Emerald Luna

Chapter 22


Finally, I have the bitch! Now she’ll be mine!

“Nice going guys. Now we all get what we want. You get the power and I get the girl… my sweet submissive girl…” I hear a groan coming from the wall, I chain her up and smirk as she’s waking up. “Nice of you to join us, Esme.” She looks around and looks at me horrified… excellent…

“Where am I?” She asks me groggily.

“No need to worry about that… I told you I’d be back.”

“How could I forget… you reminded me every day!” She spat at me. Ooh, bad idea.

“Well, then you should also remember that I told you that if you run that I’d send a fully armed battalion after you… this is the battalion.” I show her the crowd of rogues behind me. She looks scared which fuels me more. “Soon you’ll know that I served you well.” I caress her cheek and she tries to bite my hand. “Ooh, feisty aren’t we? Don’t try to change the subject… you’re my favorite subject… my sweet submissive subject.”

“I’ll never go back to you! I’ve already marked and mated with my mate and not even you can break that!”

“Not unless I kill your precious mate… which I have full intentions to,” I smirk at her and she looks so horrified. Excellent… “Now despite our estrangement… I’m your man… I knew you’d come back to me.”

“Not willingly…”

“Soon you’ll change your mind. Soon you’ll become my queen.”

“NEVER!” She spits in my face. I slap her cheek for her defiance.

“Soon you’ll learn some respect!” I slap her cheek. The others chuckle at my… impasse but I let it slide for now. “Come gents, let’s leave our guest to her thoughts.”


Ugh, I thought he’d never leave the egomaniac psycho! I look out the small window of my dungeon and see the feet or paws of someone.

“HELP I’M DOWN HERE!” I try to scream out to whoever it is, but they don’t seem to hear me. Great, now he gets smart... Soon I hear the door open and smell Warg coming back… ugh…

“Now where were we…” I look out the window again and I see my dad!

“DAD I’m down here!” I scream through the mindlink hoping he hears me! Warg grabs my face to force me to look at him.

“Now do we get to have our fun and make her show us how to use her stupid necklace!”

“Don’t talk back to me! You do what I order you to do!” Ugh, he hasn’t changed much… all I need to do.

“OH, Warg! I never realized how handsome you are.” I see all the other rogues’ jaws drop and probably my dad’s too. Soon the lightbulb goes off and he realizes that I’m trying to give them time to get to me.

“Hmm… that’s better. Now little puppy, tell me more about myself…” Uuhh… pretend I’m talking to Alarick…

“You’re… tall… dark… handsome…”

“Go on…” He says in a creepy husky voice

“And your stubble… is just right…” I motion to dad out the window for him to come slowly. I hear one rogue try to speak up but I see a warrior muffle him. Soon I hear something metal drop on the floor which almost makes Warg look at the noise, but I did the one thing I know I’m going to have to do, and when I get home, I’ll use a whole bottle of mouthwash… I kissed him. I hear a few gasps from the crowd, but from the reflection of my necklace, he sees Alarick and dad.

“YOU! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO FIGHT YOU TO GET MY GIRL BACK?!” I hear him scream angrily at Alarick.

“SHE’S NOT YOURS TO HAVE!” Alarick growls at him. He tries to make his way to me to get me out of my chains. I saw dad shrink down to his fairy size and picked my locks. Once I hear the click of them unlocking I jump down to the floor. “NO, NO sweetie!” I hear another set of cuffs being put on me… damn it. “Nice try” He smirks at me...

“ESME!” I hear Alarick, my parents, Koa and Violet. Wow, quite a rescue party.

“Oh, we got the whole family, how sweet… I can take out the entire leadership in one fell swoop!” Then I remember that the necklace can make me invisible! I close my eyes and try to see if I can make this work! Soon I hear gasps and screams. “WHERE IS SHE?!” He turns to a rogue and just shrugs his shoulders… a big mistake. I tried to slip the cuffs off and luckily I was able to learn how to shrink myself just a few weeks ago! The cuffs bang and clang onto the floor and I see dad smirking to himself.

“FIND HER!” He growled at his misfit of rogues. During all the commotion no one could hear me sneak out the metal door that everyone else went through. I try to get my bearings on where the heck I am and I think this is just some abandoned and old building in the middle of the woods… great...

I hear footsteps behind me and I just run! I don’t look behind me to see who it is, I just run… there must be an exit around here somewhere!

“Esme! It’s me! Stop running!” Then it hits me… Alarick… I turned around and see his smiling face and I made myself visible again.

“Oh, Alarick… thank gosh you’re here! Let’s get outta here!” I hugged him quickly but I definitely want to pick up where this left off.

“There’s an entrance this way! Follow me!” I follow him through some twists and turns and eventually I can see some sunlight!

“Sun! Oh, how I’ve never been more glad to see it!” I fall to the ground and just lay here for a moment. ”Everyone! I’m outside with Alarick! Get outta there!” I scream through the mindlink hearing the fighting still going on inside.

