Dragon Born: Book I of the Tendaaren Chronicles

Chapter 18: Celeste

“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.“--William Arthur Ward

It did not take long for Aly’s caretakers to discover she had wandered off from her recovery room not just to find Baellnar but on several other occasions. Which, as Baellnar put it, made her a very difficult patient. She was then forced into several days of torture, more commonly known as bed rest.

Aly was beside herself with anxiety. As someone who was strongly accustomed to above average physical activity, being confined to one singular location was about as calming as listening to nails on a chalkboard.

Finally after the fifth day of exhaustive poultice treatments, multiple bandages, and intense healing magic she was released from solitary confinement. There was a timid knock on her door to announce the arrival of one very timid elven escort. Who was grossly undersuited to the task of keeping her relatively contained? He was told it was time for her to start moving again and anticipated a slow easy walk outside. Like one would have with most patients.?

Aly had a different agenda. By day five she was bouncing with extraneous energy and thereby determined to hide deal with any and all effects of her broken ankle. When she heard the delicate knock on the door she launched herself from the bed as the door slowly opened. Much in a way you would observe a pet who had been locked in a cage.

“Miss Alyenna it is time to start your physical therapy. We would like to start with a leisurely stroll . . . . ”

He did not even finish the sentence before she had rushed past him, vanished from the room, down the hallway, and then tumbled into fresh mint scented grass that carpeted the area around the infirmary. Alyenna delighted with her tiny victory, lay sprawled out toes twitching in the fresh grass.

She laid there for several minutes just taking in the sights and sounds of the peaceful outdoors. She rejoiced in watching colorful birds chasing each other in song and flight. A small tortoise munched his way through the grass. She called out to him and he happily ignored her his task of lunch being much more pressing of a need. Her recess was rudely suspended by a long skinny shadow interrupting her interlude with the sun.

“Yes?” She asked of the shadow.

“Miss this is hardly proper.” The frustrated elf panted.

“that hardly matters to her now does it?” Came a familiar airy voice.

She jumped up from her reclined position and in one graceful movement tackled her friend knocking him flat on his back. Perched proudly on his stomach she grinned down at him.

“hi!” she said gleefully “How ya doin!” she said making the ‘doin’ exorbitantly longer than necessary.

Baellnar gently pushed her off. “I am fine. I see you are succeeding at following doctor’s orders.” He commented reproachfully.

Not in the least bit bashful Aly remarked: “I am fine its all fuss for nothing.”

He sighed. “Aly you broke your ankle.”

“Yeah . . . well, you died, and here you are no escort and no one coaching you on manners.” She glared at him.

“Yes Aly, but I did not break an ankle so moving around is not exactly a problem for me.” Again extremely patient in his quest for her cooperation.

“I spent enough time not moving. I am fine!” She got up and danced to emphasize her “fineness”. Of course, her ankle buckled under her but she rolled in the grass to make it look like part of the show.

Baellnar rolled his eyes affectionately and picked himself up off the grass and dusted himself off. “Good luck with that one!” He said to the orderly and glided off toward a large important looking structure.

The orderly sighed, brushed himself off, and pleaded silently to Baellnar to comeback with his eyes. Then he eyed Aly, now prone on the grass once more. “Miss, we are only supposed to walk half a mile today no more.”

Aly said nothing. She just glared at the orderly unsatisfied with the amount of freedom he was proposing. This stare-down went on for several minutes. Finally the orderly just left her there in the grass. Mentioning something about more important things to do. As he strode off in a huff a maniacal grin of glee crossed Aly’s face. Once he was completely out of sight she broke off in a run.

It felt amazing, sure there was a twinge in her ankle but she did not care. Her ankle would heal. She felt the rush that came with the rhythmic pumping of her legs. she was in a world filled with magic. Someone would figure out how to fix it if something happened. Was her last consideration before she focused fully on the rush of In the fresh air blowing past her face and lacing its way through her hair. She felt wild and free. She ran fast, faster than she usually did she did not care about pacing herself just about her newfound freedom.

When she was finally winded she caught herself against a white oak tree. Its smooth bark intertwined with honey and pearlescent colors. Its emerald leaves dancing under the guidance of the wind. She took a deep breath and took in the world around her. These beautiful oaks were everywhere. As far as she could see. Animals sang brightly into the forest in an orchestral cacophony.

She leaned against the tree and closed her eyes absorbing the sanctuary around her finally relaxing. As she inhaled absorbed the fresh minty smell of the grass, the deep oak flavors of the forest around her, and the fresh light lavender in a field nearby. This was heaven she thought it had to be.

