Distant Lands

Chapter Nate The Spy

It feels weird. A few hours ago, I was with Liz’s brothers having a beer, and now I’m here in Mexico, on the roof terrace of the Summer Hotel.

I had texted Liz, and she shared that she was out exploring the city with a guy named Diego and a girl named Angela. I took advantage that she wasn’t there, and I walked around the Hotel, getting familiar with the place.

I don’t know if I will be a good spy, but I’m going to try my hardest not to be seen by Liz. It’s getting pretty late, and the hotel staff is starting to prepare the terrace for a party they have tonight.

An hour ago, Liz had texted me some photos she had taken and said she was heading back to the Hotel. I hear a woman squeal excitedly, and I peer over the balcony. There’s a taxi parked in front of the Hotel. So that’s Diego and Angela. I hear Angela tell Liz she will see her later, and they get back into the taxi.

I hurry into the Hotel and carefully peer over the balcony looking down to the dining hall. I see Liz walking toward the elevators, and I rush back into my room. I’m sure Liz will be at that party tonight.

I take my shoes off and lay on the bed, finally being able to relax. For an hour, I had been going back and forth from my room to the balcony, checking to see if Liz was back. I’m sure the Hotel staff thought I was crazy or high. I needed to know what Diego and Angela looked like. I take out my laptop and look up Diego online.

Surprisingly I’m able to find him quickly. His full name is Diego Verano. There’s a ton of info on him online. Oh? He’s the son of the owner of the Summer Hotel.

There’s a story about him- he has a history of getting in trouble with the law, mostly driving drunk. His wealthy family always ends up getting him out of trouble.

By the looks of it, he enjoys partying and hanging out with his wealthy friends and socialites. But apparently, his father is pressuring him to be more responsible. He’s making his son earn his inheritance by working here, managing this Hotel.

Now Angela; full name is Angela Dobre. She’s the daughter of a wealthy businessman. She owns a gym. She recently launched her makeup line and is gaining popularity online. Interesting, Liz hasn’t mentioned any of this.

I open my luggage and take out the clothes I will wear for tonight’s party. I’m wearing a black shirt, navy blue jeans, and my black coat. I also bought a hat from the souvenir shop to help me conceal my identity and primarily hide from Liz.

I open my door, carefully look around, and make sure Liz is not around. I walk up to the balcony terrace and step outdoors—what a beautiful evening. The evening sky is clear, with stars already visible in the darkening sky.

People are already at the party. I sit on a bench near some potted plants, trying to remain hidden but wanting a clear view of the entrance.

I watch as the hotel staff come and go from the terrace, then Diego walks in with his friend Angela. They sit down at a table. Both are chatting and laughing.

Diego keeps looking back at the entrance as if he’s expecting someone to walk in. A waitress walks over to them, and they order some drinks. More and more people arrive, and Diego gets up to greet them.

I get up and choose to sit at a table that’s closer to them, but I make sure I’m out of their view. Diego returns to the table with two more drinks.

“Good evening, sir, would you like something to drink?” A waitress standing next to me asks.

“Oh, water, please,” I say.

“Sure, would you like anything else?” she asks.

“No, that’s it for now, thank you,” I say. The waitress walks off towards the outdoor bar area. She comes back with a glass of water.

“Here’s your water, sir,” the waitress places the glass of water in front of me.

“Thank you,” I say.

I drink my water, observing Diego and Angela. They seem like they have been friends for a long time. Diego says something to her, and she slaps his arm laughing.

She gets up and goes to the bar area. She comes back with two small shot glasses. Damn, they drink alcohol like water. The waitress notices me staring at them, and I try to pretend that I’m looking at my phone.

It’s been a while now, and I start to think that maybe Liz will not show up. She probably was tired and fell asleep. I was about to get up to leave when I saw her.

Liz enters the party looking a bit nervous. She’s gorgeous, and she looks lovely in that short flowy dress. Angela gets up, waving a hand in the air.

“Oh! Hey Liz! Over here!” she yells.

Liz walks towards them. Diego turns around and is delighted to see Liz. He hugs her and pulls a chair out for her.

Angela goes to the bar and returns to the table with shot glasses. They make a toast, and Liz coughs, making Angela laugh. I chuckle. Oh, Liz, she’s not used to drinking. This night will be enjoyable.

Angela leaves again, and Diego gets a little closer to Liz. He tells her something that seems to make her feel uncomfortable. Judging by how this guy looks at her, I know he has his sights on Liz.

Diego gets up and leaves Liz sitting alone at the table. I want to go over and talk to her, but I know it’s a bad idea. They come back to the table, and the group continues drinking.

