Divinity Of The Lost Elements

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Note: Bold=🐺 speaking out loud.

Italics bold= 🐺 thoughts 💭

Italics= POV thoughts

I see yellow rays of moonlight shining on the whites of pillows that I must’ve pushed aside as I slept. The moon seems to be getting closer and closer as the days pass by.

It wasn’t like this before I was captured which only meant that we were running out of time. I got up out of my bed, the room was pitch dark but would light up enough when the breeze caught the elegant blue lace solstice curtains, getting them to rise and fall like weightless arms of bodyless worshipers behind that oh-so-fine silhouette.

I glance around and look up at the chandelier and wall sconces that match my bed’s headboard in curves and swirls. I wrap my arms around myself. Loneliness was an echo chamber for my pain. Yeah, sure I have retrieved my wolf’s spirit back, but I fear that I may have lost and forgotten something much more.

I feel an uncanny feeling that I am being watched. I turn to my left and see a shadow come out of the walls. There he is Silas or should I say Azul. Living and breathing, his blackened eyes slowly turn back to his emerald eyes and scan the room with unnerving thoroughness.

“Relax, I had everyone leave my chamber. It’s just me in this room and only me in this entire southern chamber.”

As he drops his guard you can feel a change in the room, a euphoric feeling surrounds us.

“How are you feeling?” he asks as he approaches closer to me.

“I’m… I’m… adjusting. At least trying.” I said with an undertone.

He grabs my braids from behind to expose my neck as he attaches his lips to my exposed skin just below my ear. I feel the blood rushing to the tops of my fingers, the pulse coming in hot waves that cause everything else to pulse.

Memories of our past lives together all flash before me. The feeling of being safe and secure in his arms is more than just a bonus, it’s a delicacy I never thought to consume once again.

His presence is comforting, all I have is my imagination of him to keep in constant companionship but that was quite impossible when I could hear the other guardians slowly and painfully becoming lifeless.

Yet here I stood with him planting his warm, loving hands around me.

My wolf whimpers in delight, our hearts galloping. Feeling for each other in the dark, each touch is like magic that I need desperately. His body is pressing against mine as he pushes me up against the wall.

His lips are still attached to my neck but now it’s at the base. His right hand is around my waist just under the rim of my shirt gripping my hip. I gasp, and I can feel his smile against my skin as he slowly detaches his lips from my neck and his emerald eyes glow momentarily as they search for the depth of my soul.

He breathes heavily, “What are the three things that I had asked of you?”

Completely confused by his question I ask, “Uh? Are you? Azul are you seriously asking me this right now?”

“Sora, Please.” He lowers his head down, avoiding my eye contact.

I place both of my hands on his cheeks and lift his head to my eye level.

“You ask that one, I shall always search for you. Always. Two, I must never lie and If I must lie, lay with you every night of our existence. Three, I must never cheat and if I must cheat, then cheat death… for …..”

“For I can’t imagine living my existence without you,” he said finishing the last sentence.

I ran my fingers through his hair, studying every detail of his glorious face. How tragic it must’ve been for him to live in a continuum time loop. Searching for my true form essence in different universes but they were all oblivious to everything. He kisses my right hand and quickly picks me up.

I wrap my legs around his waist.

His lips finally reach mine. I hear a booming that is furious and incessant. It is our hearts beating, it seems to swell into a mallet and wing against our rib cage, forcing itself to burst out.

How long has it been? 5, no, 10 million years?

I stopped counting, the distance was never good for us. Our lips ask to be together again. Parting slightly, allowing my tongue to slip inside. Our passion is tangled and we go to war with lost times, battling madly for dominance.

He takes me to my bed and gently places me down on the bed. Four pairs of eyes blink in unison, just staring at one another.

It's us and it will always be us.


I woke up frantically throwing back the covers, tears streaming down my face uncontrollably, but I did not make a sound. The dream was so vivid leaving me with an overwhelming sense of void.

This memory of mine. He was so warm….

Just as I am about to lay my head on my pillow, someone gently knocks on my chamber door.

“Your Grace? It is I, Nova, your grace.”

I sat upright as I heard more footsteps echoing near my chamber. I levitated to the door and calmly opened the door.

Startled, she stares at me for a second before quickly bowing her head down.

“Your grace..I….”

