
: Chapter 28

“Your client should be more worried about losing her medical license than a timeshare in the Virgin Islands. Her patient videotaped her bent over the examining table as he gave her a rectal exam with his dick, Alan. When we’re dividing up assets, consider that video one of mine. My client spent twenty grand buying that video, but I’d say the value is a hundred times that in this room.”

I was sitting in my conference room negotiating a settlement with opposing attorney Alan Avery. We’d done enough cases together for him to know I wasn’t bluffing. Roman had found out a sex tape existed even before the good Dr. Appleton knew about it. And now Mr. Appleton wanted alimony and all of the marital assets.

But Alan’s focus wasn’t on the possible repercussions of that tape. His mind seemed somewhere else entirely. And when I turned to look over my shoulder to see what he was watching, I was pissed about more than just him wasting my time.

“She your new secretary?” he asked.

Emerie stood at the end of the hall, signing for a package from UPS. Her ass looked phenomenal in a tan, form-fitting skirt.

“No. She’s a sub-tenant for a while,” I said curtly.


“Can we get back to the settlement?” I slammed my file shut. “My client isn’t giving Dr. DickUpTheAss one damn cent.”

“That’s ridiculous. Her husband has been mooching off her for years. She paid for all of the joint assets they have with proceeds from her medical practice.”

“Yeah, well, tell her we said thank you for the parting gifts. She can earn some more. I’m sure she’s a very popular proctologist.”

“She’s an ENT.”

“Really? Video looks more like she specializes in rectal exams.”

“Speaking of assholes, what crawled up yours this morning? You’re in a mood.”

“Let’s just get this crap done. I have a busy afternoon,” I grumbled.

A few minutes later, Emerie knocked on the open door. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but you have a phone call, Drew. She claims it’s urgent.”

“Who is it?”

Emerie was hesitant. “I don’t know. She wouldn’t give me her name.”

“Tell her I’ll call her back. It’s obviously not so important if she won’t even tell you her name.”

Emerie locked eyes with me. “The caller has a strong Southern accent. I thought perhaps Georgia.”

Great. Fucking Alexa.

I stood and spoke to Alan. “Excuse me for a minute.”

“Take your time. Your new tenant and I can get to know each other while you’re gone.”

Just perfect.

I didn’t stop the door from slamming behind me as I shut myself into my office and picked up the phone. “Drew Jagger.”

“The woman who answered the phone is annoying.”

I let out an irritated sigh. “What do you want, Alexa? I’m in the middle of a conference.”

“I’m staying in Atlanta another two weeks.”

“Like hell you are. My visitation starts on Friday, and you’ve already been there a week longer than the two weeks we agreed on. I haven’t seen my son in more than three weeks.”

“You can come here for your visit.”

“I can’t drop everything and fly to Atlanta every other week because you want to play with your friends. Beck needs to be home, back in school, and back to his routine.”

“He also needs to get to know his father.”

I knew exactly what she meant. “Fuck you, Alexa. He knows his father!”

“His biological father. Levi wants to get to know him. It’s important.”

I felt the rise of my blood pressure. “Really? If it’s so important, why didn’t you tell him seven fucking years ago when you found out you were pregnant? And why hasn’t he made an attempt to know our son when he’s known the truth for more than two years now? Not to mention, has he started paying support yet?”

I wasted the next ten minutes of my life in another useless argument with Alexa. For Beck’s benefit, I stretched my patience as thin as it could possibly go and didn’t hang up on her. I didn’t trust my ex-wife to not play the only card she had left in her very worn deck: taking me back to court to reduce my visitation. Even after paternity had been proven and Levi’s name replaced mine on my son’s birth certificate, her redneck ex-boyfriend had never attempted to get to know Beck. We’d settled out of court on the custody arrangement, and I’d agreed to pay hefty additional alimony and child support even though I could have made a motion to stop support once paternity was disproved. But in the back of my mind, I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop—especially now that she was apparently speaking to Levi again. My son still had no idea who the man was.

Knowing how vindictive Alexa could be kept me from doing a lot of things I wanted to do to make her life miserable, like hanging up on her today.

After a minute of silence, Alexa finally got to the point she’d been calling to make. I kicked myself for taking the argument bait she’d set for me.

“If you feel that strongly about Beck coming back to New York, I suppose we could work something out.”

“What do you want, Alexa?”

“Well, Levi has a big race coming up next week, and I want to be here for it.”