Liz seems to be enjoying the drink Angela brought back for her. I hope Liz knows that those drinks contain hard alcohol. They are concocted with a mixture of flavors to mask it.

A live Band suddenly begins to play, and people get up to dance. Angela and Diego get up to dance, leaving Liz alone at the table. Liz guzzles the drink down. She calls over a waitress and takes three more drinks. Is she trying to get drunk? I’ve never seen Liz drunk.

Liz starts to move her shoulders, dancing to the beat of the music. She looks so cute, having fun on her own. I take out my phone and start recording her. I want to show her the footage when she’s sober.

I’m happy she’s enjoying herself, but this is so irresponsible of her. She can have fun, but getting wasted with strangers in a foreign country? That’s a no-no.

Liz yells out, hyping up Angela dancing on the dancefloor. Liz gets up and has trouble walking. She stops and laughs at herself, making me laugh. Geez, Liz, You are going to regret this later.

Oh my goodness. Liz starts to make a sexy dance. If Liz’s objective is to attract the attention of men, she’s accomplishing it because a lot of guys are staring at her right now. I feel I should do something, but no, I can’t get involved, not yet.

Now she’s putting on a fucking show. Liz continues her sexy dance and slides her hands down her sexy body. I can’t take this anymore.

I get up and walk towards her to pull her out of the party, but Diego reaches her first. He steadies her on her feet, and they start to dance.

I walk back and sit down. I observe as Liz and that Diego guy dance and talk to each other, looking pretty comfortable and seeming to be sharing a moment.

Liz abruptly leans in and kisses Diego. Diego immediately responds to her. He kisses her like he wants to eat her face. I can’t help but feel jealous of seeing her with him: my heart and breathing quickened. I’m surprised at my reaction.

I need to stop this before Liz does something she’ll regret. Unable to conceal my feelings, I get up quickly, looking at them with a scowl on my face. I start to walk towards them when a lady steps in front of me.

“Hi handsome, would you like to dance with me?” she says, grabbing my arm.

I take her hand off me, smile, and shake my head. She places a hand on the front of my chest.

“Come on, please dance with me,” she says, smiling.

“Mam, I’m sorry, I don’t want to dance right now. But thank you,” I say, trying to be polite.

“Okay, see you around, handsome,” she says, walking away.

I look in Liz’s direction and find that she is gone. There’s a group of people dancing together, but I don’t see her. Where the hell did she go? I only spot Diego and Angela dancing.

I walk towards the entrance and through a hallway and find Liz asleep on one of the benches. I stand in front of her. She is entirely out.

For documentation purposes, I take out my phone and take a photo—Liz’s asleep sitting up with her head lying back against the wall. I take a seat next to her.

I shake her gently.

“Liz,” I say, trying to wake her.

“Hmm,” she whines sleepily. I shake her a bit harder.

“Liz,” I say louder.

“Hmmm!” she whines, pushing my hand away, annoyed.

She slides towards me and rests her head on my shoulder, moving her head, finding a comfortable spot. I sigh, realizing that she isn’t going to wake up quickly, and I’m going to have to carry her back to her room. I searched and found Liz’s room key in the small purse she was carrying.

I hold Liz’s back and put my arm under her knees. I stand up and lift her, carrying her towards her room. The waitress that served me the water passed by me.

“Is she okay?” she asks.

“Yes, she had a little too much to drink. I’m taking her to her room. She’s my friend,” I say.

She nods but stands there watching me walk away with Liz. I get to her room, and I fumble with the key but manage to get the door open.

I walk into the room and switch on a light. I gently place Liz on her bed, laying her on her side. I take her shoes off and cover her with her blanket.

Liz stirs, half-awake, “Hey...Diego, is that you?” she asks sleepily.

“Shh, go to sleep,” I whisper.

Liz closes her eyes and continues to sleep. I quietly walk out and gently close the door. I walk towards my room. It’s been a long day, and I’m dead tired.

I go into my room and get ready for bed. I throw myself onto the bed, and as soon as my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep.


I wake up early, fully rested, and full of energy. I’m also hungry as hell. I go down to have some breakfast. After the night Liz had, I doubt she’s awake now, so I take my time eating.

I get up from the table and leave a tip. I walk towards the stone staircase. Maybe I’ll relax in my room for a bit, and then I’ll text Liz to see what her plans are for today.

I walk up the stone staircase. When I reach the top of the third floor, I stop and admire the fresco on the wall.

The painting looks hundreds of years old but is still in perfect condition. It’s beautiful.

“Nate? Nate, is that you!?” I hear a voice yell from behind me.

Oh shit. The familiar voice startles me, and my pulse quickens. So much for being a spy. I slowly turn around.

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