Then a strange sound broke her reverie. She heard swords clashing. She opened one eye to the sound and then lazily another. Her head tilted toward the direction and then her body driven by curiosity followed. She slowly pulled herself up through the bushes and bramble and saw flashes of red and silver.

She picked her way through the last of the bushes and found herself on a hill overlooking the entire heart of the veil. Its houses and buildings were small and elegant. Each one a part of the forest and not overtaking it. To the left of the buildings was a great open space filled with flat dusty brown squares. In the center of the closest square was a girl she met the other night and some elven combatant.

She walked toward the training area. Taking in the sounds of the swordplay. Her hands were itching to get back into the ring and to train again. Too long she had been bereft of the feeling of cold hard steel in her hand and the strength that came with it.

The girl, Celeste, was clearly skilled and strong. Not that Aly subjected herself to the opinions of most but she was definitely stronger than any woman Aly had met.

Aly also noted that in her desperation Aly had neglected to absorb just how large Celeste truly was. This fire-haired warrior could easily be around 6 feet in height. She observed that even over large distances she could see Celeste’s arms and legs were made purely of corded and powerful muscle. Though for all of her bulk Celeste moved like a dancer. Her motions were graceful and true. Each strike calculated each party precise.

Aly was fascinated this woman’s style was artistic and bold. She had no fear for her opponent and never hesitated. She wielded an incredibly large shield and deadly looking mace.

Her opponent was no less powerful or adept. This was an elven male. Easily a foot taller than Celeste and incredibly muscular. He was wielding a two-handed axe. His movements were terrifying shaking the ground as he swung. They fought with the intensity of a deadly brawl, but would then bow and shake hands then begin again.

Alyenna squeezed herself behind a tree and a bush so she could more closely observe the skirmish. Fascinated she closely watched their stances and how they moved.

She watched how they angled their feet allowing them to spring out of each other’s way quickly but with a deep stance to allow stability during a strike. Her eyes started calculating when Celeste should parry, strike, or dodge.

Aly was so absorbed with her study that she failed to realize that she had been creeping ever closer to the sparring ring. Abruptly large bright emerald eyes swerved her direction and then the enormous shield started flailing about in the air as she waved her over. Aly was in awe of how effortlessly she held aloft the shield that was about her height above her head.

Celeste sprang forward jogging lightly to Aly and thwacked her on the back. The blow nearly knocked her off her feet but luckily she just tipped forward a bit.

Moderately winded Alyenna beamed at the jolly red-headed giant. “Hey,” she said awkwardly rubbing her neck. “How ya doin?”

“I am doing just peachy! Showing this big lug over here a thing or two about the real battle!” Celeste said punching him in the shoulder. The enormous elf glared at Celeste as he gathered his things. He was intimidating and like all other elves strangely beautiful. He resembled some sort of bodybuilder elf hybrid, which since those two things did not seem to belong together, was momentarily fascinating to Aly.

“Actually I thought you were both very good! I would love to keep watching you guys spar if you don’t mind?” Aly said hopefully.

Before her partner could answer Celeste said “Hah! only on the battlefield! He still needs a tune-up in bed!” Seeing her partner’s anger Celeste piped up. “I am only kidding! You’re great in bed!”

Aly suddenly felt incredibly uncomfortable. She shuffled her feet looking for a way to change the conversation. Luckily this time the big elf got a chance to speak.

He shoved the fire-haired amazon out of the way and held out his hand to Aly. “Don’t mind her Aly, she takes a bit of getting used to. My name is Gorothon, You can call me Thon for short.“He said his hazel eyes twinkling. Then he leaned into Aly’s ear and whispered “Honest she’s really great. she’s a bit of a handful; but, really great.”

Celeste eyed Aly suspiciously “Aren’t you supposed to have a wispy little shadow hovering around you?” Then she loudly whispered to Aly “Elves like to hover.”

Thon chuckled and started to walk away. “you girls have fun!”

After he turned around Aly eyed Celeste’s slightly pointed ears questioningly. Celeste touched the ears in question and smiled “Oh, I am only HALF Elf!” She said brightly “C’mon after traveling with those two goons you are probably dying for some girl time. Come with me I will show you the fun things about this stuffy little glen.” With that Celeste grabbed Aly by the hand and dragged her away from the training ring. Aly struggled to keep up the pace with real-life Amazon and ended up having to jog just to stay alongside her.

“where are we going?” Alyenna asked panting.

“Only the best place ever!” Celeste said her eagerness speeding up their progress. Alyenna no longer had the breath to ask questions so she just allowed Celeste to drag her down winding pathways to their destination.

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