Divinity Of The Lost Elements

Chapter 13

Present Year

Selah (Sora) POV

I hurled shut-eyed through the lazy pitch black skies toward the damp earth below, my heart knew that spreading my wings could save me but I did not care if I died or lived.

In every crevice of my being, the echoes of his tryst haunt me.

Where I land the ground beneath me turns to sludge from the constant rain. Slowly transformed back into my human form covered in mud, I sink into the earth’s floor.

I can hear the rain hitting the leaves, the rainy forest smelt earthy and comforting, but none of that mattered. I could no longer imagine seeing the radiant hues of this part of the universe.

Here and now, I badly wanted to vow that I would never open my eyes again. Slowly embracing the darkness, and shadows. Wishing and hoping that one of those shadows could and would be him.

I automatically open my eyes to the sound of footsteps approaching. My senses were hyperactive listening to know if they were humans or my kind. The smell and sound confirm that they were my own. Possibly searching for the source of the loud sound when I landed.

Not caring who is coming, I glare up at the quilt of vines and lush leaves from the trees that sway violently. The rainy breeze takes place as a conductor awakening the sleeping orchestra of the forest. I could hear the river flow, meandering through the forest. A constant never-ending noise bleating and booming. I curl myself up as if I were a ball, eventually waiting for death to come for me too.

I can feel deep slumber penetrating through.

A voice from afar yells out my earthly name, “SELAH! SELAH!”

It came closer and closer in a panic, “SELAH!”

You can hear the frantic desperation in his voice, “Selah, come on, come on wake up. Selah, wake up for me. Just for me Selah.”

His warm hand goes under my legs while the other supports my back as he carries me up. My eyelids are heavy, slumber continues to call me in.

“Selah, please don’t go there.” He whispers in my ears.

“I’ve notified the pack, her sisters are already there to give her a bath and the pack doctors will be there by the time you arrive.”

“Chogan she’s not staying at her place. Not like this!” He says.

“But.. but.. her family Silas...”

"She will be with me. No one else. Bring the pack doctor and that’s it. That’s an order!”

This all feels like a dream, of course, slumber will have me think that he came to save me.


Waking up feels like transitioning from the world of dreams into the day. I couldn’t remember how I got back to earth but what I did remember clearly was who I lost from the other world. A storm of sadness rushes through me.

I dread this day; knowing that soon I’ll have to face my pack and explain what happened to their alpha. It isn’t something a beta is prepared for.

I hiss from the painful attempt to get out of my bed. I didn’t realize how deeply wounded I was. I look all over my body and see bruises, “What the fuck?”

I dressed in something bright to look more optimistic and uplifting even though it is quite the opposite of what I am currently feeling. This is all a show, I’ll do anything for my pack even if it means looking like I’ve puked out a bunch of rainbows and sunny smiles.

The bruises on my legs and shoulders didn’t really help but the long bright red satin cami dress covered most of the bruises below. With hair slick up in a bun and a gold howling wolf with wings necklace in remembrance of Azul. Everything came together perfectly with the gold earrings he gave me as a birthday gift.

I drove to the pack house. Upon arrival, I noticed everyone stiffen and stare.

“I wonder how long I was gone for? I can’t remember anything that may have happened here. Shit, maybe I should’ve stayed at home and wait till my memories from this universe came together. Whatever.... I’ll just get information as I go.”

I am noticing that more people are gawking at me in disbelief.

"Shit. Shit. Shit! Are they mad, damn? How did he die here? Oh Gods if you can hear me....”

I gasped, dropping my keys and purse to the ground.

My eyes are locked with hue eyes that are like new spring growth, bright and soft all at once. My favourite type of green is the green that has me spellbound and lost in it. Enigmatic yet so expressive. I remember exactly how they glow when they see me, and I know these were his true essence’s eyes.

“How far have I travelled? how many years have I gone back? It can’t be, he couldn’t be....” I ponder to myself.

Desperately searching for an explanation, but finding no answers in return. I can feel him. I can feel the instant connection of his true essence but it’s so surreal. Almost impossible.

He began to take big strides towards me. Letting off his alpha aura that froze the very air around us. Clenching his hands into a fist, and his eyes flashed continuously. Visibly fighting control with his wolf.

His jaws clenched in frustration, his eyes only on me as everyone else near him instantly moved out of his way.

I didn’t understand why he was behaving like this, “isn’t he happy to see me?”

Silas’ strides are more determined yet he doesn’t run to me. He couldn’t run to me, I could tell he was doing everything in his power to not shift.

Then it becomes clear as to why he fighting his reactions, he can smell the bruises that my dress has hidden and sees the ones that have been exposed.

I don’t know why I needed to run like a small schoolgirl being chased. What’s more strange is that I liked the thought of being chased around by him. Instead, I just stood there dumbfounded waiting for him.

Every step he takes my heart races. I am a grown woman feeling giddy in my tummy and having shivers up my back.

Silas’ strong arms grip my waist, forcibly pulling me closer to his chest and lifting me up. I gasped and wobbled from the sudden movement, and he strengthened his hold on me.

He looks at me momentarily, my eyes never leaving him.

"Did he get taller?” I thought.

With no words, he faces forward and begins to walk directly to the pack house. Passing by I can hear whispers about our closeness.

