Dream of Us

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Five

Ani’s POV.

If Adrian wasn’t already a keeper, he definitely becomes one when he arrives at my flat five minutes early, holding both a bottle of white and a bottle of red because he wasn’t sure which would go better with dinner.

I invite him inside and give him a quick tour of my small place. I’m glad I changed my bedsheets earlier and gave the place a tidy. It looks good for him.

“What is for dinner, by the way?” He asks as he follows me through to the kitchen.

“Fettucine alfredo.”

“Ah, so we should put the white in the fridge.”

I serve the food in my open-plan dining room. Adrian doesn’t comment on the big portion I give him. I’ve noticed that, like myself and Sian, he prefers a large portion size. All three of us are big eaters.

“This is great, Ani. Thank you.”

“Glad you like it.”

I can’t believe Adrian Summerhill is having dinner at my house. And we kissed this morning.

This is the man I’ve been lusting over for the last few weeks, ever since he walked into the diner and changed my life with one look. I’ve felt more for him in those short weeks than I did for Jaymie in the whole time we were dating. There was never any doubt in my mind that I did the right thing in breaking up with him, and my feelings for Adrian only confirm that.

“I spoke to my mum this morning,” I start to tell him, and he listens interestedly. “My cousin is getting married next weekend and has invited me.”

“That’ll be nice, I love weddings. Are you close with your cousin?”

“We were when I was living with my foster parents. I haven’t seen her in over a year, actually. I love weddings, too. They’re always so happy.”

“I can’t remember the last time I went to a wedding,” Adrian says wistfully. “It wasn’t something many of my family took part in.”

“Really? I feel like I know so many people that are married.”

“My family and their community, they had their own sort of wedding, a kind of commitment ceremony. Lots of people did that instead of getting married.”

“Was it an atheist thing?” I ask with interest.

“Sort of, it was a different kind of religion. They still worship a deity, just a different one from conventional Christianity or Islam.”

“Still, I bet the commitment ceremonies were happy affairs.”

“Oh, definitely. All the family and friends would get together to drink, eat and dance, they were great fun.”

My cousin told my foster mum that I can bring a plus-one if I want. In the past, I obviously would have brought Jaymie. I want to ask Adrian, but it seems too early. I still have twelve days to decide, I might ask him next week.

After we’ve eaten, we move to the living room. Adrian and I sit side-by-side, our legs touching. He plays with my hair as he talks, it’s very relaxing. I can’t get over how at ease I am around him. My heart rate slows, and my breathing is so steady, it’s like meditating. My body is at its most relaxed when I am near him like this.

“How are you feeling?” He asks softly. “I know I kissed you this morning, but we are still friends, Ani. You can talk to me.”

I know he is referring to my break-up. Adrian referring to himself as my friend doesn’t sit well with me. I want to remedy that.

“I’m good, it was the right decision to make, and I’ve made my peace with it.” I look up and meet his eyes. “While I appreciate the sentiment of you being here for me, I don’t want to be your friend, Adrian.”

I swallow hard, summoning the courage to tell him how I feel.

He looks at me with undeniable interest. “Oh? What do you want to be, then?”

“More than a friend,” I clarify. “I want you to kiss me like you did this morning.”

He leans in teasingly and asks, “Now?”

“Now, and tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that…”

I trail off and Adrian does as I ask and kisses me. I press myself closer to him, eager to feel his mouth seal over mine. He doesn’t make any move to deepen the kiss at first, he simply moves his lips over mine. It’s like our bodies are in synchrony, I kiss him back, predicting his moves before he makes them.

His tongue nudges teasingly at the seam of my lips. I part them eagerly for him and the tips of our tongues touch hesitantly. This is new for both of us and we both kind of sink into it, crushing our bodies to one another as our tongues collide. The desire that grips me is surprisingly strong, it hits me in a wave. My breathing quickens and my nipples tighten against my top. I decided to forego a bra and I can feel them pressing against the fabric.

Adrian’s hands move to my hips. He lifts me suddenly, pulling me onto his lap. I don’t try and fight the move; I help him by settling my legs on either side of his. Straddling him like this allows me to kiss him deeper. I angle my head and explore his mouth with my tongue.

His hands move from my hips, teasing my sides. His thumbs brush the sides of my breasts through my top, making me wish I wasn’t wearing it. The arousal I’m feeling makes my thong wet, I can feel it damp and pressing to my folds when I grind on Adrian. I’m pleasantly surprised to find him hard when I press down on him.

“Ani,” he growls against my lips.

“Yes?” I whisper back, playing innocent.

“You know how to test a man’s restraint,” he says in a strangled tone.

I laugh and lean back to look at his tortured expression. His pupils are so dilated, his eyes are almost black. I run my hands over his face like he did to me this morning. He closes my eyes, savouring my touch. Beneath me, his dick twitches.

“So don’t restrain yourself,” I purr and kiss his cheek.

He lets out a groan as I pepper kisses down his jaw to his neck. I nip the skin on his throat with my teeth and his fingers dig into my hips to the point of it being painful, but I love the bite of pain.

“You’re making it very hard,” he gasps.

I grind against him again. “I can feel that,” I reply flirtatiously.

He laughs, short and forced as he struggles to keep hold of himself. “Ani, you’re killing me here.”

“Don’t die on me,” I murmur against his throat, kissing his neck again. “I’m not done with you yet.”

At the back of my mind, my subconscious is shocked at this sexual alter ego that has made an appearance. I was totally asexual with Jaymie. The only times I have felt aroused and at all sexy were during masturbation or in my dreams, and it has never felt like this before.

Adrian has brought a whole other side out in me. He’s lit a fire in me that is burning bright, unable to be extinguished. I both want to embrace this side of me and cower from it, the intensity of what I’m feeling scares me.

“Ani, we should stop,” he chokes out the words and pushes me back.

I sit back on his lap, respecting his request. He seems to be able to think straight without me nibbling at his neck.

“You wanted space, and I gave it to you,” he says, getting his breath back. “I’m happy to take your lead with things and you dictate the pace, but I don’t want to rush into something and have you regret anything.”

My heart aches with how good a person he is. Throughout everything, he has put my feelings above everything else, including his own desires. He is always thinking of me, it’s touching.

“You are so amazing, honestly,” I murmur, stroking his collarbone. “Thank you for being so respectful of what I want. I know this is me giving mixed signals, asking you for space and then throwing myself at you.”

“I’m not complaining,” he jumps in, smiling boyishly.

“But right now, what I want is you,” I tell him honestly. “And I know that, no matter what happens between us, however far we go tonight or in the future, I will never regret it if it is with you.”

It seems that I am opening up my heart and being completely transparent with him. His face full of intrigue encourages me to continue.

“Something about us feels so right, Adrian. I don’t know why or what it is, I just know that this is right between us.”

His smile makes my heart want to burst.

“I’m so glad you feel that way,” he says with obvious relief. “I feel the same. Nothing is more right than you, Ani.”


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