Emerald Luna

Chapter 2


Sure, enough I woke myself up at 7 am to give myself time to get ready for training. Enough time for a shower, get dressed into workout clothes (a sports bra, a loose-fitting shirt, and some yoga shorts that go to my knees. Decent that I’m not showing off to anyone, but loose-fitting that I can still train.). Have a decent hearty breakfast, meet up with Rica and Accalia outside my house.

“Ready to train?” Rica jumped up to me excitedly and was very perky in the morning…

Ugh, I’m not ready for this!

“No, not really but I’m willing to try. Just nervous.”

If I wanted to be honest, I’m a little scared. Sure, I’ve had some training from my dad because he comes from a line of pack warriors. He was not a higher-up, but he was in the pack army and wanted me to know enough to defend myself when I went to college.

“Don’t be nervous you’ll have us.”

She tries to comfort me with a hug. We make it to the training yard and everyone has eyes on us. I haven’t been here in a while and infringing on their training.

“Alright, everyone we have a new wolf training with us. Most of you may know her, some may not. This is Esme Verdell, she just came home from college and hasn’t been with us for a while. Make her feel welcomed. Now that we got pleasantries out of the way let’s start with a 10mi run in human form and a 10mi run in wolf form! You may be in shape in human form but if your wolf is lazy, that will not help you in battle!”

All of us ladies groan and whine. Not wanting to do this even though it’d come in handy someday.

“Let’s go ladies less complaining and more running!” Ugh, I haven’t run like this since I trained with dad three years ago! I’m so out of shape!

After the run, I collapse on the ground. My legs felt like jelly and Mera, my wolf, was tired too. Unfortunately, there was more to training than just running… some kickboxing and basic hand-to-hand combat. I was rusty on the hand to hand, but at least I wasn’t starting from scratch. After the combat, it was sparring, and they paired me with Rica… I got squished like a bug. Finally, once we stretched out from the workout to prevent injuries, it was around lunch and we were done for the day… ugh I’m so worn out! I’m going to make a nice light lunch maybe a salad with chicken and some sliced almonds and an Asian dressing… ooh that sounds yummy! I get to my cabin to make my tasty salad and collapsed on my couch from the training. Once Mera and I weren’t exhausted anymore, I figured since the sun was still up and a nice day to go for a walk in the nearby woods. What harm can that be?

It felt so good to be in the woods again. I used to come here to have some peace. There’s a stream I like to go to. I let Mera out for a run to let her stretch her legs without Accalia yelling at us to hurry. We find the stream to have a drink and decide to venture out from there. Never went past this stream so figured why not. The sun, the smell of the trees, the grass, the wildflowers… ugh I missed this in the city. Mera and I keep on walking for what was probably hours. Soon I smell unfamiliar scents…

“Uh, Mera I think we should head back home now…”

“Yeah, that may be a good idea…” We turn around, but we feel a hand in my blueish gray fur…

Ut-oh busted…” I turn around slowly trying to show the guard some respect. If I was human, I’d be blushing and trying to talk my way out of this.

“And where do you think you’re going?” I nudge my head towards the forest showing that I’m trying to leave.

“Nice try she-wolf, come on you’ve got some explaining to do. We’ll find some clothes for you and you can talk to my alpha…”

The guard hands me some clothes, and I go behind a tree to shift and change. Well, damn it… now I’m in trouble with another pack… guess I traveled too far. So much for hanging out with Rica later… I look around this pack I’m in and it’s like they’re completely camouflaged by the trees and mountains. It’s a beautiful territory and I like it hides in the trees. The guard in front of me is intimidating. Hopefully, I’m not in too much trouble. I feel like everyone is staring at me… guess this pack isn’t used to outsiders… the guard knocks on the door to I’m assuming the alpha’s study and I just get a wave of the scent of a pine forest after a summer rain.


“What do you mean, mate!?”

