Divinity Of The Lost Elements

Chapter 12

Cináed's final instruction brought all the missing pieces together.

It was like shifting through the air in a period of disorientation and suddenly I found myself in a mystical plane, standing in a pool of water surrounded by sky.

A serenade of stars winked at me from an endless arch of void-black beyond. Here was the core of our entire powers. Galaxies spun in the ever-long time of the divine. With our demand, we controlled the motions of lifeforms upon all universes that had entirely different notions of time and reality. Time and Space. One could not live without the other.

I watched the luminous stars suddenly come to life, dancing faster and faster, till they were a blur of motions across the darkened sky.

The luminous light that the stars ignited became too dim.

I could hear the turning clock stitching the moments into one seamless narrative, giving sense to this journey.

With my command, time ceased.

Nothing ever existed but he and I.

I have entered a place of no return. I am now in the deep ends of the cosmic domain. A place of darkness, a place where no one has ever been freed, nor left without his consent.

How could have I missed this?

We trusted Azul. He tried to swim back to light and did everything he could but Cosmos took him into the abyss.

It's time for the divine's retribution.

Her tears came thick and fast in the realization of what exactly she had to do. She could not waste any more time, remembering that the hands of time were still under her control, but she must be quick or she’d lose Azul forever.

Sora closes her eyes and deeply breathes in and out as she lets go and allows her wolf to take full control.

What were once hands are now extended claws from the wolf’s large black paws. The wolf’s long snout cringe. Her lips are tight and pulled forward. Her ears pointed slightly forward, alert and ready. Her neck hair and hackles rise, as sharp teeth appear between the jaws, as saliva drips from her lips.

Each gold feathery wing nearly as tall as her body, tensed in heaving fury. When they came back down a fierce wind, swivelling the entire universe.

The blazing wind howls through with rage.

"Show yourself.” She commands.

Four large paws appear from the void of blackness. The immense amount of dark power lingers. The closer he got the more of its darkness felt heavy, oppressive, and supernatural.

“Cosmos.” She thought.

A tall black fur wolf appears. His gaze set in concentration. Those black eyes see many things, as they bore a hole into Sora’s soul from his gaze. He is inspecting and tracking every movement to determine what she might do next.

These were no eyes of Azul’s true spirit wolf. Those eyes show a spilt soul. One that has been lost, and consumed by his power. His darkness.

He looked like a happy predator as he watched Sora’s eyes searching deep within him. ”Staring will not bring him back. He is gone Sora.” He says.

With those last words, Sora howls as she makes a call to the divines. She flies above, channelling all forces around as she embraces her true divinity. Her golden fur flares ever so brightly as a godly form of magic welled inside of her.

Within her, a seal of the divine magic has been opened. A godlike force to mystical use divine powers. A gift that was given from the last golden heard by all divines to achieve impossible feats such as creating, destroying and reconstructing anything in existence was now in her control.

This was no longer Cosmos’ domain.

Under her commands the universe’s night sky turns to a flurry of snowflakes, violently flying past with a biting wind.

The mighty waves of water rise like a wild beast. The waves transformed into a wolf that opened its jaws and spewed out a vast amount of icicles turning the body of water into ice.

The ice is sitting in patches on the surface of the water. It is no longer pitch black, instead, the universe’s sky is phantom white. The stars are still and the air hung like a frozen cloak.

Cosmos flutters his wings upwards. Taking over Azul’s wolf form meant that he was not a hundred percent sure of how much this wolf could take on water as a fire elementa wolf.

Cosmos knew he had to be cautious and calculative with Sora’s power.

Cosmos looks below and spews out bright hot blue flames. To his surprise, nothing melted. He is not aware that with Sora’s divine magic, her powers are godlike. No powers beyond all elementa can overpower the divine’s nature.

From behind, Sora spews out flames just as powerful and possibly greater than Cosmos’ fire. The flames then turn to a rush of waters that seizes Cosmos. The magnetic pull of water lures him down, quickly alternating its nature to icicles as it bonds him and his wings. Clipping the wings in the process. Making it impossible for the wings to outstretch.

Cosmos howls in agony. With every movement he makes icicles build up and presses into him. Tightening every ounce of him.

Cosmos snarls and bare his canines. Rage flowed through him like lava. It had a different grip on him that he as Cosmos had never felt inside of Azul.

Smokey mist begins to come out of his body. The vanishing mist initiated fiery sparks that raged into flames. Within seconds his entire body is covered in a fiery, plasma-like state.

Even in this state, the icicle did not melt.

A sudden icicle relic dimensional mirror appears; a sickly body crawls out of the mirror. His skin is sagging and his bones protruding, making him appear frail. His hair is rough, brittle and dull grey. His entire body seems lifeless as he continues to force himself out of the mirror and crawl towards Cosmos.

The pulsing pain that came, from moving every single one of his muscles did not stop him from projecting his penance stare at Cosmos.

The striking jet-black eyes and black veins became visible beneath his skin. Cosmos stopped his violent movements and formed a menacing smile.

"You can’t defeat me. I am you. I have everything that is of you. Without your spirit wolf, you will die.”

“Nothingness. An amateur who seeks the sun for help?"He scoffs.


Azul’s penance stare is capable of inflicting immense pain and possibly killing his subjects.

His eyes were now transparent like a mirror reflecting back.

Even if it meant killing himself and his spirit wolf altogether he had no other choice. This was the only power that Cosmos could not take from him. He has never used this power on anyone before but today he will use this on himself.

Cosmo's eyes locked with Azul’s. Neither one can break contact as Azul continues to torment his spirit wolf. Forcing the spirit to come forward with fiery.

A fiery inferno arose with two bristling souls. The wolf's body violently trembles as they fight within.

As Azul continues to inflict pain on his spirit wolf the sharper the blazing spikes of pain he felt all through his body.

Azul could hear his spirit wolf's loud wails.

The biggest betrayal; is to hurt your spirit wolf. Breaking the spirit apart bit by bit. Yet Azul knew that this was the only way for his spirit wolf to fight and break the control Cosmos had on him.

Azul desperately whispers through mindlink, “Sora lend me your light.”

"No Azul, it will kill you.” Sora hidden afar was waiting for Azul to give out a signal of when to attack. She was not expecting Azul to kill his spirit wolf in the process.

"Sora, you and I know just how powerful Cosmos is. Even with your divine powers, I am ruined. If you kill Cosmos you will also end my spirit wolf’s life. I do not want you to live with such a burden. I am the one that’s got to die. I do not fear death, because death has become me. Lend me your light Sora.”

Unwillingly, Sora consumes all lights of the universe and becomes the embodiment of light. Her body possessing the power of the sun, beaming with light she outstretches her mighty wings and breathes out a razor-sharp bladed spear that goes through Azul and his wolf’s heart.

The light is like an efficient virus to Azul, quickly spreading throughout his black veins that bulge out. Blinding his midnight eyes and disconnecting his elementa powers that could no longer be used by Cosmos anymore.

She summons the spear of destiny’s holy light energy to burst inside of them.

Within an instance, his wolf spirit body burst into ashes.

All that was of Cosmos is now nonexistent. His spells that had imprisoned all six of the elementa wolves have been broken. Freeing them from their misery.

Everything turned black, but the universe's stars did not shine through. There was no essence of Azul’s left to contain enough fuel to keep the stars shining.

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