Does It Hurt?: An Enemies to Lovers Romance

Chapter Does It Hurt?: Epilogue

Two Years Later



“Enzo, wait, this is so not safe. We’re going to die,” I plead, the end of my sentence broken by a moan.

He pulls back his hips only to sink his cock deep inside me, causing my eyes to roll. I force them straight, glaring at the stupid man right as the beast mere feet from us whips its tail, sending ocean water spraying into our faces.

Enzo grins and fucks me harder in response, pulling another yelp from my throat.

We’ve been in the shark cage for the past hour, watching three giant great whites circle around us. All of them have taken a turn biting into the cage, and while I’m slowly getting used to the sight of a shark’s mouth right in my face, it doesn’t mean my bladder still isn’t threatening me in the meantime.

The moment we slipped out of our scuba gear, a relieved smile on my face for not dying today, Enzo proceeded to pick me up and send us both back into the cold ocean water, though still within the confines of the cage.

The top of the metal enclosure is a few feet above surface level, the lid flipped open. If the sharks really wanted to get in, they could probably flop over the top and eat us.

Enzo is confident they won’t, but I’ve seen those fuckers jump in the air to catch a bird. Who’s to say one won’t jump up and belly flop right on top of us?

“They can feel how fast your heart is racing,” he whispers in my ear, hiking my legs farther up his waist. He’s got me pinned against the side of the cage facing the boat, but it doesn’t feel any safer.

“Enzo, stop it,” I whimper, but he doesn’t listen. Instead, he slips his hand between our bodies, his deft fingers strumming my clit as he continues to pump inside me.

“Every time I fill you up, they feel it,” he tells me, his voice deeper than the ocean we’re in the middle of, and rougher than the waves surrounding us.

One of the sharks thrashes in the water again, sending more water over our heads.

“I don’t want to do this now,” I gasp, shuddering as a fin appears in my peripheral.

He chuckles darkly.

“Are we playing our little game again? You’re losing your touch, mia piccola bugiarda,” he growls before drawing my lobe between his teeth and clamping down.

I gasp, my nails scoring across his tanned shoulders while my back arches. The different sensations from the adrenaline pumping in my veins to between my legs, and what he’s doing with his mouth, are sending me into overdrive.

“Your cunt is gripping me so tightly. Do you think I believe a word coming from that sweet mouth? I bet if I pulled out right now, your pussy would cry from the loss.”

I shake my head, but he’s right. I think I would cry if he stopped now.

“Let me hear you say it, Sawyer. I want to hear how much of a slut you are for my cock, and I want to hear you beg to come around it.”

A stuttered, “P-please,” rips from my throat, almost without thought. If anyone is the siren, it’s him. He bends my will with a simple command, and I’m helpless to resist.

“Please, Enzo,” I cry, gritting my teeth as his middle finger rubs my clit firmer.

“Keep going,” he encourages, a wicked glint in his eye.

“I’m a s-slut for your cock,” I force out, just as a shark pops up from behind him, its teeth on full display as they clamp around the cage and thrash.

A startled squeal follows up my words, but he doesn’t relent, utterly unbothered by the agitated sharks.

“Not enough,” he clips, keeping his pace steady despite the trembling cage around us.

“Please… please let me come around your cock,” I rush out, yelping when the shark bashes against it again.

“Good girl,” he praises, grinning wildly. He’s fucking unhinged, but God, he feels so good.

“Now, let me hear you say you love me.”

“I love you,” I breathe hurriedly. “And I love when you make me come.”

Both dimples appear while his free hand slides up my throat, squeezing firmly as pleasure invades every cell in my body. With each thrust, his grip tightens until my vision blackens, and I can feel my pulse throughout my skull.

He growls and quickens his pace while another shark bashes into the cage, sending it flying into the boat.

I choke on a scream, my eyes wide as I stare at the man forcing my body into submission. I was wrong. The real predator is already inside the cage, and I’m trapped right between his teeth.

“I told you my love was going to hurt like hell. So tell me, bella ladra, does it hurt?”

