Dragon Born: Book I of the Tendaaren Chronicles

Chapter 19: Evangeline

“Let your soul be built with a collection of moments. You won’t realize it until much later. But these are the memories that make you.“--Unknown.

Aly struggled to keep up with the 6-foot Amazonian warrior. She was sprinting just to keep up with her enthusiastic gate. Celeste dragged her past mundane eleven cottages, fields of strange white elk, and finally into a very prominent looking building.

The building was beautiful in its natural simplicity. It was laced in and around the sacred forest. Not a single tree was cut down in its construction. Instead, it appeared as if the trees were manipulated to be a living building. Enormous trunks bent and stretched inter-twining together to form elegant archways and make way for enormous stained glass windows.

The interior was equally exotic. The floors were painted with the natural sunlight that poured through the stained glass windows. Smaller trees twined lovingly together to create Pointed Archways within the structure. As incredible and elegant as the building was Aly barely had time to take it all. She was panting as she was yanked past each artisanal window and archway in a blind chase of some exotic location. When she could have been perfectly happy absorbing the one she was in.

Celeste thundered through the hallways dragging Aly past important looking people and rooms. The pair bumped into several of those important people who huffed angrily at them as they passed. Aly would gasp an apology that often times missed its target because of the speed of their progress.

Abruptly Celeste stopped in front of a pair of double doors unremarkable in appearance or size. Aly, Unable to stop her forward momentum in time slammed hard into the red-headed hellion. Celeste tore open the double doors to the building and dragged a now exhausted Aly inside. Relieved to have arrived at wherever this place was Aly plopped down on the ground and began massaging her throbbing ankle. Secretly regretting her eagerness from earlier.

A loud clang as a silver and red object hit the floor in front of her. The terrible sound awoke Aly from her dazed reverie. Annoyed at first the emotion quickly evaporated and made way for relief and excitement.

In front of her was her sword. Her beautiful dragon hilt sword that she made on her first day in Tendaara. She picked it up and held it delicately like you would a small child. She traced the enchanted runes not caring that she did not know what they meant. She had not realized how precious this weapon had become to her. It was her symbol of freedom from a dark and tumultuous past.

“what’s her name?” Celeste asked gently.

Startled by the intrusion Aly looked up at the fire-haired amazon. “I was told I am not to reveal her name. That the name of a sword is its power.” She said protectively pushing her sword out of view.

“PFFFFT Celeste said. Names have power yes. But it is only a BAD thing if you tell your enemies. I am not your enemy I am your friend. If your friends know the name of your sword they can add to its power and aid you in battle.”

Alyenna played with the concept in her mind. Usually, her friends took a little longer than a day to make it into her circle of trust. She eyed her new friend with great suspicion.

The ever-perceptive Celeste protested the suspicion.“Hey! I earned that title! I helped you find lover boy! ” The word lover was said with a gentle but noticeable tease that Aly did not in the least appreciate.

“He’s NOT my lover" She protested vehemently. “He is my dear friend.”

Celeste Cackled “Why are you so defensive! Baellnar is gorgeous any girl wouldn’t mind a go at him if you know what I mean.” She winked at Aly.

Aly got really quiet and glared at no one in particular. She was not sure why she was so upset by the comment; but, she did not like the insinuation of other women being with Baellnar. It was immensely uncomfortable for her to imagine. Her logical side argued back that she had no rights or claim to the man. So he could dally with whomever he chose. Yet she still hated it. Thus started an intensely emotional and battle that no one but Aly noticed.

“So how about it. What’s the name of that beautiful piece of steel in your hands?” Celeste said.

Her forwardness aside it was hard for Aly not to feel at ease with Celeste. her effervescent and honest personality reminded her of another favorite red-headed friend of hers. He was significantly shorter but she could not help but notice the similarity. However, she still was not ready to extend that rank of ‘friend’ to Celeste just yet. That title had to be earned. Too many people in her life had abused that rank. So she held it very close to her heart. Aly gently shook her head and held her sword close to her chest. “No, I am sorry I can’t”

“Whatever makes no difference from here nor there to me!” Celeste gave her a hearty smack on the shoulder. “No worries girlie, I know you’ve been through enough to make even a puppy suspicious.” Celeste moved away from Aly and gestured toward the rest of the room.

Alyenna pushed herself off the floor and strapped her sword to her side. Feeling much more secure in her strange surroundings she decided to take Celeste’s invitation to look around. Celeste was right, this was definitely the best place in the veil. It was the armory.

The room was lined with incredible weapons of all shapes and sizes from elegant jeweled daggers, to rusty long swords, and everything in between. Aly was positively giddy. To her, this was a vault of priceless treasures far more valuable than gold or jewels. These beautiful weapons held stories of great battles and heroic deeds. Each one unique in its story and history. Each one of value to anyone who had a chance to hold it. A necklace in the hand of a pauper could change his night. A sword in his hand could change their life. Each of these incredible weapons had a plaque. The plaque identified the name of the blade and the battles it was in.

