Dropping The Crown

Chapter 19

Adani's POV.

It was the first Sunday in July. It was my day-off and it was extremely hot out. The heat seemed

to be in a fight with the air conditioning and it was winning.

I was already out of bed, had breakfast and was thinking about how I would enjoy my first

complete day off since I started working as Mr. Parriston's live-in maid.

I knew I definitely wanted to stay out of Mrs. Parriston's eyesight and path. She had zero

consideration for others' personal time to themselves and when my phone started ringing and I noticed it was Mavielle, I answered with relief.

"Hey. What's up?" she asked when I answered.

"I'm good. You?"

"Same. I'm actually calling because I want you to join us at the beach today."


"I umm..." I stuttered as my mind flashed to Wayan and I recalled the nightmare. I was certain he was still out there looking for me, "Mavielle, I don't really know if I can..."

"Look, it's your first day off and it's hot. Haven't you seen the temperature, what better way to cool down than the beach?"

"Being in air conditioning."

"Adani, come on. I don't care if I have to come over there and pull you out of the mansion myself. You're coming."

"I don't even have anything to wear to the beach, Mavielle."

"I've got you covered. I'll be over in half an hour."

She hung up before I could protest some more. I cussed mentally as I took a quick shower and got into a robe. I didn't mentally prepare myself for the outdoors as yet and nobody, except Mr. Parriston, knows my background on the abuse.

As said, Mavielle came over half an hour later with a small shopping bag. She took out the items and my eyes popped when I saw the bikini.

"Now, get your cute self in this and let's hit the beach. Flamboyant is waiting for us and she's eager to drive her new jeep some more," she said and excused herself so I can get dressed. After several more minutes, I was ready. I took a deep breath as I exited and walked onto the driveway where Flamboyant and Mavielle were already hyper and full of laughter and smiles. Flamboyant rocked a sunshade with a red bikini top and jeans shorts. Her hair was pulled into a messy ponytail but still managed to look great.

Mavielle was applying lip gloss right before she put her sunglasses on.

I got into the back of the jeep and Flamboyant drove out of the mansion's gate. We sped along the roads that were lined with palm trees until Flamboyant turned left onto a dirt road. Eventually, the jeep came to a stop, and we got out. We carried our bags and blankets and a

mini-ice cooler along a narrow path.

"I've never been here before," I said.

"That's because this area isn't as popular or well known by others," Flamboyant responded. We continued walking, jumped down several large stones and then I heard the crashing of the waves on the shoreline.

"Almost there," Mavielle spoke. We walked up to and passed a few coconut trees and entered onto a white sandy beach.


We set up not far from the trees as they provided additional shade despite Flamboyant popping open an umbrella. Mavielle handed us drinks and I finished mine almost immediately.

We watched as a couple walked by with their dog and kid. The birds flew over the open blue

water, the waves crashed, and my worries melted away.

Wayan was not going to live in my head and steal my joy and freedom.

"I bought a Ludo board," Mavielle said and reached into her bag.

"How about we make it interesting. The loser must reveal a secret about what she has seen or

heard in the mansion," Flamboyant inputted.

"Fine by me. Lots goes on in that place," Mavielle said.

My curiosity grew. I wanted to know what the ladies knew or may have seen.

"I'm down," I chimed in.

"It's a pity we don't have another player. I'm red," Flamboyant said.

"Blue," Mavielle claimed.

"Yellow for me then."

We started the game and although it was lengthy and challenging, it was fun and it bought laughter. Flamboyant lost the first game.

"Spill," Mavielle told her, "And no boring stuff."

"Fine. So when I first started at the mansion, I worked on the top floor. On day two, I knocked on

Mr. Parriston's door, heard no response so I thought he had already left. I unlocked the door and walked in and he was just coming out of the shower. Naked!"

Mavielle squealed and my eyes popped.

"Naked?" Mavielle asked to confirm.

"Butt naked. I saw it all."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I stood there like 'O', I know I'm not seeing what I think I'm seeing. Trust me, he is huge. I had

dreams about him that night."

"Lucky you. He is something," Mavielle said.

We continued the game. Mavielle lost the second one.

"Spill," Flamboyant told her.

"I saw Rockett and Mr. Parriston's best friend getting busy in one of the guest bathrooms," Mavielle said.

