Down End Road

Chapter 18

I merrily skipped down the Halls of End Road manor. Clad in a black pair of flared yoga pants and a black work-out-type vest, I navigated the Halls to the salmon foyer.

My head was crystal clear and the gashes on the back no longer screamed in agony every time I moved. Whatever Alex did had worked like a charm, and I was begrudgingly grateful for it.

After breakfast I had flipped through my schedule and saw that I was required to attend ability training in the morning and educational training in the afternoon. The organized leaf of paper didn’t mention the name of the tutor so I had just assumed it was going to be Ben or Cassandra.

I leaped down the steps whilst I tied my hair back whilst two shorter strands covered my eyes and refused to cooperate. I looked up toward the door expecting Ben or Cassandra to be waiting for me.

However, I almost choked on air when I saw Alex. He was sporting a grey vest and black tracksuit bottoms with the most pristine pair of sneakers I had ever seen. The vest allowed me the chance to admire the way his dark and defined biceps and triceps rippled with his movements. I mentally chided myself for such thoughts.

I diverted my attention away from Alex’s strong, chiseled arms and focused on the situation at hand. Alex. Here. Waiting, where my tutor should be. He yawned and flashed his pearly white teeth. His eyes squinted when they saw me and I was immediately embraced in the depths of his impossibly brown eyes.

It felt like I was drowning and breathing fresh air for the first time. He had that effect on me. It was infuriating. My breath hitched when he moved closer to me. The ghost of a smile played on his lips as they twitched upwards. His smile was sympathetic and warm. It was the exact opposite of the cold, judgmental and condescending Alexander Griffin I knew. And it sent my heart into an absolute frenzy.

An explosion of butterflies burst throughout my stomach and my heart dropped to the floor. “Morning Myra, how’s your back doing? You were in pretty rough shape last night.” He said. For a moment I swear I saw concern shadow over his handsome features but when I blinked it was gone and replaced with a mask of indifference. Only this time, it didn’t feel so cold. If that made any sense. I shook my head and collected myself mentally preparing my answer.

Was I fine: no. I was mentally mortified and my back ached when I stretched too much. Not to mention, my endless list of questions about the Medela stuff. I plastered on a smile and answered with honesty, “could be better, but then again it could have been much worse. Thanks to you I’m almost brand new again.”

I playfully punched his arm but instantly regretted it. I shivered when he lifted his eyebrow, dread coiled in knots in my stomach. “Okay then, right well we’re going to go on a run then start on weights.” He stated plainly.

My eyes widened and I could feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. “Wait, aren’t... w-we... ya’ know.... Waiting on Ben or Cassandra.” I stuttered. The idea of being alone with Alex for more than five minutes was mortifying. He was enigmatic at best and callous at worst.

All I knew was that it was too early in the morning to have to deal with Alexander Griffin. He smiled at me, laughter danced in his eyes at my flustered pink cheeks. “Nope, I am going to be your morning tutor.” He affirmed. I nodded meekly and crossed my arm and locked it into place over my chest with my other arm, and began to stretch.

“Okay, just give me two secs’ to stretch alright?” I said. I swung my arms up and then down again, loosening the tension in my neck and shoulder blades. I bent forward and reached for my tip toes. I spread my legs so I was in a triangular position, and reached from side to side and gripped my shoes.

I looked through my legs and saw a familiar platinum blonde head in my peripheral vision. Granted the body was upside down. “Hello Myra.” Maverick greeted in a deep voice. I rolled my eyes and straightened up in a standing position.

“Hi Maverick.” I responded, with a tinge of cheery sarcasm. “What are you doing here on this fine Floridian morning.” I quizzed. He shrugged nonchalantly in answer and seated himself on the checked tile stairs. I narrowed my eyes at him in suspicion.

Alex cleared his throat and gave Maverick a strange bro-type-jut of his chin, in what I guessed was an acknowledgement and greeting. For all I know he could have just declared war, Alex was that enigmatic. I turned away from him and continued to stretch my arms when I heard cowboy boots slap against the tile. Maverick looked toward the source, and I whipped my head around and saw Ally’s familiar brunette hair fly in front of her face. She donned a Texan cowboy hat with Texan cowboy boots a jean skirt, purple shirt and a brown button up vest that matched the shade of her hat and boots. All in all she looked like a gorgeous Texan teenager.

