
Chapter 28: My People

“Aspen!” I shouted as I saw a car chasing after us. I may not be able to see the people behind the wheel driving it but I know that it was the two man earlier.

I saw Aspen at the corner of my eye taking a glance at the rear-view mirror seeing what I was referring to. “Why are they following us?”

“Maybe because I hit him.” Aspen teased but this isn’t the time for that and he seems to have read my mood, “One of them said that they are looking for me and they might get an award if they turn me in.”

“So, should we just surrender? I mean it is your company and your family. Doesn’t matter what their real intentions are you should come back to the rest of your people.”

“No. Everything that is happening is suspicious. Someone ordered them to get something in that warehouse and the documents that we saw earlier doesn’t make any sense. Someone already planned this before it even happened and they want to blame me for it.”

“But they also said that there is no government left. Technically people won’t be able to persecute you anymore but you can still be with your family and even if you didn’t actually at fault here you still can solve this issue.”

I saw Aspen sneak a glance at the rear-view mirror again speeding up, “I don’t trust them right now. We’ve talked about this before Myla they might be in on it too. And solve this issue? There is only little that a single man can take. Like I said before I am only in the business department if there is something that can change this is the researchers.”

“But you are still their leader.”

“The group needs me more Myla. They are our people now that’s why we have to go back we still need to help cure Theo.”

“But we can bring the others to the camp instead. Think about it they know more about what is going on than we do. They are in a bunker they might have supplies there that can actually help Theo.”

Aspen chuckled turning right as the car shake as we bumped into a sicko, “You don’t know these type of people Myla you’re too innocent.”

“Then tell me! I don’t know what is happening right now I am confused. We almost got ourselves killed earlier now we are in the middle of a car chase!”

“My parents and Logan’s.” he said biting his lips, “They are those type of people. Supremacist.”

My eyes hung wide open with his confession. No wonder Logan never introduced me to his family even before. I didn’t hear anything from Elora thinking that they might be really good people but the truth is she really is just good to her because they have the same race.

“Our parents didn’t tell us but Logan and I knew. They belong to a secret society. Our fathers used to bring us into hunting trips before and they frequently mention about this group of people that are groomed to be ‘perfect’ just like us. To be leaders of society. As I grew older I kind of forgot about it but every so often I recalled it. How he said that the world should be different. That’s why Logan’s mother wants a divorce. She finally wants out.”

“So, do you think they are the cause of all of this? I mean the divorce and the timing...”

“Maybe, I’m not sure. But after what the two-man told us earlier about a camp? I think it’s more likely. I mean how can they create a camp like that within just two weeks? And a bunker? This is more than just a nuclear war preparation. My parents aren’t survivalist they won’t buy something like that even if they can afford it.”

We were then surrounded by silence but I squealed as the car shake again only this time it isn’t because of the sickos but the men behind us trying to ram the car.

“Are they planning to kill us!”

“I doubt that. They need me alive. They’re just scaring us.” he was about to shift gear again when there was another bumped in the car, “Hold on tight.”

I clutched the seatbelt to my chest as the car sped away from the city and into the dirt road. The car shook more as the tall buildings are now replaces by trees.

“Aspen. We are going the other way. Do you know how will we go back?” I said shouting as the car continued to quake.

“No. But they need to lose them. They might find us when we head back to the house.”

“But they knew about the place. It was Logan’s family. Even if we shake them off right now they’d come back.”

“Not when we take care of them.”

“Aspen... What are you talking about?”

“These people can’t find out were alive. We’ll drag us back there and if we do they’ll just leave the rest of you there and we can’t have that.”

“You can convince them.”

“If they really plan this beforehand I doubt they’d just let anybody in. And if they really care why would they let Logan and I have this vacation? They know we are together they should’ve sent a rescue mission for us but they didn’t.”

“So, you think your family just abandoned you?”

“They are too invested in their group like it’s their religion if they said that we should leave us they probably did.”

“But they said they were looking for you. It might mean something.”

“They said ‘my people’ are looking for me not my parents.”

“So, you think...”

“They might need something from me and somehow my parents are not telling them where I am so does Logan’s.”

“Your parents purposely left you there so these people won’t find you. Then, why?”

“I don’t know. The more we try to learn about what is happening the less we know.”

“But it doesn’t make any sense if they belong to the same group why would they hide the two of you? And what is it that they think you know? It’s not about the company obviously. It might be something else. Something you two know. But if it’s your family who are the one belonging to the group they should know, right? They don’t need the two of you. You two are innocent. Do you think...”

“They’re dead? That’s why they are after us instead.”


“Then more reason we have to get rid of these two people. If they killed our parents they’d probably do the same to us once they give them what they want.”

“What is it that they want Aspen? You might have an idea what it is.”

Aspen didn’t reply and just stared in front of us deep in thought when suddenly the car behind us bumped us again making the car shake but only this time it was stronger as Aspen had to turn the wheel to keep us steady but it didn’t work as the impact made the car flip.

My vision blur as everything around me spins the car continued to tumble around as the ringing sound in my ear continue until the last thing that I saw is that everything is upside down, smoke is everywhere, blood red slowly dripping in the corner of my eye until finally dark dots covered my vision and all I can hear is the opening and closing of a car door and two man whispered.

“Shit, man! What did you do? We’re going to get in trouble for this. I told you to just lightly bumped them so they’ll be rattled not that!”

“How am I supposed to know that the idiot kid would turn his car and make it flip over? Besides no one will find out about this if we didn’t tell anyone.”

“You know that kid is the only one that who knows where were looking for.”

“There is still the other one. If he is here it means the other is also around this area.”

“So, do we leave them here? They might still be alive. We can get them out and bring them with us.”

“There is no way that I will be going inside a burning car just for a rich kid. That shit might explode any time now. Let’s go.”

I heard their footsteps slowly fade as my gaze move to Aspen who was strapped in his seatbelt his eyes closed out of consciousness. I tried to reach my hand shaking him to wake him up but he wasn’t responding. I called his name with my shaky breath but I couldn’t speak. My voice just like a whisper despite how hard I try. I used all of the remaining strength that I have to wake him until slowly I too lost consciousness.

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