Down End Road

Chapter 33

Alexander Griffin


I had my arm casually draped across Myra's shoulders. Her strawberry tainted blonde hair felt like silk across my arm. She was perfect, her small plump lips dropped open in awe.

The Order of Washington had a substantial more amount of funding, and therefore could afford to be more... lavish. Their manor, like ours, was made up entirely of red brick. Ivy and Wisteria crawled up the pillars and sides of the Manor.

Their grounds were much larger than ours. Much, much, much larger. Roses and poppies were planted in neat rows that ran along the sides of the brick drive. The doors were made up entirely of bronze.

Like their symbol most of their furnishings were red. Myra turned her head side to side. She studied and scrutinized every aspect of the building. Her ocean blue eyes glimmered with an excited curiosity. I smiled faintly at the sight.

A familiar whistled tune turned my head around to face my cousin and his friends. "Xander, we send you away for what, six months and you return to us with a girl on your arm." My cousin Jackson stated. Myra's face fell into a frown. And I removed my arm from around her to shake Jack's outstretched hand.

"One problem there Jack, she ain't my girl." I rebutted. His attention now raptured as he turned to face Myra fully. He pranced around me over to Myra, who looked visibly suspicious of my cousin.

"Jackson Griffin, this dummy's cousin." He introduced with an outstretched hand. She rolled her vibrant blue eyes, but took his hand and shook it firmly.

She stared him down with a polite smile on her face. Analysing every one of his movements. She was clever, and trained in the art of high society. Myra stayed silent, even as Jack patiently awaited her name. He cleared his throat then asked, "and your name is?" He asked.

"Myra." She introduced. Then walked away and over to Ally's circle of friends a laugh bubbled up in my throat. Jack let out a low laugh.

"Well she is certainly interesting." Jack said turning his attention back to me. I gave him a crooked grin. The cold Colorado air pinched my nose and cheeks, and left a pink stain on both.

I tousled his light curls and shook his shoulders in affection. "You are terribly dramatic." I pointed out. A light humour in my voice.

"You know me Xander, always up for a challenge." He reminded. I gave him a stern look, threat in my eyes.

"Yeah well she's not a challenge, Myra's a person, one you should stay away from by the way." I warned, no joke in my voice.

"Why? She got a boyfriend?" He teased. "No, she just got a whipped best friend." I shoved him away from me.

"You are one acquired taste, Jack." I said through gritted teeth. He laughed and punched my shoulder lightly.

"So, you nervous about the games?" He asked, I felt a small smile creep onto my face. I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Nope." I replied, popping the 'p'. He gave me a funny side-look, my eyes instantly searched the crowd for Myra. Once I saw her mass of curly strawberry-blonde hair whipping around the crowd, I felt the worry in me frost over with relief.

"She the reason, you so cocky about it this year?" Jack interrogated with narrowed eyes.

"What can I say, Myra's... different." I explained. "She's also scored a fifty, and on top of that is brilliant even without her gifts, unlike some people I know." I mumbled the last insult under my breath. "So if I were you I'd be cautious." I advised.

Jack was momentarily stunned before he shook his head and laughed, "you just always have to go above and beyond don't you." Jack insulted, I rolled my eyes and mumbled a goodbye, before leaving him behind.

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