One of her many purses swung pendulously on her shoulder as it rocked back and forth in sync with her movements. She flashed me a dazzling smile then appeared to stop breathing when she saw Maverick and Alex. Her eyes lingered on Alex’s arm long enough for it to just be noticeable, if you were looking. I inwardly snickered at her flustered behavior.

“Sup’ Ally what you doing here.” I asked, she tore her gaze from the boys and looked at me her tan cheeks stained with a pink blush that crawled up her neck. She looked at me with pleading eyes and I smirked in amusement. Her pleasant and cordial smile twitched with the promise of a stern talking to later, but I reveled in the amusement of the situation.

“I was just going to the Library I have to take out a couple books for my history class today.” She said. This snapped me out of my smug state. Maybe we had History together. That way I would at least be able to talk to someone or have a desk buddy.

“Oh, what period do you have History.” I asked. She smiled broadly flashing even more of her pearly white teeth.

“Fourth.” She stated, ”what period do you have History” Ally asked, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

I shook my head disappointed. “Fifth. That sucks I really wanted to be in the same class as you.” I stated. “Hey at least we have Fencing together. I don’t think I could survive Gym if I didn’t have a friend with me.” I whined melodramatically.

I heard a snort from behind me. “For someone who doesn’t have a problem with going on a run every morning, I would have thought PE would be your favorite lesson.” He explained. His tone was mildly arrogant but I ignored it.

“There’s a difference between running and... what did you call it, oh yeah... PE” I said emphasizing the word PE. It felt weird saying something so foreign to me. “For instance, running is fun, you have a goal as to where you are going or what your achieving. However, gym is not. Gym, is pointless.” I exclaimed. Alex’s lips twitched upward and his eyebrows rose just a fraction.

“That's the thing Remington,” he took a step forward so he was a hairs breadth away from me. I felt heat bloom in my cheeks at his close proximity. He craned his neck so we were face to face. “WE do fencing, not running and football.” He specified. “Race you.” He burst out the doors in a blur of black whilst I stood stunned in my spot, before I raced out the double doors after him. I yelled at him. His distinct form quickly moved further away. I was not slow but he was moving at the pace of a vampire, if that was even possible. I sprinted after him, following the smudge of grey as he sped off to the woods. He disappeared at the border of trees and I ran after to where I thought he might be.

Five minutes later, I slowed my pace and jogged on the spot and slowed my heart rate with a steadying breath. It was a fifteen-minute walk to the woods and a five-minute sprint. The woods were about a mile away from the manor with an unobstructed path. However, the towering green trees were still clearly in view from the giant manor.

I heard a faint rustle behind me when hot breath fanned the crook of my neck, when a voice said in a low voice “boo.” I yelped and elbowed the stranger in the side I heard a faint groan when a smudge of color whirled around me and I was face to face with Alex.

I darkened my features into a scowl and pushed at his chest. “Not funny, jerk.” I glowered. His eyes danced in amusement.

“Alright, alright, calm down.” He reasoned. “Why didn’t you use your extra speed back there, granted you are pretty fast on your own, you still need to use your powers.” He exclaimed. His eyes narrowed when I changed my stance and put my hands on my hips and gave him the ‘do I really need to explain this, again’ look.

He glared and I glared back at him. “You need to use your gifts.” He said and pointed to a log that looked to be about ten feet tall and was gnarled with roots and dark thick bark. “Pick up that log and throw it-” he pointed to the dance pit from the party from last night. “Over there.”

I widened my eyes and shook my head. I glared daggers at him and he in turn stared furiously at me. I willed him to speak one more time. To order me one more time. Did he not know the meaning of ’teach’. It felt as if I had glowered at him for hours before I finally huffed out a breath and muttered lowly, “I can’t and I won’t.”

I stood straighter, trying make him cower at my conviction. He didn’t. He stood right before me looking down at me and trapped me in his gaze once again. I let all my stubbornness leak into my stare. He just lifted a brow.

I felt a rush of air before I felt strong hands grip my waist and haul me over their shoulder. I looked back to where Alex was stood, but saw only trees. I banged my fist on Alex’s lower back but he was undeterred. I wasn’t tiny or light by any means. My legs were all muscle from track and field and so was the rest of me. But he picked me up like a feather.

I began my rant but was interrupted when he dropped me in front of the log. “I don’t think Ben or Cassandra, heck even Harris, would approve of your teaching methods.” I spat. Alex cocked his head to the side his neck craned downwards to look at me. “I take that back, Harris would probably be laughing his rear end off at me.” I huffed.