"Bit busy at the moment, but glad you’re safe luna!”

Koa sounded so serious… he’s never called me luna seriously before. Maybe kidding around or he calls me by name but I think it’s really the first time that it hits me.

“We have to go back! Now that we know the way we have to save the others!” I beg Alarick and he looks at me like I’ve grown a third head.

“Are you crazy??” He yells at me.

“Well, I did date that psycho so… yeah…” I chuckle to myself. Trying to lighten the mood.

“Well, I’ll admit this…” he smiles at me and hugs me. “You’re a good luna. Let’s get the others!” I shift into my fairy form since I highly doubt they’ll expect that and try to embrace this necklace as much as I can.

The fierceness of battle is still going on with what’s left of the rogues. I think there are about 15, maybe 20 of them, and that’s not including the others that jumped me. I also hear the barking of Smokey! I almost forgot about him.

“Smokey!” He runs to me and gives me a slobbery kiss on the cheek. “Why did you turn me in?!”

“Because the other guy was my original owner and told me to… I’m sorry, pretty lady. Pretty lady has been so nice to me… I’d like to go back with you! You gave me a nice bed and yummy food!” I see his tail wag and he gives me another kiss.

“Ok, ok I get the point!” I can’t help but laugh at this massive dog knocking me over. “Now if you really want to help me, then bite all the bad guys! Especially your first owner! Give him a piece of your mind!” He growls at me, clearly not happy with how he was living when he was with Warg. I don’t blame him.

“Go get him, boy!” He charges at the rogues and starts biting them! All of us are startled for a second and just let the dog bite then.

"He is getting a special dinner when we get back!”

“He turned you in!” Alarick yells at me again.

"Not willingly! He had to, but he likes me better and offered to help us!” I smirk at him as I hear the screams of the rogues getting mauled by our dog.

"Ok… he can stay.” I squeal in excitement but soon it turns into a nightmare when I’m face to face with Warg.

“Finally… you’re mine!” He looks at me with the creepiest smile on his face like I’m some prize. Ugh, I can’t wait to get rid of him!”

“Not for long, psycho!” I charge at him with all my might. This has been a moment that has been years in the making! As soon as I’m close enough to him I punch him as hard as I can!

“Man, that felt good!” I could get a couple of light fireballs on him. Not enough to kill him but enough to char him a little. I can feel my powers amplify and I flutter into the air. I kicked him so hard into his chest that I probably broke something. I hear him scream in pain and it’s just music to my ears.

Soon I hear the clicking of claws on the floor. I look to see if it’s us or them and I see a smaller, light gray wolf charging at us.

"Can’t let you have all the fun, luna!” I smile when I realize that it’s Violet coming at us. Yeah, she’s also got some beef with him… this isn’t going to end well for him. She jumps on him and scratches his face and bites his shoulder.

“Oooh, that’s gonna leave a mark!” She growls at him and I can only guess what she’s saying, but I’m sure it feels good. I walk up to a bleeding-out Warg and grab him by what’s left of his shirt.

“See this is what happens when you mess with us! Now you’re gonna go away slowly and painfully.” Between pissed-off alpha, myself, betas, and my parents… I don’t pity him at all. All of us had a problem with him and wanted to beat the crap out of him. Each one of us had our hard punch. Alarick and mom are leaving the hardest. Soon the clicking of claws rang through the room and I figured it was Koa showing up.

“Nice of you to join us, beta,” I smirk as I call him by his title and I bet if he could he’d smile back.

"Rogues are taken care of. Violet and I took care of them.”

“Well done. Now I’m sure you want a piece of this… thing that’s left of a wolf.” He was pretty bloodied up between the five of us.

"It’d be my pleasure.” I heard him growl, and it rang out through the empty room. He and Alarick charged at him again and he looked at the two angry wolves and with his ultimate moment just begs for mercy.

"No mercy guys…” I give them the order and I can hear the snap of his neck breaking. To say I’m relieved that this piece of crap is dead is the understatement of the year! Hallelujah! No more hiding… no more looking over my shoulder… a burden is lifted off my shoulders… I feel free!

“Let me just burn him to ash… he’s dead, so it doesn’t matter if he rots in the ground or not.” Everyone looked freaked out and stepped back. I dragged his ass outside and made the biggest fireball I could make and then toned it down some since that’d probably catch the entire forest on fire. I go back to my medium-sized fireball and just light him up.

“May he rot wherever he goes and face his judgment…” I watch the burning Warg slowly disappear until there’s nothing but ash… I let out a deep breath I didn’t realize I was holding and let a fresh breeze carry the ashes away. Alarick slowly comes up to me and hugs me…

“You ok? I know this was personal…” He looks at me with concern but I smile. I cup his cheek and kiss him.

“Yeah, I’m honestly ok. No more looking over my shoulder and I can be free of that creep!” I let out another deep breath. “Let’s go home…” I hear Smokey bark in agreement and it makes me laugh... Alarick grabs my hand and we just stroll through the forest as nothing happened...

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