“Our mate is here goof!” Oh great… oh top of everything else…

“Ah, Koa thank you, but you can stay.” Well, at least I know the guard’s name. “So, what brings you here? Besides being my mate?” I guess he felt it too. At least it’s not one-sided… hopefully…

“I was taking a walk in the woods; I went farther than I usually do and I found myself here. I didn’t know we were mates until I was outside the door.”

“What is your name?” He glares at me and crosses his arms like he’s trying to figure out if I’m friend or foe. I’m presuming he’s the alpha given the nice study, and he’s easily 6ft with arms and body that look like they can squish me like a grape…

“Esmeralda… Esme…”

“And what pack did you come from, Esme?”

“Scarlett Claws, about an hour’s walk from here.” He comes around his desk and starts circling me like I’m some hunted prey… “What’s with the circling?”

“Well, I suppose I should let your alpha know that you’ll be moving here now.” I take a step back in shock and my mouth is gaping open.

“Moving here?! I just met you! What about my family, my friends, my training??” Of course, I was worried about all those things! I had just moved into my cabin and I didn’t want to move again.

“Once I know they will not cause trouble they can come to visit. As for training, if you’re going to be the future Luna then, of course, you’re going to train. I’ll do it myself.” My eyes went wide like a small dinner plate. Trained by the alpha himself!? I thought being trained by a beta was hard! “Tell me, what training do you have so far?”

“Well… I just had my first day of training yesterday. 10mi in human form, 10mi in wolf form, some kickboxing and some basic hand-to-hand combat, and a little of sparring.” He seemed impressed by our routine. Guess that’s a good thing.

“Not bad… well since you know where we are, why don’t you pack from your former living area and come back. I’ll send my beta, Koa with you.”

“Thank you alpha…” I tried to be polite, but I don’t think he ever told me his name. I go over the conversation in my head and realize that no, he didn’t tell me.

“Oh, I’m sorry how rude of me. Alpha Alarick Cuthwulf of Emerald Warrior.” Never heard of this pack…he sticks out his hand for a handshake and I shakily take it.

“Well, thank you for now rejecting me or kicking me out.”

“Of course not. Tell your friends and family your goodbyes.”

We head out but before I completely go out the door; he kisses my cheek. I turn to look at him but all I could do was blush at him. Mera was pleased to get noticed by her mate. I have a look of stunned as I leave the office. I talk a little with his beta as we walk back to Scarlett Claws. When I get home, I can see my parents, Rica and Accalia by my door. My mom practically tackles me with her worried hug.

“Esme! Oh, thank goodness you’re alright! Where have you been!? Why didn’t you have your phone!?” She questions me with worry in her tone and I take a deep breath and try to calm everyone else down.

“Yes, I’m fine, my phone was charging, so I left it at home. I went for a walk in the woods to my stream and I walked a little farther. Little did I know that there’s another pack.” Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and let me continue the story of what happened except dad looks worried.

“That’s impossible, there’s no record of a pack that way.” My dad looks as shocked as I was when I found it.

“Well, it is, this is the beta, Koa and their alpha is my mate.” Now the rest of them go wide-eyed. Koa gave a meek wave to my family from a few feet behind me.

“You found your mate!?” Rica gives me a cheerful smile. Mom sounded optimistic as well. Great, everyone else was happy about this but me.

“Yeah, there’s a plot twist for you. I didn’t expect to find my mate, let alone an alpha!” I wasn’t interested in finding my mate for a while since I was focused on school. “Well, he wants me to pack my stuff up and move to his pack.” I start to find the boxes that I had just put away and start putting things in boxes again.

“What’s the name of this pack?” My dad asks with a curious look in his eye.

“Emerald Warrior. Like in that bedtime story you used to tell me as a pup.”

“That’s not possible…” He looks at me like I had a third head. Did I say something I shouldn’t have?

“Uh but it is… that’s the name of it… why? Is something wrong with that pack?” I was worried and get nervous about what dad was saying.

“No, no, nothing to worry about...I think we should go inside and talk about this...”

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