Down End Road

Chapter 32

I was tired and hungry. My stomach growled as me and Ally strolled with the group of students through the Airport. Our flight had been booked for 10:30 am and since the nearest airport from our obscure, miniscule town was three hours away, we had to get up super early.

Ally and I talked about the ball while Alex walked quietly beside me adding in conversation fillers here and there. We had become a lot more... attached, lately. We always hung out together except when I was sleeping, in a girls only zone, or talking girl stuff with Ally.

Maverick and Ally had gotten closer too. Maverick was in front of us, laughing with a few guys from The Order. A sudden acidic stink filled the air. My mind descended into worry at the familiarity of it.

An eerie shadow passed over the airport as a giant rain cloud blanketed the large, busy building. I tensed up as that same suffocating feeling crashed back into me. The chitter-chatter of the surrounding crowd turned into a high pitched frequency that stung my ears.

A wave of nausea roiled inside my stomach as bile burned up my throat. Whatever it was had happened much quicker that time. A familiar stench, that I had assumed was just the airports stale smell, rolled into me tenfold stronger. I saw Cassandra, Ben and Miss Wilson shift uncomfortably, as did Maverick and Alex.

I couldn't take it anymore, I turned and jogged to the bathroom. Miss Wilson and Cassandra hot on my heels. I burst into the pee-smelling confined room and opened the nearest stall. I couldn't help but retch up my stomachs contents. My empty stomach grumbled as stomach acid raced up my throat and into the toilet bowl.

I felt cool hands hold back my hair and pull back my hoodie strings behind me. When I was sure that I wouldn't retch anymore bile, I lifted my head out of the toilet bowl and faced Miss Wilson and Cassandra.

They both looked at me with a sympathy. I gave them a weak thanks and walked over to the sink. I splashed some cold water on my face, relishing in the fresh relief it brought me. A Maine accent brought me out of my reverie.

"We know it can be hard to adjust to this life, which is why we are so proud of how your dealing with all this. We promise you this stuff should really only happen once a year. Not this frequently." Miss Wilson explained. Cassandra gave Miss Wilson a questioning look, but she just waved her off and promised to explain later.

"The first time this happened I dealt with it better. I think it's just because I haven't had breakfast yet." I brushed off their concern. "Alex... he helps," I mumbled. I felt a blush crawling up my cheeks as I stared a hole into my shoes. Cassandra flashed me a cheeky smile and I felt a laugh bubble up in my throat.

"You and Alex seem pretty close, which is very unusual for someone as solitary as him. Hold onto him, you two work good together." Cassandra said, her voice sincere. "Now, I do believe we have a plane to catch, do we not?" Cassandra ushered us out the bathroom and back into the cue.

I walked over to my friends who were in deep conversation. Ally burst out laughing at something Maverick said while Alex rolled his eyes with an almost imperceptible blush coating his smooth, dark cheeks.

"Oh hey, you feeling okay." Ally asked. She must not have felt anything. Maverick and Alex shared a communicative glance before looking back at me.

"Fine now, thanks." I said with a weak reassuring smile. Alex gave me a stern questioning look, but I shook my head for him to drop it. "Now what's so funny and making Alex blush." I teased. We all laughed at Alex's expense as we made our way to our plane.


I breathed in the fresh Colorado air, and bounced down the stairs of the airplane, my duffel bag swinging in my hand as I held my dress in the other.

After eating some -terrible tasting, albeit energising- airplane snacks, I felt much better and less sick. Alex kept sneaking concerned glances my way, and each time he did I rolled my eyes at his unnecessary worry.

Ally and I walked ahead of the boys and had a private conversation for what felt like the first time in an age. We had become a close group of friends.

"Ally, remember when I first came here and you gave me the low-down on all the happenings of the order?" I quizzed, a curious glint in my tone. Ally bobbed her head in reply. I smiled, "well do you know anything about Washington." I asked her quietly.

"Honey please, it's me." My curiosity dulled down into disappointment. "Of course I know," she retorted. I rolled my eyes at her teasing and lightly slapped her shoulder.

"Right let's get down to it. Since it's a military oriented school the students are really strong in terms of the physical aspect, plus they occasionally wear uniforms for events like this." I raised both my eyebrows at that.

"I know, I know, they are super uptight." Ally droned in her Texan drawl. "Anyway, Jackson Griffin, Mason Elisha and Una Laurans, they all have the highest scores." Ally said. I mulled the names through my mind, one faintly recognisable.

"Jackson Griffin, as in Alexander Griffin." I said emphasising their names. She nodded along and I mouthed 'wow'.

"They're cousins." She clarified. I took in the information and folded myself into the bus seat, next to Alex, instantly feeling calmer.

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