Hiding from embarrassment I nuzzle my head on his chest.

With this action, something begins to change. I can hear his heart calming down. His wolf is satisfied by the physical contact I made with him. By each step he takes I feel every bit of me tingling.

“I...I.. We can just go to my office.” I shyly whisper.


His jaws clenches rhythmically.

"What is he thinking.” I can’t read him.

So I decided to try the alternative, “Azul.”

He stops right in front of a bedroom door.

“Sora, say something stupid and I’ll lose it.”


I yearn to hear the gentle expression of his voice. I love the way his voice sounded, however annoyed or frustrated he may be with me right now.

“I’ve missed you.”

The intensity and gentleness that came from his eyes. It is that same type of stare he gave in the beginning before I was Sora.

“Then pull me closer like you’re scared of letting me go.”

My body did just that. I snuggled in closer, my hands around his neck and I buried my lips near the nape of his neck. He slightly quivers in delight.

He enters the room.

The bedroom is a sanctuary of serenity, where soft rays of morning sunlight filtered through gauzy curtains. Casting a gentle, golden glow on the room's furnishings. He walks to the large plush bed that dominates the center and gently places me on the bed.

In the quiet of this room, time seems to pause, allowing us to savour the tranquillity. He gazes down at me and I see his eyes silently screaming more than his mouth could ever, revealing more than words know about.

I try to find words to describe what I see in those green hue eyes, but I can't. His gaze penetrates me.

He leans closer to me; He kisses me- how do I explain it?

Like someone in love.

And so we kissed like we just found enduring love in each other's arms. Venturing into the bustling skies beyond.

If this is the way slumber calls me in then I'll gladly embrace this sweet call. Kissing him like we've just learned a foreign language and can only use the present tense. Only now and only him, for the rest will never understand, and will never know that we are tied to a bond.

Tears spilt over as they flowed down my face like a river escaping a dam. As I think; just like the ephemeral bloom of cherry blossoms, our time together is heartbreaking in its evanescence.

He kisses the tears that stream down my cheeks and he cups my face and deepens the kiss.

"If this is my last memory." I thought.

Our lips begin to explore each other mouths with a gentle urgency. His arms wrap around me, pulling me closer as we lose ourselves in the moment.

I am drawn to him and could no longer resist. He is calling to me, inviting me, murmuring in my ears. He is with me now, peering into an abyss.

I can't entirely remember when he undressed me but I was completely naked. I could feel his erection grow bigger, his mouth on me while lavishing my breasts with attention. His" thumb rubbed around a sweet spot, setting me off with a moan.

He kisses my ear, and whispers "I need you."

I shuddered against him, my legs quaking.

He drove his tongue inside me, and my eyes rolled back into my head. So close as the sensation builds in strength.

When it hit I moaned out his name "ohhh...mmhhh..aahh Azul!"

I came, groaning, every muscle drawn taut. He looks up with a seductive smile as he undresses his pants.

"I need you to take back that rejection," he says in a husky tone.

He yanks my legs closer to him and kisses both of my inner thighs, while his eyes are still on me.

Stuttering I ask, "h.hoo..how?"

He kisses the nape of my neck, chuckles and says softly, "Mark me."

I gasped, quickly covering my mouth.

"Come on Sora, you know it's the only way to take that rejection back."

"I thought I was dreaming?"

He tried to suppress his laughter but failed to do so.

What came out was utter sweetness to my ears. His laughter of happiness, a carefree ring. When was the last time I saw him laugh like that? Every other time he always seemed so dark and lonely.

"What can I do to show you this isn't a dream?"

"But... but you are dead? I saw...."

He doesn't let me finish and kisses me in a way I never thought possible. My hips moved against him, knowing that there was more. He settles between my legs and slips his dick inside of me.

First, he starts slowly introducing every inch of himself to me.


I feel my nipples rise and my breathing grew heavier, emboldened by the timing of his strokes as he continues to devour my mouth.

Our blood pounded through our veins, kissing and sucking his neck searching for the right spot. My canine grew larger and sharper as I finally marked him.

I steal a glance at him and see his eyes glow. I could feel his unreserved fire and passion met him. His canine grew, teasing me on my neck before marking me.

Immediately our bodies melt against each other.

I could feel him and he could feel me. A sudden flash of all of our encounters, the ugly and beauty. Pain and happiness. Everything he ever felt for me and everything I felt for him.


"I promised you that if I must cheat, then cheat death. Death I cheated so I can come back to what makes me feel alive."

A memory suddenly came, "Sora, what are the three things we promised each other? "

"You ask that one, I shall always search for you. Always. Two, I must never lie and If I must lie, lay with you every night of our existence. Three, I must never cheat and if I must cheat, then cheat death… for …..”

"For I can't live without you." We said in sync.

We sat here silently embracing each other.

Though this is magical, I knew all too well this was the way slumber had called me.

He never answered my question. “But you are dead?”

One cannot live without the other.

I've completed what the divines have created me to do.

Maybe in another life, it would always be Azul and I, maybe there we loved each other, maybe we never were light and darkness.

Maybe there we were just Selah and Silas.

Maybe there we had everything and kept our promises the way we said we would.

But instead, we got this one.

Instead, you never cheated death. Instead, I never could find you. Instead, we saved the universe but couldn't save ourselves.

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