
Chapter 35: Best Friend

“Did you find anything?” I asked Elora as she stayed inside the house and I was just in the deck. Aspen and Vince are still downstairs waiting for an update.

She shook her head, “No. Sorry.”

I just bit my lip nodding, “It’s alright. Aspen is going to check the shack maybe they’ll find something there.”


“Are you feeling better now?”

“About that... Elora.” I hummed, “I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

She looked around as if she is worried that someone is eavesdropping on us before whispering, “Not here.”

I furrowed my brows looking at her with both curiosity and concern, “Is everything okay?”

“I think... I think Natasha and I already figure out what my ‘sickness’ is.”

I flex a brow with the way she referred to her condition, “What is it?”

She had another once over again over the place, “I’ll tell you inside. Just wear a mask or something. Please. I need to talk to you.”

Although I was reluctant I just agreed. She really looks worried and terrified at the same time so I just quickly excuse myself to tell Aspen that Elora didn’t find anything before creating a makeshift mask by tearing a part of my shirt and making my way inside.

Elora lead me to her and Logan’s room and locking us inside. I was getting anxious with the way she is acting that I too become nervous as she walked in circles in their room and I just stood near the doorway not wanting to spread anymore disease that I possibly might be carrying.

“So, would you finally mind telling me what it is?”

She licked her lip saying, “You can’t tell Logan promise me that.”

“What? What’s going on? Why can’t you tell Logan?”

“I-I... Y-You... Well you just can’t. Well not yet.”

“What is it?”

“I-I... I might be pregnant.”

“What?” I shouted not being able to control my emotions as she shushed me.

“We are not sure since there are no tests here. But it just makes sense. My eating habits, vomiting, the mood swings, I haven’t had my period yet. Gosh Myla I don’t know what to do. In the middle of all this? If it were a different time I’d be stoke to find out about it but now? I can’t tell Logan because he is already worried for everybody’s safety and here I am.”

“Aww Elora.” I instinctively wanted to hug her and so does she but when we realized our situation we immediately stepped away from each other sighing in disappointment. “You’ll be alright, you have us. We’d figure something out. We would be there with you in every step of the way. You can trust us.”

“I know that. I’m just worried. I don’t want to cause any more problems than we already have. I feel like a burden.”

“No Elora don’t say that you’re not a burden.”

“But I feel like I am.”

“Shh.” I cooed her trying to let her calm down. I may not know much about pregnancy but I do know that you shouldn’t stress the mother because it may affect the child. “Look at me Elora. Look at me.”

I smiled when my eyes and her watery ones locked, “Everything will be okay, hmm? We’ll take it one step at a time. For now, you need to rest you’ve been stressing with everything that has happened. Let me prepare you something to eat is that okay? Have you had any breakfast yet? What do you want.”

She sniffed wiping her cheeks, “I want mac and cheese.”

I giggled lightly, “I’ll check if we have any supplies, hmm? Just relax here and I’ll be up in a few.”

“Thank you, Myla, you’re the best friend that I couldn’t ask for.”

I smiled, “Thank you too for being my best friend.”

After my heart to heart to with my best friend I made my way downstairs to prepare for her cravings. Thankfully we do have supplies enough to make mac and cheese so I got busy for a few minutes until I heard someone knock from the window and there I saw Logan. I quickly opened it for him so that we could talk.

“Hey, Myla.”

“Hey, you good?” I asked because he is sweating and there is dirt on his skin.

“Yeah.” he said smiling, “We’re just tired. Do you mind giving us a glass of water? We don’t want to infect anyone inside the house.”

“Sure.” I replied nodding as I took a pitcher and paper cups and gave it to him in the window.


I just nodded, “Want me to get you guys some clothes?”

“If that’s alright.”

“No problem. I’ll just finish making us lunch and I’ll bring it out. Do you also want to wash up? I can bring out some shampoo and soap and maybe you can take a bath in the lake.”

“That sounds wonderful Myla thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” I smiled mixing all of the ingredients in the pot together as I listened to them talk about their plans outside.

Once I am finished I just brought everything outside as everyone ate. I am about to give Logan a bowl when he asked me, “How is she?”

Words doesn’t have to be said to know who he is referring to, “She is feeling better now. So, don’t worry. She was actually the one who requested the mac and cheese.”

Logan chuckled nodded, “She always loved that. It is her comfort food.”

Our eyes met and he didn’t have to say it but I know what he was insinuating. Elora is not okay right now if she requested something like that. Even if she denies it he knows.

“You know what it is do you?”

He asked as I bit my lower lip. It’s not my story to tell and I do have loyalty to my best friend. I trust what she is doing not telling him immediately. Our friends just died today and hearing a news like this is not really a good time.

“Yeah. But she promised that she will tell you once she is ready so you don’t have to worry.”

He smiled, “You’re a good friend Myla.”

“I do my best.” I teased making him laugh half-heartedly and he then turned quiet as if he recalled something. I then like having a hive mind I remembered our friends who they just buried earlier.

I just excused myself and walk to the farther side of the deck where Olivia is with her arms wrapped around her legs starring out in the open. I wanted to seat beside her but she is putting up an invisible wall so I just put the bowl down on her side before leaving.

I just stayed out for a few minutes asking if they still need anything before making my way back to Elora to give her the food. She thanked me and almost inhaled the whole bowl as I was busy packing up for what the others needed. I just let her have her time as I returned outside just as Aspen and Vince arrived back.

“Did you find anything?”

“We did.” Aspen replied as him and Vince exchanged a look, “And not just a map there is something more.”

“What is it?” Sebastian asked joining the conversation just as the others gathered around.

“We found these.” Vince replied as he showed us what looks like a blue print.

“Where did you get that?” Natasha asked.

“In the shed. It’s an old plan.”

“How is that even connected to all of this?” Erica asked.

Logan who was quiet all this time took the paper and positioned it to his line of sight to get a better look at it. He furrowed his brows before saying, “That looks like a camp.”

“Wait... A camp? Could it be...”

Aspen nodded realizing what I was about to say, “It is. That is where the other survivors are.”

“There are survivors?” Jaden exclaimed.

“Then what are we waiting for we should go there and meet them.” Natasha said at a matter of fact tone.

“We can’t.” Aspen replied, “We can’t trust them. They are the ones who almost killed us.”

“Yeah because it’s you they are after, not us.”

“Natasha...” Jaden mumbled as she gave him a stern look.

“She does have a point though.” said a voice and when we all turn around we saw Olivia still in her seat. Feeling our gaze, she moved her head towards our direction and I felt shivers down my spine when I saw how cold it is.

“Guys...” Sebastian said his voice conveying his emotions.

“Look I don’t blame the two of you I know you don’t have the fault for what happened.” Natasha said facing both Logan and Aspen, “But if this has to do with your families and Myla getting herself hurt I want out. I don’t want to get involve with any of this bullshit. I just want to go home and make sure my family is safe. If that camp really exists I hope they’re there.”

“You can’t just leave Natasha we don’t know what we will be expecting there.”

“It’s a camp full of survivors they have food, security, and doctors. What could possibly go wrong?”

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