Distant Lands

Chapter Mexico City Part 1

There’s darkness all around me. “Where am I?”

I can sense that I’m in a building, but I can’t see anything. My heart pounds. Panic begins to set in. I desperately reach out, trying to feel the walls in the darkness.

I feel a light switch, and I switch it on. The room lights up instantly. I turn around and see a group of people: men, women, and children. Some are sitting on the floor, and some are kneeling. Everybody has a terrified look on their faces. I look around, and I see my brother Dan among the group. I walk closer to him.

“Dan? What’s going on?” I ask. What is this? He opens his mouth to tell me something when suddenly, a door opens violently, scaring the hell out of us—a woman holding a gun runs into the room, threatening us with it.

I watch the lady with the gun staring at us with a malicious grin. She’s enjoying this; this is just a game to her.

She points her gun at a man in the crowd and shoots. The loud sound of the gunshot is deafening. My heart is now pounding out of my chest.

I see my brother move in front of the little girls to shield them with his body. The woman aims at him. “No!” I yell, turning her attention to me.

The gunshot leaves the barrel, waking me up with a sudden jolt—my heart races. Breathing deeply, I calm down and place my hands on my face.

“Oh god,” I glance at my watch, and it’s early in the morning. I exhale in frustration. After reading the text last night, I fell asleep. My head has a dull headache from leaving the lights on all night. I get up to unpack and get ready for the day.

Comfort is my inspiration for today’s outfit: a simple black t-shirt, skinny jeans, and black ankle boots. Light makeup on my face, and I’m leaving my hair down. I grab my small purse and head out the door.

I get close to the balcony and peer down. The hotel is now bustling with people, and most of the dining hall tables that had been empty last night are now full of guests having their breakfast.

A vast amount of natural light is spilling through the large windows, giving it an outdoors feel. The sunlight shines on plants and ornamental trees nicely placed around the room.

The living wall by the stone staircase that connects all three floors is stunning. I see the second floor from the balcony; that’s where the bar is. I’ll be sure to check that place out later, but I want to go and have some breakfast right now.

Instead of using the elevator, I walk in the direction of the stone staircase. This place is a different world to me, and I want to admire every part. When I reach the first floor, I go over to an empty table and sit down.

A server comes over with a menu and takes my order. I hear a text message notification on my phone and retrieve my phone from my bag. I have a text message from Nate:

Morning Liz, How was your first night in Mexico? And how was your first flight? You didn’t faint, did you? :)

I text back: Haha, no, I did not faint, but it was stressful. My hotel is impressive. I’m having so much fun.

Nate: I’m glad you’re having fun. Don’t forget to send me some pics.

Me: Ok, I’ll send you some later.

Me: Oh, and I told my family Samantha came with me on the trip, back me up, ok, Thanks, Nate.

The server comes to the table with my food, and I quickly put away my phone. The server places a hot plate on the table and a coffee cup.

“Thank you.”

“Enjoy your meal,” she says.

Wow, this looks delicious. I ordered an avocado toast with a fried egg sprinkled with chili pepper. It also came with a small fruit bowl and a sweet Mexican pastry.

My phone pings again, but I ignore it. I’m going to enjoy this breakfast at the moment. The aroma of my food wakes my appetite, and I feel like a caged animal that hasn’t eaten in days. I start eating. It’s heavenly.

Before I go out and explore the city, I want to explore this fantastic hotel. I finish my breakfast and walk over to the stone staircase, admiring its fancy design. I walk up to the second floor.

The hotel workers clean the bar area and prepare it for tonight’s guests. I notice that the second floor also has three little shops, a clothing shop, a souvenir shop, and a Mexican Bakery.

I wander up to the roof terrace. There are plenty of seating areas for people to relax and socialize. I walk towards the rail and peer down at the city below.

People are already out and about. Some people look like they are in a hurry trying to get to work, and some are leisurely enjoying a stroll.

“Good morning,” Someone behind me says.

I turn around, and Diego is standing in his black robe, holding a cup of coffee.

“Oh, good morning. You’re still here?” I ask.

“I worked a double shift last night, and my boss lets us sleep at the hotel when that happens,” he smiles.

“Wow, at least your boss is considerate.”

“Yes, he’s the best.”

Diego gets closer and rests his cup on the stone rail.

“Is this your first time in Mexico?” he asks.

“Yes, this is my first trip here. I can’t wait to get out there,” I smile and look out into the city.

“And you’re here on your own?” he asks, taking a sip of his coffee. He’s aware I am alone since he is the one who checked me into the hotel. But still, I feel uncomfortable admitting it.

“It’s just me for now, but I’m meeting a friend later.”

He nods, “Any plans for today?”

“Oh, maybe just visit the museums, take in the sights, visit the restaurants.”

He leans his elbow on the rail and looks at me, “I have the day off today. If you want, I could be your guide for the day.”

Even though he works here and seems like a nice guy, I don’t think I should trust a stranger.

“Hmm, I don’t know. I don’t want to bother you on your day off.”

“No, it’s no bother at all. I’ll invite my friend Angela; she’s cool.”

I look at him with an unsure look on my face.

“Come on, what do you say?” he asks with a friendly smile.

Having a guide may be a good idea.

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