Down End Road

Chapter 23

Me and Ally talked enthusiastically as we weaved our way through the dinner crowd. After the sword fighting lesson, my stomach had reached a new level of famished. I had managed to find a vending machine, in what I assumed was the common room, and bought a pack of Oreos, of flaming hot Cheetos, Mountain dew and one granola bar to balance out all the junk food.

Maverick and Alex had found me in the games room with my mini feast and had explained how our appetites grew tremendously after we used our gifts.

Everyone called our extra powers gifts. Apparently, the term had been coined by Aarron Burr who had claimed the term in 1782 on his wedding day after his first wife, Theodosia Bartow Prevost, inquired about the society members' gifts sent from the heavens, that allowed them to do unnatural things.

Maverick and Alex had made fun of me and said that next time I was that hungry, I should go to the kitchen and find something from the housemaid instead of buying the whole vending machine. I had glared at them whilst munching on an Oreo when they said that. However, it did not sound like a bad idea.

Me and Ally bought our food and sat down at an unoccupied table. That night they had Italian food. There was a plethora of Pizzas, several Fettucine Alfredo’s, Bolognese and a series of Italian style sides like garlic bread and Focaccia.

It was a very carbohydrate-rich meal and I felt extremely relieved because of it. My appetite still hadn’t left me and I felt my energy quickly deplete. I had grabbed so much food that I was sure I would get a few strange looks but no one glanced my way twice.

Maverick and Alex joined us at our table shortly after we had. They ruffled my hair and poked my food-stuffed cheeks a few times but after I gave them my best death glare they stopped completely and left me in the comfort of Italian carbs.

The click-clack of wedge heels on hard wood floors brought me out of my food filled haven. Dirty blonde side-ponytails swished from side to side, as Genevieve and Heidi swaggered their way towards our table. I almost gagged when I saw their matching outfits for the day.

They both wore paisley crew neck vests, with white denim skirts. Heidi was wearing a red paisley whilst Genevieve wore green. They looked like a twin set of walking bandannas. I fiddled with my necklace in annoyance. I prepared myself for the multitude of passive of aggressive comments that was sure to come.

They walked over to our table and sat down on opposite sides, right next to either Maverick or Alex, again. It mildly bothered me, when Heidi leaned in closer to Alex and twirled her hair flirtatiously.

She flashed a sickeningly sweet smile in his direction. I cleared my throat loudly and she whipped her head towards me. I gave her a threatening smile and cocked my head to the side.

Heidi gulped and reclined back into her seat, out of Alex’s personal space bubble. I scrunched up my nose in dislike when I turned to address Genevieve, who had placed her hand on Maverick’s shoulder. “So, Gen, what do you want?” I asked, her nose wrinkled in disgust when I addressed her as Gen.

“What do I want... hm?” Genevieve tapped her chin in thought. “You mean what do I want besides you out of my school!” She exclaimed. Maverick gaped at her while I leaned further into my seat, I took a piece of garlic bread and popped it in my mouth. I raised a brow at her and her anger flared in fury. “Listen here, you disrespectful little-” Genevieve started.

“Ehem, well last time I checked Genevieve it was Harris who was Dean of this institution, and it was Harris who was the head of the order of Hamilton and it was Harris whose name the building was in.” Maverick interrupted. His tone was firm and laced with irritation. I smirked at her and chewed on a chunk of rosemary Focaccia.

Her jaw ticked as she stared me down, glaring daggers at me. I blew out a puff of air and looked down to my nails uninterested in her presence. She shrieked in frustration and stormed off, Heidi diligently followed. I smiled in triumph at their retreated figures. ------------------------------

The library smelled of dust and old oiled leather, the scent prominent as I drifted from desk to desk. My evening tutor session with Harris was supposed to start ten minutes earlier.

I dragged my finger along the long Mahogony study table, that sat twelve study dividers on each side. All made of a rich Mahogony wood.

A startlingly white piece of paper sat on a table in the far corner of the room where Harris and I had sat last time. The piece of paper was a stark contrast to the deep browns and bronzes.