Alex let out a low chuckle that shook me to my very core. His laugh was the smoothest melody I had ever heard, not to mention infectious. I barked out an involuntary giggle and fixed my lips into a smile. “Your right, the old crone is a very straight forward person to know once you get to meet him.”

I lifted an eyebrow. “Crone, is for a woman you know,” I smirked in victory, and basked in the glory of his mistake. He smirked back.

“Myra, I mean everything I say-” He lowered himself, so he was level with me. “Sometimes, people just don’t understand what I mean.” His accent lulled me into a haze where all I could focus on was the hum of the summer breeze and his impossibly brown eyes. They held so many secrets and mysteries, I wondered if he had ever uttered a single word of his true thoughts to someone.

“So, when I say I want you to lift this log and throw it over there, I am not joking.” He growled. He flicked my nose playfully then turned serious again. “So go do it.” He commanded.

He reached his hand out to shove me along but I gripped it and pulled him closer to my spot on the ground. Our breath mingled in the space between us and the hairs on my neck stood on end in excitement and anticipation. “I can kick your behind if I please, so stop acting all commander and chief, got it.” I threatened. I yanked my hand back and I stood up.

I closed my eyes and willed my body to use the extra strength it had. I had used it the previous night but in all fairness we were being chased by a flesh-eating fantasy creature. I felt a low hum flow through me. I opened my eyes and barreled deep into the corner of my mind that was pure instinct then I bent down and picked up the log and threw it over my shoulder, for momentum, before I chucked it into the air.

A whizzing noise brought me out of my daze, and I looked up and saw the log plummet straight to the earth and land root side up in the ground. A plume of dirt escaped the small crater it had created, and it miraculously stayed upright and triumphant. I smiled and turned to face a gob-smacked Alex, he quickly covered it up with disinterest when he noticed my stare and nodded his head in approval. When he looked at me, he became entirely still. I frowned and he seemed to snap out of whatever limbo he had been lost to.

“Right, see I told you to do something and you did it. And you did it well. I expect the same level of enthusiasm tomorrow Remington.” He stated in a teacher-like tone that did not suit him well at all. He puffed out his chest and glanced at me coldly.

“Stop playing at teacher Griffin, it does not suit you.” I said. He glared a hole into the side of my head, and I suppressed my amused smile that was desperately clawing its way onto my lips. “Race you back.” I was off like a shot. The trees blurred around me in smudges of grey brown and green. Then they melded into blue sky and grassy planes. Just like the previous night. I had finally learned how to barrel into my extra power. And all with the help of a cold Englishman.

A victorious howl sounded from the patch of forest the Whizztail breed occupied and I knew deep down it wasn’t threatening but a celebration and congratulations to me, for learning and opening up the well of power inside me. I smiled in pure bliss.

Crash. I tripped over the stone border of the drive and skidded across the gravel. Alex swooshed past me in a blur and helped me to my feet. My cheek had a scrape and my forearms were grazed from wrist to elbow. I knew there would be a small hole in my yoga pants too.

“Well, that’s one way to stop.” He smirked.


The rest of the day had passed by in a blur. My classes had mostly consisted of introductions to the subject and teachers, as well as the professors handing out the syllabus. By the time, dinner had rolled around I was confused, tired and hungry. My spirits lifted when I saw Ally stood by the wall to the entrance of the cafeteria.

She waved me over and we chatted animatedly, as we got our food and sat down.

“Okay, so the one thing I am, confused about is why we have history class every day. Like why?” I asked. Ally smiled at my question. She pointed up and I looked up at the figures depicted on the ceiling.

To my eternal surprise, a woman with similar hair and eyes to mine was illustrated riding a dragon, a full set of gleaming armor covered her from the neck down, her strawberry tinged locks were wild and free as she led the dragon into battle against gruesome looking figures who appeared to be cloaked in black smoke. Like a shadow was permanently draped across their bodies.

She rode a majestic looking beast. Honour and pride carved onto it's face. It had a jet black muscled body, with blue and white speckles on it's under belly. I squinted and caught the navy blue scales scattered along its wing span. I felt a strange tightening in my chest when I saw the dragon, I shook it off and chalked it up to exhaustion.

“...And I am looking at...” I trailed off. She shook her head and huffed out a laugh.