For some reason I didn’t harbor the same anger toward Levi as I did Alexa. A part of me actually felt bad for the idiot. She’d blown the sucker off, referred to him as a grease monkey, if I remembered correctly, in favor of snagging herself a husband with a fatter bank account. But now that the grease monkey was a sponsored driver on the NASCAR circuit, he was suddenly good enough to speak to again.

“Is there a point to this story?”

“Well, it does get loud at the races, anyway. I suppose if you wanted to fly down here and take Beck back with you for the week, I could stay down here alone before coming back to New York. Although, I’m running a little short on cash right now, and I’d need some extra spending money to travel to see the race.”

I wanted to tell her to go fuck herself, but instead I said, “I’ll get tickets for me and Beck. I’ll text you the time my flight gets in, and you’ll bring him to the airport to meet me. You’re getting a thousand cash, and don’t call me for more.”


After I hung up, I sat at my desk for another minute, trying to compose myself. That woman made me want to drink hard liquor before lunch. The extra minute or two helped just slightly, although whatever anger I’d managed to tamp down bubbled back to the surface when I returned to the conference room and found Alan still chatting with Emerie. She was laughing at something he’d just said.

“Finished so soon? Don’t you have any more calls you need to make? Emerie and I were just getting to know each other.”

“Maybe you should have spent the last fifteen minutes figuring out how your client is going to pay your bill when I leave her with nothing but her medical license.”

“Glad to see your call has improved your mood, Jagger.”

I grumbled something along the lines of stick it up your ass and went to sit back down.

“Drew?” Emerie said. “Before you get back to work, can I speak to you for a minute?”

I nodded and followed her into her office. She shut the door behind us. “Alan seems nice.”

“He’s a womanizer.” I actually had no idea if he was—it just came out.

Emerie smiled. “I can see why. He’s handsome, too.”

I glared at her. “You want to fuck Alan?”

“Would that make you angry?”

“Are you kidding me right now? Because I just hung up with my ex-wife, and I’m already in a piss-poor mood without you telling me you’re interested in the first guy who walked into the office after you got up out of my bed this morning.”

Emerie walked to her desk and leaned one hip against it. “Keep that feeling. We’ll put it to good use later.”

I was on her in two seconds flat. My fingers pressed into her hips as I sandwiched her between my body and her desk. “Cute. You want to angry fuck? I’m more than willing to accommodate right now.”

“Alan is waiting for you.”

“Alan can listen to you scream my name while I bury my cock inside you.”

The urge hit me like a brick wall, and suddenly my mouth was crushed to hers. I swallowed the sound of her gasp as one hand slid up from her hip and palmed her breast through her shirt. When her hands reached around and grabbed my ass, my other hand went to her neck so I could tilt her head to just the right angle and make her open wider for me. She smelled incredible, her skin pebbled beneath my fingers, and her hot mouth tasted so fucking good.

We were both panting when the kiss broke. Emerie looked a little stunned, and I felt a bit drugged.

“What’s your schedule this afternoon?”

She thought for a moment. “Last counseling is a video session from three to four. You?”

“Be in my office at 4:01.” Our kiss had smeared her lipstick. I used my thumb to wipe it from her face and then rubbed it into her bottom lip. “Put fresh lipstick on before you come. I want to fuck this mouth painted bright red.”

Emerie still seemed a little shell shocked as I straightened her clothes and then my own. Looking down, there wasn’t much I could do to hide the swell in my pants. Hopefully my opponent wouldn’t look in the vicinity of my dick when I returned. Then again…on second thought, hopefully he would.

Once we were both smoothed out, I gave Emerie a quick kiss.

“4:01,” I reminded her.

She swallowed and nodded. Just as my hand reached the door, Emerie finally spoke. “Drew?”

I turned back.

She pointed to the side of her mouth. “You have a little…lipstick. Right here.”

I grinned. “Good.”

Drew: American Airlines flight 302, lands at 5:05 Friday night. Return flight is at 6:15pm. Check the gate and meet me there.

Alexa: Do they have anything a little later? Traffic from the airport will be terrible when I drive home.

Like I give a flying fuck if she sits in traffic.

Drew: No.

I assumed I’d get some bitchy text back, but instead her name flashed on my screen with an incoming call.

Begrudgingly, I answered. “I’m not changing the flights.”

My office door was halfway open, and my attention quickly diverted to Emerie slipping inside and closing it behind her. I’d lost track of time, so my eyes flashed to the top right-hand corner of my computer. 4:01.

