Down End Road

Chapter 19

Flustered and flummoxed, I made my way down to the library. After Alex had left me in the corridor, I had gone back to finish my delectable dinner. Ally had then reminded me of my tutoring lesson. My tan skin was on fire with a deep shade of crimson as the occurrence in the hall replayed in my mind on a never-ending loop.

The timetable said that I was meeting my tutor in the library for intellectual tutoring. I dashed down the maze of halls and eventually found myself in front of the Grand Mahogany double-doors. They had carvings etched into the dark wood. Much like the murals, in the ballroom, they told a fantastical story of love, loss and fiction.

I stepped into the substantial room. It smelled of dust, oily tart leather bindings and books. Piles upon piles of books were stacked neatly on the asymmetrical shelves that lined, the ceiling high bookshelves.

Like the doors they too were made of a rich Mahogany wood and had intricate carvings. However, this time the carvings told stories that I had heard of before. Each one depicted a different fairytale that began at the top and ended at the bottom.

Above me, a second floor wrapped around the room. More bookshelves resided along the walls there too. A tall, rickety ladder attached to a metal railing, with wheels at the base towered in a corner near the bookshelf with the depiction of the story of little red riding hood.

A spiral staircase protruded from a hole in the second floors floor. It was copper, like every other piece of metal in the manor. Desks, chairs, ottomans and couches were splayed across the room.

A large glass dome covered most of the ceiling. It let in a stream of warm sunlight that alit the library with an orange glow. My ogling was interrupted by a throaty cough behind me.

I whirled around to find Harris, with his hands crossed behind his back, a look of impassiveness covered the entirety of his features. He was wearing a tweed jacket with a green cashmere sweater. A deep red bow tie interrupted the mute earth colors of his ensemble. His white tufts of hair were swept to the side and a pair of copper rimmed glasses sat on his weathered face.

“Quit staring girl, it is just a library. I am sure you have seen one before. Maybe not been in one but still I am sure on of your more intellectual friends showed you a picture, or maybe you saw one in a movie.” He deadpanned.

I felt my anger roil off me in waves. He wordlessly walked to a chair situated near the bookcase with the depiction of the story of Hercules. I begrudgingly sat on the ottoman that faced his chair.

The ottoman was old leather and quite comfortable. Harris, stared at me, he scrutinized my face like he was looking for the answer to immortality. I fidgeted in my seat. His imposing scrutiny made me feel uncomfortable. I cleared my throat out loudly, which caught his attention.

“Get me the book with the bronze clasps from the stand over there, girl.” He ordered. I grumbled under my breath yet reluctantly shuffled over to the stand, by the door. I picked up the worn leather-bound manuscript and I felt a sharp pang of warm recognition shoot through my ring. I ignored the slight tingle in my index finger and stalked back over to Harris.

“Hand me the book girl, and I shall begin with your first history lesson.” He commanded. I huffed and sat back down on my ottoman.

“You know I have a name.” I said. My eyes were squinted in fury and my ink lips were tightly pursed in annoyance. He grumbled something under his breath and ignored my comment. I rolled my eyes.

“You roll your eyes at me again girl, and I will kick you out of this place faster than you can say sorry.” Harris warned. I suppressed another eye roll as he went on. “Right lets start from the beginning, the order of Hamilton’s portal was found by none other than Alexander Hamilton-

It was a cold misty day in the small town of McBurr in the sunshine state of Florida. The date was September 19th 1779. General George Washington and Alexander Hamilton were to meet on the private lands Alexander Hamilton had secretly bought himself one year prior. Although he had never visited the land, he was surprised that it was a gorgeous property capable of farming crops. He had bought the lands for the grand price of $500 American.

Alexander shifted in his saddle as the distinct sound of George Washington’s black stallion broke through the easy silence of the misty morning. George’s cape flowed majestically behind him as he rode up to where Alexander sat atop his horse.

“Good day Alexander, how have you been?” He asked. Alexander straightened his back before he cordially nodded.

“Life has been good sir. I have called on you today, and am forever grateful you made the journey, to discuss a matter of this land. Some of the tenants of the surrounding land have trespassed onto my property only to discover what they call a rift between the heavens and the earth itself.” Alexander stated, he forgoes all formality and had cut to the chase.

“Alexander I am a very busy man”

“I understand that sir, but-”

“The American Revolution has been weighing heavily on all our shoulders-”

“Yes sir I understand but-”

“If you just needed the escape you could have come to me and I would have happily-”

“Sir, if I may I have called you here because one week ago I travelled here and found that the tenants rumors were true. There is a rift, although I do not believe it leads to the heavens. I believe it may be from an alternate universe.” Alexander explained, George Washington Gaped in shock.

Over the course of seven years they found six other portals. Alexander Hamilton had built a manor house, with the financial help of his friend George Washington, that surrounded and covered the portal. Similar manor houses had been built around the portal too. The next portal they had found was the Washington portal.

Six months later, 1780 February 21st

The three gentlemen rode through the bitter cold of Colorado, Harkness. George Washington wore a fine blue cloak, draped over his broad battle honed shoulders. Alexander rode alongside him, his deep blue Tricorn hat sat pointedly atop his head. The third gentleman was Aaron Burr. His deep dark blue riding breeches lined with an ostentatious gold thread.

“Aaron, you should not have worn such fine clothing on an expedition. These rifts... are unpredictable.” Alexander reprimanded. Alexander pursed his lips at the stern look from his superior and friend George Washington.

“Then you, Alexander should not have worn such a hat. Who knows what trouble may lie ahead, in these so-called rifts.” Aaron responded. The two had let him in on the secret two months after the first rift had been discovered. Aaron, as Washington said, was an invaluable asset as to who would be able to join the society, what candidates to pick what things to record what things to cover up. He was one of the first families to join the society under his order leader. Although, Hamilton and Burr did not get along, this was proven to be indisputably true after the death of Alexander Hamilton, caused by a dual between the two gentlemen.

They continued their solemn ride in an unsettled silence. However, everyone’s breath hitched when they caught sight of the second rift. Unlike the first rift it was not a rip of vibrant color but the complete opposite. The tear in the universe was a grim black with an eerie grey smog that smeared the edges of the jagged cliffs and crumbled rock formations that littered the world.

Burr began to back away in terror. A small white body swished in the corner, its skin was scaly and dry and bone white...

“-Much like the first rift they built a manor surrounding the rift too. Washington claimed that house after buying an extensive mass of land from the small rural village. Harkness is where the order of Washington is based.” Harris explained.

I could feel my eyes bulge out of my head. I had known that the society was old I just never thought I would know more than that. My head began to spin with unanswered queries that ran marathon’s through my mind repeatedly.

“Alright, that’s it for tonight off you go Girl.” I nodded meekly. I was too stunned to do anything else. He placed the book carefully in my hands and after I returned the ancient leather-bound book, to the stand I burst out the library in a flurry of denim and cotton t-shirt.


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