“That is our history, in fact the entire Society is just one big history. Although, when they say history, it doesn’t necessarily mean like World war II and stuff. It could mean we learn how old the building is or learn some of the Societies trade secrets. Heck, it could just mean that we are going to the library. History class is the society itself. History is just another word for learning about the society.” Ally declared.

I gaped at her passion. She said it with such ferocity and melodramatics that I let out a quiet chuckle. She smiled warmly then stabbed the Caeser salad on her plate. I speared my chicken and potato’s. A small content sigh escaped my lips at how good the food was. I remembered my old high school’s cafeteria.

McBurr High’s cafeteria consisted of prison slop Mondays -their take on tuna casserole. Square rock Tuesday –their version of ‘pizza’. Radioactive mush on Wednesday –supposedly green bean casserole. Dirt Thursdays –they said it was beef mince but everyone was sure it was dirt based on smell, texture and taste. However, on Fridays, the school would treat us to an edible meal. Macaroni cheese, it wasn’t the best but at least it wasn’t rocks or dirt. Needless to say Monday through Thursday, the line for the vending machines was never ending.

I shivered in disgust just thinking about the time Marriane didn’t come with a packed lunch. I found myself missing my friends more than before, now that the hectic days adrenaline rush was over. I pulled out my phone and texted:

Hey Girls. Enjoying England's food and culture but miss u sm. Xx

They immediately responded with:

Kaylee: Girl I am so jealous, you get all the English guys. miss u too xx

Marianne: Dude same but for a different reason. I mean hello, food. #foodismybae . Missing u sm.

Kaylee: Yes food, but BOYS!!!!!!!!!

I laughed and nearly jumped out of my skin when Maverick’s amused voice sounded in my ear. “Well, I suppose you being in England isn’t a total lie seeing as you do have a, what was it again... Oh, ’English bae’.” He was peering over my shoulder at my phone, his eyes squinted to make out the small font. I stared at him in confusion until realization dawned on me that he was implying something going on between me and Alex.

I schooled my features into that of disinterest and waved him off. However, instead of stalking off, he lowered his tall frame into the seat next to mine. I looked back to Ally and noticed that her usual sun-kissed complexion had been replaced by a ghostly white face and beet red cheeks.

I internally groaned at my loss of ally. I could have used someone to help me deal with Maverick Landon's childish antics. I peered around the Ballroom and saw the Medusa twins glaring daggers into the side of my head. I rolled my eyes and instinctively looked around the Ballroom again, I focused on everything and anything else other than the emerald-eyed boy next to me.

I clenched my jaw, when I saw Alex swiftly move toward our table, whilst my stomach simultaneously flipped. We were still standoffish around each other, and his snide comment this morning had not helped to thaw the ice between us.

He was wearing a long sleeve black athletic shirt with black skinny jeans. In a style similar to Maverick, I had yet to see any color bolder than grey on him. However, I had only known him two days. And they had been the most confusing, eventful and fantastical two days of my life.

He sat down in the free chair next to Ally and looked to Maverick with the most withered look I had ever seen. “We usually have our supper elsewhere, Maverick,” he emphasized his name with a brash and tired tone. “Care to explain the seating change, mate.” Again, he emphasized whatever he called Maverick.

“Why wouldn’t we change our seating to sit next to two classy, pretty girls.” He exclaimed, “Speaking of classy girls here comes the walking twin antonyms.” He warned in a low tone. I whipped my head around when I heard the distinctive clack of stiletto heels on polished wooden floors.

I had always favored my sneakers, occasionally I wore stiletto heels to events, but knowing that Medusa’s liked them to this day had put me off them forever. They wore matching outfits contrasting only in color and which side their belt tilted and shirts hung from.

Genevieve wore a green one-shoulder top, fastened at the hip, a white leather belt, with a pink vest underneath. She wore matching white capri pants, a matching white baker cap and green stiletto heels. Heidi wore the same, but the top was pink and the vest was green.

They both moved next to one of the boys and made a show of wedging themselves between us and the guys. They both made some sort of attachment or physical contact with them. To which Alex looked literally pained to receive. I smirked discreetly.

I plastered on a sickly-sweet smile. So sweet to the point of them knowing it was fake. “So, Gen, Heid’s, can I call you that?” I asked rhetorically. They both opened their mouths to object, but I quickly interrupted, “great, so how have you guys been doing, you enjoy the party last night?” I asked in a sugary tone.

