Distant Lands

Chapter Nate

I’ve wanted to kiss Liz like that since the first day I met her. I’m attracted to her like a fucking magnet.

It’s crazy that she doesn’t realize how beautiful she is. She knows that I’ve always wanted to be more than just friends, but she says she doesn’t want to mess up our friendship.

I respect her, and I’ll give her the space she needs, but I will find a way to prove to her that taking our relationship further will only make our friendship stronger.

That kiss proved that she feels the same way as I do deep down. I’ve caught her a few times staring at me, blushing, giving me that cute smile of hers.

I’m going to keep trying before she finds another trash boyfriend. It kills me to see her in the arms of another guy. Especially the last boyfriend she had, was a piece of shit.

He was crazy jealous, always trying to isolate Liz from her brothers and me. I got the sense that he was emotionally abusive towards her, but she always denied it.

Liz kept making up excuses for him. She’s so trusting and always tries to see the good in everyone. She doesn’t know this, but her brothers and I threatened that bastard, and he finally broke it off with her. The breakup hurt her, but It was for her own good.

I take out my phone to text Liz.

Me: I’m glad you’re having fun. Don’t forget to send me some pics.

Liz: Ok, I’ll send you some later.

Liz: Oh, and I told my family Samantha came with me on the trip, back me up, ok, Thanks, Nate.

I feel a weird mix of anger and fear in my chest. What the hell? Seriously Liz? I can’t believe this.

Me: You lied to them!? How could you ask me to lie to them too? I’m sorry, Liz, but I can’t promise I won’t say anything.

I don’t know what to do. If something happens to Liz, and I don’t say anything, I’m going to feel guilty for the rest of my life.

I’ll have to admit to her family that I knew she had lied. Her family will kill me, literally. I’ve always given Liz her space, but...fuck it.

Sighing in frustration, I text Dan.

Me: Hey Dan, I hate to bother you, but can you and Isaac meet me at the restaurant? I need to talk to you guys.


I arrive at the restaurant, and it’s just starting to get busy. People are getting out of work now, and the restaurant begins to get full of people trying to unwind.

I sit at a table to wait for Liz’s brothers, who should be here any minute now. I take a deep breath and fidget nervously in my seat. I can’t help but feel nervous.

I hear the rumbling of motorcycles, and I know they have arrived.

Dan and Isaac walk into the restaurant. They scan the restaurant trying to find me. I stand up, and they walk towards me.

Both of them are like the male version of Liz. They look so much alike. As they walk towards me, they turn heads.

They attract customers’ attention, especially women, but it seems not to faze them. Like Liz, they also seem so unaware of their attractiveness. Or maybe it’s those black leather jackets they’re wearing that make them stand out more.

“Hey bro, how have you been? It’s been a while,” Isaac says, giving me half a hug.

“Hi, Isaac, yeah, it has,” I say.

“Hi, what’s up,” Dan says, giving me half a hug also.

“Hi, Dan,” I say.

Both Dan and Isaac sit across from me, and now I feel awkward.

Samantha comes over to our table and asks what we would like to drink.

“We’ll have two beers, please,” Isaac says.

“One for me too, please,” I say.

“Thanks for coming. How was work at the shop,” I ask? Both Dan and Isaac are motorcycle mechanics.

“It’s pretty busy, but we don’t mind; we enjoy what we do,” Dan says.

“Yeah, time just flies by,” Isaac agrees, leaning back in his chair. I nod.

“That’s great. And I’m stuck here,” I say, looking around the place.

Dan gives me a disapproving look.

“Come on, Nate, this restaurant has been in your family for decades; you should be thankful to have this opportunity and proud to keep up the family business. People dream of having this,” he says, looking around the room.

“Yeah, you ungrateful piece of shit. You lucky bastard,” Isaac says playfully, and we laugh.

Samantha comes back with three beers. “Enjoy,” she says, smiling at Isaac.

“Thanks, Sam,” I say. Dan looks at me.

“Wait, that’s Samantha? Are there two Samantha’s that work here?” Dan asks.

“Um, that’s why I called both of you here,” I say nervously.

“Well, your sister...as you know, she had planned this trip for a very long time... It’s been her dream. She always talks about it. I’m sure she told you guys what she was planning. That she was going to go, like, on her own,” I managed to say.

Dan and Isaac look at me like I’m speaking a different language. I take a drink of my beer.

“Elizabeth lied?” Dan asks.

“I’m surprised; maybe she told mom?” Isaac says, looking at Dan.

I nervously take another drink.

“She never lies. She’s never traveled alone before,” Dan says.

I guzzle down another drink of my beer.

“Yeah, it’s so unlike her, but she’ll be fine. I’m sure she prepared well; it’s only for two weeks anyway,” Isaac points out.

I cough, almost choking.

“What?” Dan gives me a questioning look. I clear my throat.

“It’s for a few months,” I say.

“Months?” Dan asks.

“That little brat!” Isaac exclaimed, “Wait until mom hears about this,” he says.

“Are you dumb? We’re not going to tell her anything,” Dan says to his brother.

For a minute, we drink our beers without uttering a word. The air feels a bit heavy, and I feel awkward in our silence. Isaac crosses his arms and looks annoyed, and Dan seems lost in thought. I hope they don’t think that I encouraged her or that somehow I’m at fault.

“Um,” I say, trying to break the silence.

“So we’re just not going to do anything?” Isaac asks his brother. Then he looks at me.

“Did you know she was going alone?” he asks.

“No, she told me she was going to let you guys know,” I quickly say. Dan is pretty quiet, staring at his beer. He looks at me.

“Nate, bro, I need you to do us a favor,” He says in a serious tone, “I’m sorry to ask this of you, but can you please, please go to Mexico. Watch over our sister for a few days. Just until we figure out what to do,” he says.

“What?” I didn’t know if I heard right. Is he serious?

“There is a reason why we are so protective of Liz and each other. It’s safer if we don’t tell you. Just, please trust us, Nate. Isaac and I will pay for all expenses. We’ll also come and help out at the restaurant after work,” he says.

Both of them stare at me in silence, waiting for my response. I stare back at them, with a bewildered look on my face, not knowing what to say. It sounds like there’s some kind of family secret, but I won’t ask.

“Liz is not going to like this. If I go, she’s going to hate me,” I finally say.

“You don’t have to let her see you if you don’t want to. Honestly, we don’t care if she gets upset. She shouldn’t have lied,” Isaac says.

“Will you go?” Dan asks.

Both of them were intently looking at me. I take a drink of my beer. Sighing, I run my fingers through my hair.

“Alright, I’ll do it,” I finally say. Both brothers smile in relief.

“Thanks, bro, we appreciate it,” Isaac says.

Dan and Isaac get up from their chairs. Dan gives me a pat on my shoulder, “You go pack up. I’ll get your plane ticket and Hotel ready,” he says.

“We’ll call you when we have everything ready,” Isaac says, leaving cash on the table. I just nod in agreement.

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