Distant Lands

Chapter Mexico City Part 2

It’s always nerve-wracking meeting new people, but I did promise myself that I would at least try to make new friends. I stand around awkwardly in the lobby, waiting for Diego to show up with his friend Angela. While I wait, I’ll send some hotel pictures to Nate and my family. Speaking of Nate, he was not happy that I asked him to lie for me. He said he couldn’t promise he wouldn’t say anything, but I know he has my back.

A woman cackles, grabbing my attention. The tall woman with light brown, long hair is walking alongside Diego. His model-looking friend is a bit intimidating. Her fitted blue blouse and short denim skirt show her shapely and toned body. I’m sure she goes to the gym every day. The black pantyhose and black ankle boots complete her cute outfit.

Diego introduces me to her. Her light brown eyes with a hint of green look at me up and down, and the perfume she wears smells expensive.

“Liz, this is Angela. Angela, this Liz,” Diego says with a smile. Angela shakes my hand, and I notice her fancy manicure, “Nice to meet you, Liz. I hope we can show you a good time here in our city,” she says.

“Thank you for coming along, Angela. I was a bit nervous about being out there on my own,” I say.

Angela looks at Diego, then at me, and suppresses a smile. She raises her eyebrows and sighs. “Well, to tell you the truth, Liz, Diego here forced me to come. He said you felt intimidated by his manliness and charm, that he needed me to come along, to make you feel more comfortable,” Angela says, laughing at Diego’s reaction, who looks at her wide-eyed, growing red in the face.

“Angela, please, I didn’t say that. I said-”

“Oh,” Angela interrupts, “He also said he couldn’t let someone as cute as you wander the city alone, that god forbid something happens to you, he would never forgive himself.”

Diego looks at me, looking like a tomato. “Liz, I’m sorry,” he apologizes.

“What’s wrong, Diego? Why are you so red? Are you okay?” Angela feigns concern, further torturing poor Diego.

“Angela has a habit of lying,” Diego narrows his eyes at her, “Don’t believe everything she says.”

“Hey, I’m not lying, and those were your exact words, mister,” she says.

I look at Angela, then at Diego, and crack up, “You guys are so funny. Angela, please stop. You’re going to make Diego cry.” Angela cackles while Diego smiles, shaking his head.

At first, I was nervous about meeting Angela, but I instantly felt like I could get along with her, she’s easy to talk to, plus she is quick-witted. I can tell she and Diego have known each other for a long time because she treats him like a little brother.

Instead of traveling by car, we travel by foot. It’s a warm sunny day, perfect for strolling and enjoying the beautifully landscaped sidewalk. We walk a block from the hotel and see people going about their day. Our first stop is at a busy taco stand, and we buy street tacos.

These tacos are so delicious and very satisfying, similar to the ones we make at home, but these are made with handmade tortillas, making them taste better. “Mmm, they are amazing,” I say, smiling. Diego and Angela agree.

I notice a stray dog salivating as I eat my taco, just watching us eat. Feeling bad for the guy, I buy two extra beef tacos and place them in front of the dog. He happily wags its tail and engulfs them, it makes me smile, and I wish I could take him home with me.

“Oh, how sweet, but don’t do that unless you want every dog to follow you, begging for food,” Angela says.

“I know, it’s sad,” Diego says, “But these dogs are everybody’s dogs. There’s always someone that comes along and feeds them. Come on, let’s keep walking.”

People say hello, as we pass by them. I wonder why some people just stare at us? Maybe because Diego and Angela are beautiful people? Or maybe because everybody here is just friendlier.

I stop and stare at a guy playing his guitar. People place money in the black guitar case on the ground next to him. I don’t know what people back home are talking about. Mexico doesn’t seem like the dangerous place some people say it is. People seem friendly and welcoming. Like any other place, I just need to be aware of my surroundings and not look for trouble.

Angela comes over to me and locks her elbow with mine. “No te pierdas, guey,” she says, and I laugh. “Yes, I wouldn’t want to get lost,” I say. We continue walking, cross a street and arrive at a busy street full of outdoor shops.

There are rows of individual stands along the sidewalk, each selling merchandise. Some stands sell home goods, and others sell beauty products, clothing, electronics, and toys. It reminds me of the flea market that we have back home.

We visit as many locations as we can. Mainly locations tourists go to when they come to visit Mexico. Diego and Angela give me a tour of the Art Gallery.

Then they take me to the Cathedral built in the 17th century. Diego and Angela try to explain the city’s history to the best of their knowledge. Sometimes arguing the historical facts amongst themselves, then checking it online to see who was right.

They explain how the Spanish had destroyed the Aztec temples to build the Cathedral. The Aztec ruins are still visible to this day. It’s a strange feeling to walk in an ancient land where people long ago lived and died.

They show me a park that has been here since the 15th century. They say that the city was once surrounded by water in the past, just like Venice is now.

We also visit the Museums and see the many artifacts. It’s all fascinating, and I can’t help but photograph every location.

I’m enjoying my time here and learning about the city’s history. Time has gone by quickly, and one day is not enough to see the whole city and its rich history.

I’m thankful to Diego and Angela for taking the time to accompany me. I have a terrible sense of direction. I’m sure that if I had gone to explore the city alone, I would have gotten lost, depending heavily on my phone to get around.

With the sun already setting, we take a cab back to the hotel. Exhaustion written on our faces, we arrive at the hotel in silence. I don’t think I’ve ever walked that much in my entire life. We get out of the cab, and I thank them.

“Thanks, guys, for giving me a tour, and Angela, it was very nice to meet you,” I say.

“Oh no, don’t say goodbye just yet,” Angela says, looking at Diego and me.

“Liz,” Diego’s eyes light up, “The hotel is having a party on the roof terrace later tonight. Angela and I will be there if you want to join.”

Before I can answer, Angela holds onto my arm, “Please say yes. It will be fun.”

Sleep sounds nice, but I came here to have fun, didn’t I? So screw it, why not. I smile, “Sure, I’ll be there.”

Angela squeals excitedly and hugs me.

“Great, we’ll see you later then,” Angela and Diego say, getting back into the taxi.

I head to my room to take a short nap before getting ready for the party tonight.

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