Dream of Us

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Four

Denali’s POV.

I was at the airport, ready to return back to Laleston when I saw him. A royal guard is always easy to spot amongst humans. They’re much taller, in their physical prime and they have a face like a slapped arse thanks to the fact their boss is the worst person in existence.

It took a few tries for me to lose him in the airport. I had to wait almost half an hour before he gave up and went outside to call his back up. I snuck up behind him and pulled him behind some industrial-sized generators. His death was quick and painless. I couldn’t have him tracking me back to Laleston. King Inteus will hear of his death and know that I’ve been there, but he won’t know which flight I was getting on, especially because my flight wasn’t direct to Laleston.

I almost miss my flight, but I manage to make sure I’m not being followed before I board. I arrive back in Laleston without being tailed; Ani’s location is still unknown to them; she’s safe. The trip was a success, too.

I texted Ani in the cab back, unable to wait until tomorrow morning to contact her. It’s been hard enough spending the week without her; I’m dying to see her tomorrow.


Ani’s POV.

Having Adrian as a regular customer at the restaurant has definitely caused an increase in the use of my make-up drawer. Jaymie was never too bothered about whether I wore make-up or not, so I often went without or wore a very small amount. But since Adrian has been dining with us, I’ve found myself making a renewed effort to look nice for him.

Sian has noticed how dolled up I am. She makes a comment when I arrive into work on Monday morning.

“Is that lipstick I see?” She teases.

I lower the cup I’ve been drinking from a subtly wipe the pink lipstick mark from the rim with my thumb.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Mmhm,” she replies, unconvinced. “Sure you don’t. Oh, look, Adrian’s here!”

I rush out of the kitchen, ready to see him. My shoulders drop as I look around and can’t spot him.

“Where? I can’t see him…”

I turn around and Sian is cackling, she clearly finds herself hilarious.

“Haha, very funny,” I mutter bitterly.

“I couldn’t help it! You’re just so eager, it’s so cute.”

“Screw you, Sian.” I sigh and head back towards the kitchen. The door opens and I catch a whiff of his delicious smell. I turn on my heel. “Joke’s on you, he’s here,” I throw over my shoulder.

I grab a menu and meet him at his table. He looks a little tired, but that’s to be expected on a Monday morning after travelling. He still looks great in his hoodie and jeans.

“Morning, Ani. Thanks for saving my table.”

“Anytime.” I hand him the menu, but he politely declines.

“I already know what I want; the full English, please.”

“Big appetite,” I comment.

“I’m hungry after all that travelling.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

He pauses before answering. “I got what I wanted out of it.”

“That’s good, then.”

He smiles widely and I can’t help but smile back. “You happy to be back?”

“Of course I am, I missed the food.”

My smile turns flirty. “Just the food?”

He grins at my prompt. “Maybe the service, too. And perhaps, a certain waitress.”

“If you’re talking about Sian, I’ll bring your coffee cold,” I warn him.

He laughs and shakes his head. “We both know I’m not talking about Sian. It’s good to see you, Ani. Real good.”

“Love is in the air,” Sian sings when I enter the kitchen.

“Ssh, you,” I respond tersely, rolling my eyes at her.

When Adrian’s food is ready, I bring it out to him. He grabs my hand when he’s paid and ready to leave.

“Could you step outside for five minutes, or should I wait for your break?” He asks.

I glance over my shoulder and find Sian watching us. She gives me the nod, letting me know she’ll cover for me.

“I can step out for a few minutes,” I tell him.

I follow Adrian out onto the street, and we walk a little ways from the restaurant. He turns to me, his mouth lifting in a smile.

“I missed you,” he says simply.

My heart lifts. “I missed you, too.”

He reaches for my hand, and we just stand like that, holding hands next to each other.

“You know, when I said I needed space, I didn’t mean for you to leave the country,” I tease him.

“I’d been intending to go for a while, don’t worry, it wasn’t in response to what you asked,” he reassures me, still smiling.

“Did you visit family or something?”

His smile turns secretive. “Something like that, yeah. But you missed me?”

“Yeah,” I admit. “The restaurant was different without you.”

He moves closer to me, his eyes dropping to my lips. He doesn’t move any closer, even though I want him to. He’s waiting for my approval, I know. I want to kiss him, badly.

Is two weeks long enough to wait?

Some people go out and sleep with someone else straight after a break-up. I can’t do that, yet here I am, only two weeks after a break-up, desperate to kiss Adrian.

Just do it, Annie.

I lean in the rest of the way, my lips hovering just over his. Adrian closes his eyes and presses his lips to mine. We both let go of each other’s hand at the same time. His hands go to my waist, mine wind around his neck.

Kissing Adrian is everything I hoped and more. It’s like my body knows his and instantly responds to it. My heart beats so hard, it feels like it’s trying to break out of my chest.

His lips are so soft as they move over mine, leading me in a kiss that has me sinking into him and softening affectionately. He squeezes my hips and pulls back. I’m thrown back into reality, the world a stark contrast to the heaven I was just floating in. I blink dazedly at him.

“I hope that wasn’t out of line,” he whispers.

“Not at all,” I whisper back.

He strokes my hair back from my face, it’s blowing into my eyes from the gentle breeze in the air.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs.

His eyes make it seem like his mind is somewhere else, lost in the past. His face is wistful and almost sad, it makes my heart ache looking at him.

“I should go,” he says at last. “You need to get back to work.”

“Unfortunately,” I mumble. “Do you want to come to mine tonight?”

He seems surprised by my offer. “Really?” He asks eagerly.

“Yeah, I want to continue this,” I gesture between us, blushing.

“I can pick you up from work,” he suggests.

“I’ve got my car here; do you want to meet me at my flat at about five? I’ll make dinner for us.”

“Do you want me to bring anything? Drinks? Dessert?”

“You could bring a bottle of wine if you want. I’ve got ice cream in the freezer.”

“Ice cream sounds good.” He reaches out and strokes my face again. “I guess I’ll see you later.”

He pecks my lips and I watch as he walks off down the street. When he goes around the corner and I can no longer see him, I go back into the restaurant. Sian rushes over the moment I put my apron back on.

“Have fun outside?”

I narrow my eyes at her and ask accusingly, “Were you watching?”

“You kissed in front of a window, Ani,” she says flatly.

“No, we didn’t!”

“Okay, near a window, excuse me for looking.”

“Snooping more like,” I mutter. “Yes, we kissed.”

“That’s exciting,” she wiggles her eyebrows.

Yes, it is.

“I like him, a lot,” I confess.

“And? Where’s the ‘but’?”

“But, it scares me how much I like him.”

“Why does it?”

“Because I never felt this way about Jaymie, not even at the start. Not once in our relationship did I feel this excited, it’s totally different with Adrian.”

“That’s a really good sign.”

“It is, but it also scares me. It scares me to have these intense feelings when it’s so new.”

“It makes you wonder what things will be like when you start dating properly,” she finishes for me.


“They will be amazing,” she predicts. “Mind-blowing. It’ll be the best love you’ve ever had, a life-changing one. He’ll be your soulmate.”

I give her a deadpan look. “We’re not in a fairytale, Sian.”

She gives me a knowing smile. “Some of us are, Ani. Trust me.”

She walks away before I can question her odd behaviour. The pessimist in me wants to argue against her happily ever after spiel. The romantic in me, the one that acknowledges the strength of my feelings for Adrian, prays that she’s right.


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