“Sora.” I interrupted her.

“I…um my royal… I canno….”

“Please just call me Sora, that's an order.”

My wolf and I weren't a fan of being called that, because it ties us to him. My so-called mate.

“Don’t ever refer him to that again.” My wolf growled at me.

“May I then call you Royal instead,” Nova asked.

Rolling my eyes, it is legit almost the same thing but of course, there are stupid rules placed here. If she calls me anything else other than those two titles, she’ll face court time or worse.

“Do as you please. You may look at me when you speak at least. Including all that is behind her.”

She lifts her head upright in relief, standing tall in a perfect posture as taught. “Thank you my royal. I am here to inform you that the Zod royal family has announced a ball in honour of your return.”

“That won’t be necessary,” I said sharply.

“My royal, it has been instructed by both your parents and your maa….”

A violent gust of icy wind forms, furiously sweeping across their faces.

My jaw tenses and my nostrils flare, “TELL THEM IT WON’T BE NECESSARY!”

All heads bowed instantly and nodded their heads before the wind slammed the door shut.

I have to remind myself that it is not their fault, they did not know the depth of the entire story here.

How can I be the Sands of Time but still have no control over who I should be with? It's infuriating.

“Show yourself,” I said in a rough tone.

“Did I interrupt something important?” Azul says in an amused tone, as he walks out of the walls.

A memory of mine or do I hold another power to create what I desire to happen?

“Is it not your desire to see me?” He asks.

Flustered, “You can read minds?”

“Your memories are taking quite some time to catch up. Your wolf seems to recognize me but you…”

I interrupted him and asked, “Again, I ask again. Can you read minds?”

He stood facing the fireplace that brought a dancing glow into the heart of my room. He watches the flames dance, and I can hear him breathe in the fragrance of the room.

Azul then turns and faces me and responds, "You are a language I am fluent in; I do not need to read your mind. I do not need to do anything, I….I just…I just know you.”

The fire behind him lit bright hot flames that danced and flickered almost like they were commanded too.

“You’re good with words.” That is all I could think of saying, embarrassed of the thought that I had a dream about us.

“I’m assuming you came here to tell me something or?” I cringed, regretting the tone that I used towards him. For all I know he probably came here to see if I am doing alright.

He smirks, “Soon you will remember why I come here during this hour. In the meantime, I did come here to see how you are doing though.”

I shrugged and sat down on the floor, in a meditation position, watching the fire. “I remember the things my wolf remembers, and I assume her memories are more important than my own. Since my essences have been divided and sent out to different universes, all these memories are just false, but I can’t decipher if it’s mine or hers?”

I summon my wind power to dance with the flames. First, it is calm, persuading the sparks to call for its flames to initiate more. Then it became violent fighting for dominance, almost wiping it out, till it died out without my consent.

I turn to glare at him.

Sometimes I feel that my feelings for him are just in shambles. When I look at him it's like I'm seeing two people. It reminds me of the first feeling I had when I looked into those black eyes of his. This Azul feels like a cold spot in a room. Like an icy well that's bottomless and swallows up anything you try to drop into it.

Then that feeling just flips. As if he's playing with and just flipping the person he wants me to see. Sure we have a pass but there has to be something else that my Wolf and I are so hesitant about.

Azul remains composed of what I had just discovered or rather remembered about him.

He was able to take in multiple bolts of lightning without being affected and just now he was controlling fire.

“Interesting to learn that you are both fire and lightning elementa. Why claim only one?”

“Bold. I always like that about you. Always straight to the point, a quality that air elementa does not have. Let’s just say that people should know that I am from Lightning elementa. The Elders would not like to know that a Von possesses the power of fire. They're already on my neck as it is.”

I nodded and closed my eyes to bond more with my wolf.

Azul is Cosmos. The man in the dark. Fire is not his liking, but since he is half, he'll use it if necessary.”

Aren’t spirit wolves and the human spirits the same, shouldn’t they be a match?”

Not for those who hold elementa powers. He is an expectation to rules. The divines had turned Cosmo into a human which means Dark Sky. The Gods call him Cosmos. Devour of light. “

Why would any parent name their child "dark sky"?

"It was obvious since birth."

What the….. What is that supposed to mean? As I opened my eyes, I noticed that Azul had left.

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