
Chapter 12: Escape

Aspen’s POV

After everyone returned back to Logan’s family’s cabin I came back to camp where Sebastian and Vince were taking care of the campsite. I quickly made my way to the wilderness as I saw their silhouettes from the distance packing the tents. When Sebastian felt my presence, he turned around and faced me.

“Need any help?” I asked as he nodded.

“We still need to fold the tent.” he replied as I quickly helped Vince who seemed to have a hard time with his part.

A few minutes later we finally were able to place the tent back to its original bag. I helped Vince carry the bag while Sebastian carried the other. We made our way back to the cabin when we passed by the old shack. Remembering what happened to Myla earlier I decided to go check on it.

“Wait here.” I told them.

“Why?” Sebastian asked.

“I need to check if he is still there.”


“The one who attacked Theo, Nikita, and Myla.”

Sebastian and Vince exchanged a look before nodding at me, “We’ll go with you.”

I looked at them a bit hesitant not knowing what they are planning to do with the man after all they have personal grudges with him. Nikita, the girl Sebastian likes and Vince Theo’s best friend.

“Remember he is sick.”

They fixed their makeshift face mask before nodding.

We put down the tents on the side as Sebastian grabbed a branch for precaution. I waited at the door listening but couldn’t hear anything. I locked eyes with the two of them as they nodded. I slowly opened the door as it creaked. I slowly stuck my head inside using my flashlight to illuminate the place and I couldn’t see any signs of him being there besides the chair on the ground and the broken lamp on the floor.

I quietly crept inside as Sebastian and Vince followed.

“Be alert he must just be around here.”

We stealthy walk around the shack focusing our hearing around the whole place. I used my flashlight to try to look for the man until we reached the place where he was tied. I kneeled looking at the chains and saw some red liquid dripping on the side. I observed it much closer when I saw some human skin stuck on it. Looks like he wiggled his way out not caring about the pain.

I took out a handkerchief and placed a part of his flesh on it and secured it there. I was about to place it back in my pocket when I heard a loud sound. I immediately became alert standing as I moved my gaze around waiting for someone to attack me in the shadows when my flashlight landed on Sebastian looking at Vince who was just right beside some old cans which I think he accidentally knocked down.

“Sorry.” he said.

I just pocketed my handkerchief before continuing walking around looking for any signs of the man when Sebastian called us in the back. Vince and I immediately ran towards where he was worried what might happen to him but stopped when I saw the back door open.

“Shit.” I muttered.

“He escaped.” Sebastian said as I nodded.

“We have to return to the cabin and warn the others.”

Sebastian and I carried the tent while we tasked Vince to run first so that he’d be able to deliver the message to the group. Sebastian and I were alert as we looked around the forest searching for clues where the man was as we made our way back to the cabin but as we arrived we still hadn’t seen any sign of him.

When we got inside Vince was already talking to Logan as the rest of the group were already upstairs resting after a tiring day. When they saw us come in they immediately acknowledged our presence.

“Did you find him?” Logan asked as I shook my head.


“We should assign a watch then. We couldn’t let that man roam around the property like that.” we all nodded in agreement, “I can take the first watch. Aspen you with me?”


“Vince, Sebastian, rest for now. We’ll call you when we need you.”

“Okay.” Sebastian replied as he placed the tent on the side before going upstairs along with Vince.

I just sighed before making my way to the kitchen to replenish my thirst as Logan followed suit. I just poured a glass for myself gesturing to Logan if he wanted the same but he just shook his head and took the stool in front of the counter.

“Do you think this is not just an isolated case?” he asked, breaking the silence.

“I don’t know.” I replied, “But with the scale from where Myla was attacked first and the attack that we had now there is a possibility that there is more than just them.”

“You have a huge company Aspen. It’s not a surprise if this ended up globally.”

“That is what I am afraid of.”

“Were you able to contact them?”

“I tried but I still can’t.”

“Well we have the whole night.”

I chuckled, nodding, “Yeah.”

So that’s what Logan and I did. For the rest of the night we just hung out in the living room talking. We weren’t able to do this since the last time we saw each other and I am thankful despite the situation we are in. We are able to get something good from it. Rekindling our friendship.

I was surprised when he called me and asked if I wanted to spend summer with him. It was out of the blue. I was in my office reading some files when my secretary told me I had an incoming call from Logan. My feelings were a mixture of surprise, confusion, and worry until he explained to me what he wanted to say. I was hesitant because I was working now unlike him who was still in college but then he told me that he wanted me to meet his future wife and that is when some part of me just eventually agreed. That it was a sign that he wanted me back in his life. Not that he got rid of me in the first place but I understood that he needed space and now he is ready again.

Logan and I tried to contact the authorities, my parents, and the company all night. When we gave up hope we just made theories with what was going on and eventually transitioned to his ‘future wife’ whom he planned on proposing to right after they graduated college. Until finally I asked him about Myla and he looked unsuspicious about my curiosity about her when he told me stories about them in college.

We didn’t realize that it was already morning until Erica and Natasha went downstairs to make breakfast. We joined them until Sebastian and Jaden were already up and told us to get some rest and they would take over the watch.

I went to my room to rest when I saw Elora there now just realizing that Myla is in my bed resting. Logan joined her as he told me that I can take their room instead and I wasn’t about to use the bed my friend and her girlfriend just made love to so I just asked Jaden instead if I can borrow his and he agreed. So that is where I ended up sleeping.

A few hours later I woke up before lunch time and went back to my room to refresh myself as Logan and Elora are sleeping on the sofa while Myla is still unconscious. I went to my bags to get a change of clothing and was about to take a bath when Logan woke up and asked me if we could go on patrol. I agreed and right after we both had finally cleaned up we joined Vince and Sebastian outside. Jaden also volunteered to patrol with us so it was now three of us.

“We got this.” Logan said, patting Sebastian’s shoulder, “Nikita is already up, you might want to see her and Vince and check up on Theo.”

Both of them nodded before making their way inside as the rest of us decided to check up on the cars to see if the man tried to nick it to escape but all of them were in place.

“Do you think he just walked all the way back to the city?” Jaden asked.

“That’s not possible.” I replied, “It was too far with just foot.”

“He might be desperate then.” Logan answered.

“He is sick, I doubt that. He might have just lost consciousness anywhere in the woods right now.”

“What do we do?”

“We just guard the cabin. We can’t be too sure. He might just be around here somewhere.”

“Did you try calling again?” Jaden asked as both of us nodded.

“Still no signal.”

A few minutes later Natasha called us to have lunch. We joined them and when we got inside Myla and I’s eye met and I felt her glaring at me. I furrowed my brows confused with her reaction because I was the one who took care of her now she is somehow mad at me?

I just ignored her and took a seat and enjoyed my meal, however a few minutes later everyone panicked when Theo started to have a high fever and we were forced to leave the woods and drive into the city.

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