Duty and Destiny

Chapter 31

This wasn’t the wedding she wanted. It felt forced, unreal. But she couldn’t say no either. The rebels at the palace walls told her so. For the sake of her people, she needed to commit to this shoddy matrimony. Maybe later she and Archer could have a real bonding ceremony.

“I do,” the words left her lips without a thought. And in a second she was out of Conan’s arms and into Archer’s. She stared into his eyes as he looked down at her. His touch fired the senses, his voice as though drifting on a magical breeze as he said. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” she didn’t sound as melodic as he did. Her voice came out as a bare whisper, hoarse and scratchy to the throat. But Archer didn’t seem to mind. The gentle pressure of his lips against hers rendered her mind senseless. There was no more thinking, all she was capable of was feeling and she loved each and every moment of it. When he pulled away, a tentative smile creases his face and again something stirred within her.

“My husband,” she said it as if she didn’t believe it.

“And you are my wife, my all and my life,” Archer rested his forehead against hers and it was as if that single touch united their souls.

The abrupt roars of applause pulled them apart. The chapel was filled to the brim. They were all here, their families and key members of the guards. They looked happy, and that hushed the fear Adalia had that they would think the rushed bonding was a sham.

“People of the North and the South, my bride and I,” Adalia smiled as the word sent delicious heat across her skin. “Are asking you to join together to fight to protect our kingdoms. We are one now, joined in two marriages. There is no North and no South. Will you join us?”

Adalia was afraid the thundering ‘yes’ would bring the chapel walls down. They stood still trying to greet all the well-wishers as their stewards dressed them in armor. And just as luck would have it, Xander chose that moment to walk into the chapel.

“You married him?”


“Aren’t you going to congratulate us?” Archer goaded.

She notched up her chin looking finding the courage that Archer had ebbed into her frame. “Well, Xander.”

She could see the rage radiate from his body as he took a knee. His fist to his chest, he bowed his head in respect. “My sword is yours to command.”

“I bet it is,” Adalia heard Archer mutter under his breath.

“Xander, I want you by my side during the battle,”

“Of course, Princess.”


Archer could see the wheels turning in Xander’s mind. He must have been thinking of a new plan to eliminate him, this time for good. He held onto Adalia’s hand terrified that if he let go, Xander would snatch her away. A muscle throbbed in his chin as he gazed at his wife with pride. He had finally married Adalia and beaten Xander with the same blow. He watched as Xander left the room in a mad rush, knocking over everything and everyone who stood in his way.

“He’s angry,” Archer didn’t miss the cautionary tone in Adalia’s voice.

“Don’t worry about him now. We need to strategize a plan to get the rebels to fall back. Maybe we could sort this out without fighting at all.”

“Always the diplomatic one. Maybe in future, when we have problems like this, I will leave you at how, thinking of a diplomatic solution while I gather the troops.”

“You will never leave my side,” Archer was about to kiss Adalia when Conan and Doran interrupted them. He let out a growl of annoyance, trying to chase the two guardians away but it didn’t work. They stood firm, waiting on the two to join them.

“Your father is waiting, Princess Adalia,” Conan coughed out; trying to hide his amused chuckled.

“King Lionell is also waiting for you Prince Archer.”

“Later, my dove,” Archer said as he took Adalia’s hand and led her to Gabrielle’s war room.

Archer and Adalia walked into the war rooms and went to their families, to receive their good wishes. For a moment, they let themselves be happy, and rejoice in the joy that they had within those walls. But the arrival of Conan and Doran disrupted that too.

“Archer and Randi cannot be at the same place. Neither can Novia and Adalia,” Conan said.

“I don’t think it would be wise for Archer and Adalia to be together either,” Doran said.

“I am not leaving Archer’s side,” Adalia protested. “You don’t understand. I need to be with him just in case-,”

“Just in case what?” Gabrielle asked.

Archer could see the look of remorse painted on Adalia’s face. He didn’t want to worry anyone else about his wing problem. But now he didn’t seem like he had any other choice but to tell them. “I can’t fly. When Xander… the blade damaged my wing.”

“My God!” he heard his mother gasp.

“I will be with him,” Samson’s bellow filled the air.

“Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in a while?” Archer hadn’t seen him during the bonding ceremony, neither had he seen Fiona.

“It was too difficult for her to watch. But I would like to congratulate you.”

“Thank you.”

“That settles it. Archer will have Samson at his side. You don’t have to worry anymore Princess. Now let’s talk about-,” they all turned to the doors as a guard came rushing in. Archer worried that something had happened, but the look of relief on the guard’s face managed to reassure him.

“The rebels have pulled back.”


Xander knew he had lost everything with Archer’s return. He went out to the palace gates and asked the rebels to fall back. He had a new plan. But this time he didn’t expect to come back after it was executed. He sent word to Archer and Adalia to meet him at the South gates. His need for power disappeared the second he walked into the chapel to find Archer and Adalia joined. Now all he wanted was revenge. Archer had robbed him of everything he wanted, while Adalia had watched and laughed in his face. Xander took several breaths to calm his unraveling nerves. He vowed to come out on top. They were going to regret ever mocking him.

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