
Chapter 29: Fine

Aspen’s POV

I groaned as I feel my head ache. I looked around me seeing that I am hanging upside down. There on my right I saw Myla in the same position as I am only this time there is a branch stuck on her leg. Worry suddenly filled my whole being as I tried to reach out to her waking her up but she wasn’t responding. I quickly removed my seatbelt hearing it click as I fell on the roof of the car groaning. I crawl to Myla calling her name but still no response. I checked out her wound and it wasn’t bleeding. The branch stopping her from losing a lot of blood.

I tried to look around for something I can use to cut the branch. Thankfully we brought a toolbox behind the car so I limp my way behind it and looked for something I can use. There I saw a saw and I quickly took it and rounded the car and getting back inside so I can cut the longer part of the branch careful not to make too much friction as it might affect Myla’s injury.

I was sweating once I was done as I tried to crawl behind of her seat but I had a hard time having a huge built. But when I finally made it behind the shotgun seat I slowly reclined it and tried to pull her out slowly. Once Myla is finally out I set her down on the ground and quickly made my way behind the car again to find some medical supplies. Thankfully the hunting trips my dad use to bring Logan and I helped because I know a few things about first aid.

I prepared all of I needed hoping that I remembered it right because I don’t know what I’ll do if something bad happens to Myla. I first cut the clothe around the branch making sure that I have the space to do the rest of the work before taking it out as the blood oozes and I quickly begin cleaning her wound up until finally stitching her. My hands are shaking the whole time worried about Myla but I tried to suck it up knowing that if I make a mistake her life is in my hands.

After the grueling minutes of my life. I finally let out a heavy breath as I wrapped Myla’s legs with the bandage. She is stable for now. Nothing serious. Thankfully the branch didn’t hit a nerve. All I can do now is wait for her to wake up.

I observed our surroundings. I saw the tire prints of the car that were following us earlier but there is no sign of the two man from. They must’ve left thinking the car would explode. It was a miracle it didn’t. Myla and I would’ve probably died by then and all of the supplies to help Theo would be gone. Looks like destiny still has a plan for us.

I just rounded the car to check out our supplies and get them out of the car and into the side of the crash. We’ll probably just return for it after we get some help. For now, we need to get back to the cabin safely.

I took out my weapons and armed myself. The crash was loud it probably heard by the sickos unless they are more attracted to the other two man. I put out my gun and checked the surrounding areas. Myla is still unconscious and it is getting dark. I want to light up a fire because it’s more likely that we’ll camp here but I don’t want to risk the crash. We’d survive the impact but we’ll die because of my own undoing.

I busied myself with the map that I found in the glove compartment to find the cabin. Thankfully we weren’t that far from here. I just took out a compass already knowing where we should be heading. I’m just grateful for my old habits. Each time we visit this cabin we are required to bring these essentials. I didn’t think I will be needing this until now.

Once I am done I guard the place at the same time moving our supplies I then heard some movement. I immediately moved my attention to where it came from and let out a heavy breath as I saw Myla’s fingers moving. She is finally waking up.

I kneeled beside her relief wash over me when she flutters her eyes open. She still acts disoriented looking around but I feel at ease knowing that she finally has consciousness.

“Myla.” I called her, “Thank god your alive.”

I am not much of a believer but after what happened between the two of us today it was clear that something really is at work right now.


I chuckled halfheartedly, “Yeah. It’s me. Are you okay? You feeling a bit of a headache?”

She shook his head, “Just sore. How about you?”

“Good. Nothing serious.”

“That’s a relief. Where are we?”

“Still in the woods.” she tried to seat up and I helped her as she groans in pain, “Is your leg feeling okay?”

Myla looked down and her eyes widen as if it just registered to her mind that she was injured. It took her a few moments before she replied.

“Yeah. I can still feel my legs. But it just hurts like a bitch.”

I smiled. At least she can still joke about it, it means she is okay. We can finally leave. I am afraid earlier to move her because it might worsen her injury but hearing that she is fine I am more confident to travel with her.

“It’s already getting dark. We need to go back. We’ll have trouble travelling on foot. We might see some sickos along the way it’ll be dangerous.”


I helped her up as she continued to groan in pain. When she was already on her foot skipping with the other I reached out to the floor to get the flashlight and my weapon. I saw Myla eyeing the crash and our supplies.

“We’ll just go back to get them. We need to go home and get some help first.” Myla nodded as I gave her the flashlight and she looked at me quizzically, “I need to carry you in front of me to be safe. I can’t put you on your back because it’ll be an easier target for you.”

“So, I have to...” she trailed off looking at the gun in my other arm.

I bit my lower lip, “I’m sorry. I’ll be needing you to carry it.”

Myla didn’t reply but I can see the uneasiness in her movements as she slowly and carefully reach for the gun.

“Hopefully we won’t be needing it.” I said as I grab the back of her knees and lifted her up carefully so I won’t hurt her injured leg. Myla immediately wrapped her other arm around my neck as she held the flashlight in front of us and the gun placed on her stomach. I took out the map with my other arm and checked it again to make sure that we’re going to the right direction. “Let’s go. We’re not far away from the cabin.”

Myla was silent the whole time that we walked back to the cabin. Thankfully it’s been a hours and we haven’t passed by any sickos yet. I felt her uneasiness the entire walk back but she is now acting a bit relax now seeing that we’re in the safe place. But I can feel the tension on her hand where the gun lays. We have to go back to the cabin immediately. The place might be near but I don’t want to quicken my pace because it might affect Myla’s leg.

“Is your leg still okay?” I said breaking the silence.

“I feel a bit numb with you carrying me but I’m fine.”

“Do you want to take a break for a while?”

She laughed before coughing, “I should be the one asking you that. You’re the one doing all of the work, Aspen. I must be heavy.”

“Myla, you weight nothing.” I work out and I chest press twice her weight. Myla is like a feather to me.

“Still, you might be numb.”

“Yeah, I do. A little.” I just said that to appease her. I wasn’t feeling any discomfort at all. I just don’t want her to worry too much. “Should we take a rest? We’re just a few feet away from the cabin.”

“If it’s safe then why not.”

I put Myla down as she handed me the gun. I took it willingly knowing it is uncomfortable for her to carry it. Myla rested her back at the trunk of the tree as I took the seat beside her letting out a heavy breathe as I stretch my legs. I too feel a bit of pain because of the crash earlier but luckily I only have bruises and cuts nothing serious.”



“Where are the two other man?” I don’t know why but there is accusing in her tone. I looked at her side but she is just looking at the darkness in front of us. I can’t blame her for acting like that I did insinuated earlier that I will ‘do’ something to them.

“They left. They must’ve thought that the car will explode.”

After I said the word explode Myla gripped her head and whimpered in pain.

“Hey. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” she said breathlessly, “Just I thought I remembered something before the crash.”

“Don’t force yourself you’re still recovering. It’ll get back in a few days. So, shall we continue now?”

“You okay now?”

“I told you I was fine.”

I get up to help her up again when I heard shuffling. I quickly turned around to where it came from just as I saw movement going towards our direction before I heard a loud growl.

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