Duty and Destiny

Chapter 30

Archer saw the glint of silver as Adalia pulled out her sword. He ran to her side and pulled her away. “I need to discuss something with you.”

“Two more seconds and he would be lying headless in a pool of his own blood,” she growled through clenched teeth.

“You are right Archer she is fierce,” he chuckled. “Would you like to let off some steam?”

“I would love to,” Adalia led them to the balcony. “I think the space here is enough.”

Archer looked at how close the edge was. He couldn’t fly and he hadn’t told Adalia yet. “Its fine,” he lied.

“No, it’s not. I think you better sit this one out Archer,” Samson dumped his coat and drew out his sword. “Are you ready?”

“I was born ready.”

“Wait a minute,” Archer blocked Samson’s path.

“You said she was tough,” Samson asked confused.

“I am. Get out of the way Archer,” she didn’t draw her sword. She watched Samson as he stalked around her. She watched how he moved his legs, his arms and how he held his sword.

Samson was smiling but then a shadow crossed over his face and his expression immediately closed. He attacked Adalia but she ducked. He tried to get her to fight back but nothing he did would get her to draw out her sword, until finally he lunged at her. Adalia turned around with great speed enhanced by her wings. She folded in her wings and pulled put her sword stopping Samson’s in its path and breaking it in half.

Stunned, Samson dropped his useless blade and began to clap. “She is fierce. Where did you learn that?”

“My father always wanted a son first. I was two years old before my brother was born. I was his substitute,” she said the sword back in its sheath.

“Feeling better?” Archer asked wrapping his arms around her. He breathed in the scent of her hair, and it was like he had just taken in a breath of cleansing air. “I missed holding you like this.”

“And I missed being held,” although she loved how he felt, she had to separate herself from him. “Why did Samson ask you to sit out, did he think you wouldn’t fight fair?”

“No, it’s just that I have an injury,” he flexed his left shoulder, and he could still feel how soar it was. “I can’t fly.”

“What? Why?” she smoothed her hand over his back.

“When I was attacked my left wing was nicked. I can’t use it,” he felt frustrated, defeated by his own body. “So, if I fell, I wouldn’t be able to fly back up.”

“This is a problem. You can’t be in the fight against Xander and the rebels,” she shook her head.

“I can still fight.”

“It doesn’t matter. You won’t be able to save yourself if he throws you off high ground or something,” she shook her head once more. “I won’t allow it.”

“You can’t stop me.”

“Don’t push me because I will tell your father.”

Just then Randi walked into their spiff. “Father wants to see you, the both of you.”

They went to Gabrielle’s room, and everyone seemed to be assembled there. Adalia leaned back into a wall, she was exhausted and the little fight she had with Samson wore her out even more. But even though she felt tired she knew she had to tell her father about Xander, and she dreaded it.

“I was walking in the woods one day, looking for berries. Lola loves them,” Fiona started telling them about her involvement with Xander. But each memory she dug up, a new frown line formed in her face. “I met him, we started talking and I brought him back to the colony. He said he was one of the soldiers sent to protect the people who lived in the woods. Anyway, we were together for a while. We were happy, he always talked about Adalia,” she couldn’t disguise the distaste she felt when she said her name; “he said he had to get back to her.”

“Long story short, he took over the rebels and tried to kill Archer and he’s been slowly poisoning you,” Samson wrapped it up in one bow.

“She hates me,” Adalia whispered into Archer’s ears when Fiona’s gaze got too uncomfortable.

“She doesn’t know you.”

“I almost gave my daughter away to a traitor and a murderer,” Gabrielle moaned once everything had been explained to him.

“Father,” Adalia smiled at him. She sat next to him on the bed and held onto his hand. “I don’t blame you. But I think that it would be best if I chose m own husband from now on.”

“You are my little diamond, you know that right?” His palm cupped her face and Adalia leaned into it. “I would never make a decision that would harm you.”

“I know daddy.”

“Your highness,” Adalia turned just in time to see Conan send a way a guard that she never knew had joined them. Conan’s brow drew together in a formidable frown, as his fingers curled around the hilt of his sword. “The rebels have formed a front line, just outside the palace walls.”

“And where is Xander? Adalia rose from the bed, and with three large strides she was at Conan’s side.

