks so much for helping me set up!” I admire the archway full of red and orange flowers and some vibrant leaves. I had lined up the path with pumpkins and candles. I wanted to make this special for her. Now that Warg is finally gone we can be free! I’ve been planning this for a long time and I don’t want to mess it up!

“Anything for my future son-in-law.” He grabs my shoulder and smiles. “I’m so happy that my daughter is in excellent hands. Thank you for taking such good care of her.”

“You’re welcome. I love her very much, and now I get to finally tell her without anyone wanting to hurt her.” I smiled back at him and I could hear the back door slam shut. Crap, we don’t have much time!

“I’ll keep her distracted while you finish up and change. Good luck.” He smiles at me and runs off. I changed to a gray sweater and dark jeans with my boots. Now all I have to do is wait.


I close the backdoor to find my way to Alarick, but I’m so caught up in the fall scenery that I run into dad.

“Oh, sorry dad! I wasn’t paying attention.” I smile at him and he hugs me.

“That’s alright. Why don’t you and I take a walk?”

“Uh sure, but I’m supposed to meet up with Alarick for our dinner.” I look around trying to find him.

“Oh, I’m sure he won’t mind us being a little late. Give him time to make it or have someone help him make it.” He smiles at me again and it’s just making me suspicious.

“Yeah, I suppose…” I take his arm and we walk around the edge of the forest. I take in a deep breath of the cooler air and it makes me forget my troubles that I’ve had. I admire the scenery of the leaves changing and snuggled up in my cardigan. Soon I’m met with a beautiful archway of leaves, flowers and pumpkins.

“What’s all this, dad?” I ask him curiously. He just smirks at me and lets go of my arm.

“Oh, just a little surprise for you. Follow the path and you’ll find what you’re looking for.” That’s very cryptic, but I give him a kiss on the cheek.

“Ok…” I follow the makeshift path and just marvel at the work put into this. All this just for a dinner date? There’s got to be something more cause he’s gone over the top. Soon I’m met with Alarick and he’s dressed up too.

“Hi there, beautiful.” He smiles at me and gives me a sweet kiss.

“Hi… what’s all this?” I gesture to all around us and he just grabs my hands.

“I wanted to make dinner special. I may have had some help…”

“Well, you two did an amazing job. Everything is so beautiful and magical. It’s nice to walk around the forest again without being worried about being attacked.” Soon we’re met with a bright light again. This was unexpected… once the light disappears Artemis is smiling at us.

“You have done well, my child. I’m so proud of you for using your powers for good and for what’s right. Unlike your ancestors who have used to for tricks and pranks. I want to bless you and your family.” She touches my stomach and my hair turns bright green again. Once she’s done, the wind dies down, and she smiles again.

“When you have children… and it’s a matter of when not if. I will be your guide and they will be just as special as the two of you. If you ever need me just use the necklace to call for me.”

“That would’ve been nice to know a few weeks ago…” I mumbled to myself. “Thank you, Artemis for your blessing.” I smile at her and just as she’s about to leave she turns to us again.

“By the way, young one, I was there at the battle with those rouges. I was fighting alongside you.” She smirks at us, and I’m just wide-eyed. I couldn’t help but blush. Dang it she heard me. And as quickly as she came, she disappeared.

“Well, that was… eventful. Now shall we go back to our date?” He grabs my hand and leads me to our spot by the stream where a beautiful picnic was laid out.

“You’re not going to push me into the stream again, are you?” I smirk as I remember our first date, and it’s something I’ll never let him forget.

“No… but I figured some good food, a comfortable blanket, and a fire would be nice.” He unwraps the basket and I realize it’s the same meal we had. A charcuterie board of meats and cheese, some fruit and a bottle of sweet local wine. He also brings out a beautiful bouquet of multicolored sunflowers.

“Oh Alarick… you remembered.” I smiled at him and smelled the flowers.

“Of course I did, but I added something special this time. I got us some pumpkin rolls for dessert.” He gets out the wine and glasses and I just can’t help but smile.

“You know Esme… ever since I saw you in my study I’ve wanted to protect you… love you with all I am. There’s no more mystery… and it’s finally clear to me you’re my home. My heart has searched for you for so long. I know you hold my heart. Your love, it rushes through my veils and I’m addicted to it. After all we’ve been through, I just want to protect you and hold you safe in my arms. I want to see your face first in the morning and the last I see at night. So…” He gets down on one knee and I’m losing it! I take his hand and wipe away my happy tears. He shows me the ring, and it’s absolutely gorgeous! A yellow gold simple band, but a round emerald that’s surrounded by diamonds that reminds me of an emerald flower.

“Will you marry me and make me the happiest man?” He smiles up at me and I smile back at him.