Alexa was busy rambling on about how she’d started checking the flight schedule for the following week for her return flight, and the rates were too high. But I couldn’t concentrate. Instead, I watched Emerie lock my office door and strut toward me. She had an impish gleam in her eye and began unbuttoning her shirt as she walked.

Reaching my chair, she put her hands on the top of the tall wingback and swiveled it to face her. I almost dropped the phone when she licked her lips and slowly lowered herself to her knees before me.

Jesus Christ.

Emerie got to work on unbuttoning my pants, and it wasn’t until I heard Alexa’s voice screeching through the phone that I remembered I was still on it.

“Are you there?” Alexa bitched.

“How much do you need?”

“Another thousand.” If she only knew; I would have given her a hundred thousand just to get her off the phone so I could get my dick into Emerie’s mouth in peace.

“Fine. I’ll bring it. Don’t call me again.” I pushed end, tossed my phone on the desk, and looked down at the beautiful sight before me. Emerie looked up from under long lashes, and I realized her lips were painted bright red.

Fuck yeah.

She unzipped my pants and tugged for me to lift so she could pull them off. I happily obliged and helped her remove my boxers at the same time. My stiff cock sprang free. One of her delicate little hands wrapped around my shaft, and she gave it a few slow pumps until a small bead of precum glistened on the tip.

My eyes were glued to her as she leaned down and licked it off. Her eyes shut as she brought her tongue back inside her hot little mouth and licked her lips.

“Fuck,” I groaned.

She gave me a wicked smile. “Still angry?”

“It’s quickly dissipating.”

I’m not sure if she was actually taking her time, or if it was my mind screwing with me, but she opened her mouth wide and everything seemed to play out in slow motion. She inched toward my cock, her tongue peeked out, and then her gloriously painted red fuck-me lips wrapped around my crown and closed. She sucked me in, taking my entire length in one deep, long, hard swallow.

“Jesus. Fuck, Em.”

It was the oddest thing, but instead of feeling relief to have her mouth on me, knowing my release wasn’t going to take long, I suddenly felt tense and uptight. I was angry to find she was good at giving head, pissed that she must have learned on some other guy.

She pulled back slowly, suctioning hard as her lips glided up my length while the flat of her tongue pressed against the throbbing vein. Then, after pulling almost all the way off, she immediately swallowed me back down. With each bob up and down, I felt a different emotion, vacillating between angry she was good at this and thanking God that she was.

She alternated between taking me deep and pumping me at the base while her slick little tongue swirled around my tip. If I’d been inside of her, the time it took me to finish would have been embarrassing. Even so, it was less than five minutes before I was holding back and having to warn her I was just about to explode.

“Em. I’m gonna…” My words were half groaned/half spoken, but she must have understood. “Em…” I gave her one final warning. But instead of moving her head away and releasing me from her mouth, she caught my gaze and held it as she took me into the back of her throat.

Fucking gorgeous. Her blue eyes looking up at me, creamy pale cheeks filled with my cock, and red lips closed over every last inch. I tangled my fingers in her hair and prayed to her name one more time as I released down her throat. She made a moaning sound as she closed her eyes and swallowed every last drop of my cum.

Unable to speak, I reached down and lifted her up, settling her onto my lap so I could bury my face in her shoulder. After my breathing calmed, I kissed her neck. “That was…incredible. It feels weird to want to say thank you after that. But shit, thank you.”

She giggled. The sound made me smile like an idiot. “You’re welcome.”

I held her on my lap for a long time. When blood finally came back to my brain, I remembered I’d spoken to Alexa.

“Stay with me again tonight. I have to fly to Atlanta tomorrow afternoon, so I’ll be leaving the office early.”

“Oh? How long will you be gone?”

“Just the night. It’s a long story. But I’m flying down to pick up my son and flying back with him an hour later. Alexa is staying down there for another week, and I don’t want him flying alone.”

“That’s nice. So you’ll have him for the week all to yourself then?”

Without even thinking about it, I said, “Yeah. He’s gonna love you. He’s a real ladies’ man.”

She smiled. “I’d love to stay tonight, and I can’t wait to meet your son.”

I’d never introduced any woman to Beck before. But for some reason, I wanted Beck to meet Emerie. Maybe it was the best blowjob I’d had in my life making me not think clearly, but I got the feeling he was supposed to meet her.

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