
Chapter 34: Next Time

Elora’s POV

“Fuck.” I muttered clutching my head throbbing with pain. I tried to get up but I couldn’t because my whole vision is circling. Thankfully I heard someone approached me and as I look up I saw Nikita.

“Are you okay?” she asked worried lace in her tone as her eyes gaze from my puke on Logan and I’s bedroom floor back to mine.

“I don’t know. I don’t feel so good.” I gagged about to throw up again and Nikita was quick to step towards me to help me up. She rested her arms to my shoulder as we walked towards our restroom. I continued to vomit as she cooed at me rubbing my back as I shove my head in the toilet bowl.

A few moments later I felt like my body has calmed down a little. I rested my back at the tiled walls as Nikita gave me a pill and a glass of water. I thanked her as I drank everything seating there waiting for the medicine to take effect.

“Can you get up?”

“Maybe. I just need a moment.”

She nodded, “Okay. I’ll just clean up while you rest.”

“No. I can do that later after, I’m okay.”

“It’s fine Elora. When Olivia gets drunk I also do this for her.”

She is such an angel. When I first met her and Olivia at sorority I thought that they’d probably at each other’s throats because they are complete opposites but surprisingly they aren’t. Maybe some of her kindness rub off on her.

“Are you sure?”

“Definitely. Just take this as a thank you for the napkins.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

I just sat there at the tiles waiting for the pain to wash away as I slowly help myself up groaning because of the pain in my back. I just walked back to the room where I saw Nikita with some of the cleaning materials. I smiled at her before making my way to her side and helped her.

A few moments later we are mostly finished with cleaning up the stains of my puke but both of us still can smell it. What the fuck did I eat last night? I forgot about it already.

“I think we need more than just this.” I said as Nikita giggled beside me.

“I’ll go get it. Where is it?”

I bit my lower lip when I realized where the suppliers are. It’s too dangerous if I asked her to go there.

“No, it’s fine. I’ll just think of something else to get rid of the smell.”

“No. It’s fine. Where is it?” she asked again.

“It’s in the garage and Theo is there it’s too dangerous.”

I saw fear crossed her eyes for a few seconds before she replaced it with a smile, “He is tide up I would be fine.”


“It’s okay.”

But it wasn’t okay because a few minutes we heard a loud cried and next thing we know Nikita is dead. So is Theo. I tried to calm myself down as I talked to Myla about what happened. She kept on assuring me that I wasn’t at fault. Some part of me believes her but I can’t help but feel guilty. Although I wasn’t the one who killed her I feel like I am to blame because she wouldn’t be there in the first place if it weren’t for me.

“Please seat down.” Natasha said as she walked with me in the living room. She is now wearing the makeshift mask that we made and a raincoat. I don’t think it’s necessary now that we’d all have been exposed. Well besides Olivia that actually have direct contact. “How are you feeling?”

“Physically? I am fine.”

“You threw up earlier? Did you throw up again?”

I shook my head, “Niki-- I already drank pills for the headache.”

“Okay. Then you should be fine. Tell me if the headache returns and we’ll give you something to drink again. If there is anything strange just tell me immediately. We should be careful with all of this sickness going on. Even the slight difference in your body might mean something.”

I nodded thinking, “Well... There is something different.”

“What is it?”

“My period is delayed. Maybe it’s just because of the stress but I thought you should know. Just in case it was a symptom.”

I thought she’d be surprised but she looked at me as if she is confused. She furrowed her brows looking at me before her gaze moved to my stomach and stayed there for a few seconds. What is happening?

“And you said you vomited this morning.”

“Well it wasn’t the first time...” now that we’ve talked about this everything suddenly made sense. My eyes widen just as Natasha looked at me with recognition in her eyes. “I-I...”

“Pregnant. You might be pregnant Elora.”

“No.” I said shaking my head, “That can’t be. I-I... We were careful.”

“Look I’m not sure Elora. Until we get a pregnancy test we would never know but it is a huge possibility since Logan and you are intimate.”

I just sat there frozen as I recalled the memories Logan and I shared these past few weeks that may lead up to this moment. I’ve always imagined a future with Logan and yes including having kids with him but not now. Not this early. Maybe if we were still in university we can work it out somehow but now... We’re caught up in the middle of all of this crisis. I can’t be pregnant at a time like this.

“Don’t worry Elora we’ll be here with you. You don’t have to be afraid.”

I want to thank her for her assurance but not right now. I am still trying to process everything that just happened. Two of my friends just died today and now I learned I am with child? This day can’t be even more eventful as it is.

“I’ll be in the office. I just remembered that Myla asked me to look for something.”


“I’m fine.” I said about to leave but then I remembered something so I turned around and face her again, “Please don’t tell Logan.”

“But he’d want to know. He is our somewhat leader.”

“I’ll tell him myself when I’m ready.”

She looked hesitant but eventually nodded, “Okay.”

I just made my way to the office my head spinning as I tried to process everything but I tried to shove the thoughts in the back of my mind and started looking for maps. I opened each drawer and file cabinet to look for clues but all I can see are piles and piles of documents. Nothing. I started to begin even more frustrated than I was earlier almost throwing everything. But I held back knowing that it is not my place. These are still Logan’s father’s staff. Fuck. The word Logan and father in one sentence doesn’t even help my mind calm down.

“Elora.” said a voice as I froze. There was he standing at the entrance of the office with his arms crossed to his chest resting his back at the doorframe. I can’t see him clearly with the mask that he is wearing but I know that he is grinning right now. But there is something about his eyes. Despite glint to it his brow slowly creased when he saw me. “What happened to you? You look like a deer caught in headlights.”

I tried to compose myself smiling as I straitened my clothes, “I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” he asked worry laced in his tone, “I heard that you aren’t feeling well. I stopped by to go check on you.”

“I’m feeling better now. Just shaken up with what happened.”

He nodded hesitantly, “Okay. Then what are you doing here?”

“Myla asked me to look for maps. Do you think you know where your father might hide anything like that?”

“I don’t know but everything you need should be here. Why do they need a map?”

I shrugged, “Not sure. I haven’t asked the whole detail but looks like Aspen is in it too.”



He hummed, “I think I know what they are going at.”

“You do?”

“Yeah. I’ll go look for it myself after I am done with the... cleaning. You can rest for the meantime.”

I bit my lower lip nodding, “Okay.”

We then fell into silence. Logan stayed on his place rocking his hill as if waiting for me to say something more. He must’ve sense it. Of course, he would. We’re practically soulmates. I’m not surprised if he could even read my mind.

“So... I’ll get going now.”

I nodded slowly, “Okay, take care.”

But he didn’t leave he just stood there waiting for me to say something more. I trust Natasha that she wouldn’t say anything to him so him being like this is just being his sensitive self. He has always been like this. One of the reasons that I fell in love with him.

“Are we good?”

I smiled, “Of course.”

“Okay... I’ll leave now. I might make your sickness worse if I accidentally infect you.”

I giggled, the urge to break the distance between the two of us and hug him like I wanted to with Myla earlier is so strong. I hate this. I hate this situation we are in. We were supposed to be having fun and creating memories but here we are.

“I love you.” I whispered making him smile as the tension in the air slowly fades.

“I love you too. I’ll see you later.”

I smiled nodding as I watched his back retreat my hands instinctively caressing my still flat stomach.

“Next time.”

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