Celeste observed Aly’s excitement and was absolutely delighted in having such a strong common ground. She launched into full-blown tour guide mode. She led Aly around to each of her favorite weapons and told her how to use them and what great warriors had used them and their stories. Sometimes it was how it was made that made them special. Sometimes it was how they were used and even more rare was the combination of the two.

In-between the girls chatted happily learning a bit about each other’s past. Aly still apprehensive was not forthcoming about her personal history. Luckily Celeste was more than happy to fill the conversational void with her own.

“When I was a young’in. Me, an’ my Ma were in a slave camp. Ma was an elf. Best woman to ever exist. I would bet my life on it. She always put others first. It was a hard day when the illness took her. I was no more than nine.

I had a strong back for a nine-year-old and was a might bit bigger than some of the other kids my age. As you can tell.” She winked. “’Round the time I started getting pretty, I decided it was best if I skedaddled from there. The drivers were taking a not so pleasant interest in my development.” She explained needlessly, Aly already understood the seediest parts of the human mind.

Celeste cut off her own story eagerly to point out a rather deadly looking dagger. “That there belonged to Artemis of Enwyr! Nasty little assassin. He had many names among the nobility. Things like the poison shadow or the reaper. My lot loved him though, he liked to steal from those who were rich and selfish. The good nobility he left well enough alone. But the mean buggers they were fair game. Then he would turn over a good portion of his loot to the less fortunate. A Right true hero that one. My crowd and I all wanted to meet him, like some sort of celebrity. I was the only one of the bunch that actually did!”

“Your crowd?” Aly asked intrigued. “Yeah like I said I skedaddled from the slavin’ camp. Dosed my drivers with a sleeping poultice and ran. Made my way to the closest city. My home, the city of Tristitia. Tristitia was well named the city of sadness in the old language. It is where the worst of the worst live. In the heart of the city is Scelestra’s Castle. She had a nasty habit of coming out and picking on us street kids for experiments and things. Not sure how I escaped her clutches but I am glad I did. I lost many friends to her and her thugs.

As rough as that was street life was still a great deal better than slavin’. Best way to not get nabbed though was to travel in packs. So I got myself a gang of misfits big’uns small’uns and some in-betweeners. We all had our talents. With me bein’ bigger than everyone, and a bit smarter I was the leader of the pack.” She chuckled inwardly “Lord help any thug who touched one of my friends.” She trailed off her eyes getting fiery.

“There was this one time. Where some big dudes had cornered Tika. She’s was a pretty little thing no more than seven. They were going to do some horrid things to her. I just knew it, I could smell it on them.” Her eyes flashed with anger then cooled. “I can do that you know? Smell evil.”

“Evil doesn’t have a smell. . . ” Aly said out loud. She quickly caught her breath though. She feared her statement would be received as rude. Celeste, however, continued unmoved by Aly’s verbal slight.

“Yeah, well you’re right it’s not a smell, per se. It’s just how I describe it. It’s more of a sense. I can tell if someone is claimed with or without the red eyes. They just reak of evil. Same with ordinary folk who are just bad news. I know it’s not a smell but I have no better way of describing it to those without the perception.

Anyway, I got in the way of their little conquest. I armed myself with a trashcan lid and a rusty dagger and crud infested brain dead dick wads. They went running too! Oh, it was grand watching them run and scream like little sissies.” She chuckled at the memory and got a little misty-eyed.

“Problem was though I was still only nine. Those dirtbags went and found some extra friends. Real manly ganging up on a nine-year-old girl don’t ya think?” She shook her head her fist turning white as she gripped her own sword.

" Even I could only do so much you know at that age. Anyway, after the first scuffle, they decided I was a bit more valuable than a single nights gratification and threw me into the gladiator games.” She paused for a while looking off in the distance.

“Wait there are Gladiator games in Tendaara?” Aly was shocked, had no recollection of her books mentioning them.

“Well the games only recently became popular, and only in the most sordid of circles. Only the lowest of the rectum sniffin’ penis heads take part in hosting or watching the games.” She spat in emphasis of her point.

The dickheads like taking us scrappy little street kids and pitting us against weak adults that were caught stealing or cheating. It’s great fun for them. Anyway, I had a knack for the fighting. I loved it way better than street life or slavin’ not saying it was a picnic, just better.” Celeste’s story trailed off as she found another interesting artifact.

It was at that moment that Aly noticed another particularly ornate sword. The broadsword was held high up on the wall. It was placed next to a portrait of a regal looking woman wearing silver and gold armor with golden hair. She looked very similar to how Aly had always pictured Eleanor. Meanwhile, was rambling about the great Ax of Conrad the Destroyer.

Alyenna lost track of Celeste’s words, and the glorious epithet of Conrad’s battles faded into the background of her mind. Aly’s feet guided her mindlessly toward the elegant weapon. The hilt was gold and silver intertwined in the shape of a great oak. Roots melding with the blade and merging into complex patterns of black and silver roots. The roots stretched down the length of the blade to the tip of the sword. The golden plaque mounted next to the blade read.