An unintelligible noise slips past my constricted throat, and I think my nails are sinking deep into his flesh. I can’t find it in me to care if I make him bleed while being circled by three starving sharks. 

No death will be more agonizing than the orgasm he’s forcing me to succumb to.

I squeeze my eyes shut, stars bursting in the backs of my eyelids. The outside world is beginning to fade, and the only thing I can feel is my pussy clenching around him and how he circles my clit with expertise.

My nails move to the hand around my throat, clawing desperately as he takes me higher, while my consciousness begins to slip.

“That’s it, baby, fight to let those screams out,” he snarls, now rolling his hips, causing my eyes to shoot straight to the back of my head. The tip of his cock hits that damn spot that only he seems to know how to reach, and a full-out sob is desperately trying to get free.

He grinds into me harder, and within seconds, I’m exploding around him. He releases my throat, and all the blood rushing from my head is enough for my world to tilt on its axis, and what used to be the ocean is now outer space.

A scream tears from my throat, and I’m grasping for something solid to hold on to, but I feel lost in the waves as they rip apart everything that makes me whole.

Faintly, I feel Enzo slip an arm beneath one knee and hike it higher as he begins to lose control, chasing his own orgasm.

“Christ, this cunt is too fucking good,” he chants through gritted teeth. And then he’s letting his own deep moan loose as he releases inside me, filling me to the brim.

A hand slams on the metal bar beside me, and he moves his hips in a staccato, uneven roll.

“Fuck, Sawyer,” he growls, but it still sounds far away.

You can’t hear a shout in space, can you? There can’t be sound when there’s no air to speak of.

Slowly, almost reluctantly, I come back down, and when I do, I find Enzo’s head resting heavily against mine, and now two sharks are trying to get in the cage, and Jesus, I’m dizzy.

“I’m officially a prune, this probably gave me a yeast infection, and those sharks are two seconds away from breaking in,” I croak, the low temperature of the water beginning to creep back in. “Now, can you let me out?”

Enzo’s shoulders bounce as he chuckles, and then he’s lifting his chin and placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

“Sure, baby.”

He pulls out of me, and I quickly scramble up and over the cage, nearly crawling onto the Ladra. Enzo bought this boat the day I said yes to marrying him.

He took me out on the water at sunset, the rays glittering against the surface of the water, and slid the diamond ring on my finger without even asking.

Enzo doesn’t do heartfelt speeches, but he did worship me that night while making me scream yes until my voice gave out.

Three days later, we eloped, Simon and Troy our witnesses. They’re the only family we needed anyway.

I’m still convinced it’s bad luck that he named the boat after me. Like tattooing your partner’s name on you, it’s undoubtedly cursed.

We haven’t shipwrecked yet, but if this boat’s namesake is to be a thief, then it’s only obvious it’ll steal a life or two.

Enzo calls me dramatic, but I call it logic.

The second my feet touch the floor of the vessel, I’m tempted to get on my knees and kiss it.

“You’re lucky I don’t get motion sickness,” I mutter, struggling to pull on my bathing suit bottoms due to the waves heavily rocking us from the giant, pissed-off sharks. They were denied a meal, and well, that is pretty fucking rude.

Enzo climbs onto the boat behind me, and after slipping his shorts back over his ass, he pushes up the lever to the crane hanging over the boat, drawing the cage up. The whirring mechanical sound is incapable of masking the deep chuckle coming from his chest.

“Is that a challenge, bella?”

I narrow my eyes. “If that’s a sexual innuendo, then I’m turning you into shark food.”

“I’d hate for that to happen,” he purrs once the cage is out of the ocean, and only the splashing water can be heard. “You and that sweet pussy would be so lonely without me.”

I roll my eyes. “I’ll survive, dude. I always do.”

“Yeah?” he asks devilishly, his chin twisting over his shoulder. “You and the bean gods going to keep each other company?”

I flip him the bird but instantly chicken out when he turns toward me with a growl and steps in my direction. I’m running away again, a laugh filling the salty air.

This time, I have no intention of getting away.

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