Emerald Luna

Chapter 1

Esme’s POV

After finishing my associate degree in business management hopefully putting that to some use around the pack, I moved back home from my community college in the city, the Scarlett Claw Pack. My name is Esmerelda but everyone calls me Esme and I recently turned 21. My friends Melania but we call her Mel and Rica (she’s the younger sister to our beta, Accalia) are helping me move into my new small house near the packhouse. Since I’m just an omega, I don’t have the luxury of living near the packhouse unless you work for the higher-ups. Oh well…

“Thanks, guys, for helping me move in.” I smile at my friends who’ve spent hours helping me unload boxes.

“Of course, Esme! We’re just happy that you’re home again!” Mel hugs me, squeezing me with all her might. She was so excited to have me home she tackled me when we met at my old apartment to box that up. Rica squeals in excitement too.

“We’ve missed you so much… it’s been pretty boring with just work and training…” Just hearing Rica talk wore me out. I let out an enormous sigh.

“Man, that sounds boring… well hopefully now that we’re back together and that I’ve graduated it won’t be as boring anymore.”

I give them a quick hug before getting back to unboxing more stuff. Why is it you always realize you have so much stuff when you move?? My new house isn’t much but it’ll do just fine for me. It’s a one-bedroom one-bathroom wood cabin-like house with a kitchen and small living room, but despite the smallness, it has a balcony near my room. Soon everything is where I want it to be and we all collapse onto my couch that some of the other omega guys helped us move in and I buy everyone some pizza and drinks as thanks for helping me. I decided the girls could crash on my couches and we could have a sleepover in my new house.

The next morning, I make all of us some breakfast before walking around the territory reacquainting myself with my home. It’s only been two years and yet it feels like I missed so much around here. Of course, I visit my parents Wulfrun and Ayla. Sadly, they couldn’t help me during my move because of some pack stuff but they promised they’d visit. Seeing my old packhouse makes me smile and yet I dare not get close.

“Esme!” I turn around when someone calls for me and realize it’s Beta Accalia.

“Hey Beta,” I smirk at her as I knew she rarely liked to use her title much.

“Oh, no need for formalities give me a hug!” She says, spreading her arms out.

She was the closest thing to a sister I had growing up. Sadly, I’m an only child and I guess my parents never adopted or try for another child after me.

“So good to see you again!” She smiles as we pull apart.

“So good to see you! How’re things?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Training is going well.” She sighs. “But it’d be nice to see you at training again. Maybe college has made you soft.” She teases me. It probably has I haven’t been to a gym in so long.

“I’m no warrior, but there’s nothing wrong learning some self-defense.”

“Great!” She chirps, clasping her hands together eagerly. “We have she-wolf training at 8 am sharp every day except for Sundays that’s your day off.” Ugh, what am I getting myself into?

“Wouldn’t everyone wonder why a lowly omega is in your class?” I ask, hoping to weasel my way out of her challenging classes.

“If anyone gives you trouble let me know and I’ll whip them into shape for messing with you.” She warns, her voice going low and menacing almost a growl. I knew I could always count on her.

“What were you doing up here, anyway?”

“Just walking around getting used to the lay of the land.” I shrug.

“Seeing if anything changed?” She smirks.

“Yeah, all that fun stuff.” I let out a nervous laugh.

“I can show you around the packhouse. No one will give you trouble for going in.” She seemed all too eager to let me inside.

“I thought pack members weren’t allowed inside.” Entering the house cautiously.

“No, you were allowed before you left, you were just too scared to.” She laughs at me as we head into the house.

“I was not! Well… maybe a little bit to a pup, the alpha is a scary guy!” I do admit I was shy being around the higher-ups. They’re intimidating! I could feel my cheeks getting warm from embarrassment…

“No need to blush it’s ok just teasing you.” She shows me around and it’s a five-story mansion!? How have I not noticed this when I was younger!? “So, you know the main level. Kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms, game room stuff that people can use. The 2nd floor is mostly offices for the alpha, myself, and gamma. The 3rd floor is the gamma’s floor, the 4th floor is my floor and the 5th floor is for the alpha and eventual luna.”

“Geez…” I just look around amazed at everything. This wood cabin turned mansion amazing!

“Yeah, it’s nice. I’ll show you my floors so if you need me you know where to go.”

“I really hope there’s an elevator.” I didn’t want to go upstairs… I was going to feel this in the morning.

“Yeah, there is, but I usually show the rookies the stairs first to get them into shape.” She had a Cheshire cat smirk, and I knew I was going to be feeling this tomorrow. Going up to the second floor where her office was not so bad, but going to the fourth floor was exhausting… ugh.

“So, what did you think of my mini-tour?” She didn’t even break a sweat while I’m huffing and puffing all out of breath. Guess you get used to it. Once I regain my composer and not a wimp who just finished her first workout we continue to walk around and we find a shady spot under a tree to continue talking.

“It’s really nice I’m glad you got the beta position. You worked your butt off for it!”

“Thanks, I didn’t want my family lineage to be the reason I got it. I wanted to work for it.” True… Accalia and Melania both have beta blood. They don’t like to brag about it, but they’re kick ass when they’re in training.

“Well, you certainly earned it, and after the stair master workout I’m going to visit my parents and collapse on their couch.” She laughs at my misery…

“Just wait until training…” There’s that Cheshire cat smile again. I really hate that smile.

“Ugh… I’m not looking forward to it.” I give her one more hug before going separate ways. I was a little grateful to not run into the alpha or his family. They intimidated me when I was younger and guess I just never got over that. I eventually make it to my parent’s much smaller house and collapse.

“You ok, sweetie?” My mom asks me with concern.

“Yeah, I’m ok. Accalia just showed me around the packhouse and my legs hurt.” I plop down on the couch and just want to sink into the cushions.

“Well, that would do it. I’ve been in there a few times when they wanted me to help around.” Soon my dad comes in, and with a pillow, I muffle a hi and give him a half-hearted wave in my face.

“Looks like someone got a tour of the packhouse. It’s different since you were last here. We got more pack members and had to expand. How was your day besides the workout?” I finally got up from my comfy pillow and groaned from my soreness.

“Good, Accalia invited me to train with her she-wolf group.” As much as I want to try it just walking around the packhouse is making me nervous about tomorrow.

“How nice! You’ve always been close with her and Rica.” Mom smiles at me at the mention of her.

“Yeah, they’ve practically been my sisters.” I smile at the fun memories I’ve had with them over the years.

“Well, I’m glad you’re home again. Why don’t we head to your house? I can bring dinner over and we can see it.” Mom offering to make dinner? Sure I don’t turn down free food!

“Sure, that sounds nice! It’s not too far from here.” I lead them the way to my new house which I was happy to be in. We all enjoyed a nice dinner of fish tacos and veggies together. Once the night was over, I cleaned up from dinner and just went to bed. I needed it for the day of training tomorrow.

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