They both shared a look of distaste before Genevieve answered cordially. “Yeah, um it was great fun. Neither of us saw you though did you make it.” I internally cringed at her attempt to trip me up. Was she really going to pull that little stunt.

“Really, such a shame, me, Ally, Myra and Alex had a grand old time together chatting.” Maverick cut in. I resisted my desperate urge to smirk and instead focused my attention on the hand casually draped on Alex’s shoulder.

I glowered at Heidi who visibly tensed before she ’discreetly’ dropped her hand from his shoulder. A small part of me cheered in victory. Another small part of me barked with possessive relief that she removed her hand from Alex. However, a big part of me was busy digging a hole in my brain to bury those thoughts in.

I glanced at Alex who looked at me as if he could read the very lines of my soul. I became entranced in his all-consuming brown eyed gaze. I faintly heard Genevieve’s irksome voice in the background.

A sharp pain in my shin, brought me out of my fog and I focused back to the conversation, not before I gave a sharp glare in Maverick’s direction. “Hm,” I hummed in response. It was a fool proof answer to anything and everything. It could be a question, a statement, a conversation filler.

“I asked if you were you know getting along in class alright, I mean seeing as your... New, I thought you might struggle” she said the word new with such disdain I was fully ready to give the brat a piece of my mind, but that was before a foot tapped mine in encouragement, beneath the table. I looked around to see who the culprit was and was yet again met with chocolate eyes.

Alex shook his head mildly and I felt the bubbling anger in me dissipated to a mild simmer. Heidi read the exchange between me and Alex and rudely disrupted us.“Are you sure about that because you looked pretty lost in History when they started talking about the founders of the society.” Heidi’s voice dripped with sarcastic concern as she looked down on me condescendingly.

My anger flared up. “You shouldn’t be so concerned about me seeing as you did get a C- on that test. Really, I think you should be focusing more on your own work girls.” I remarked.

A look of shock and anger coated their twin features. They were mute for moments after that. “Well if that was all you came to say I think you should run along and study now. You know to improve and stuff.” I said with a sickly sweetness.

Ally’s face was deathly pale, and her eyes were wide open in dismay. She looked at me like I had just blown up the White house.

Genevieve and Heidi made a twin sound of disgust and with one last withered glance and snippy remark on my manners, they left us in peace. I looked over to Ally again, and gasped in horror when her eyes fluttered and her petite frame wavered.

I snapped my fingers in front of her sickly pale face and shoved my fruit cup in front . She took it and swallowed a syrup covered mandarin segment. The color slowly returned to her cheeks after she had had a few bites.

After a few more bites, she was back to her usual self. “Oh, honey you in deep now, you just declared freaking war. Not to mention with twin Medusa’s over there. And all because of b-” She caught herself at the last moment, she seemed to remember that Maverick and Alex sat with us for dinner.

“Shoot me now,” Ally muttered. She gave both boys a toothy grin and I saw her ears turn bright pink and her beet red blush was slowly creeping back onto her cheeks.

“Right, well I’m out of here, see you guys around.” Alex said, he waved goodbye and got out of his seat. I stuffed my food in my face then raced out after him, with a wave at Maverick and Ally.

“Hey Alex wait up,” I yelled down the corridor. The dark, tall figure halted and turned to face me. A warm smile lit up my face when I began to walk toward him.

“Yeah.” Alex responded.

“About the whole tutoring thing, you wouldn’t mind if we changed the time would you.” I asked, I knew he would say no, and probably insult me as well, but an inexplicable need to be around him had pulled me out of the dining hall. I wrung out my hands by me stomach. The tense silence between us grew more taut as the seconds passed.

“No.” He stated.

I frowned. Then smiled cheerfully. “A fine gent like yourself ought to be more chivalrous toward a lady.” I mocked in a horrible old British accent. “What would your mama say.” I teased. I giggled at the end, ready to turn on my heel and leave.

“Your old British accent is horrible.” Alex responded, I lifted a brow in a dare. My mouth a gape as I feigned mock hurt.

“Like you could do any better, besides it’s hard.” I scoffed. He flashed a boyish grin that sent shivers up my spine.

“Oh tis’ as easy as breathing for those with practice, milady.” He said, then bent into a low bow. He picked up my limp hand and brushed his lips across my knuckles in a way that rushed heat to my face and the blood draining from my head.

Alex confidently smirked before he swiveled away from me and walked down the rest of the hall. He left me blushing like mad and dizzy.

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