Dropping The Crown

Chapter 20

Adani's POV.

My heart raced and the bottle slipped out of my hand, shattering on the floor. Flamboyant and Mavielle recoiled as they looked at me.

I felt like the air was draining from my lungs. Slowly, I stood up and looked around the room. "Adani, are you alright?" Mavielle asked. She was standing next to me but she felt and sounded so distant.

"I have to leave," I said.

"Why, we just got here," Flamboyant responded.

"We have to leave right now!" I snapped. I made a beeline for the exit and the ladies tailed after me, yelling to get my attention but all I was thinking about was being caught by Wayan.

I reached the exit and burst through the doors. The night air greeted me. I scanned the street. No-one but club-goers and they were busy having a battle with the bouncers.

Flamboyant and Mavielle reached me. We walked over to Flamboyant's vehicle. I gazed as I got into the back seat.

"Flamboyant. Drive please!"

"Adani, what the hell! You caused a scene in there, ran out like a headless chicken and now you're yelling at me and trying to tell me what to do!" she yelled back at me.

"I'll explain later. I need you to drive!"

"I'm not going anywhere, until you tell us what's going on."

"Flamboyant, just drive," Mavielle pleaded. Flamboyant heaved a loud sigh before she started the engine and drove to her apartment.

I was careful getting out, making certain we weren't followed before we went inside.

Flamboyant sat at her bar and Mavielle stood close by. As I walked into the room, I felt like I was walking into a courthouse.

"There's someone after me," I began.

"No shit," Flamboyant said.

"I'm honestly not in the mood to dive into deep details so spare me the discourteous remarks," I said back.

She threw up both her hands to indicate 'surrender'.

"Long story short. I was in an abusive relationship. One day... or more like one night, I left him and that hasn't sink into his thick skull as yet," I explained.

"Is he dangerous?" Mavielle asked.

"He is," I answered.

"And you let me drive you here, and you were in my house, what the hell, Adani!" Flamboyant said.

"I made sure we weren't being followed."

"Oh really! What you should have done was let me take you back to the mansion which is guarded. Matter of fact, that's where I'm taking you right now. Let's go."

Without another word, Flamboyant snatched her keys and we left. I couldn't blame her for the way she felt. Everyone who intervened in my situation was in danger, even if they just wanted to be a friend.

I remembered Adonna. I sent her a quick text and she called afterwards.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'm heading to the mansion as we speak."

"Let me know when you get there."

"Will do."

We drove in silence. Flamboyant didn't even play a song. At the sight of the jeep at the gates, security checked us, and we drove on in.

"Have a goodnight, Adani. Try to get some rest and we'll see you tomorrow," Mavielle said. She hugged me dearly and Flamboyant rolled her eyes at us.

"Thanks for ruining the night," she said with a smile.

"I'm sorry."

"Whatever. Goodnight."

Mavielle got back into the jeep and they drove on out. Sighing, I went inside and walked into the kitchen where I made myself a cup of mint tea.

I found myself in Mr. Parriston's private breakfast room. I sat down and was almost done with my cup when the door slide opened and Mr. Parriston himself stepped in with a cup of tea in his hand.

"Oh," he startled.

"Oh gosh. I'm sorry. I shouldn't... I shouldn't be in your space," I said. I stood up and it was then I realized I was crying. The tears fell.

"No. You can stay. Please, sit down, Miss. Prime."

I sat down and wiped my tears away. He handed me a box of tissue he had on his desk.

"What's wrong, why are you crying?" he asked me.

"I was just thinking about my past."

"Why are you thinking about something that is making you sad?"

"Because my ex and I were in the same room tonight."

"Same room, meaning?" he questioned sharply.

"I went to the club with Mavielle and Flamboyant and he was there. Our paths didn't cross. I fled."

"You shouldn't have to be living your life worrying about your ex and you definitely shouldn't be in a room crying by yourself."

"I'll be fine."

"Will you though, because from where I'm standing, it looks like this is taking a toll on you."

"I don't know what to do."

"Be real with me like you were at the office. What are you feeling, are you still in love him?"

My eyes expanded at his question but I knew the answer without a doubt. "I'm not."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I wouldn't be crying if I was."

"Some people cry happy tears."

"These are not happy tears, Mr. Parriston."

"Maybe you should talk to someone who would understand your situation and emotions. I can refer you to the family's therapist, Dr. Milan. She's the best."

"I.. I'm not sure. I don't know if I have the courage to step outside again. I keep thinking he's out there, waiting and watching."

"I understand that. I can arrange for her coming here. Your sessions can even be in this room or

my home office after your work is done."

"It may be rude to ask, but how much would this cost me?"

"It's free."

"Oh. In that case, I'll be willing to talk to Dr. Milan."

"Great. I'll contact her first thing in the morning."

"Thank you, Mr. Parriston."

"You're welcome, Miss. Prime."

"Well.. um. I'm done with my tea so I'll leave you to yours. Have a good night."

"You too."

I exited, calming the butterflies that were causing a frenzy as I walked back to the kitchen. I cleaned my cup and headed to my bedroom.

I took a hot shower and oiled my skin. Then I got into a nightwear and got underneath the covers.

*Knock Knock*

I opened my eyes, got out of bed and went to the door.

"You left this behind." Mr. Parriston handed me my purse.

"Oh. Thanks."

He smiled before leaving. I closed the door in and climbed back into bed.

*Knock Knock*

'What did I forget again?'

I got out of bed and went to the door again.

"Mrs. Parriston?"

"What was my son doing in front of your door this hour of the night, huh?"

"I... He was just telling me..."

"Save it. I can see right through you. Just look at you. Wearing skimpy clothes, tight uniforms,

trying to lure my son into your trap and nonsense."

"Mrs. Parriston.. I can assure you that you have the wrong idea about me."

"Have I, I know you. I know your type. Desperate and miserable. Stay away from my son or you'll

regret you ever became a maid here."

She slithered away and I returned to bed with another load weighing my mind.

When was I ever going to have peace and happiness?

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