Down End Road

Chapter 22

I blocked Alex’s blow and it resounded with a fierce bang that echoed throughout the blue ballroom.

My limbs had become tediously heavy. All I could remember from the past four minutes was suddenly feeling a band of pressure wrapped around my head and then my body instinctively taking over.

I felt like a ghost that haunted my own soul. All I could do was watch from some bright corner of my mind and hope that whatever happened was not too irreversible.

I hated that sensation. That feeling of helplessness and disarray. I hated it with a burning passion, and I never wanted that feeling to overwhelm me like that ever again.

A slither of sweat trickled down my spine. I trudged through the feeling of dull weariness and held my ground. A flash of shock crossed Alex’s face briefly, but he regained his composure and fought back against my block. Strength against strength was getting us nowhere, so I broke apart from his sword.

We circled each other once more, before simultaneously we swung our swords.A wonderful whizzing sounded, as our swords cut through the air. My sword surged toward his suit clad abdomen; Alex’s sword aimed high for my neck.

I felt a hard tap on my neck just as my sword touched his stomach. The loud screech of the orange whistle cut through the tense whispers and we both immediately drew back.

I fell into the waiting arms of Ally who stood at the edge of the red circle and looked at me with wide, intrigued, doe eyes. “Well, that was... tense.” She stated her voice high and pitchy. I gave her an exasperated expression and nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, her eyes blazed like a wildfire, in recognition. “You just beat Alexander Griffin!” She stated, awe coated every word. I looked at her and shook my head and crossed my arms.

“We tied,” I grumbled. I did not like coming in second place, or tying, everything about it was just so irksome. To me, it felt like I was good but not good enough, which made the loss that much worse.

“Whatever, you over competitive jock. No one ever beats Alexander or pardon my mistake ‘ties’ with Alexander Griffin.” She mocked I shook my head at her and lightly laughed.

I slowed my breathing down in an attempt to calm my racing heart. The pure rush of Adrenalin I had felt when class had started, had dribbled away.

All that was left was my heavy limbs, fierce appetite and tired mind. I internally groaned. I had another Tutoring session at seven o’clock that night.

I looked to the door and found Harris scrutinising me. His narrowed eyes and pursed lips gave off an unwelcome air, that made my stomach twist into tight coils and a heavy feeling of dread settle in the back of my mind.

A tall dark figure entered my line of sight and blocked off my view of Harris. Alex towered over me, his dark eyes searched mine and I blinked. Once. Twice. He still had not said anything and a heavy blanket of nervousness covered me. I cleared my throat and begrudgingly stuck out my hand.

“You did well.” I commented, he eyed my hand in confusion, before he gripped it with his significantly larger one. I had always had small hands and they seemed to fit perfectly in his much larger ones.

“You did too, even if you were as scary as Washington’s portal.” Alex mumbled the last part but I heard it loud and clear. I gave him a toothy grin that was supposed to be menacing but it turned into a frown, when I saw his chocolate brown eyes spark with amusement. He gave me a wide, close-lipped, smile in return.

“Well I may be as scary as Washington’s portal –whatever that means- but at least I had the decency to not try and decapitate you! Seriously, I think I might have a bruise there for a week. I really should kick your butt for that. I'm going to have an ugly purple line right by my jugular, so... yeah, thank you for that.” I rebutted. He snorted in disagreement.

“What about you and your little jab to my stomach. You might as well of punched my liver.” He exaggerated. I scoffed but ended up laughing.

“I’ll take that laugh as my forgiveness... for your neck. Which by the way looks fine.” Alex reassured. He playfully flicked my neck and I swatted his hand away.

The orange whistle shrieked out a chorus of sharp sounds and beckoned us to gather around the professors. Alex walked straight up to the front but I hung back with Ally, closer toward the changing room door.

“Well congratulations to Myra and Alexander for tying. Next lesson I hope to see the same enthusiasm and effort. All of you... yes that includes you Jarrod! Anyway, we will continue with different techniques and aspects of sword-fighting next week, but for now, hit the showers kids.” Mr. Miller commanded. We nodded our heads and walked over to the changing room.

“Myra can I please talk to you.” Cassandra shouted over the ruckus of teens. There were a series of collected ‘oohs’ and ’ahs’. Genevieve and Heidi snickered in the corner, they pointed me out like a circus attraction.

Ally gave me an apologetic look and promised to wait up for me. With my head held high I marched over to Cassandra and tried my best to ignore the comments and stares from other students.

Maverick looked back and raised an eyebrow but continued on to the locker room. Alex stayed behind a little longer, I stared at him curiously but he eventually left.

“You were excellent today. And... I know you only just arrived and well... discovered the Society, but I was wondering, what kind of future you see for yourself regarding your involvement in the Society.” She quizzed.

I opened my mouth and shut it again. Confusion and doubt raced through my mind, but her question stuck. What future did I have in the society?

I must have looked like a confused fish because she gave me a look of sympathy before she added, ”you don’t have to figure your whole life out right now, but I do recommend you give it some serious thought. If you need any guidance or have any questions at all you can always come to me.” She said in a maternal tone.

I gave her a look of gratitude before I said goodbye and rushed off to the changing rooms. Where sure enough Ally stood waiting for me with a friendly smile on her face.

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