"Wait. Which one of his friends?" Flamboyant asked.


"But Derick has a fiancée," Flamboyant said.

"And they'll be at the party on Friday."

The game resumed and Mavielle and Flamboyant decided to join forces so that I could lose.

"Spill," they said together to me.

"Guys, I haven't seen anything juicy other than when we were listening in at the vent. I mind my business at the mansion."

"Booooo," Flamboyant said. She took a handful of ice cubes from the mini-cooler and playfully tossed them at me.


"Nothing happened on your first week?" Mavielle asked.

"And that's usually the most exciting week," Flamboyant just had to voice.

"Okay. I do remember one encounter."

They moved closer as if I was a storyteller and they were children.

"So, it was my first night. I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard a knock on the door. I

put on a robe, and I went to the door. It was Mr. Parriston checking in on me, but it was a the cat got his tongue moment. When I looked at myself, I wasn't in a robe. I was in a sheer nightwear and I wasn't wearing anything underneath."

Both mouths hung open then a laughter erupted from them. I flushed but joined in too. "That was my fault. I put the nightwear where the robe should have been. My bad," Mavielle said. "Man.. Why I've never thought about that, you're so lucky to be living there," Flamboyant said. "That's something I've been meaning to ask you. Is it common for him have live-in maids?" I questioned them.

"It's not as common but rich people can have whatever they want. Lots of maids have families so

it wouldn't make sense for them being a live-in maid," Mavielle explained.

"Which brings me to ask you, why you accepted, don't you have a family or a life outside of the mansion?" Flamboyant asked.

"No. I don't."

"How old are you?" she asked again.

"I'm twenty nine. I'll be thirty this month."

"And you've no relationship, no kids, no house, not anything?"

"Flamboyant, you're getting personal," Mavielle said.

"Weren't you the one who said to be nicer and get to know her?" Flamboyant asked Mavielle and turned to her.

"I did but I think if Adani wants to talk about her life, she'll fill us in."


"Nah. No buts. Can't you tell she's not so comfortable talking about it?"

"But why, we're all co-workers here."

"There are certain things you ask and just don't ask someone. Asking about kids is sensitive

because you don't know if she could have a fertility disorder or has suffered from a miscarriage," Mavielle said. The tone in her voice turned up a slight notch.

"Geez. I'm sorry... And I'm hitting the water." She stood up, took off her shorts and sunglasses and walked into the water.

Mavielle and I remained in the shade.

"Thanks. You're really observant, huh?" I asked her.

"I saw you became uncomfortable... and I saw your face that night, Adani."

"I.. I.. I"

"You don't have to talk about it if you're not ready. I'm not going to ask you any questions about that. I just want you to know that you can consider me a friend and not just your co-maid." The day went on. We finished the drinks and snacks and grabbed some hot dogs from a beach vendor stand.

When the sun began to set, we packed up our stuff and walked back to the jeep. I got into the back, Mavielle in the front passenger seat and Flamboyant in the driver's. She hesitated. "You're good?" Mavielle asked her.

"Adani, you want to drive?" she asked and handed me the keys.

"Wow," I said with a wide smile and accepted. I drove us along without any hiccups. I forgot what

it felt like to be enjoying the outdoors and laughing and socializing with people.

"You know, our outing doesn't have to end here. There's a party at Club Everything and I have VIP tickets," Flamboyant said, "And we can get ready at my place."

"I'm in."

"Count me in as well."

Flamboyant directed me to her apartment. It was luxurious with an outdoor waterfall in the backyard. Tall glass doors and windows and tall plants in flowerpots decorated the place.

We took our respective showers and got dressed. The ladies helped me with my make up and I borrowed a dress from Flamboyant's closet. It was dark out when we left the apartment and reached the club which wasn't very far away.

Drinks and music greeted us as we entered the booth. I sat down on a very comfortable couch and a server handed us flutes of campaign.

The party was in full swing and we enjoyed the view without the crowd. After an hour, the server

came back and handed me a bottle of campaign.

"I didn't order this," I told him.

"I know. It was sent to you at no cost."

"From who?"

"A guy who said he was watching you since you entered."

I flushed and the ladies cheered for me.

"What's his name?" I asked, shouting due to the blaring music.


I froze.

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