“He is with the palace guards. Apparently, he is forming a defensive line,” Adalia could see the doubt and disbelief written on the seasoned warriors face. Something wasn’t right, Xander was up to something.

“Bring him here,” Adalia could see the curios looks burrowing holes in her face. “He cannot suspect that something is amiss. We need to treat him just as we did before Archer’s attack.”

“Adalia, what are you up to?” She felt the gently pressure of Archer’s fingers digging into her flesh when he grabbed her elbow.

“I am keeping my enemies close,” she cast him a cherry glow. “And my loved ones even closer. Considering what you told me, I would be more comfortable if you were at my side at all times.”

Archer’s eyes mocked in laughter, as he planted a feathery kiss on her forehead. “I will never leave your side.”

“I’m glad,” Doran cut in. “because we have a slight problem. During your outburst you accused Princess Adalia of some heinous crimes-,”

“I know, and I am sorry. She forgives me.”

“Do I?” She teased.

“That is fantastic. But whoever went to the North guards to tell them about your fight, left out the resolution.”

“What are you saying Doran?” Adalia could feel Archer’s body tense.

“They will not fight with a family that tried to kill their future King.”

“I will command them to,” Archer bellowed.

“It doesn’t work that way my son,” Lionell cut in. “This is one of the reasons why kingdoms have marriages of convenience and alliances. We need to unite the South and the North as one. We have no idea the number of rebels Xander has amassed, considering the many tiny villages living in the forests. You have to do your duty to your people.”

“You have to marry,” Gabrielle put in.

“But Randi and Novia are married. Our kingdoms are already united. Why won’t they fight under that union?” Adalia asked, unaware of the damage her query had done. Before she knew what was going on, Archer had stormed out of her father’s room. “Is it something I said?”

“Sometime dear sister, I am not quite sure of how big your brain in,” the corners of Randi’s eyes crinkled as he laughed.

“Archer thinks that you are rejecting him,” Novia said.

“Isn’t that preposterous! All this time I have been weeping for him, does he think I did it for my own benefit?” Adalia asked.

“You need to tell him that you will marry him.”

Adalia looked into Novia’s eyes, and they looked so much like Archer’s. She envied the young princess in one thing, how open she was about her love for Randi. But Adalia didn’t think she could be that vulnerable again. When Archer disappeared, she felt like an open nerve, exposed to every emotion out there.

“What are you thinking about?” Randi’s question pierced into her thoughts.

“I am thinking about how much I wish I could be like your wife. I fight battles, and stare into my enemy’s eyes and will not back down. But when it comes to this emotional part of life, I cower behind practicality and duty. I could tell Archer how much I love him, but then-,”

“But then- nothing my love,” Leora held on to the top of Adalia’s shoulders and shook her. “There is no right and wrong when it comes to love. Now, you better find Archer and ask him to marry you before he disappears again.”

“Why would I ask him, it’s not proper?”

“I asked your father. You are going to be queen; you need to start taking charge now.”

“What if he says no?”

“I won’t.”

Adalia turned around and found Archer staring at him. The angry look on his face, replaced by a sly smile. He didn’t look like someone who had just been rejected, but there was a teasing smile playing at the corners of his lips.

“You ask me,” Adalia countered.

“You are the one who wanted to take charge,” he teased her.

Coloring prettily a warm glow lit up his eyes. “I won’t ask you.”

“It doesn’t matter. The priest is waiting for us at the chapel.”

“What?” Adalia asked shocked. “I thought you were angry. Isn’t that the reason you stormed out of here like a toddler who didn’t get his sweets.”

“A toddler? You liken me to a toddler. My little brother Noel is a toddler. I on the other hand am a man, and your husband.”

“Not yet you aren’t,” Adalia smiled as she rose to her tip toes. She was just about to kiss Archer, when they were grabbed, pulled apart and rushed to the chapel. They were hurried down the aisle, like two criminals being pushed into the gallows. For a second, a knot of fear formed in her throat. She couldn’t resist or turn back and run away. Not because she was unwilling, but because she was no match for Conan’s strong warrior hands. They stood before the priest and Adalia’s knees begun to buckle. She didn’t feel this nervous when she almost married Xander. That was because she was detached and the wall around her heart protected her. But since she heard the deep timbered voice of Archer- when he disrupted her first wedding- she felt like a bare nerve, left to feel every emotion in her body.

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