In Memoriam

Here rests the sword of Queen Eleanor Hero of our people.

Aly was helpless to the urge of touching the sword. It grasped out for her very soul. She reached up to the blade tracing her fingers along the runes. Just as her fingers gently stroked the runes on the blade her vision blackened and her legs crumpled beneath her.

When her vision cleared. Aly was back in the training yard; but, it was different than it was this just 30 minutes ago. As she stood in the ring she glanced to her left and her right. All around her were hundreds of people. She looked down at herself. She tried to take a step as she realized her clothes were no longer her own. Suddenly she was wearing silver and gold armor. Strange, she thought to herself. Her legs began to move as by the hand of a puppeteer. She knew not where they were taking her. The scene though everything looked so familiar as if she was reliving a memory everything had an anomalous hazy feel to it. It was like she was seeing the world around her through a blind man’s glasses.

She realized she had no control over her own body as her legs carried her forward to an unknown destination. The strangest part was though everything she was seeing was new to her it had this eerie feeling of deja vous. How could this be familiar? I have never been here before and where did all these people come from? The thoughts were unsettling.

Alyenna looked forward. In front of her, on a grand stage was someone she did recognize. The familiar hazel eyes and auburn hair settled her racing heart for a breath. It was Allabandar. She tried to wave but her arm refused to move. Next to him was a human gentleman she had never seen before. He had eyes like the Aegean sea and hair like a starless night. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him almost in a greeting of a long lost lover. how could this be? I have never seen that man before.

The handsome stranger returned her gaze with loving devotion. How could this man be looking at her like that she had never seen him before? She tried to speak but her lips were still sealed. A sickening feeling wormed its way through her body as she realized whatever happened next she had no control over. A couple strands of wavy blonde hair fluttered in front of her face. That is not mine! What is going on!

No panicked she desperately tried to shout, to grab at the hair that was so unfamiliar to her, to kick, and to scream but her legs carried her forward endlessly to the stage before her. Her body had betrayed her she was a hapless puppet in someone else’s reality.

Once she reached the stage. She felt her hands reached for her hilt at her side. They unsheathed her sword. An elegant sword with a tree at the hilt and handed it to Allabandar. her legs then collapsed of their own volition and she kneeled before Allabandar with her head bowed. He took her sword from her in infinite grace and tapped her shoulders with the blade. Each one a calculated and delicate maneuver.

“Rise queen Eleanor savior of our people.” Alyenna rose. Alright! She screamed into her own mind. Enough is enough what the hell is going on?!? Then her legs raised her back up and spun her around. She held her sword aloft and was greeted by a massive cheer.

Then the cheering faded into nothing and she was awakened by an abrupt wave of frigid water.

She woke up soaking wet and shivering. She was staring face to face with two fiery redheads and a pair of sapphire eyes.

“STOP DOING THAT!” She yelled

“Stop freaking us out!” Baellnar roared back.

“I am not doing it on purpose!” Aly declared derisively.

“You are a brat!” Baellnar stated in a huff.

“Yeah, well your a pointy-haired pompous windbag.” Aly knew the comeback was lame but she was shivering, and still recovering from her out of body and into someone else’s’ body experience so its all she had.

“Oi’ both ya need to zip it!” Aagi roared.

They both stared at Aagi, Aagi who sighed in frustration.

Celeste cut in. “Look, I don’t know what is going between the two of you but right now we need to get miss Alyenna back to medical.” Celeste checked Aly’s forehead. “She gave me a right scare going all white-eyed and trembling. One minute we were chatting the next she was on the floor thrashing around. It was crazy and weird. I am wondering if there was some sort of poison on involved.”

Aagi and Baellnar looked worriedly at Aly and immediately grabbed her to drag her back to the infirmary. She shook them off and stepped back.

“Look I am fine.” She spun around and did a little dance. “Completely fine.”

“Aly what just happened to you was not something that happens to someone who is fine”. Baellnar argued.

“It was not poisoned!” She yelled back. “It was something else,” Aly said trailing off of the sentence sheepishly realizing she had just made the situation worse. However, she had no interest in being pinned down and then probed to find out what sort of non-existent poison had entered her body. So she had to give them something. Her friends looked at her expectantly. “Look, I do not know what it was. It was not poison, honest.”

“Aly, unless you can give me a clear explanation of what just happened you are going straight back to medical,” Baellnar said sternly his hands on his hips.

" Nar” she sighed addressing Baellnar with her special nickname for him. “Truly I am fine. It was just one hell of a dream.”

Baellnar stared at her for a long time. “Aly, dreams don’t knock you off your feet in the middle of the day.” He argued gently.

She looked around not knowing what to say. Finally, she settled on one thing the only thing that had stayed in her mind after the wave of cold water.

She turned to her friends and said: “I know the sword’s name.” She gestured at Queen Eleanor’s sword. “Its name is Evangeline.”

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