’Myra Remington,

I have been called to some urgent business and will not be available for the rest of the week and next week. Therefore, I shall give you a piece of homework. Find the battle plans for:The Battle of Fort Necessity, 3rd of July 1754.vYou must correct all errors or faults in his plans and present the improved plan to me during our next session.

Book numbers: 900-991, 901-980, 905-990

Your tutor, Harris’

I groaned in annoyance. Math and algebra were pretty much as smart as I could get. Puzzles and mind games were the most challenging thing on this earth for me. I was grateful that tomorrow was Saturday, I planned to ask Ally for some help or at the very least advice on how to do this, remembering that her gifts mostly enhanced her intelligence and speed.

I walked over to the round librarian desk. A head of black hair flecked with silver bobbed below the surface. I lifted the bronze bell on the surface of the wood and rung it.

“Hello, how may I help you.” A sweet feminine voice said from behind me. I jumped in shock. I turned around and faced the middle-aged woman. Burnt yellow eyes met my blue ones. The woman’s dark smooth skin had laugh lines around her eyes. I smiled in greeting and she smiled warmly in reply.

“Hello, my name is Myra Remington um... I’m a new student here I don’t know if you need any identification or anything, but I need to check out some books. For a project I’m doing.” I answered. The woman smiled kindly at me and began to walk away from me, with a wave of her slender hand she beckoned me to follow.

“Well Myra dear, this library is roughly just over two centuries old, I’m sure we can provide for you the books you need. Although, I’m not sure how quickly.” She began, her accent sounded like it was from Maine. “So, dear do you happen to have the call numbers for your books.” She asked.

I took out the paper from my pocket and recited the numbers to her. The woman bobbed her head in confirmation and grinned at me. “My name is Miss Wilson.” She introduces, I smiled at her kindly and shook her outstretched hand. I noticed how she did not have any pendant or ring or jewelry on her that told me which order she belonged to. I kept the observation to myself and waited patiently for the books.

“Ahhh here it is. The books your looking for should be in Isle two on... let’s see what bookshelf-” Miss Wilson muttered the last part to herself. “-Aha, it should be on the bookshelf with the fairytale of Cinderella on it.” She stated triumphantly. I nodded my head, thanked her and went to collect the books.

I ran the tips of my fingers along the spines of the books, my fingers now coated in a thick layer of dust. I skimmed one book in particular, when my fingers stopped. An, electricity seemed to crack like thunder in the air. My ring and necklace warmed in some kind of recognition, and I hesitantly pulled out the book. I traced the gold embossed letters on the old leather cover. The book had dulled with age, the leather worn and the gold letters faded. I opened the cover and cocked my head to the side in curiosity.

I studied the name written almost illegibly, the loopy words were written in a thick black ink that had bled into some of the corners or at the end of a word. I was able to make out the name of the owner of the, what I assumed was, journal. It read John Adams, gifted to you by your beloved wife Abigail.

I smiled at the sweet gesture. I faintly remembered John Adams being the leader of the order of Adams. Curiosity as to why they were disbanded got the better of me as I grabbed the book along with the others and walked to the front desk.

Miss Wilson was furiously writing something on a yellowed piece of paper but stopped when I came up to the desk. “Oh, that was fast... I’m going to need you to sign up for a library card dear.” Miss Wilson explained I agreed and she slipped a form across the top of the desk.

I filled out the mundane questions and slid the paper back over to her. She handed me a library card with my name on the back and processed the books. “Okay lets see, Battle of Fort Necessity, Washington’s Plans, and oh... this is a good book.” She explained as she held it up for me to examine. “The personal diary of John Adams its very... informative you’ll like it.” Miss Wilson stated.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated with a random email from one of my subscriptions. I looked down and read the preview. I raised my head to say thank you, but the words died on my tongue when I saw that Miss Wilson was gone. The books stacked neatly on the counter with the call slip and receipt on the top.

I jumped when I heard vicious barks and loud howls outside. A loud whistle screamed and I could hear the faint commands that Ben gave the Whiztails to calm down. The howls and barks faded over the next few minutes, as I stood still as a statue. I wondered just where Miss Wilson had gone.

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