“Yes! Yes! Absolutely I’ll marry you!” I kiss him, and soon leaves are falling on us as if someone is throwing them on us. He puts the ring on my left ring finger and I just stare at it. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this happy ever! I’m so caught up with my ring that I don’t even notice that I’m being tackled by Koa and Violet.

“Oof! Let me up guys!” They get off my back and just tackle me in a hug.

“CONGRATULATIONS!!” They seem so happy for us and I just can’t stop smiling!

“Thank you!”

“Come on, show us the ring!” Everyone wanted to see what he had picked out, and I held out my hand to show them.

“OOH PRETTY!” Violet and mom seem the most impressed. I can’t help but laugh.

“Did you get your pictures, dear?” Mom asks dad and I look at them confused.


“I was hiding in one of the trees this whole time in my fairy form so I wouldn’t ruin your date.” Dad smirks at me and I’m just dumbfounded. He was here the whole time!? He just laughed at me again and gave me a hug. “I’m so happy for you, sweetie. You deserve some happiness.”

“Thanks dad.”

“Now let’s all pack up this picnic and have a proper celebration! We all deserve after all the craziness of the past few days!” Violet perks up and I can’t help but laugh.

“Sounds good to me.” I start packing up what’s left of the food and wine. Mom grabbed the blanket and hugged me as well. “Well I guess we have a mating ceremony to plan.” I smile at everyone and they just cheer for us. We made it back home and went to the back where a party was already in full swing!

“SURPRISE!!” Everyone shouts at us and I just look at the group in shock.

“How did you-”

“I mindlinked Koa and Violet while you were staring at your ring and they set it up!” Alarick smirks at me and I just can’t believe it. He settles down the crowd and takes my hand to a makeshift stage. “Thank you everyone! I know we’ve been mated for a while, but with all the chaos with Warg it was time to make it official. So I present to you, my fiancee.” Everyone hoots and hollers for us and I can’t help but blush. I slightly nudge Alarick out of the way and everyone chuckles.

“Thank you, hun for those kind words. I know I’ve been your luna for a while, but it’s nice to make it official. And now that the war with Warg is over we finally have something to celebrate! So enjoy the food, drinks and music!” I make my way back to my friends and parents and hug them. “Thank you, everyone!”

“Of course it’s not everyday we get to celebrate your engagement! We have more surprises for you.” Mom smirks at me and I can’t help but laugh again.

“More?? What more is there?!” Out of the shadows of the house I see my adopted parents and friends from Scarlett Claws! “Mom, dad? Mel? Rica?! Alpha Conan!?” I didn’t expect him to show up.

“Congratulations sweetie!” I look to Alarick and mouth a thank you. Despite everything, I had missed them.

“How did you know!?” That was my main question.

“Alarick had told us yesterday of his scheme and we’ve been hiding in one of the guest houses.” The girls smirk at me and I turn to Alarick.

“Since yesterday!? I’ll deal with you later.” Everyone laughs at my demise, but my friends give me a hug.

“I’m glad you’re well taken care of. And your new training program works well for you,” Rica smiles at me.

“Thanks, I have a talented trainer.” I nudge Koa who just laughs at me. “Well, I better make my rounds as hostess and see other people, but thanks for coming, guys!” Just as I’m about to leave I bump into Alpha Conan.

“Luna Esme…” He smirks at me

“I really got to get used to that.” I giggle at my title. “Thanks for coming!”

“I’m happy for you. I know you were kind of invisible at Scarlett Claws, but you seemed to have blossomed here. Alpha Alarick has been kind to you.” He smiles and now I remember why I had a crush on him. I try to contain my blush.

“Yeah, he has and I’m a very lucky woman.”

“Well, I wanted to give you a mating present.” He hands me a bag and I can’t help but smile.

“Thank you, that’s kind of you.” I push the tissue paper out of the way and see a small box. I look at him confused and he just smirks. I open the box and it’s a ruby pendant! “Oh, my… it’s beautiful.”

“Whenever you feel homesick, just wear this.” He smiles at me and I blush.

“Thank you, it’s beautiful.” I put it back in the bag to not lose it and I gave it to my adopted mom to hold on to. “I got to make my rounds, but I’ll be back. Go enjoy some food.”

“Of course, congratulations again. Also, don’t forget where you come from.” I make my rounds and everyone is having a good time. The night dwindles down and my feet are killing me! Alarick carries me up to our room and we settle down for the night.

“Did you have a good day?” He smirks at me.

“Uh yeah! I had the best day ever! Thank you for making me so happy!” I kissed him and I changed into some comfy PJs. I clean up the makeup and just relax into his arms.

“No… thank you for making me happy.” My cheeks have been hurting with all the smiling I’ve done today, but that’s ok. Today, although unexpected, is the start of something amazing.

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